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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 7 - October 2012]

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  • #61
    Brother and Sister

    Ainu had not seen his sister in many years, and the waiting outside was a burden on his heart. He was comforted by the Spirit Guide, and his heart was made to fly when he found that his long yearned-for love was tending his sister. Then Qin came out, his face was a dreadful sight. He spotted Ainu, as if for the first time. "I've lost her. She has no memory of this place, of me, of anything. You may see her, if you wish. I must talk to my Shaman." and he walked away in a hurry.

    Surprised by this sudden turn of events, Ainu rushed in and found himself startled yet again. He had thought for a moment that Qin had taken a new wife, but he could see that this was Aiko, it was in her eyes, but it seemed as if no time had passed since they said farewell at Affirmation Hill all those years ago.

    She looked at him, asked: "Who are you?" He said the first thing on his mind: " haven't aged a day." She began to cry, and he went to her bedside, soothing her with songs that they knew growing up. She did not recall yet, but her tears came to stop. So he sang more of home to his dear sister. It was a balm to her mind, and a softness returned, she could not understand that it felt so good to listen to these words and songs. He recounted many things from the past, the family life, the little lessons they learned, how some things were best told around a fireplace among friends. She said "Could you tell me something I have not heard?"

    Ainu then told her the most popular tale from Japan:

    The lesson of the three axemen.

    The first axeman was cold and estranged from other men, he preferred the woods to the company of women. No man could best him, nor find his trace, when he was in the woods, his favourite place.

    The second axeman was warm and laughed with guffaw, he learned all manners of things in every city he saw. But after dark when the city was empty, he could find all the places that would hide the unfriendly.

    The third axeman held a heart dear to all, taking care of any wounded no matter how small. He was first to the trouble no matter the cost, with his hands he could save the lives that even spirits deemed lost.
    ..and many more tales as the day became dark, and he at last had to leave. "Thank you." she said, and they hugged. She sat back quickly, as if something was wrong. Ainu said: "Are you all right?" She looked at him, and something lit in her eyes, "I could swear we have done this before."

    He smiled, "This is good news. Take your time, I am here, and you can call upon me at any time. I'm your brother, remember. Family stands together, no matter what." Saying good night, he left her chamber. Then he asked the nearest guard to take him to Qin, to tell him the good news.


    • #62
      The subjects of Freedom Point were making hectic preparations, in an attempt to accommodate the numerous Christian fighters coming from all corners of the world. The air was electric with anticipation that the vile english invaders would finally suffer retribution for their relentless unprovoked attacks against France. The last of the english fishermen in the French Channel, sensing the change in the air, rebelled against england to join France. The tide had changed, as it always does, and this time France was ready.

      Despite all the preparations, there was still some frustration in the streets of Freedom Point since King Louis XXII was bound by the Portuguese decree against war. The French could not start the war but this time they felt they could finish it. Some subjects worried that england would not attack and that all the preparations were a waste of French resources however the common consensus on the street was that the slave mistress elizabeth would attack since history had shown that she was a warmongering old hag with a callous disregard for the lives of even her own followers.


      • #63
        They stand apart. Looking one to the other. Then the three men sat down.

        Stanimir, not understanding, watched as nothing happened.

        He left after an hour, posting guards, and a runner in case something happened.

        For three days, none of them moved, drank, ate, or slept.

        During this...nothing...people came from other tribes.

        Some laughed. Some angry. Some just there to see.

        Stanimir grew angry. Soon, something would happen.

        If not.. he would make something happen.

        In this time of nothing, large parts of nearby villages came to witness this strange silence of men.

        Bets were made. Who would die first? Would one get up before others? Would they all die?

        Volga was filled to the brim with strangers from distant lands, and from nearby villages.

        Still, the three men did not move..


        • #64
          Look! He is bleeding!

          The crowd gasps!

          Click image for larger version

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          Clearly visible, a tear of blood forms in the right eye of the man from Islam!

          Stanimir is called, he is happy. At last something happens!

          By the time he arrived, the man was dead..

          This made him angry.

          Now, he would not leave this place until one remained.

          Calling for refreshments, he sat back in a chair covered with wolfskins.

          The dead man taken away by guards.

          Now, it was between Tao and Christ.


          • #65
            The Arrival of Beast Riding Silk Men

            Qin handed Ainu a cup of fermented rice wine and spoke to Ainu, "thank you for coming, I think it helped".

            Ainu responded, "I had to see myself". Ainu drank deeply. "This is good".

            "Too good", Qin replied and smiled. He finished his cup and put it down and looked up at Ainu.

            "Thank you also for helping us at our time of need, the barbarians would have taken our newest village but for you."

            "It was my pleasure to help my brother". "The Japanese and Chinese are one"

            It was true, Japanese and Chinese soldiers are almost indistinguishable from one another. Each had formed a bonded the same as Ainu and Qin. Already the newly arrived troops with Ainu were being welcomed into people’s homes and fed.

            Qin turned to Ainu, “I think your sister will get better but I fear that she will never be the same.” “We need though to talk of other things”

            “The barbarian village to our south west has gone. I have sent a contingent of archers to scout out what remains and have come across men of flowing silks sitting across beasts we use for food. They are riding them! “

            “Really?” Ainu responded.

            “Yes, it looks as if the beast riding silk men have beat back the barbarians and taken that village. It was land I had hoped to settle at one point but was hampered by barbarians. I have sent my captain Big Tongue to talk to the silk men. ”

            “Did you meet the Dutch?”, asked Qin

            “No I was with Aiko but my ambassador welcomed their envoy He did not stay long”. Is it far to the other crowded world?”

            “Yes and no. Sometimes I wish it was farer away. I fear these visits will be more frequent.
            Here show me on the map where this new beast silk man has been seen?”


            • #66
              For now the civil unrest in River Village was put down. Thousands take to the steets refusing to work, many demand an end to Facctions to join under one strong leader, many more protest the slavery, they don't want to die under the slavers whips. The leaders meet and decide that only one thing can be done. Enslave all those who protest. Now is time of great peril for River Village. French has deadly Chariot right on the border, threatenign our peaceful cottages on countryside. We can not afford dissent as so much work to be done. First defense must be prepared to protect lives against the French invasion coming. Many slaves are sacrificed in the rush building a protective Wall around River village. The cottages are still at risk but we hope the Wall will keep out French Chariots.

              On Ocean faction island, the unrest dies down as so many now are rejoicing over the completion of powerful and beautiful Ocean statues along the coast. At the foot of Fire Father Mountain, the villagers in Fire faction lands are prospering, their scientists working hard in their libraries. Fire Faction has become to rival Nether faction in knowledge and learning.

              There is also sadness at the news that contact was lost with Fire Mystics commanded by Beda. Already there are calls for search parties to be sent to find out what happened and if there survives any one man left, but the leaders know that he probably died in the Asian woodlands to barbarians. Captain is still alive, but no contact has been heard since he abandon his mission to make contact with all 18 tribes to help Japan fight barbarians. People in Fire faction lands are holding their breath to hear of his fate.
              "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


              • #67
                Where did all the tao go?

                The French military advisors gave their report about how there was a mysterious mass exodus of axemen from the nether copper hill and how coincidentally there was a sudden increase in the number of english axemen in england. With a straight face, King Louis XXII asked his advisors,

                I wonder where did all the tao go? The nether fighters could not possibly have gone to england since the nether have been so adamant that they are not part of a tao alliance!
                The French court broke out into laughter! "Where did all the tao go?" became an instant idiom throughout France indicating a faux belief in an obvious falsehood.


                • #68
                  Elizabeth returned pleased from meeting with her advisers. The French economy was reportedly in free fall due to military spending, yet even so French forces remained considerably smaller than that of the English. Economic mismanagement appeared to be having the same impact on French development as past English invasions.

                  Meanwhile from Nottingham came rumors of a great scholar named Werner Heisenberg. He was reportedly traveling on the great road south through York on his way to London where it was hoped he woudl share his knowledge.


                  • #69
                    Meeting at Sea

                    All the most respected fighter and scientist from all three factions come together for a secret meeting. It is held on a ship instead of on land to hide from the spies of France. The men come together to discuss the increased threat of France from the powerful army they are amassing.

                    First one of the Warriors stands to speak from Trotseer's Braves, oldest and most revered fighters in all of Three Factions.

                    "Here we come to a dangerous time. For years we watch as France assembles to lead a mighty Christian alliance. Already Christianity is most powerful religion in the world with seven nations part of the Christian brotherhood. France has put them united under one unstoppable alliance and put himself, King Louis in the head of them. We have now contact with all but one of the Islamic alliance. They are four mighty nation strong. We are not Christian or Islam but we are following the path of Dao. Dao is followed only by three small tribes, so we are the smallest and the weakest. But we must unite to protect ourselves from the out of control military buildup of France. I propose we go to the other Daoist tribes and ask them if they desire form a Daoist alliance to protect us from France-led Christian brotherhood alliance."

                    Many thought this was a good idea for the protection of the Three Factions and their friends. Some also said they would go to the other tribes where Daoism was embraced and ask do they wish to join a new Daoist alliance?
                    "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                    • #70
                      King Louis XXII listened to his foreign advisors update on the tao alliance.

                      Faced with incontrovertible proof of the longstanding tao alliance against France, which the nether have been officially denying for years, deceptive nether agents have begun leaking further misinformation to try to cloud the issue. The nether are now claiming that they are forming a tao alliance in response to what they describe as "out of control military spending". by the French.

                      The nether message is blatantly absurd since all tribes are aware of the recent english invasion of France and their threat to attack France and anyone who dares aid French defences. Even more absurdly the english are bragging about how the French forces are considerably smaller than the english forces while the nether are trying to claim that it is the French who are growing too big militarily!

                      The obvious incongruency between the english and nether messages show that despite england's attempt to Organize the tao Religion that it is still in a state of disarray. The tao philopsophy of warmongering, slavery and deceit makes it very difficult for them to trust one another and unite. The tao tribes are philosophically committed to killing even their own tribesfolk for any advantage so they all know that their erstwhile allies would be even more likely to betray another tribe if they saw an advantage in doing so.

                      Fundamentally there is little difference between the tao tribes and the Children of Barbarous since both are warmongers bent on destroying all civilized tribes. The only real difference is that the tao have evolved their barbaric tactics to include a pretense of civility to better sow deceit


                      • #71
                        Arabia awakens from it's slumber

                        For hundreds of years the Arabian tribal leaders have tended to their own affairs with little concern to Mecca and her perceived corruption and circular politics.

                        In the absence of political discourse and theological vigour it has become clear to many of the Grand Ayatollah's that neither the needs of the people or of Islam is being served. The situation implores a remedy to avoid the further deterioration of Arab and Islamic interests in the region.

                        Rumours abound in Mecca, Medina and Damascus.

                        It is said that the tribal leaders are infighting for the establishment of one leader to rule this great land and further prevent the gridlock that has besieged it's great institutions.

                        It is said that several Grand Ayatollah's jockey for political sway and are gathering allies to make their claim for the right to be ruler and Supreme Ayatollah. Chief among them is Grand Ayatollah Kulayni who has positioned himself as the forerunner in Medina and Damascus.

                        Rumours also surface that Mohammed V, direct blood descendant to the Venerable Prophet Mohammed has garnered major support in Mecca at the very heart of Arabia.

                        There is much fear and uncertainty among the Arabic peoples; will civil strife ensue? Can blood shed be avoided?


                        • #72
                          After three days, the man of Islam bled from the eyes and died. Now it was four days since he died, and it appeared that the other two would die as well. Drooping their heads while dark rings under their eyes and slow breathing told of the extraordinary hardship endured.

                          Stanimir made a slow yawn, placing the empty cup of spiced tea on the table beside his chair. "What are the latest bets Yuri?" he asked of his councilor. "There is an increase on the bets of a tie, my czar." In the councilors mind, the bets were becoming a source of disturbing thoughts. It felt wrong to bet on the life of spiritual men, but the czar was czar. None would speak against him after the fight of leadership all those years ago. He was becoming old, with flecks of grey in his beard. Still, there was no man strong enough to best him in unarmed combat. A strange noise made him look up from his leader, towards the two men. Had one or both died? The sight -and sound- was alarming!




                          Both men were standing up! They moved with stiff limbs toward Stanimir. Speaking with strange voices:

                          TAOIST: "YOU DO NOT TEND YOUR BORDERS."
                          CHRISTIAN: "YOU TREAT FAITH AS A GAME OF STONES."
                          TAOIST: "YOU WILL HAVE YOUR FAITH."
                          CHRISTIAN: "IN THE HEREAFTER!"
                          With the last words, both men grabbed him -lifting him easily above them- and walked away through the quickly fleeing crowd. No manner of struggle was enough, they held him fast as easy as a baby. "GUARDS!" Stanimir called out! "GUARDS! KILL THEM! KILL THEM NOW!" But no guard came to his aid. Instead, they followed Yuri along with several of the counsel and many, many villagers and visitors, now that it appeared none but Stanimir himself was the target.

                          It did not take them long to reach the river Volga, where they threw Stanimir to the ground. He balked, and got up in a sudden rush. The two faithful men, thin with sunken faces and dark eyes, picked up a large stone each, cradled under one arm. Then they walked towards Stanimir, locking their arms with his, walking to the river, stones under arms. The big man was clearly panicking now, but nothing worked. They were implacable in their movement. Stonefaced in their labour. Living skeletons walking a man to his doom. As they reached the water, once more they spoke united:

                          TAOIST: "STANIMIR IS CZAR NO LONGER."
                          With Stanimir between them they walked into the river until it swallowed them all, the cries of Stanimir turning to bubbles that continued for a while and then nothing.

                          Click image for larger version

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ID:	9094045

                          For a long time nobody moved.

                          Yuri looked across the crowd, finding the eyes of Karp, another counselor, who shrugged. Making a motion for him to come over, he began looking for the others. Gathering, they began to talk of what they were going to do. But soon a cry further downriver had them on the move. Approaching with care, guards holding back most of the villagers, they saw with their own eyes the lifeless corpse of Stanimir, locked arm in arm with the two dead men of faith.

                          Yuri told the guards to stay put, and collected the rest of the counsel soon after in the chambers previously belonging to the now dead Czar. "Whatever we do, whoever we choose to lead, I suggest one thing first: That we send a formal apology to all tribes of the three religions." There were no protests to his suggestion.

                          The Russian three-way struggle of faith was at an end. Word soon spread, and people were more ready to believe now than ever before, but confusion reigned about which faith had won. For a long time, this became the largest source of infighting in all of Russia.


                          • #73
                            "So you are telling me we can start providing Catalonian expertise to each nation which is willing to pay money for them?", Himilce says.

                            "Yes, sweet duchess, as we are the greatest manufacturer in the known world, we can easily miss these men."

                            "This is an excellent idea, Ser Rodrigo", Himilce says with an exquisite smile..

                            "So tell all ambassadors they can hire Catalonian workers, settlers, axemen, chariots and the like for hard coin.
                            And of course we are open to any other ideas for compensation."
                            La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                            • #74
                              Two factions face off

                              Mohammed V, sat and contemplated the predicament that he was in. He had raised a militia in Mecca in preparation to expunge those that would ursurp him in his efforts to claim Supreme Leadership of the Arabic peoples. Leadership has been sorely lacking in Arabia for centuries and the Venerable Mohammed the IV had raised his son and plotted for almost a century in order that he be within reach of uniting the Arabic peoples under the rightful lineage of the Prophet Mohammed.

                              One leader to rule them all.

                              Mohammed: "I am the rightful heir to the leadership of the Arabic peoples who hold holy Islam so dear. Why Abdullah, do the people of Damascus and Medina hold me in contempt? Why do they plot to have Grand Ayatollah Kulayni instated as Supreme Leader when their pious virtue compells them to honour the direct desendant of their holy prophet Mohammed?"

                              Abdullah (Advisor to the Supreme Leader Mohammed V): "Your eminence, the peoples of Arabia do not plot against you. They are merely subject to the whims of the tribal leaders in power who have rallied behind Grand Ayatollah Kulayni after decades of in-fighting and after many bribes and side deals for future empowerments. It would be wise for your eminence to forge good relations with Grand Ayatollah Kulayni who has worked as diligently as your predecesor in cultivating political capital within Medina and Damascus. But of course your eminence, do so with one eye open and your hand upon your sword."

                              Mohammed V wanted nothing to do with war, and less to do with the politics of appeasing every Tribal Leader and Grand Ayatollah who held as many differing opinions on every subject matter as the grains of sand in the Arabian Desert itself.

                              Mohammed V's only concern lied in the welfare of its people and the flourishing of the pious Islamic peoples through the one true faith. He was at a cross roads, and the only way to forge ahead was to lay siege to Medina until Grand Ayatollah Kulayni agreed to negotiations for the rightful Leadership of Arabia.

                              Kulayni had control of the clergy and tribal leaders in Damascus and Medina.

                              Mohammed V had the capital of Mecca and control of the militian armies.

                              The Arabic Army waited in Damascus, taking a neutral stance until the political discourse and civil strife which was about to ensue sifted out the new Arabic paradigm.


                              • #75
                                King Louis XXII, the Spendthrift, is dead. Long live King Louis XXIII.

                                Historically the Kings of France have used the royal treasury mainly to learn the magic secrets of the other tribes while frugally investing in the military and workers. King Louis XXII completely altered that policy by investing up to half of his treasury to hire foreign workers and mercenaries.

                                In addition to the massive influx of foreign mercenaries, King Louis XXII also commissioned the founding of the Arrows of Thrift and the Cut Thrift companies plus new barracks in Free Valley. The Cut Thrift axemen use a new type of axe, made from gleaming Portuguese iron. King Louis XXII also brought back the two Freedom Flotillas that had escaped to Portugal during the last war.

                                King Louis XXII used the Flotillas to develop a new deterrent strategy to counter the english triremes that currently rule the sea. The two Freedom Flotillas in Freedom Point were kept loaded with troops that could respond to an english attack by counter-invading england. The Flotillas have the ability to disembark invaders and return to port before being intercepted by english triremes. While the english are stronger at sea due to their triremes, France is stronger in a land battle so the new deterrent strategy hinges on taking the battle to english lands while avoiding their naval power. The deterrent strategy worked throughout King Louis XXII's reign but French agents are on alert to see how the tao will adapt to this new strategy.

                                King Louis XXII used the massive influx of foreign workers, to repair all the pastures and wineries destroyed by the english in the last war. He also commissioned a stone quarry outside of Paris which was used to rebuild the wooden French palace using stone.

                                King Louis XXIII inherits a French kingdom that is even more glorious then the reign of King Louis XIX, the Golden, and with a stronger military than France has ever had however the French are starting to fall behind the tao in the development of mystic arts which is a concern to many French advisors.

