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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 5 - August 2012]

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  • #31
    England prospers opening its borders to trade with is many peace loving neighbors. The Great Lighthouse of York a beacon keeping travelers safe from a multitude of lands.

    Amid this plenty the English people find themselves busy: English sailors have set forth in a greatship to explore the calm waters surrounding their homeland; warriors are being trained with new armaments to defend their lands; a center of learning has been constructed in London; and a new city has been built, completing Elizabeth's vision that the English people will be the sole occupants of their island.

    Other tribes have also followed the Nether and English lead and are likewise instituting slavery - the only known method for taming society's more barbarous elements, save French black magic.


    • #32
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      The Great Lighthouse of York


      • #33
        Louis XIII sends an emmissary to Lord Porto, Spiritual Leader of Christendom.
        Thank you Lord Porto for your messenger. As the Spiritual Leader of Christendom, I understand that you must embrace peace and turn the other cheek in response to the unprovoked aggression by the Japanese invaders however as the King of France, I have a duty to protect the lives of my subjects. I would ask that you consider the greater good and turn back these invaders. I ask you to consider these facts.

        The Japanese tribe has already declared war on the Kingdom of France once. The Japanese tribe also reneged on a settlement agreement with France. From the French perspective it appears that these untrustworthy Japanese fanatics, called the Chasers of the Sunset, have sailed around the known world to invade France and continue their war against France. These fanatics are so dedicated to their cause that they are even willing to invade other tribe's territory to reach France.

        France can commission more ships to sink the Chasers of the Sunset should they invade France but this is likely to increase tensions with the English and Nether slave lords. The peace between the slavers and France is cold but at least it exists but a French naval buildup is likely to lead to an arms race in the region and possibly re-ignite the war.

        An even greater threat to France is the possibility that the Japanese invaders will invade the French sea zone off of the west coast of France but not invade the French Channel. From the west coast the Japanese could setup a naval blockade that would cover the French Channel fishing grounds. For the French Navy to hunt down the Japanese fanatics in this scenario would either involve violating English territory (causing a war with them since neither the French or the English have mastered the Nether magic of capturing words in clay tablets) or settling a city on the western tip of France. Settling a city so close to England would likely prompt even more English slaves to revolt and join France which is also not good for peace between England and France.

        For the sake of Peace in Western Europe, I request that you prevent the Japanese advance through your territory by whatever means are necessary.

        King Lous XIII of France
        Last edited by France (DoB); August 27, 2012, 12:59.


        • #34
          Chasers of Sunset

          After spending many months in calm waters, the crew being taught how to speak in the western tongue, Chasers of Sunset are moving again. Talking to fishermen from Portugal and Spain, visiting small settlements. The life of the Portos is a simple and peaceful one. Their belief in Christendom - the way of Christ - gives them a peace of mind and makes them work hard. It has made the men aboard the ship thoughtful.

          Visiting their land, we observe how they keep their food in vessels made of heated clay. It is a wonder that our spirit guide has taken to heart and learned more about. Using a device of wheels and leather, kept moving by pumping on a handle of wood, clay is formed as it turns around and around, using water to keep it soft.

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          Having formed a vessel, it is then put inside a stone square, heated underneath in a certain way, always keeping watch on the vessel within. Turning the right color, it is taken out and left to cool. When done, it can be used repeatedly fetching water, and using beeswax to keep insects out, store food for a long time. It has already improved on the amount of food and water aboard the ship, much to the delight of the crew. This wonder has been shared with our people back home through our spirit guide.

          Very few weapons have been seen in the villages visited, and yet, their nature gives them something of a spirit kinship. Among the crew, not one would consider hurting any of the Porto people, and sadness fills their hearts, when they come to know that the elders of their tribe consider their very presence an act of war. Long talks are held, yet bear no fruit, as the Porto leaders are determined to have an agreement in writing to be properly welcome among them. With nobody on the ship able to understand the way they write, they make great effort to learn. Through all of this, the Portos are respectful, and friendly up to a point, for Christ tell them to treat others as they wish to be treated. This more than anything, has earned the respect of the crew, and through the spirit guide, respect from all of Japan.


          • #35
            A few generations ago, in the Valley of Death, southeast of the Ottoman lands, the legendary French legion known as the Great Valley Seekers were slain by barbarian spearmen while crossing the desert. While ostensibly French, the Great Valley Seeker legion was comprised of many different foreign bloodlines, being descendants of Persian, Chinese and Japanese recruits who had joined the legendary legion. The legion's leader always took the name Gabriel, in honor of the original leader of the legion.

            Historically the Great Valley Seekers and their Gabriel leaders had a deep commitment to their Japanese blood brothers however with the passing of the Great Valley Seeker legion and the Japanese Tokugawa line of leaders the blood ties between the two tribes has been severed. All that is remembered in the court of King Louis XIII is that the Japanese declared war on France in the past and that the new line of Japanese leaders failed to uphold the promises of the old leadership.

            With the Japanese Chaser of the Sunset fleet of galleys headed towards France, King Louis XIII orders Le Gaulois, the last of the great French foreign warrior legions, towards Japan. Le Gaulois are mixed French descendants of Russian and Ottoman foresters with particularly blood thirsty traits that are not welcome in France proper however still useful in war situations.

            Furthermore King Louis XIII commissions two fleets of galleys explicitly for the purpose of defending French shorelines from foreign fleets with explicit orders to immediately sink the Chaser of the Sunset fleet if they enter French territorial waters.

            Messengers are sent to nearby tribes advising them of the French naval build-up and its specific purpose to counter the Japanese invaders. The message also includes assurances that the French navy is purely defensive and will not enter any foreign territorial waters.

            A special addendum is added to the message to the English slave mistress Elizabeth,

            As your advisors have no doubt informed you, France has not increased its cultural expenditures for many generations so as to limit the influx of English refugees and lands to France however should the Japanese invade French territorial waters then France shall settle the western tip of our territory to allow passage to our western coastal region.

            Given the powerful attraction of the freedom-loving French culture to slaves, it is likely that such a settlement will eventually lead to further loss of land in England and possibly the eventual revolt of London itself. The western settlement can be delayed to some far future if you can prevent the Japanese fleet from entering French territorial waters.


            • #36
              Chasers of Sunset

              Feeling a warm breeze upon his cheeks, Koji retraces what he wrote in the sand. Looking up, and seeing approval in the eyes of his tutor, he continues. Using a finger to make a line so, a curve there and a space to the next, he learns how to repeat their signs. Then his friend bends down to make signs, with ease tracing a number of signs. Pointing to them in turn, repeating what they mean. Koji tries to speak them: "Min-na Kasa E-a Su-a Kasa". Smiling warmly, his friend nods. Writing in the sand, speaking the signs: "Estou ansioso para ver a sua casa." Koji smiles, and they continue to write in the sand.

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              From a distance, Koji's father Jimmu observe the teachings. A long time has gone by, and they finally learned how the Portos made their signs. Thinking to himself that it may be a long time before they return to Japan, he is happy to be properly welcome to their villages at last. It still felt strange that writing had such a power. Not simply a matter of welcome, but a way of agreement between villages. Trading fish for water, meat and tools became much easier with the Elder Sign of a Porto village in hand.

              The crew were content, and the journey made easy going from village to village. To thank the Portos, they helped out with bringing supplies and villagers from one to the next. In every village, a display of archery and man-to-man combat was made, teaching it to those who wanted to learn. They also exchanged ways on how to catch different fish, giving warning about monsters of the sea, especially the ****n'na.

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              Jimmu learned that from Porto, the Spanish had learned of both Christ and written signs. Since he and the crew did not follow Christ yet, and with no written language of their own, they were not welcome there. To be welcome in Spanish fishing grounds, they had to teach the way of Japanese signs, not just their spoken words.

              So he talked every day to the spirit guide, and through him to Ainu and the Elders of Japan. The meaning of signs in sand and signs on wooden blocks were difficult to learn, and in every village they made efforts. In time, they would succeed, of this he was certain. All he and his ship had to do now was wait, spending more time with the Portos, and teaching his son how to become a good sailman.
              Last edited by Japan (DoB); August 28, 2012, 19:59.


              • #37
                Holding France to its word

                Elizabeth listened to her advisers who had swiftly returned from the English coast. "My lady, France has sent an emissary demanding England stop ships from some distant foreign land from entering French territorial waters. In exchange they offer vague promises of rapprochement and a pledge not to commit further cultural aggression against our lands for an unspecified period of time. How do you wish to respond?"

                Elizabeth smiled, it had been many years since the last message was received from France - yet despite their new king and new faith they remained as haughty and self righteous as always. How does France think to demand that England protect the very same rich fishing grounds that were stolen from England using the powerful magic of the Henge of Stone and Oracle? And even in this time time of need France continues to malign and insult the English practice of slavery without recognizing that ever more neighboring tribes are turning to the practice the only known countermeasure to French black magic. And what is offered in return, an empty promise to continue not doing something France has shown no intent of doing in the first place. No, this will not stand, let us issue demands from our position of strength to the so-called French sovereign.

                "France hear me. My great ship has entered your waters and war is declared. These are my terms for peace."

                France will agree not to build any buildings or conduct any other activity that further increase cultural output in Paris and will agree not to build a city on the northwestern peninsula of the French coast until such time as London has reached the same cultural level as Paris (OCC: 60%) and Hastings has reached the same cultural level as London (OCC: 40%). This agreement shall expire when the above conditions are met and during this period both parties shall agree to a mutual non-aggression pact.

                These terms may be altered at any time with the mutual consent of both parties. If the terms of the agreement are violated without the previous mutual consent from both sides, it shall be considered an act of war and from that point forward the aggrieved party shall have the unilateral right to raze one of the violator's non-capital cities (OCC: this would superseded starting game rules on city capture).

                Public written record of this agreement shall be kept at the library in London until such time as the agreement is no longer in force.

                "Until such time as these conditions are met my great ship will blockade Paris and my troops shall invade French lands. You will be given a 2 year grace period (OCC: 1 turn) to consider this offer after which point my great ship and troops shall begin to pillage your lands. With regards to these feared invaders from some distant land, I offer the following."

                If France agrees to gift its next ocean going vessel (be it galley, WB, or other) to England we shall not open our borders to the Japanese unless they first pledge not to invade French waters. Without such an open borders agreement the Japanese would be forced to first invade English waters in which case they will be destroyed. If France does not agree to these terms by the time the Japanese ship reaches English waters, England shall offer the Japanese open borders and should Japan choose to invade undefended French waters England shall not interfere.

                "Good day, and in the future I suggest your king refrain from making empty demands from a position of such weakness."

                Last edited by England (DoB); August 28, 2012, 21:43.


                • #38
                  On behalf of the Factions

                  Nether reject the lies of France messengers who make silly excuses for France to build aggressive Navies to threaten the fisheries of Ocean Faction our brothers. We will meet this the aggressive action with equal force. Already slaves are being sacrificed because France forcves us too with this new move to control the seas and steal even more land and power for France.

                  Our terms for peace remain the same as ever. France must agree not to build anymore Wonders in Paris. Also, France must agree to Open Borders with us so that Ocean Faction ships may travel south. Fire Mystics are not available for their comment as they are on a cruscade.
                  "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                  • #39
                    The Silent Kings (Louis V - XII) endured in silence repeated slaver raids and belligerence while focussing on the internal growth of the Kingdom of France. For hundreds of years the Kings of France have refrained from building any more buildings that might inspire the slaves of neighboring tribes to rise up against their cruel tyrant masters so as to keep the peace. In that time, the evil slavers learned a new magic to bind words into clay tablets so that other tribes would agree to allow passage on lands. From these interactions the evil practice of slavery spread from tribe to tribe corrupting even the Holy Land of Portugal, the heart of Christendom. Furthermore England built the evil Eye of Sauron to monitor the slaves of its land and spread its evil influence into other lands.

                    So it came to pass that in the reign of King Louis XIII, English slavers raided the coast of France while the baleful gaze of the Eye of Sauron stretched to the far east to influence barbarian spearmen to ambush the last of the French warrior explorers. Le Gaulois were slain in the Valley of Death by barbarians armed with English spears.

                    King Louis XIII along with the local farmers personally attempted to hold off the English slave raiders long enough for as many women and children to escape to Paris as possible. King Louis XIII died on the shores of France by the hands of English spearmen and thus became known as King Louis XIII, The Martyr.

                    In these dark times, the young King Louis XIV rose to power and provided a much needed inspirational light to push back the forces of darkness and evil.

                    The King of France stands alone surrounded by primitive tribal tyrants that revel in inflicting misery upon others however do not despair for evil immortal slaver tyrants with vast armies can be defeated with the right ally and weapony. We have the Holy Spirit as our ally and the idea of Freedom as our weapon. No earthly tyrant can harm the Holy Spirit and no armies can prevent the spread of an idea. The English and probably the Nether tyrants will order their armies to destroy French infrastructure and enslave all the French that they can find nevertheless Paris itself shall never fall.

                    The slavers attack France whenever we speak for they seek to keep us silent for they fear the truth of our words and the effect that those words will have should their population hear them. The slavers greatest fear is that the French culture of Freedom for All shall cause their slaves to revolt and more of their lands to join the Kingdom of France. We shall be silent no longer and thus shall the greatest fear of our enemies come to pass due to their own declaration of war. We shall build monastaries and temples to train missionaries and priests who shall spread the idea of Freedom. We shall found a city on the west coast from which to better spread the message of Freedom.

                    The people of London will rise up and overthrow their evil slave mistress for this declaration of war and all the blockading navies and infrastructure destruction cannot prevent this revolt for an idea cannot be beaten by physical means. We shall teach the slavers that true power does not come from armies and navies but from a belief in what is right and true. Thus shall we shall free the people of London and abolish slavery forever.
                    Thus did King Louis XIV, the Christian Abolitionist, rise to power.


                    • #40
                      Evil France speaks the flowery words that say 'freedom and truth' but the only truth is French greed. Many time did Franxe Kings proclaims that they would not halt their evil plans to overcome all neighbors with their evil influence. Now France only continues with their evil plans as planned, using 'freedom' as a sad and sorry excuse. France uses England naval blockade as an excuse to do they evil plan all along, to steal more greedy land from Faction land with they greedy French hands.

                      All tribes can see plain that France just seeks to spread its evil in all directions and this plan does not change. The Three Factions will act as one united Faction to take whatever action we need to resist the evil influences of evil France.
                      "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                      • #41
                        Every day is a hard day for the Celtic tribe. Subjects of the King are not pleased by having guards with clubs see to it that they work all the time. Anger and frustration is shared in all the villages. Some men have been beaten to death for not working hard enough. Any voices trying to stand up, are taken down by force. All is not well in Celtia.


                        • #42
                          With once again the evil French hatching there yet another scheme to dominate the world, the Factions of Nether, Fire and Ocean must put their Dutch slaves to the whip. Thousand upon thousand will be sacrificed because France threaten the fragile peace of the region. Bloodthirsty France cares not, as every death serve as fuel for their Death machines of evil necromancy, the Necropolis Deathhenge and the Oracle of Death.

                          All nations we encourage to condemn evil France in the strongest terms possible. Already their evil influence has corrupted nearly half the England population in London. Soon their evil will claim land even right next to river village. Condemn the France evil before it is too late, before the evil of France consumes us all in their otherworldly necromancy.
                          "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                          • #43
                            The Torino Road Crew stand their ground waiting as the Nether spearmen watch from their copper hill. The Nether spearmen hesitate in their plan to declare war and rush across the plains in a forced march to capture the Torino Road Crew by suprise since the Torino Road Crew are obviously prepared for this tactic. The Torino Road Crew have all grown up playing this game of cat and mouse with slaver invaders and know what to do.

                            The moment of opportunity passes and the Torino Road Crew lightly sprint up the hill to Paris with no slavers able to stop them from reaching safety. As they leave, they laughingly call out to the Nether spearmen,

                            See you in a hundred years for the next DMW ritual!


                            • #44
                              King Louis XIV sends an emissary to England and the Nether Factions

                              While England claims that France is negotiating from a position of weakness, the Nether Factions claim that France poses a threat to all its neighbors and even the entire world. While France truly only seeks peace with the entire world, we acknowledge that our culture of peace and freedom can have a subversive effect on the slaves of your primitive cultures. If the Kingdom of France had truly wanted to wage a cultural invasion of either of your tribes then we would have built monastaries and temples by now and have settled our western coast. The Kings of France chose to focus on internal growth and prosperity during peace time instead so that your primitive cultures would have time to develop. The only reason this has changed has been the unprovoked English declaration of war on France.

                              France openly admits to all tribes that we have had the option to instill a cultural revolution in London for a long time and that there is nothing that England can do to prevent this from happening at this point should France decide to pursue that objective. All the English armies and navies are counterproductive since the only thing preventing this from happening is France's desire for peace with its neighbor. If there is to be war between England and France then we will use our cultural weapons to defend our kingdom.

                              France will eventually settle the western coast and will eventually build wonders and cultural buildings however we are willing to postphone such activities to allow England further time to develop its primitive culture. However France demands reparations for this unprovoked war as part of any such agreement. England must provide two work boats in reparations for the war declaration plus replace any fishing boats that are destroyed by its forces. To paraphrase the English leader, England should refrain from declaring war from a position of such weakness.

                              As for the Nether demand for open borders with France, the French rulers of old were very clear that any such agreement was dependent upon your tribe not spying on France. Your short-sighted ancestors chose to ignore France's simple request for peaceful relations. If you wish open borders with France then you must compensate France for the espionage resources that we had to expend to counter your spying efforts (OOC: 1 hammer per Nether espionage point against France rounded up to the nearest unit build cost). This compensation will be paid by freeing French slaves under Faction control and arming them each with an axe.

                              A similar open border arrangement can be made with England should they decide that they want a longer open border agreement then that necessary to pay reparations.

                              King Louis XIV


                              • #45
                                The Nether Spears watches from the hill as the Torinos are pushed out into the open and forced to stand there in some pitiful trap to taunt the Nether into attacking...

                                "What they doing? Why are they being forced to just sit there?"

                                "If we wanted, We could take them by suprise you know with our speed we could claim them easily and escort them back to Rome."

                                "But we don't want that. The ancient conflicts are over. France evil was victorious over our ancestors now is a time of many years peace. We will not going to disturb it for the sake of one group of workers. No, Rome has said they don't want back the Torinos anymore. Leave them in France."

                                "You are right France is too powerful now, it is too late for more fights with them. We must seek to live in peace with France and put aside the old hatreds and hurts. All that is left is the protection of our lands and our tribe. But how can we when France insists to take our land and tries to bait us and provoke us to war?"

                                "I don't know what to do. We ask France for our tribe to exist alongside with mutual respect. We dont need to be friends that maybe can never happen if France can't let go of the old wounds, but at least we can stop trying to destroy each other."

                                "I guess France don't want that. They only make outrageous demands and try to trick and force us into war with them. They accuse us for spying again? We have honored the words of Trotseer the Brave even onto generation to generation. All these lies of France makes me ashamed they are related to us."

                                "I don't know what we can do. They promise to send missionaries to spread their so called religion here to enlighten us. They make so many promises in exchange for peace. But they lied. Years and years of peace they have had, but there is no Open Borders and no missionaries and now they promise that they will try to steal every last drop of our land until our people are drive in the Northsea."

                                "Never trust a French"

                                "Yes, Never trust France. I don't know what we are going to do."
                                "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy

