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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 4 - July 2012]

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  • #61
    Ainu sits in his tent with the Spirit Guide. He drinks of the cup he was given, as she lights up some dry herbs and waves them around her head, and around his head. The smoke gets in him and he starts coughing, tears running from his eyes afterwards. "Good." she says. "Your eyes are pure now. Ready to see what they can show you. Now breathe more, more, the coughing will pass, it will pass. Breathe.. good, good."

    He breathes slower, and feeling as if he is held down by many men. Every finger sluggish, entire arm like solid stone, only breathing works.. slow.. slow.. She sits down beside him, starting to sing from the back of her throat, the old songs, the sad songs, the voices reminding him of another place, another time..

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    Moving slow from side to side, everything in front of him changes, with the crooning of the guide at the edge of hearing, as if it comes from far away.. Ainu moves up-

    -and stands by the sea, looking at ships sailing far from shore. A voice behind him speaks: "May the spirits be kind to him on his Journey." Turning around-

    -he stands at the front of a greatship, looking at Tokugawa listening to the Sailmaster: "This wind tells me of a great change coming, a great storm, a dangerous storm. We should turn back, my leader. For your safety." Smiling, Tokugawa replies: "It will be worth it Sailmaster." Ainu steps toward him-

    -standing on the ground with water all around him. Bodies and bodyparts floating in the water with pieces of wood and other materials around him. Rain washing the blood away from the side of a head with half of it eaten away by fish. Looking at it, Ainu steps back-

    -ward and lands on his back, staring upwards at the roof of his house. He gets up, confused. "What did I see, guide? What did I see just now!?" She looks up at him with blank-white eyes. "You saw his journey. As it was, and where it ended." Shocked by the memory of that half-eaten face, he recalled suddenly something visible at the last moment. Running out and calling for a group of warriors to follow him - he runs down from the village towards the edge of the Main Land.

    Two days later, he returns with the warriors. All of them in a dark mood. The word quickly spreads - Tokugawa is dead.


    • #62
      Death of a Great Leader

      In Nishikyo, Ainu stands by the ashes of the great fire that honored Tokugawa the night before. He feels that the sky should weep, but the sun is strong from a pure blue sky. Stickers are remaking and preparing more arrows for the continued defence against the barbarians. Mothers keep their young close by, while tending to the small crops remaining on what usually is the battlefield. Strange that so strong growth comes from the places where so many of the enemy have fallen.

      Family leaders are gathered behind him at a distance, while his sister stands beside him in his momentary pause from the talks. The choice of who should lead. If one of the larger families back on the Island of Japan have a right to guide the people from now on. The ships that stopped their deliveries of Clam and dried Fish to China after the news of his death. Aiko and Qin's planned affirmation of their life-bond. Ainu is feeling the burden of leadership more than ever now. He turns his head to look at his sister, seeing in her the strength and determination to keep going. He breathes in, exhaling slowly.. and turns back to the others, looking at Aiko he voices a silent "thank you sister", and she smiles, giving a small nod, and they walk back to continue the talks..

      In Kyoto, a violent uproar has split the village in three. The two largest families have had brutal discussions often ending in several deaths and numerous wounded. While a number of smaller families have gathered together and made sure the village has done what Tokugawa last ordered. The preparation of these families to settle far north on Japan is almost complete, but the violence has spread far over the past days.. In the hills, the work to create more roads have stopped, every man being with his family to protect them and stand firm behind their Family Elders.

      In Osaka, the word of Tokugawa's death has been met with silence and sadness. Daily work has ground to a halt, as the people feel estranged and lost without a gentle and firm wind to guide them. Jiraya, the most trusted of Tokugawa's people has been shut in his house for many days. He is so taken with grief that it is talk in the village that he lies waiting for death's embrace, longing to join his leader and follow him behind the spirit veil..


      • #63
        Marcus is dead! Long live Titus Brutus, of the Brutii family, the new leader of Rome!


        • #64
          King Louis VII holds a grand feast in honor of the Roman messenger Marius Brutus, youngest son of Titus Brutus the new ruler of Rome. Brutus' message of peace between the Roman tribe and the Kingdom of France is well received in Paris and there is much rejoicing in the streets. King Louis VII sends the following message back to Rome along with several tuns of the finest French wine,
          Greetings Titus of Rome,

          The Holy Spirit has rewarded French patience and perseverance with the death of the tyrant Marcus and the ascension of a truly wise ruler of Rome. The French have always been a peaceful people concerned with the welfare of not only ourselves but our neighboring tribes as well. We gladly accept the terms of your peace offer and look forward to helping Rome recover from the devastation of centuries of futile war. The past is behind us and you can count on French cooperation in the future that lies ahead.

          We would ask that you send forth a proclamation to all the tribes however stating that the Torino workers have freely chosen to stay in France and that Rome accepts this decision so let it be known that Rome forsakes any claim on the Torino workers, who are now and forevermore French. We ask this request so that other tribes will no longer be able to use the Torino workers as an excuse for declaring war on France.

          May the Holy Spirit grant the Brutii family a long and peaceful rule of Rome.


          • #65
            Word of Tokugawa's death has reached Qin. These are mere mortal men he realizes. How sad. The secret of ever lasting life is his alone. He calls for a fresh cup from his fountain.

            The sudden termination of trade and news that wedding plans have been put on hold makes Qin suspect on Japan's intent. He orders scouts to keep watch on the proposed border. Does Japan have intent to break the foundations of our peace? He hopes not.

            News of his archers victory over the spears quelled the uprising in Beijing but other cities have errupted in violence with news of Japans postponing the marriage. He sends more warriors to the border to protect his workers and stop the uprising.


            • #66
              Let all the tribes know that I, Titus Brutus, Praetor of Rome, have overseen the construction of the Great Wall of Marcus around Rome as a memorial to Marcus.

              Also, the original promise made by Marcus to the French people will take effect immediately. Marcus promised that the people of Torino could stay in France if they wished, and the Brutii family intends to uphold this promise and will not press any further demands against the people of France to return these people to us. The original people of Torino must be long dead anyways, as they would not have access to the Roman rituals of long life outside of Rome. The Brutii family considers any debts the French people may have owed the Roman people for the capture of these people paid in full, and more, with the constant wars that has kept the French lands unevolved.

              Finally, to the rulers of Holy Rome, I would ask you to kindly consider returning the city of Antium back to Roman caregiving now that Rome has a more stable government. Marcus was a man known to rule based on emotion, and the French wars occupied his thoughts to such an extent that he neglected the proper care for our people in the south. Such a gesture would be considered most friendly, and all of Rome and my family will be in debt to Holy Rome if they decide in favour of such a gesture.


              • #67
                Greece has become a welcome place for all religions. Together Islam and Christianity have made their way to the Greek cities. We are happy to observe such a rich diversity. We will further support and build Greece as the crossroad of religion believes.


                • #68
                  Fire Faction have build a new settlment on the other side of our Northsea. All Fire Mystics are being recalls to protect River village and the new Fire faction village.

                  Nether Faction have discover finally the secret of the long pole weapons that Barbarians use. We put strong Caw-purr tips on them to stab enemies from far away. These new Spear warriors as they called are training right away to protect us from the prophesy of French superweapons.

                  Ocean Faction prospered in their lands and has learned to hunt for the Stags found in the frozen north. Ocean Faction also find a new stones. These stoned are bright colors and in the sun they light brightly. For now they are usd to make the beatiful trinkets for women and they seem to make our women very happy. But always we remember that good friends worth more than shiny rocks. So we are willing to share our new stone we call "Jems" with our friends.

                  Now that the Roman rulers Brutii family are not wanting back the Torinos, and the Fire Mystic are needed other places, The Three Factions will stop invading France to free Torinos. At this time the spell of Mesure war is over, but we offer peace to France instead of invasion. All we ask is that Paris stop building the magical Wonders to steal our land.
                  Last edited by Netherlands (DoB); July 30, 2012, 12:10.
                  "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                  • #69
                    King Louis VII sends a messenger to The Three Factions:

                    As always France prefers peace to war. The Kingdom of France currently has no plans to build any Wonders however we shall never concede the right of future generations of French to build Wonders if they so desire. All tribes have the right to build Wonders if they believe it is in their best interest and to demand that the Kingdom of France give up a peaceful universal right is a flimsy pretext for war that all tribes can see through.


                    • #70
                      OOC: This response references Story thread 2 post on May 31, 2012, 06:39 by Persia for those new comers who may not have read all the story threads. Here is the pertinent post.

                      Leaders of the various tribes around the known land,

                      I Justinian ruler of the Byzantine Nation herby claim the land north of Constantinople around the great lake. Any who try to settle that land will be
                      removed by force. Thank you for your cooperation. Justinian, ruler of Byzantines.
                      Persia supports our Islamic brother's claims to the land north of Constantinople around the great lake. All who oppose the will of Islam shall be dealt with.

                      Faranca wajaba sara damaar!
                      The Byzantine tribe sends out messengers to all known tribes to remind them that the area north of the Black Sea has been claimed by Byzantium and that claim is supported by the Islamic alliance. Our battle hardened warriors are in position to defend our claim as are our Persian brother's Archers and Immortals.

                      As promised Byzantium has forcefully removed would be encroachers by destroying the Holy Roman roads that were presumably to be used to settle our lands and declaring war on Russia who is moving a settler into our lands.

                      The Islamic Alliance has the combined power to reduce all Russian cities to one defender and let the barbarians wipe them out. I recommend that Russia settle to the North instead of the little bit of land between Russia and the Black Sea which is the only area that Byzantium can settle now that its access to Africa and elsewhere has been cut off.


                      • #71
                        Greece supports the Byzantine claim to the lands north from the Black Sea. What Byzantium says is correct, they were cut off from expanding into other other parts due to the influx of the barbarian hordes coming from all sides.


                        • #72
                          Byzantine claims to the land around the Black Sea is ancient one. If they has no claim that land all the way to now then their claim is stale and old like the fish that lays too long on the beach and the flies fills him. Does that land supposed to stay wild forever while Byzantium wages endless war with African wild tribes?

                          Three Factions say again the old traditional rule laid down by the Norseman that first come-first serve and finder keepers, loser weepers. Also we repeat the ancient French rule that might make right. If the Slavic tribe get the spot to settle first then too bad for Byzantine, as old Ocean Faction saying "you snooze you lose" but also if Byzantine allies are strong enough to make trouble to Slavic tribe they better beware that might makes right. As for the claims of right to the lands there are no such things.
                          "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                          • #73
                            Elizabeth watches as the Great House of Light stands nearly completed in York after centuries of construction. In just a few hours its powerful beacons will be lit spreading a powerful light that will begin to counter the great darkness emanating out of Paris. English lands shall be protected, its people shall not be enslaved under the darkness. For generations the House of Light has been the sole focus on the English people; great forests felled, deep mines dug, and many thousands of lives spent. The people of York worked ceaselessly proving their industrious nature. They knew that only be building such a structure would they be safe from the powerful French spells and curses that wreak so much havoc on London. Driving home the critical nature of the project were the thousands of slaves who's lives were spent in a final burst of construction. May their soles be a rest in the light after having fallen prey to the darkness.

                            Elizabeth, bows her head in thanks and prayer that no calamity will befalls this wondrous project in its last hours before completion. If for some reason it shall fail she knows she will enter into mourning for a generation of mortal souls. But should it succeed, a celebration unlike any the world has known shall commence likewise lasting for a generation.

                            I am about to head out of town for several days - hence the openendedness of the post. Spain....others?.... you better not beat me to the GLH at the last min! Follow-up posting on the wake/party (really better be a party) shall commence once i get back.


                            • #74
                              The Byzantine tribe sends a messenger to Holy Rome.

                              There can be peace between our tribes provided you accept the Byzantium claim of the lands north of the Black Sea and south of Russia provided you agree not to settle in those lands between the Holy Roman mountains and the Caspian Sea. Since we have not heard any messages from Holy Rome concerning our claims and your continued incursions into those lands including building roads, the Byzantium tribe is forced to assume you intend to stealthily claim our land. We have killed your intruding warriors and blocked the Holy Roman mountain pass into our lands.


                              • #75
                                What is the difference between barbarians that pillage and destroy, and the armies of Byzantium that do the same?

                                The armies of Byzantium send diplomats to claim it was their right, but only after the fact.

                                However, Holy Roma's response is the same. The invaders have been destroyed.

