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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 3 - June 2012]

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  • #76

    Ocean faction messenger says that they have seen some furs wearing barbarians out on the ice, they look fierce but they cant cross the Glacier so they cant get to Ocean faction land.

    All the people in Ocean faction island are breathe a sigh of relief. Meanwhile Nether faction is having troubles keeping the peace in River Village. Uprisings have started over the enslaved of the Dutch prisoners of War. Some are making loud outcry instead of returning to the fisheries as they supposed to do. There is talk that the ones who refuse to work should be executed or made into slaves themself.
    "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


    • #77
      Runners have just returned to report a strange floating bird with huge wings on the water. It has a large red eye. The council is summoned and all Chinese ordered to assemble for battling the beast.


      • #78
        Walking through the soft grass, feeling the earth cling to feet still unsteady from the long voyage at sea, Raijin feels the wind move in a fair manner around him, and smiles. He looks around, recalling this place from the past. On two sides, the sea brings wind and fish, on the other two, the forests will bring plenty of wild animals to hunt. This will make a good home for us. Speaking aloud, he calls to the many behind him:
        "This is the place, here we will found a new village; Nishikyo! To honor our Leader Tokugawa! Let us build a great village here, to put fear in the roots of our enemies, to build great monuments, to make our people stronger!"
        Behind him, hundreds of voices chant the name of their new home - "NISHIKYO!
        Raijin then sends a boy running back to the ship, bringing the news of their new village to Tokugawa.

        Tokugawa, defender of Kyoto, leader of Japan, is proud of his people.

        It seemed like only a moon had passed since the village was visited by the Greatship built in Osaka, and already a new Greatship had been built by the best constructors of Kyoto. The men aboard sent off to explore the coast of the Main Land, especially to see if the sighting of a strange village on Main Land was true, and if this was the Chinese that had been spoken of by the French.

        Raijin had sent back a messenger. Nishikyo was beginning to take form, well protected by the finest warriors of Japan. The first scouts were already searching through the forests, looking for traces of other villages and tribes. On the voyage from Japan to Main Land, they had sight of a small village on the far side where the sun sets. When they sailed closer to land, they saw nobody, and sailed on. It would be wise to send a ship there with warriors, investigate the village, and maybe claim it for Japan.

        -Jiraya, trusted follower of Tokugawa, defender of Kyoto, leader of Japan, in the year of the Hunting Hawk.
        Last edited by Japan (DoB); June 30, 2012, 17:56.


        • #79
          Reports are coming in that Justinian has been slain by a Group of Barbarians as he tried to avenge the death of his son. The Warriors are attempting to regroup and in the meantime, the individual Byzantine settlements are being run by their local Chieftains.


          • #80
            Her eyes were grey with age, no strength left in muscle and bone. With sound she knew the way to move, and did so teach her young, and the young of her young. In the darkness within she found a new light, alone in the woods at night. Animals left her be, children sought her out. The way she told, was like nothing any Jõmon tale was spun. Her webs and words could run you through - like feeling what the hero did to you! Her claim was with the spirit guides. They saw much more and far beyond mere mortal eyes.

            One time inside her self at peace, walking through a sweet summer breeze, a sound was heard. A tone, a single hum. Caught in the spider's web below a drum. She following did never feel before, a terror like this that tender tore! At once she started running free, her feet no longer bent by age, towards the place where he would be.

            A shock was passed and felt by all who saw, this old woman ran like the wind itself! Passing huts and houses many, following the beaten path, with no fail the house was found, the wall was hit and passed her through, until she stood - in grime and sweat and breathing hard - before the man that lead Japan.

            "Tokugawa listen close, the way of blood will soon be yours. Be wary of the beast that roars, more wary still of snakes, with venom that makes all blood boil. Save the builders, tell the tales, spread knowledge of Japan through lands and years. Make yourself the beast that knows, and strike down all barbarian hordes!"
            The last word spoken, whatever spirit held her fled. On her face she fell, cold and long since dead.


            • #81
              After a time of quiet buildup of forces, Marcus sends out another proclamation to the world:

              The French still keep our people hostage, so again Roman warriors have invaded France in a new attempt at liberating the Romans.

              France, my terms and promises have not changed. If you are willing to accept them, there will be peace. If not, as I have promised, the war will continue.


              • #82
                The Roman crucifiers of the great prophet Jesus Christ, have renewed their persecution of the peaceful people of France for imagined slights from many centuries ago. The stoic people of France resolutely continue about their everyday lives knowing that Paris is protected by the Great Spirits themselves. Meanwhile the Priests of Stonehenge begin their now familiar ritual to invoke the Great Spirits' Defenders Measured War pact.

                Click image for larger version

Name:	Jesus and the Romans.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	74.9 KB
ID:	9093510
                Last edited by France (DoB); July 1, 2012, 11:13.


                • #83
                  The lies of Evil France never cease...

                  Now France is sending about a magician who conjures images of fire that are obvious French forgeries! Any tribe who welcomes this traveling magician from France should pay close detail to the false images he conjures and the lies he peddles. The first and greatest lie that France is spreading through this lying magicians filth is the name of this supposed Great Prophet Jesus Christ. No such prophet has ever existed as the names of Great Prophets are all well known to all peoples.

                  The next great lie of France is that image conjured by their lying magician that depicts this so-called prophet being killed by Romans. Everyone has seen or heard through rumor that Romans wear purple robes not Red ones. Furthermore, no tribe is nearly advanced enough in the craft of any material, wood, or stone to fashion the Armor and head coverings worn by the so-called "Romans" depicted in the magician's false images. Our seers predict that possibly in another 1000 years a craft called Iron Working will be discovered to allow such elaborate armor to be crafted.

                  A third lie is that the men being "crucified" are obviously unhurt and quite comfortable, standing on wooden platforms with their arms loosely bound by bright decorative red ribbons instead of impaled with stone or wooden spikes as any true impalement would be done. They are not bruised or bleeding, so obviously this is a staged mockery, rather than any true execution.

                  Finally, the yellow colored barrier behind the pretend crucifiction is too precise and smoothe in its shape, surface and color to be fashioned from any known craft. Our seers have speculated that the French magician is also a seer, and the image he is peddling is actually of a time far far into the future. This is supported by the presence in the image of persons with strange clothing, far beyond the craft of any known clothiers of our day.

                  If France wishes to continue their campaign of lies and deceptions, they must do a better job of selecting their purveyors of these lies. Half-drunken seer-magician hacks who conjure obvious forgeries and false images to support their lies will not go unnoticed. As we have already stated, the new religion false religion apparently embraced by France is based on the worship of the Fish constellation, not any so-called Jesus Christ.

                  And also, we applaud the efforts of the Romans, which we have heard rumors of. France must be destroyed. Faranca wajaba sara damaar!


                  • #84
                    Tokugawa, defender of Kyoto, leader of Japan, is taking far more care with the spirit guides now.

                    After the old woman broke through a dried mud wall in the trance of spirit guides, he has gathered several of the village spirit guides close to him, and talked at length about his plans for Japan. He now listens more carefully to their advice than ever before.

                    A messenger from Raijin brought news of the Chinese village - it was not abandonded as it seemed! A ship with scouts aboard were sailing close and getting ready to go ashore when a rain of arrows hit the deck of the ship! Several men died and the ship moved away from the deadly rain. They spotted archers in the trees and other tall places, but the distance they were able to strike at, was far greater than any Japanese arrow has reached! They know how to use the bow and arrow very well. Raijin advise that we disturb their village no more from the sea, as it would be certain death to move through a rain of arrows to get to shore.

                    Listening to his spirit guides, Tokugawa learns that the men of China have fought for many seasons. Against both men and beast, knowing by experience how to best defend against any who trespass on their land. This makes them worthy of our respect as warriors. This is not how France told us they would be.

                    Tokugawa decides to send a messenger by land -though it may take some time to get a response this way- to tell China no harm or attack was intended, that the death of our men was unfortunate, but will not be held against them.

                    The Main Land reveals itself to our Greatships. Far larger than the Island of Japan, it must hold many tribes and riches unknown to us. Tokugawa believes that learning about the Main Land will be the key to making Japan truly a great people in this world.

