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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • I think I crashed the server
    La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


    • Fixed.


      • The following errors occurred with your submission
        • Greece (DoB) has exceeded their stored private messages quota and cannot accept further messages until they clear some space.
        Hey Greece. Please make room for new messages.


        • LOL at your post, Portugal! That was a brilliant post
          La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


          • Indeed great POST Portugal


            • Time for a November thread?


              • Now is the time to vote for the October Diploscore winner.

                You can send your vote to me by PM or use this program to vote
       , but please dont use both as it is a little confusing to sort out.

                Each Civ has 5 points TOTAL to allocate anyway you choose, except you can not vote for yourself (Please don't vote for Barbarian or eliminated Civs). Remember that is 5 points total, not 5 for each Civ. So you can give 1 point to five different Civs or 5 points to one Civ or anything in between. If you don't vote there is no penalty, but you can't use the votes later.

                As usual, we will leave the voting open all month, and announce the results at the end of the Month at the same time that we open the voting for next month. That way everyone gets plenty of time to read, catch up, notice that voting is going on etc. I will send everybody a PM.

                Happy Voting

                Most Importantly, Here is the current Leaderboard:

                Netherlands = 101
                Japan = 91
                Persia = 79
                England = 67
                China = 49
                Spain = 31
                Ottomans = 21
                Greece = 15

                (France = 60**, Holy Roma = 47**, Russia = 44**, Arabia = 35**, Celtia = 27**, Byzantium = 23**, Rome = 22**, Portugal = 18**, Vikings = 16**, Germany = 1**)
                * = Barbarian (AI Civ) , ** = Eliminated Civ

                Here are the Final Results of the September voting:

                Persia = 10
                Greece = 4
                Holy Roma = 4
                Netherlands = 3
                China = 1
                England = 1
                Japan = 1
                Spain = 1
                Congrats to Netherlands, the score leader!


                • As usual a great monthly story intro Sommer.


                  • England can you not forget to press end turn next time


                    • Originally posted by Greece (DoB) View Post
                      England can you not forget to press end turn next time
                      Actually plan to log back in. Got a phone call in middle of stuff.


                      • I've noticed I have a number of tiles producing 2 commerce which should not be possible as a financial civ. Weird glitch I've never seen before. Anyone have any clue what it might be from?


                        • Is there a spy mission that can do such a thing?


                          • Originally posted by England (DoB) View Post
                            I've noticed I have a number of tiles producing 2 commerce which should not be possible as a financial civ. Weird glitch I've never seen before. Anyone have any clue what it might be from?
                            Most likely it is tiles that produce 1 commerce base, but that is upped to 2 commerce because of the golden age you recently entered. Financial may not affect a tile that gets +1 commerce from a golden age. At least this is the most plausible explanation I can think of.
                            La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                            • Originally posted by Spain (DoB) View Post
                              tiles that produce 1 commerce base, but that is upped to 2 commerce because of the golden age
                              "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                              • Huh, guess I never noticed that before. Always thought it was an added perk of being financial.

