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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • Is anyone else having trouble uploading images as part of posts? I keep getting an error message that "this is not a valid image file" even on files I have uploaded before and obviously are valid.


    • That may be a piece of code not fixed after the site went down. In the meantime, works for me.


      • Just a heads up, I'm not going to be very active the next week or two because I've got a lot of RL stuff going on and don't have the time to really get into things. All diplomacy is basically on hold, as are story posts (I had 3 civic/religion changes that are going to waste).


        • An update restarted the Pitboss CPU. I had to restart the game from England Autosave.


          • I just want to note for the OOC record that Japan will never engage in an agreement beyond 75 turns. There are two basic reasons for this:
            1. It's unrealistic. Even if some documents have been signed "in perpetuity", there's no real permanence to international relations. Regardless, most documents are fairly short term by the scales of history. I find 75 turns to be too long actually, but compromised on this. From a role-playing perspective, it's hard to accept longer agreements.
            2. Past diplo games have been far too static because clear alliances get created where everyone's basically locked in for the duration. I pushed against that in DoE1 (a bit too weakly) though I was still basically part of one, and only really had single bilateral alliances in other diplogames (probably why I never win eh). But since the point of this game is diplomacy, locking it up just undermines much of the purpose. The fun of history is how allegiances can turn on a dime.

            Keep this in mind when dealing with me IC - a lack of commitment is part of my approach to the game as a whole. Additionally, I may just perpetually renew contracts, so effectively they can be long-term.

            Also note I'm playing Japan as fairly isolationist, which it was historically and culturally up until the 20th Century.


            • Turn 659. Persia declares war on HRE.


              • While Greece was clicking on Persia on the bottom right of the screen, WAR was declared by mistake. Persia i have offered cease fire. Sadly we will have to fix our trade deals. Of course no moves were made after this error was done.



                • Understood.


                  • how cooing you two, "I'm sorry", "I'm sorry you do not" I did not expect that Greece will release my enemy freely to attack me. But life constantly teaches us something new


                    • Sommer, a suggested edit to the civ list:

                      -- Portugal (Destroyed by Spain, Greece and Persia) -Unknown leader after the death in battle of Ricardo Araujo, Leader of the Jesuit Order, usurper of Pedro Machuka, son of Porto & Portu, husband and wife


                      • Game died while I was logged in. Unable to log back in. Civstats is down.


                        • EDIT: double post
                          Last edited by Persia (DoB); October 10, 2013, 16:32. Reason: double post


                          • The game has been down for too long now......................... any news???


                            • Our host works for the government of the Un United States so it's been impacted by their shutdown.


                              • Originally posted by China (DoB) View Post
                                Our host works for the government of the Un United States so it's been impacted by their shutdown.

                                I was out of State travelling all day on business yesterday. I did not remember to post about it, because I assumed everything would be OK for just one day... So of course the pitboss crashes the instant I walk out the door. It's like the pitboss has voodoo power to know where I am at all times

                                Anyway I tried to restart from the Persia autosave, but it was corrupted, so I had to restart from the Spanish save. 8:40 on the clock. Game is back up.

