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Domination of Barbarians [Diplo Game] [Organization Thread]

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  • I missed the last turn but no worries ... just got the civstats msg for the next turn.

    I no longer have the issue with the no paragraph break but I upgraded to IE 10 so ...


    • We need a new story thread Eager to read the intro


      • Huh?


        • Originally posted by China (DoB) View Post
          Just a spambot... ignore it... its deleted.


          • Any word from Portugal?


            • Is the Portugal player aware of the game being up again?


              • Yes. I contacted Portugal to say that the game is back up.


                • Good post Nether.


                  • Spain declares war on Portugal turn 565.
                    La República de Catalunya sempre en els nostres cors


                    • Persia declares war on Portugal turn 565.


                      • Remember that with the exception of the very first turn when War is declared, the No-Login Defense rule prevents you from capturing any cities from Portugal until he has logged in.


                        • As I understand it, the rule states that:

                          Turn 1 - war is declared and 1 city can be taken
                          Turn 2 - war in effect and no other settlements can be taken.



                          • Originally posted by Persia (DoB) View Post
                            As I understand it, the rule states that:

                            Turn 1 - war is declared and 1 city can be taken
                            Turn 2 - war in effect and no other settlements can be taken.

                            Not exactly. It is more precise to say that under the No-Login Defense rule:

                            Turn 1- war is declared and an unlimited number of cities can be taken.
                            Turn 2- Rule is in effect and no other cities can be taken

                            Also, more and more I am thinking that maybe it is time to turn off most of the Measured War rules and allow War more freely between the players. I would like to hear if anyone objects to this.

                            1. Switch to a "honor-system" turnorder rule... Combatants in War would be on their honor to split the turn timer. No reloads or pauses for missed turns, but people could ask for a reload for a wartime double move that causes them some substantial harm. Players would be on their honor to only ask for a reload when actual harm was done and not just for technicalities.

                            2. Increase timer to 24 hours to make splitting the War time more convenient

                            3. Leave in place the restriction on eliminating Human players, and the restriction on taking Capitals of Civs with less than 6 cities.

                            If everyone is OK with these changes, they will go into effect immediately, with the exception that Portugal (and anyone else who is a defender when the rule goes into effect) will be able to use Measured War/No login etc, one last time.

                            Finally, I will try to put up the new thread today. Sorry again for the long delay


                            • Netherlands accepts these change.
                              "In the service of Netherlands, always" - Captain Eriksen, Royal Netherlands Navy


                              • I am not a huge fan of having an honor system to split turns while in war. There will be lots of mix ups and allegations of cheating as has been the case in past games. Also it could make taking turns nearly impossible if your turn window lines up with work hours. If we get rid of measured war just get rid of it. Changing up rules for when you can log in during war will just complicate things and I don't see a reason why the two should be connected.

                                I personally don't think getting ride of measured war is a good idea either. Easing up some restrictions might make sense, but I think fully getting ride of them (also including major war I assume right) will result in carnage that will unbalance the game. Just to give two quick examples, what is to stop Persia form overrunning China or Greece from hitting HRE? As one of the more powerful civs I can live with the change and probably will benefit from it....but I think we should give this more thought. One alternate option would be if each civ was able to designate a few core cities for which measured war rules still applied. This way could fight war at periphery with less worry about losing core cities. Another idea could be allowing gold payments for captured cities rather than city swaps.

                                Anyhow, I strongly object to requiring war turn order. I highly encourage people to think through removing measured war and to talk this over before making a hasty change.

