About Ozzy's doubts for the larger map and having too much of a space, I think Sommerswerd's idea of fitting ALL the nations in Eurasia is very very good one. We will still have small space initially, so sparks will fire for sure. But then again there will be space for expansion. And this expansion is not a piece of cake. I have heard from experienced Earth players (there is a whole Earth League) that expansion in the New World is very very risky and in a normal competitive games no one is actually doing it, because this leaves you exposed to attacks from your Old World buddies. Just what happened in DoE btw 
So, with this big juicy map I think we will still have tension between the players, much interaction, as we will be still tightly packed initially, but not to extreme levels like in DoE where Exploit was able to claim almost all of Europe with placing only one city.
Loading times are consideration, but then
. Yeah, same habit here.

So, with this big juicy map I think we will still have tension between the players, much interaction, as we will be still tightly packed initially, but not to extreme levels like in DoE where Exploit was able to claim almost all of Europe with placing only one city.
Loading times are consideration, but then
I don't mind loading times as that's when I browse the forums
