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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 11 - August 2011]

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  • Wrong thread..
    Last edited by Russia (DoE); October 13, 2011, 05:07.


    • Tripoli... North African Coast...

      A young Lieutenant runs up to Supreme Commander Jamal

      Turkish Lietenant: "Commander! Those rascally Vikings are at is again! The Neandor City of Freedom has been enslaved by the Vikings!"

      Supreme Commander Jamal: "Not this time, we let this go on too long in Tlaxcala and look at the suffering that resulted. If the Neandors dont care for the lives and rights of their African citizens, then Turkey will step uo to defend these oppressed people. Mature cities MUST NOT be sold into slavery!"

      Lieutenant: "What shall we do then Supreme Commander?"

      Supreme Commander Jamal: "Send our Forces to liberate Freedom City. This Madness ends now. Let the Vikings know that Turkey protects Africa and the enslavement of cities will not be tolerated here!"
      Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


      • The End of History? ...

        The Last Battle... The End of An Era... and The Birth of a Hero...

        Grandson put on his pajamas and jumped into bed. "Papi!, Papi!" the little boy called for his Grandfather. His Grandfather peeked around the corner smiling. "Storeeeee! Storeeee!" the little boy pleaded, with bright eyes. "And what story shall we tell tonight, little man?" Grandfather asked. "I wanna hear 'bout Suleiman!" the boy shouted. "No", Grandfather said, "That story is too long, and its time for you to sleep."

        "Rambo then! Rambo! Tell me about the Last Battle and the trial of Jamal" the boy replied. Grandpa frowned, "That's two stories. How about I tell Last Battle tonight and we can do Trial of Jamal another day?" The little boy clapped "Yes, tell it! Tell it!"

        Grandfather picked up a picture book titled 'Images from the Axis Conflict' and started telling the story, using the pictures in the book as a visual aid... Grandson's eyes were as big as saucers as he listened to his Grandfather, a master storyteller, recount the tale...

        "The year was 1842, and the Great War Peace had just ended. There had been Wars, but these conflicts were in the Far-East, and in the Far-West. The Great War Treaty had allowed the fires in Europe and Africa to die down, and these fires were replaced with a new Cold War. Both sides, The Noble Allies and the Evil Axis had jockeyed for position, and played a deadly game of Chess with the World as their stage.

        The Axis always seemed one step ahead of The Allies, coming up with one clever gambit after the other to gain the coveted resource that would give them back the upper hand in the conflict and allow them to once again reign over Europe with an Iron fist of terror. But each time, the Allies had stopped them, and frustrated their Evil plans.

        The Axis recruited the Aztecas' Mad-King Camaxtli, and sought to retake control of Africa, but the Sultan's heroic forces stopped them in their tracks. Next, to get the Oil they craved, Axis extorted and decieved the Mad-King into allowing his people to be enslaved, and the city of Tlaxcala was starved to death in an attempt to slant-drill gain the resource that would allow the forces of darkness to march all over the Earth.

        The keystone of this evil plan was for the vile French to disguise their entire Navy as Azteca and hide the ships in the Concentration camp until the starving citizens of Tlaxcala could slant-drill enough Oil from Native land to turn the Axis fleet into Destroyers. But the famed Russian intelligence uncovered the plot just in time, and The Magnificent Martyr gave his life to send the entire Axis fleet to Davy Jones' Locker.

        Following their failure at Tlaxcala, The Axis hatched a new diabolical plan. This time Ruler of the longtime loyal member of the Allies, Arabia died and was replaced by a leader sympathetic to Axis. He betrayed the Allies and joined Arabia to The Axis. Arabia was a land rich in Oil, and now the Axis finally had the Oil they needed to once again plunge the World into total War. But they needed a place to convert their remaining fleet to Destroyers, so they devised an ingenious evil scheme to accomplish their nefarious ends.

        The Neandor King was always a Neanderthal Supremacist, and he cared nothing for the Black-skinned Neandor citizens who lived in Africa. So they would be sacrificed... Once again a city, was enslaved by the Valhalla Navy, to give Axis a place in the Mediterranean to create their unstoppable floatilla of Destroyers. Their plan was to Destroy the modest number of Turkish Destroyers, and then overrun the Mediterranean.

        But once again, Turkey would foil the Axis plans with the help of our friends in the Alliance. Russian Intelligence sniffed out this Evil plot and contacted the Turkish Military, and notified them that the French had moved their entire Navy to the newly enslaved, 'Freedom City.' Arabia was supplying the Oil, Vikings had enslaved the city, and Axis were proceeding to convert the French Navy into Destroyers.

        This time, to be sure that Turkey could not destroy their Navy as before, Neandor committed many divisions to the cities defense. But Axis again made a critical error. In typical, slimy, deceptive Neandish fashion Neandor was unwilling to be the first to declare war on Turkey. Instead, Neandor and Valhalla signed a secret treaty, that Neandor would immediately declare war on the first nation to declare War on Valhalla. The Valhallans were warriors, not politicians, and they did not understand the nuances of such a treaty. They did not understand that the slimy Neandor were seeking to protect their good name, and limit their exposure with such a 'one-war declaration-only' pact.

        However, the Allies knew of Neandors backsliding ways, and Commander Jamal immediately ordered his men to liberate Freedom City. But first, Victoria of England issued a Declaration of War to Valhalla, annoncing that she would be attacking from the North. Neandor immediately issued a Declaration of War against England and rushed their forces to the Harbor to scan the horrizon for the Anglais, but there was none to be found. Valhalla pleaded with the Neandor government to give up all pretenses and also Declare War on Turkey, but the Neandish King refused, saying that they had satisfied their obligations, and that it was a one-time-only treaty.

        So too late, the Vikings realized they had been tricked, by the Anglais, the Turks and by their ally Neandor. For when they realized that the ships approaching from the North were Turkish ships, not English Jamals forces had already snuck into the city from behind with the help of the African Neandors who hated the Neanderthal rulers who enslaved them.

        The Captain of the Lightning Strike Force that executed the Covert part of the Mission was a young officer by the name of John J. Rambo. Rambo was the son of an Accolyte family, and thus had an American first name. Growing up exploring the Jungles of Central and South America and travelling to the blisteringly cold climates of Turkish Yukon around Juneau, this young man was a consumate Turkish soldier.

        With skill that would have impressed the Magnificent Martyr himself, Rambo and his team boarded each enemy ship, one after the other, and dropped grenades, blowing the hulls to smitherines. When all was said and done, the city was Liberated, the Neandors had retreated from the landing Marines, and once again, the Evil Axis fleet was at the bottom of the Ocean serving as a nautical playground for Mediterranean fish.

        In this Final Battle, Arabian Oil, French Ships, Viking Technology, and Neandor Armies and duplicity all combined to produce one thing. Axis Defeat. Upon hearing the News, the Old Neandor King was said to have been unconsolable, and some say he put a gun to his own head. Whatever happened, he was never heard from again. The Viking ruler also committed ritual Suicide, unable to bear his shame, and the French King decided not to come back from the seclusion he went into following the loss at Tlaxcala. All in all, the Axis were utterly defeated, and Turkey was jubilant once again.

        After the battle, Jamal was so impressed with the conduct of Rambo, he called for him. Their conversation is legendary in Turkey. Jamal asked Rambo what he lived for... He said "Rambo, what is best in life? The open step, a freed horse, falcons at your wrist and the wind in your hair?" Rambo replied, "Wrong!!" Jamal smiled and asked "Then tell me Rambo, what is best in life?" Rambo clenched his fist around his Rifle and said...

        "To Crush your enemies, See them driven before you, and to Hear the lamentation of their women!"

        "That is good" Jamal said, "You shall be my new Chief Naval Advisor and Commander of the Marines... Suleiman would be proud!"

        Many wars and feuds, did Rambo fight. Honor and fear were heaped upon his name and, in time, he became Sultan by his own hand...

        But THAT is Another Story..."

        And with that, Papi closed the book, kissed his sleeping Grandson on the head and turned out the light...

        The End ???...
        Last edited by Ottoman Empire (DoE); October 18, 2011, 15:02.
        Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times

