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Destiny of Empires [Diplo Game] [Story Thread 7 - April 2011]

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  • Ras Imru Commander Malian army received information that a delegation from the Zulu chiefs approaching his camp. He took them in his tent, they went and knelt humbly before him.

    "Why have you come," he said.

    "Lord Imru we come on behalf of all the Zulu chiefs, we want to give up on Negus Nagast, that Zulu is left of his mercy and we will do everything commanded lord Mali"

    all Zulu chiefs began to rumor, "we hope to live Negus Nagast thousand years ":

    Ras Imru said" I will convey your words of great Negus. At these words the general's emissaries Zulu withdrew worship


    • A Public Response From France

      As approved by King Phillipe and issued today by the French Foreign Affairs Office.

      In rebuttal to various claims and insinuations made by certain nations, we state as follows:

      (see - France lost so many man ATTACKING the English cities, so they now England OWE them their capitol).
      In fact, we have lost relatively few units in England and North Africa.

      The Vikings and the French trumpeted that they are fighting "Gentlemen war" not pillaging..
      France never 'trumpeted' any such thing. And we do not fight a 'gentleman's war'. We fight with honor. And we fight to win.

      ... razed 3 Ottoman cities..
      This reference is made by many nations. Yes, we destroyed the 3 Turkish settlements in North Africa. Two were size one towns and Arthurton not much larger. The English blockade killed many more French than that.

      Their main competitor - England is beaten badly and is no longer a threat to them.
      You clearly have not looked at the power graph lately.

      France has NW Africa only because Neandor drove them there and this incurred to France the hatred of all the Africans. Since then how many wars are waged for this land? Have no doubt about this - all the Africans hate you 2 for this and will never forgive you.
      France has had settlements in Africa for hundreds of years. We were not driven there by Neandor. Had the settlement of the Venetia area worked out differently than it did, we still would have settled Tangiers and Agadir.

      There are three other nations in Africa. France has excellent relations and alliances with two of them. The third, the Zulus, we have had little contact but excellent trade relations. We could have easily moved earlier in our history to claim Mali or Israeli territory when they were weak militarily. But we respect their borders and their claim to their land. I thank you for your interpretation of how they actually feel about us, but it would seem that actions speak louder than words in this case.

      and we saw what a generous donation of military training and Neandor army can do with a seemingly backward and weak nation as France
      France has never been weak. From our early conflicts with the damnanglais, and up to the recent fighting, our nation has invested heavily in our military.

      And to correct this, and all the other statements regarding Neandor's military 'generosity', they have outright gifted us 3 units. I have also gifted Neandor units. The remaining units are all French built, and upgraded using French gold. Yes, we use Neandor technology, but even there, that is partially funded by France.

      France is in an alliance. We are not a vassal of Neandor.

      Troops from around the world fight on behalf of the Neandor's evil plans, but do the Neandor ever risk war themselves? No. They hide within their borders, the strongest nation on Earth, and continue to outstrip all nations in technology while all their neighbors weaken themselves fighting tooth and nail. What madness is this?
      To remind Queen Elizabeth of history, Neandor WAS at war, but the English Pope, supported by allied Christian nations, concocted a forced peace. Madness indeed.

      Confidential informers inside the Government have reported that all attempts to make peace with France have failed. The French continually refuse to even discuss the subject privately, while publicly decrying the horrors of the War.
      There is still one outstanding issue. The Israeli's have made it clear that Damascus is to be returned to Israel.

      Officials confirm that France has failed to fufil its public promise to account for the prisoners of war, leaving no alternative but to assume that they have been murdered after throwing down their arms.
      The many prisoners of war are safe and well fed. They are being held in a POW camp in North-West Africa. This is a fact and your continuing statements to the contrary only undermine the rest of your propaganda.

      The POW's will be returned to Ottoman territory when an acceptable peace deal is reached.

      End of Statement
      Last edited by France (DoE); April 29, 2011, 18:46.


      • The truth about the ancient Venetii War

        Open statement.

        In BC times Neander declared war on France upon their founding of Venetii. Neander was the first despotism in history to declare a war and for this we lament but are proud of our ancient warriors. We have never since been an aggressor.

        At the time Neander was the only despotism to have AxeNeanders in Europe.

        When Venetii was settled by France it was seen as an exploit and severely limited Neander's tribal lands and resources (imagine Neander without Venetii peninsula and already pinned down by St Petersburg). Initially we saw it as a place for our close friends the Ottomans for expansion. For long Neander waited for Ottoman units but they only had Warriors and Archers and said they could not attack Venetii.

        In the course of a heated three way tribal diplomacy it was revealed that both France and the Ottomans had far more land for expansion than the Neander (much of the map was still invisible to us and the Ottomans had not been entirely honest - imagine them with the Venetii peninsula).

        Upon pointing this out the Ottomans acquiesced to friendship and diplomacy and agreed to Neander's acquisition of the Venetii peninsula and France agreed to a deal as mentioned.

        Thus the other deal with the Ottomans was that the Neander would not build in the Moldavia region. A Russian settler was on its way there so we advised the Ottomans to hasten the Ottoman settler to beat the Russians; and the Ottomans won. ChariotNeanders were on standby in case the Russians got there first.

        So for a technological superior despotism as Neander to strike reasonable deals with both France and the Ottomans was much more than anyone could have hoped for. Quite simply Neander had the military capability to take both the Venetii peninsula and Moldavia region.

        But the legendary Grunting Grunzen was a very fair despot.
        The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


        • Originally posted by France (DoE)
          France has had settlements in Africa for hundreds of years. We were not driven there by Neandor. Had the settlement of the Venetia area worked out differently than it did, we still would have settled Tangiers and Agadir.
          Dear Phillipe,

          Of course we did not drive you there but we promised France and the Ottomans that Neander would NOT be competition for settling Africa. This is why we so swiftly gifted the DA town of Arthurton to the Turks.

          And why we were so disappointed in the DA settling two cities in Africa on all our cultural borders without any discussion whatsoever.

          So Neander's non presence in Africa allowed for less friction and the growth of a strong alliance, initially with the Turks but ultimately with France.

          Congratulations on the royal marriage. It is good to read such stories.

          The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


          • In the Indian foreign ministry

            Esteemed Instigator Vayaraman, I present to you an update on recent events in west. Neandor, France, England and Russia seem to have abandoned their war of muskets and swords and instead fight now with letters and words. Our analysis so far indicates that this is mostly blustering and has little effect on actual policy and even less relevance for India. Generally speaking their talk merely seems to press them all the harder into their established positions of animosity and dislike of each other.

            Also, the Africans are currently warring amongst themselves, specifically the western group called Mali and the eastern tribes united under the name of Zulu. We have very vague intelligence from this region, but we suspect from details revealed that Mali currently has the upper hand. This belief is strengthened by a recent messenger from Zululand, requesting India to end trade with Mali, or even declare war on them. Admittedly, this request took us by surprise as we have never had any form of contact with the Zulu nation. It also seems that they are quite oblivious to India's dedication to principles of Pacifism, and though I have yet to receive the report, if memory serves me correctly, India does not have a trade agreement with Mali.

            -This Zulu request is highly illogical behaviour, Inquirer Bavagayada. What do you believe would be a logical response to such an illogical act?

            Forgive my hastily compiled analysis, but logic tells us to respond favourably towards the Zulu empire. I surmise that your raised eyebrow is a desire that I elaborate my premises. Normally such a message might be dismissed without further interest, but due to the proximity of Zululand to our expanding sphere of influence, we should survey the possibilities closer. As you know, our policy of non-violence has led to remarkable and fruitful leaps forward for the Indian nation. Though we are nowhere near the greatness of more belligerent empires, our pacifism continues to be rewarding, it is therefore logical that we do not break with our ideals. Unfortunately, our pacifism has also cost us in terms of land acquisition, I need not go into detail regarding Hangzhou, nor England seizing Australia, both of them unpunished. However, we could logically make gains or concessions from the Africans in return for our aid. We will have to open further channels with the Zulu in order for this to be fruitful.

            -A very bold analysis Inquirer Bavagayada, I will consider your suggestions when I pass my recommendations to the Executor of Foreign affairs. Congratulations on your promotion to Sub-Instigator, such creative thinking need be encouraged. For your next project I would like to be provided with an analysis of the Japanese fleet and its intentions. I expect excellence here also, after all, it is only logical.


            • The Daily Turkey

              The Upstart Suleiman Announces Designs on the Sultan's Throne

              The The young Jannisary Suleiman has announced publicly that he should be among the persons being considered for acension to the position of Sultan. He now claims the famed Sultan Suleiman I as his ancestor, and has taken to wearing fancy uniforms and robes and riding a formidable Warhorse in public. He claims that none of the other "pretenders to the throne" as he calls them, have rights which superceed his own... save Prince Ahmed II. However, Suleiman, and many others complain that Prince Ahmed is too young to lead the Nation in such perilous times. Rumors have already begun to circulate that if the Sultan does not elevate Suleiman, he will raise an army and attempt to take the throne by force.

              The Sultan Prepares to Retire

              Our sources in the administration can now confirm that the Sultan has temporarily ceded full Military authority to his Chief Naval Advisor, Jamal, while he spends all his time reviewing claims of potential succesors. Many feel this is the first step in the Sultan abdicating power to Jamal, although this has not been confirmed.

              Supreme Commander Jamal moves to Damascus

              As Supreme Military Commander Jamal can no longer focus soleley on Naval affairs, and he has departed the Capital for Damascus to evaluate the defenses of the city. Although Jamal is clearly intending to switch focus to the Army He has yet to announce a new or temporary Chief of Naval affairs.
              Last edited by Ottoman Empire (DoE); April 30, 2011, 11:23.
              Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


              • The Sexxstanbul

                Public Relations Minister Aysecan rumored to be caught in Sultry Love Triangle!

                Our Nation's beloved Public Relations Minister was seen by our intrepid reporters involved in a heated dispute over a prize bottle of Aged Turkish wine. What is of interest, is that the dispute was between two of the contenders to the Turkish throne. It is rumored that she is the romantic interest of BOTH Prince Ahmed II AND his rival, the upstart Suleiman "The Magnificent," and that the wine was a gift to Aysecan from one of the men... which infuriated the other.

                Aysecan, sporting a salon-fresh, uncharacteristically longer hairdo was approached for comment... When asked about the suitor controversy... She laughed and shrugged off the matter saying "The nation is at War... The Sultan is retiring... and this is all you have to talk about?!?"

                When questioned about her longer hairstyle, she smiled and winked, saying "Well... a lady must still look her best... even in the worst of times, should she not?" However, our sources have informed us that she is growing her hair to impress a mysterious prominent admirer... possibly NOT the Prince or The "Magnificent" One.

                The Sexxstanbul will keep you informed on all the latest gossip as this story develops.
                Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                • Ruler of Mali gathered in the hall of peace all his ministers and generals and ambassadors of foreign countries. Sitting on his throne, he said:
                  "Let the people of Mali and the whole world know that Zulu is inclined to Mali, city residents Nombata voluntarily wished to become part of Mali, we accept them with open arms. Zulu promised not to bother our borders and to bring order to their country and their people to prosper. We welcome this. Mali will be watching whether the Zulu to keep their promises. Mali categorically rejects charges of aggression and wants to recall that Zulu was in anarchy and oppressed Mali, so when Zulu already has a stable government Mali stop hostilities. But we warn if Zulu start behaving aggressively towards us we will answer in the same way. "
                  After this brief speech Negus Nagast withdrew to his chambers.


                  • The Port of Damascus...

                    By the time he arrived, Damascus had become a Fortress in its own right... Supreme Commander Jamal had hit the ground running... already having secretly appointed his replacement... A new Cheif Naval Advisor... The Sultan would not be pleased, but he needed someone who would be as daring as he had been... and perhaps this appointment would distract his rival from his Royal aspirations... Only Time would tell... he thought to himself.

                    Aysecan's private Chambers...

                    Running full speed as usual, Taner caught Aysecan just as she was emerging from her private baths...

                    "Mah.. mah... Madame..." Taner said, catching his breath... "The Sultan... whew... he summons you immediately. He insists that it is urgent..."

                    Aysecan smiled knowingly... "He always does..."

                    Meanwhile... in the Sultan's Court...

                    "What?!?... shouted the Sultan incredulously "Suleiman?!?... But why would he elevate that upstart blowhard?"

                    "Supreme Comander Jamal felt he was the most qualified man available... Your Majesty" Aysecan remarked loudly as she strolled into the room... "And according to my information, he has already won a small victory for the Navy"

                    "Hmmm" ... The Sultan's face softened... "Victory you say?... Very well Aysecan, prepare a statement, and send my congratulations to Jamal for his good judgement."

                    Notice to Concerned Nations:

                    Let it be known that His Majesty, the Sultan has elevated his former Cheif Naval Advisor, Jamal, to Supreme Military Commander over all Ottoman Turk Forces. Be it further known that as Supreme Commander, Jamal has seen fit to appoint Suleiman II to the position of Cheif Naval Advisor.

                    Be it further known that as his first act as Cheif Naval Advisor, Suleiman conducted surveilance of the Mediterranean Coasts and became aware the the Israelis have attempted to establish a military encampment across the sea from Athena, near the location of the ruins of the former city Ekron.

                    As Suleiman's investigation revealed that the camp was little more than a few empty tents, a campfire and a lone scout, it was determined that it would be best to disperse the camp before it became a port camp. He therefore rapidly assembled a brute squad, armed with battons and clubs, to tear down the tents and disperse the camp. No civilians were present, nor were there any buildings or permanent structures of any kind whatsoever. The lone, unarmed scout watching the Camp was taken prisoner aboard Suleiman's ship for interrogation.

                    The prisoner has already revealed that the Israelis, in very underhanded fashion, tried to name the small camp "Ekron," he admits it was purely to invoke emotion and for cheap political effect... to feign outrage if the camp was dispersed by trying to exagerate the occurence.The Ottoman Turks condemn such shameful political maneuvering and encourage other nations to do the same.

                    Again, this so-called new "Ekron" was not Ekron at all... it was nothing more than a campfire and a tent, set up on the coast to spy on Turkey from across the sea. It contained NO buildings, NO garrison, and NO civilians. It was not razed or burned in any fashion, the brute squad merely disasembled the tents and extinguished the camp fire. We encourage the Israelis to refrain from building unguarded scout camps in War Zones as they will be dispersed immediately.

                    Aysecan, Public Relations
                    Last edited by Ottoman Empire (DoE); April 30, 2011, 21:06.
                    Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                    • Paris

                      Prince Armand welcomed the two colonels by ordering a round of cognac. This drinking establishment was well off the beaten path, and that was the reason the Prince, the younger brother to the King, had chosen it.

                      "Greetings my Gallic brothers" he stated as he welcomed the two military leaders.

                      "Greetings Prince Armand".

                      Armand asked "So have you heard the latest?"

                      "The Vikings having made a peace pact with the damnanglais? Yes. We have heard." With that Colonel Bruys leaned over his shoulder and spat on the bar floor .... "Damn Anglais!"

                      Colonel Trepain leaned over his shoulder and spat "Damn Vikings!".

                      "So why are we still in this alliance, this ACE as my brother puts it? What is it doing for Gaul?"

                      "Nothing!" answered the two colonels.

                      The conversation got more agitated, and much louder, over the next hour.

                      None of the three noticed the individual in the corner, quietly nursing his beer, and catching every word which was said.


                      • After years wandering the tundra...

                        A NeanderSpy sees a town and investigates.

                        The question of whether modern humans and Neanderthals mated when they encountered each other 40,000 years ago is highly controversial.


                        • Ottomns raze Ekron again

                          The city of Ekron had been rebuilt by the Israelians.
                          Many many years the Jews had been trying to rebuilt the city in it's former glory.
                          And then finally the city was there again, on the shores of the Mediterranea!

                          And then..... another Ottoman invasion started.
                          Again all men, women and children were killed. The women were raped first.

                          This was the 3rd time that the Ottomans had destroyed an Israelian city completely.
                          First the city of Jerusalem, the holy place of the Jews. And then Ekron twice.

                          In the meanwhile the Russians try to mediate between the Ottomans and the Israelians.
                          Rabbi Amram Goan was about to accept the Russian offer, but then he hears of the massacre at Ekron.
                          He could not sign it. Unfortunatley the war would continue.


                          • Public Response to Israeli Claims:

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                            All Nations be on notice that the last public statement by Israel was a complete and total falsehood. This pathetic attempt at propaganda is despicable but was anticipated, and was pre-empted by our previous statement. However, the Sultan has authorized a brief response to reiterate our prior clarifications.

                            As previously stated, the Israelis attempted to establish a military camp near the ruins of Ekron. This camp was NOT a city! The camp contained only empty tents, and a campfire. There was NO garrison, and NO civilians, and consequently NO rapes! One unarmed Israeli scout was found in the vicinity and he is being interrogated, but he is being treated well.

                            As there were absolutely NO buildings or permanent structures of any kind whatsoever, it is completely preposterous for Israel to claim that this was a city. Nothing was destroyed, as there was nothing to destroy, all that occured was the dissasembling of the tents, the extinguishing of the campfire, and the capture of the lone propagandist that was sent to create the camp.

                            Again, the Israeli's attempt to designate this empty camp as another city of Ekron is despicable, cowardly, propaganda at it's worst, and an obvious attempt to smear the Ottoman Turk people with lies and negative press. We regard the last Israeli statement of proof positive that the information gleaned from the captured scout as truth. The camp was obviously established and named Ekron to serve as a negative propaganda tool.

                            Additionally, we reject the Israeli claims of a pending peace treaty, brokered by Russia. This is another obvious lie. France, has already stated publicly that Israel would not accept peace without the capture of Damascus. Turkey has already offered peace to Israel and been rejected. Therefore we remind Israel that a state of war exists between us and unguarded scout camps will be dispersed.

                            We do not know the source of the cowardly, libelous, slanderous statement released by Israel as it was not signed by anyone. Nor was any indication given as to its source. We consider that fact alone as an indication of the scandalous, scurrilous nature of the content of the message. We implore Israel to control its press better than this, and punish the parties who released such a horrible tirade of lies.

                            Aysecan, Public Relations
                            Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times


                            • Report from Ekron:*

                              13 And there was a day when Rabbi Amram Goan's sons and his daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house in Ekron: 14 And there came a messenger unto Rabbi Amram Goan, and said, The oxen were plowing the fields near Ekron, and the asses feeding beside them: 15 And the Ottomans fell upon them, and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. 16 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The fire of the Turks has fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants, and consumed them; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. 17 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, The Ottomans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants with the edge of the sword; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee. 18 While he was yet speaking, there came also another, and said, Thy sons and thy daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother's house in Ekron: 19 And, behold, there came a great group of Turkish soldiers from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men, and they are dead; and I only am escaped alone to tell thee.
                              20 Then Rabbi Amram Goan arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, 21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. 22 In all this Amram Goan sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.

                              Last edited by Israel (DoE); May 2, 2011, 03:01.


                              • Aysecan's Chambers...

                                "Really?" Aysecan rolled her eyes and looked up, over her shoulder as she finished reading Taner's report on the latest Israeli propaganda...

                                Taner shook his head in similar shock at what the Israeli's had done "Yes Milady, they actually PLAGIRIZED AND FORGED words of their own professed Holy Book... What Sacrilege... I guess it is not our concern as we are Hindus now... but still, they must be desperate... And it MUST offend the Christians greatly, as it is their Holy Book as well"

                                "I can't believe they are still trying to push these blatant lies on the world! Why don't they just give up? It's sooo obvious..." Aysecan narrowed her eyes... "Perhaps their attempt to smear us is part of some greater scheme that we have not discovered... Investigate this immediately Taner, and I will issue our response to this Plagirist Forgery..."
                                Public Notice:

                                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_0237.jpg
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ID:	9090335
                                Be it know to All Nations that the Ottoman Turks condemn the latest Israeli propaganda and further assert that the statement contains obvious, manifest plagirism and forgery. We call on all nations to condemn this denegration of the Christian Holy Book and we again call on Israel to cease its lies and slander against the Ottoman Turk people.

                                The evidence of forgery, lies and plagirism are too many to list, so I will list only the most obvious and aggregious... The first blatant lie is this:
                                Originally posted by Israel (DoE) View Post
                                Report from Ekron:*
                                This is not a report from Ekron at all, but instead a bastardized edited, and manipulated passage from the Christian and Jewish Holy Book. Specifically, the book of Job, versus 13 through 22. Our historians estimate that this text was written over 1000 years ago, certainly before the religion of Christianity emerged, and concerns events that occured many thousands of years ago, NOT the recent dispersement of the Israeli spy camp.

                                In fact, the propagandist writer foolishly included a footnote which references the actual Holy Text, where readers can see his plagirism for themselves This footnote was obviously added to give credibility to the writer, and make his words seem legitimate, but a simple investigation exposes his lies and edits and turns his despicable plan against him.

                                The most obvious instance of shameful editing is found here:
                                Originally posted by Israel (DoE) View Post
                                20 Then Rabbi Amram Goan arose, and rent his mantle, and shaved his head, and fell down upon the ground, and worshipped, 21 And said, Naked came I out of my mother's womb, and naked shall I return thither: the LORD gave, and the LORD hath taken away; blessed be the name of the LORD. 22 In all this Job sinned not, nor charged God foolishly.
                                Clearly the propagandist did not proofread his own disgusting edits of the Christian Holy Book, because he forgot to edit out "Job" and replace it with "Amram Goan" as he did throughout the passage. This, more than anything proves that this is not an actual report of recent events but instead a poorly plagarized, edited excerpt from the Book of Job. We are saddened for all Christians that their Holy Book was treated so disrespectfully.

                                Our case is proven, but we would direct the World Community to one final insulting bit of editing by the propagandist Israeli liars:
                                Originally posted by Israel (DoE) View Post
                                15 And the Ottomans fell upon them, and took them away; yea, they have slain the servants ... 16 ... The fire of the Turks has fallen from heaven, and hath burned up the sheep, and the servants ...17 ... The Ottomans made out three bands, and fell upon the camels, and have carried them away, yea, and slain the servants ... 19 And, behold, there came a great group of Turkish soldiers from the wilderness, and smote the four corners of the house, and it fell upon the young men
                                Verse 15 of Job says "Sabeans" not "Ottomans." Verse 16 says "fire of God" not "fire of the Turks." It is particularly blasphemous for a nation that claims to be so religious to put Turks in place of God's name... and also ridiculous because the passage says the fire fell "from heaven" not bows or weapons, or persons. verse 17 says "Chaldeans" not "Ottomans" and verse 19 says "a great wind" knocked the house down, not a "group of Turkish soldiers." These edits are lies, intended to smear the name of the Ottoman-turks to the World, and these lies should be condemned.

                                Finally. as before, we notice that this disgraceful trash was not signed by the issuer, which further belies its disreputable origins...

                                Aysecan, Public Relations
                                Last edited by Ottoman Empire (DoE); May 1, 2011, 21:59.
                                Mexico Emerges as a New Player on the International Stage - Mexico City Times

