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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt7 - March 2010]

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  • ooc: I try my very best to not use screenshots here because it would be too easy.
    Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
    <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


    • We would also request that Persia show how they have reached their conclusions and from what sources they have acquired their information. Specifically how they know that it was the Russian administration that approved the action, which we have as of yet seen no evidence. Russia can find no record of the current administration, through the Duma approving such an act. If Russian sources are in fact behind it, (it seems likely that the local populace are rioting against being put in the middle of a war) the Russian Duma has no ties to it. We repeat that the current Russian representative government was not involved in any way as proven through our many displays of classified information that we have released to prove that any aggression against Russia is unjust and will be met with military force.

      (ooc: there may be events that allow blame to be cast on other civs. furthermore, in character you would only have indications that Russia is behind this, not proof. which is what the current Russian administration is pointing out.)
      Last edited by Russia (DoC); March 12, 2010, 12:14.
      Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
      The Russian Dynasty:
      Samo the Headbanded
      Catherine the Progenitor
      Dominika Ekatarinova
      (Konya the Lost)
      Igor Exilaskaya


      • (ooc: there may be events that allow blame to be cast on other civs. furthermore, in character you would only have indications that Russia is behind this, not proof. which is what the current Russian administration is pointing out.)

        Trying to get out of this using false ooc remarks
        Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
        <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


        • Meanwhile, in a Russian dungeon

          Anna Hatun, formerly leader of the Ottoman Armies who attacked Russia was handed over to Russian troops by her own Sultans soldiers. Transported to Moscow, she was thrown into a dungeon prison cell. The door had slammed behind her and she was alone in the dark. She worked to get the knots loosened, but it was difficult to disentangle them without seeing. In the dark the time passed slowly, she had no idea how long she had been in the dungeon, but her hunger indicated that it was at least a day since she had eaten. Then the door opened. The brightness from outside blinded her, but she refused to look away, forcing her eyes to adjust. A figure stood against the bright light, but the door closed again, the darkness was complete as before. Yet she could hear breathing near the door. She tried silently to unravel the ropes on her arms. A man's voice broke the darkness.

          -How does it feel? To be lying bound and broken upon the floor, your glorious armies destroyed, abandoned by your own people, responsible for the death of nearly 300.000 Ottoman Turks on Russian soil? Who do you blame?

          The words stung in her stomach. A tinge of despair welled within her heart, but was replaced with anger as she gathered her thoughts and took control of her feelings. She retorted angrily.

          -I blame Prince Igor, that murderous bastard! He murdered a whole city full of Turks, many more than died willingly and bravely on the field of battle. He is to blame for all of this, I despise him and will defiantly spit him and my executioner in the eye. Are you here to frighten me? Break my will to display me crying and blubbering to jeering crowds? I am not afraid to suffer or die. There is nothing you can do to break me.

          The darkness crept in over the room as her words received no reply. She heard the breath of the man. He just stood there, silently, in the dark. She continued to work on her knots. She closed her eyes as they did no good to her in the dark and focused on the knots while trying to judge the distance of the man and listen if footsteps would indicate movement. The skin of her fingers was sore and her nails broken and bleeding as she had fervently tried to loosen the rock hard knots. She refused to let the pain hinder her attempt of freeing herself and continued tugging at them with her fingertips.
          The voice spoke again.

          -Ah yes, Prince Igor, not a nice man I have heard. Do you know what he is planning to do to you? I've seen the order. It is perhaps the worst he has done to anyone. He intends on keeping you alive, if that is any comfort, though it shouldn't be. You should be proud though, you've made quite an impression. Which is why you will suffer in the way he has chosen. Of course, there is a way for you to avoid all that. I can help you, kill you here and now, quickly and painlessly. Do you wish it?

          Anna Hatun was stunned. She had not considered that she may be kept alive. Her mind had been filled with thoughts of a public execution. Beheading or hanging, possibly firing squad, but to be kept alive? For what purpose, she did not understand. She would rather die here and now than be paraded and mocked in Moscow's streets, but if she was to be kept alive, what tortures could the Prince of Russia bestow upon her? Should she deprive him of the satisfaction or should she remain alive and defiant? She thought about the possibility of her life ending, here, in the dark, by a stranger's hand. To go from being alive and struggling to survive, to within the next few moments, cease to be human. She heard a footstep, then another. The man was coming closer. A primal panic began to rise within her, and in instinctal self-preservation she burst out.

          -No! I want to live!

          The footsteps stopped. The room was silent again. She cursed her weakness, her cowardliness. She felt shame and desperation. She gritted her teeth and focused on pulling loose the knots. Another footstep. And another. The man was less than a few steps from her. A final step and she could sense his presence, an armlength away.

          -As you wish, I will not end your life then. But I will take my priviliges.

          A hand reached out and grabbed her.
          Last edited by Russia (DoC); March 12, 2010, 18:28.
          Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
          The Russian Dynasty:
          Samo the Headbanded
          Catherine the Progenitor
          Dominika Ekatarinova
          (Konya the Lost)
          Igor Exilaskaya


          • Basil arrives back in Constantinople

            When he arrived in Constantinople, Basil immediately called his advisors for an update on the developing world crises.

            Listening hard to the description of the events in Russia and Persia, he wrote immediately to Guru Beli'az (or as he was known in the islands of the ice sea 'stumak-bum'), and then called in the resident Russian diplomat for explanations and discussions.

            Then he saw the communication from President K'nuk of the Mali

            President K'nuk recognizes the Byzantine-Egyptian union and hopes that the long lasting friendship Mali shares with Egypt also extends to this union.
            Joyful at this new diplomatic opportunity from a nation long silent in respect of Byzantium, Basil wrote immediately:

            President K'nuk, mighty ruler of the Mali people,

            My wife Cleopatra has told me much about the Mali, about your long friendship with the Eyptians, and of your own great wisdom and courage. I rejoice to hear from you personally myself.

            Regarding the Byzantine-Egyptian union, be assured that this poses no threat to you. First and foremost it is the result of our love, not of strategic considerations. However, in as much as the marriage of rulers always influcences strategy, be assured my intention is that this union might cause the Egyptian love and friendship of the Mali to spread to the Byzantines, rather than the sadly less close relationship of the Byzantines to the Mali to spread to the Egyptians.

            I have noted your willingness to pay generously for technological transfer. Sadly my science advisors and university chiefs tell me that such a thing is not possible muttering darkly about vow-chas whatever they are. However, my generals inform me that there are many young men in teh Byzantine army who would value a posting abroad. For while Byzantium keeps abrest of modern military technology (in the past we taught canonry to the Indians, English and Persians!) we very rarely wage war (indeed never in history has Byzantium launched war) so our young men seek for daring and glory elsewhere. Perhaps you could let me know what modern weaponry you desire and what rates you would be able to pay. Also, might you be interested in my railway company working in your lands. The workers would need to be paid, and there are management costs, but I am sure it could be mutually beneficial.

            I have long wishes to see your continent. Perhaps one day I can travel to visit you.

            Then the diplomats put in front of him the latest words from the Koreans against the Inca. They draw back knowing what his reaction would be, and indeed, the paper was soon crumbled and flying against the wall. "When will the powerful learn to treat the smaller nations with respect! Send word to Huascar of the Inca assuring them of our support and friendship. Ask him if he would like the railway extending through his land as a sign of solidarity".

            Then finally the words of Chief Pontiac of America asking Byzantium to carefully consider its response to the war in the East. "Yes my distant friend" thought Basil "you are right, very right, now is not a time for haste or hot blood. My duty to the Byzantine people demands more than that".
            Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


            • this is a story about Media and Persia

              Heavy Monastery Explodes in Volgorad

              The Monastery of Heavy Hastogianism in Volgorad (Russia) exploded. Nothing was left of the Monastery. Despite the fact that Media and Persia are not involved in the cause for this explosion, we do consider the debts of Russia towards Media and Persia to be paid in full. As a matter of fact, it has been Hastog himself who has settled the issue for us, we believe.

              As a result Media and Persia hold no bad feelings towards the Russians anymore. We believe though that Hastog may have less mercy on nations that cause the deaths of innocent Persian civilians next time. Not even our enemy, India, has killed any civilian in combat.
              Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
              <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


              • Suwasqa wasi hina simiyoq


                • Queen Cleopatra,

                  We are displeased by your union with the heretic Byzantium, it won't bring you any good, but do as you will, we warned everyone what will happen if they turn away from the one true God. It is not our duty anymore to save the people from their own foolishness.
                  However: We have seen some disturbing army movements in your cities. Many transports, marines.. hardly can be considered a defensive force, those units are trained to attack. Having such a big army there threatens our cities, we demand that you send at least the transports to a more distant city or we have to assume they are there to prepare an invasion against us.

                  Empress Shakti


                  • Comment

                    • Originally posted by India (DoC) View Post

                      Queen Cleopatra,

                      We are displeased by your union with the heretic Byzantium, it won't bring you any good, but do as you will, we warned everyone what will happen if they turn away from the one true God. It is not our duty anymore to save the people from their own foolishness.
                      However: We have seen some disturbing army movements in your cities. Many transports, marines.. hardly can be considered a defensive force, those units are trained to attack. Having such a big army there threatens our cities, we demand that you send at least the transports to a more distant city or we have to assume they are there to prepare an invasion against us.

                      Empress Shakti
                      Dear Empress Shakti,

                      My, such angry words. Let us clarify, and immediately clarify our stance to the rest of the world: Egypt is a neutral nation. Any other nation can move troops through our lands. We have been such a nation from the beginning of times, and we will remain so until the end of times. Even India has used this to their best interests before, when troops landed in Egypt for a holy war on Byzantium.

                      Egypt does not judge the actions of other nations; it only seeks to promote peace through dialogue, hence the function of Friendship City; a city on neutral ground for all nations to gather and discuss their qualms. Egypt is in a sense a no-man's land; anyone may enter, as long as they abide by the Egyptian rules.

                      On a more personal note: Empress Shakti, my union with Basil II was one that sprung from love. It goes much deeper than diplomacy or other state matters. Surely, you must know what that feels like? Indeed, I have often wondered, are you not lonely? You, a woman who leads the strongest nation on earth? Do you not seek companionship? If you ever wish to talk to me about such matters, please, my door is open.


                      • Rip scratched his groin as he read the Egyptian Sun. Then he scratched it again...

                        They say in the East of Greece that the poisoned river cures nits. Well, when I say cures it kills them. However in Athens scientists are working hard to develop a new type of weapon that uses the poisoned waters. SPIES* are being trained, firstly as a counter measure, then as a measure. A measure to head off into the world and seek justice for Greece.

                        A wave of pride spreads throughout Greece as the world looks in awe at the achievements of this, one of the finest civilizations ever.

                        All Greece rejoices as the slaves bathe in the poisoned waters and become emaNcIpaTed. Nits no more. Slaves no more. Greece is a democracy!

                        The Golden Age has ushered in so much.

                        * Sneaking Poison Into Enemy Society


                        • Eventually Rip's eyes wandered to the article on the right of the Sun paper...


                          As if Greece could do anything like that.

                          Now, quickly to Page 3...


                          • ---NEWSFLASH---
                            Egyptian Sun-reporter fired
                            Memphis - A popular Egyptian Sun-reporter was fired after covering a story about a Greek conspiracy. The Sun chief editor was quoted as saying: "Our reporter failed to report on a far more important subject: the story of a Nit-plague in the Greek palace."
                            ---END OF NEWSFLASH---

                            "on to page 3"
                            Last edited by Egypt (DoC); March 13, 2010, 08:23.


                            • Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                              The Russian Dynasty:
                              Samo the Headbanded
                              Catherine the Progenitor
                              Dominika Ekatarinova
                              (Konya the Lost)
                              Igor Exilaskaya


                              • Cleopatra,

                                It's a delusion that you can stay neutral while your cities being used for military bases. If you really care about peace you won't let that happen.
                                You mentioned our invasion against Byzantium in the past and the free passage what was granted to us. You are wrong if you think you were neutral then and Byzantine was fool not taking any action-but that is past, that was them, this is us: we won't accept that kind of "neutrality"

                                About your personal note: I am not merely a woman, I am a high priestess of the Sha'Tao, the instrument of God with a holy quest to bring his kingdom to this world. My companion is the Faith and God himself.

                                Empress Shakti

