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The Dance of Civilizations [Diplo Game] [Story Thread Pt3 - November 2009]

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  • #16
    Daily Random quote from "The Wisdom of Hastog"

    8:13 The faith of the weak
    is spread by begging.
    The faith of the strong
    just spreads.
    8:14 "Please convert to our faith"
    the worthless ask.
    The strong know
    fate will convert.
    8:15 Another message, another attempt,
    another letter in vain.
    Why beg to receive what you desire
    if you can step forward and grab it?
    Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
    <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


    • #17
      Letter to the Guru.

      We thank you for your earlier generous offer, but we are not currently in need of what you offered us. There are other needs that we faithfully believe you can aid us with.
      Please send missionaries of Hairy Hastogianism. Though the elite of Russia follow Hastog, the peasants and rabble are jews and muslims. With more missionaries we could arrange a large scale conversion. Unfortunately Russia has no monasteries and lack the technology to build them. We are attempting to acquire it by trade from other nations, but with our current plight it will take decades if not centuries before all of Russia is converted without help as we have many other priorities.
      Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
      The Russian Dynasty:
      Samo the Headbanded
      Catherine the Progenitor
      Dominika Ekatarinova
      (Konya the Lost)
      Igor Exilaskaya


      • #18
        The Continuing Adventures of Captain Junbar

        The people of Friendship City were indeed friendly and welcomed Captain Junbar and his crew into the city walls. At the time, this city was under Byzantine rule. After a few days in Friendship City, Captain Junbar and his crew felt refreshed and planned to continue their voyage. As a present, the Byzantine leaders gave Captain Junbar several cows to take back to the mainland. In return, Captain Junbar gave some rice to the very friendly Byzantines. Waving and hoisting sails, Captain Junbar sailed out of Friendship city to the northwest. They sailed west and then turned north around the peninsula of the island they had been following. The weather became increasingly colder and civilization was not to be seen. As the crew sailed further north, barbarians clothed in furs were seen on the coast, but the ship continued on. The water became very icy and it is feared that the ship will need to backtrack or fear being encased in ice.


        • #19
          Our people are at heart a nomadic people and hence we still live in tepees, though these tepees are getting bigger, now that we have settled.

          It is rumoured that our distant forbearers were great builders of temples and holy houses for the training of shamans but it is only recently from our travels that we have acquired the knowhow to build such structures again and we will start to do so soon.
          I have seen that in any great undertaking it is not enough for a man to depend simply upon himself.

          Lone Man (Isna-la-wica)(Teton Sioux)


          • #20
            The Council of the Ice Sea

            My friends and partners in trade, Catherine of Russia and Hor-Aha of Egypt

            Other nations unknown to me that border the Ice Sea.

            My people have become greatly troubled by pirates sailing out of the northern islands of the Ice Sea (the Byzantine name for the sea which is to the north of our coasts). These have been increasing in number, and causing great hardship to our fishing communities, and threatening all shipping in the ice sea.

            We have started to investigate the ice sea, in keeping with the Byzantine way of seeking to bring civilisation to the empty, barren, spaces of this world.

            However, my fellow leaders, we have started to realise what a huge expanse the ice sea is, and how many islands some small some huge, exist within it.

            Thus, I have started to feel that perhaps we need a more co-ordinated approach to the Ice Sea. Together, we could pacify it - through a mixture of civilisation and patrols - in a spirit of co-oparation and friendship. There is much land there - though not of great quality - as much as any of us could want.

            What do you think, my fellow leaders? Could we here in the north come together to form the Council of the Ice Sea to oversee the development of this area, in peace, and to secure the peace of our lands?

            Theodosius King of the Byzantines
            Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων


            • #21
              The Ottoman people remained proud, their leader Bayezid had avoided war with the Persians and settled 2 new cities on the peninsula west of the capital.

              Draft a letter in response to the Persians, Bayezid said, and so his scribes commenced...

              Ahm'Az of Persia,

              We hope this letter finds you in good health. We are glad that your armies turned back from the desert plain, we both would have lost good men.

              We would like to agree to not go to war with each other, why, our people worship the same Gods, why would we need to?

              You ask what was the action we did not initially approve of, and that was your settlement on the tip of the peninsula. We would like that land, as you mentioned you have plenty for yourself. Why bother with the upkeep and hassle? Can an agreement be made where we see this city surrendered to Ottoman control? Surely you have a price.

              We would like to be friends.



              • #22
                ...meanwhile, Murad was still in Russia, courting Dominika.

                She had asked for Ottoman troops to be sent to the Russian lands in support of a new mission which he did not know the details of.

                While Murad was not the acting ruler and without access to all of the Ottoman military, he was given control of the navy by his brother, acting ruler Bayezid.

                My fair Dominika, Murad replied, I cannot send armies but ships have already set sail.

                If this is what it will take for your hand in marriage, it is not too large of a request.


                • #23
                  Th king sat in the Palce and considered the latest information. the governor from the north had started a "cold" war with the incas. It was agaisnt the Korean way to be so aggresive. The King called his advisors and consulted them for anyo toher governors actions. Apaprently some were not sending the full allotment of gold to the central treausry.

                  It was time to act. For too long Korea had been going in various directions due to no centrla leadership. Now the King rose and made a decision.

                  He called to his Forieng Minsiter , Andre Dearim,
                  "take the following message to the Incans"
                  Message to the Glorious Incans
                  Greetings our friends from centuries long passed. It has come to my attention that a fleet of Northern Peninsula Soldiers has been sailing up and down your coast for centuries saying rude things and making funny faces at you. Well this is just not right. I King Robesi IV do hereby resolve to end this betrayal by the governor of the northern provinces. His head will sent to you as a present to show that we do not take lighlty this action , we ask that your forgive the peace loving people of Korea for this foolish action taken by a mad man. I send to you my foreign minsiter to establish closer ties between us.

                  the king turned to his military chiefand spoke
                  "Gather your finest men and remove once and for all this evil governor. If any of the other provinces rebel. Make their governors jointhe first. The power of Korea is now in this palace and not in the hands of the far sprung provinces."

                  The military chief left the room to take the action

                  The King turned to his Spiritual advisor.
                  "Claminu, my friend, why does this nation of ours have no central belief system. Are we the only nation to not accept one of the many beleif systems. Go now and come back and tell me which is the way to god. Go"

                  The Guru Claminu went to pray to all the known gods and which ever one answered he would tell the king.

                  And so Korea was united under one king, the age of Provinical Governors was over.

                  Day one of the Nation of Korea was here.


                  • #24
                    Great Guru Ahm'Az erects Shrine for Hastog

                    When Ahm'Az was born
                    There was thunder
                    The doom of the ligtning
                    spelled his name in the sky

                    He was born to fulfill one destiny
                    To build the Shrine of Hastog.
                    Hastogsburg, the city of Doom.
                    The city that united all the Hairy!

                    Great Guru Ahm'Az seated in Media first.
                    When time was gone he left
                    for Hastogsburg
                    There he erected the Shrine of Hastog
                    in only 666 days.

                    First there was bare rock.
                    One gigantic piece of bare rock,
                    emerged from the Mountains.
                    Then Ahm'Az spoke to the rock.
                    Parts of the rock then demised
                    The rock was terrified by Ahm'Az.

                    Slowly the Rock evolved into
                    what would be known as The Shrine.

                    Great Guru Ahm'Az of the Hairy
                    fulfilled his destiny
                    and ruled Persia from Hastogsburg
                    from that day on.
                    Answer to the Ottomans

                    Great Ottomans, May thy wifes grow hairy mustaches,

                    I take your silence as an confirmation.
                    From now on Ottomania and Persia will be aligned
                    in the name of Hastog the Hairy!
                    Terms are like I proposed.

                    No war it will be.
                    I will have to calm down my soldiers.
                    They are hungry for war!
                    But Hastog gave us peace.
                    We do not know why we deserved this terrible blessing.
                    But Hastog works in mysterious ways.

                    We know that if we stay true to Hastog
                    He will bring us the joy of war again!
                    In the future we will taste the doom of decease.
                    But we will not fight each other, Ottomans!

                    Unless Hastog pleases us by making you to break
                    our pact! How sweet would that be!

                    We offer you to take over the two cities
                    you settled quickly under the pressure of fear.
                    Both cities are close to Media and we are
                    very happy to release you from the burden
                    of paying maintenance.

                    I do not see why you were insulted by
                    our settlement.
                    Only the weak are insulted. Don't be weak!

                    Despite the fact that I intended to settle
                    more villages on the so called peninsula,
                    I was entertained by your courage and
                    quick action, to settle the land before we
                    were able to!

                    Now that did not insult me!
                    So why did we insult you?
                    Life is the game of doom, great Ottomans.
                    Play it! Don't be afraid to lose, it's only
                    game after all! BUWHahahaha!

                    So now be gone and don't beg for our cities.
                    We have plenty of space to settle our cities.
                    But plenty is never enough!
                    I did not send those armies there for nothing.
                    They are there to defend ourselves for the case
                    that you decide to grab what you want.

                    I encourage you to grab what you want!
                    But I will not sit idle when you try to!
                    And don't be mistaken, the teachings of Hastog
                    tell me to grab what I want in return.
                    So show some courage, and try to take it by force.
                    But don't be disapointed when your attempt fails
                    and we take what we want in return.

                    It's all a game, remember! BUwhahahaha!
                    But now we're at least on the same team.
                    Boring, but if that's what Hastog wants, then so be it.

                    Great Guru Ahm'Az of the Hairy Hastogianists
                    Leader of Persia
                    Force is always beside the point when subtlety will serve
                    <a href = "">Darius order to kill Oroetes</a></p>


                    • #25
                      Hanging Gardens of Rome

                      Kings need to relax. Rome has built hanging gardens, that tower over the city. A place to relax and enjoy the Roman sun. All who visit are welcome to this park.

                      This park will serve as a central location for the Roman People to meet for pleasure, discussion, commerce and government. We name this new phenomenon the Forum Romanum.
                      Sic Vincit Gloria Mundi


                      • #26
                        At long last, the great Indo-Mali highway through the mountains has been completed. Although the road is bumpy, it will provide a quick route for people who want to travel to India to worship and study under the great Tao leaders.


                        • #27
                          Catherine - ruler of Russia
                          Dominika - daughter and heir

                          So, tell me how your meeting with the Prince went. Did you find him suitable?

                          -Suitable... mother you speak so strangely. He was not fair looking, but seemed sensible and not without wits, and his swordsmanship was also respectable...

                          Not all gold glimmer, I... His swordsmanship? How did you come to witness that?

                          -Er... well, I may have, or actually he did, in a way, insult me.

                          Insult you? How dare he!?

                          -Oh, mother stop being so ferociously dramatic. He didn't mean to, you understand, I was not dressed in my finer cloth, and so he assumed I was a servant girl and...

                          What!? I requested you to be in your finest, clothing and behaviour!! You are a rampaging elephant, completely oblivious of what consequences your actions may have!

                          -consequences, schmonsequences, what happened was that he asked me about the Princess Dominika, which he didn't realize, was me. I told him that she would arrive when she deemed it prudent. He then continued to ask me about the Princesses likes and dislikes. I told him she was fond of riding horses, dancing, books and swordplay. When I said the latter he burst out laughing that no woman should or could wield a sword. I then told him that the women of our lands learned long ago that even those without swords could still die on them. I then took a decorative sword from the wall and held it in the basic stance. He smirked, drew his sword and gave mine a quick parry, telling me that he did not have the time to give me the proper instruction. Close to losing my temper I thrusted, he parried, I had him at a disadvantage and proceeded to deflect his blade, bringing mine to his chin, telling him that I had been given proper instruction since I was five. He seemed a bit uncertain of what to say, when a servant entered addressing me as Lady Dominika and asked me if my guest or I would require anything... That part was actually the best, his chin dropped so far he nearly cut it on my blade, and his face become so red that...

                          Do you think this to be funny!? You've caused a diplomatic incident! This may ruin our alliance with the Ottoman altogether!!

                          -Why are you always so stressed? After the servant left, the prince began to stutter apologies and I told him honestly, that I would much prefer to see him as he is, rather than as he would attempt to make himself out to be. He then said that it pleased him to see me as I was also. At that point the whole thing took a friendlier tone, but I do think he left a bit flabbergasted. There is nothing to concern yourself over though, he said he would return with ships that would help our colony at Nova Semlja keep in contact with the homeland. So you see, I handled things my way and we're getting an alliance, ships and best of all, I'll get a husband. Now forgive me, the other task you gave me awaits and I must leave now if I am to catch the ship. When I come back, I want my own elephant rider guard!

                          We shall see...
                          Bare derutsya — u kholopov chuby treschat.
                          The Russian Dynasty:
                          Samo the Headbanded
                          Catherine the Progenitor
                          Dominika Ekatarinova
                          (Konya the Lost)
                          Igor Exilaskaya


                          • #28
                            Council of the Ice Sea

                            Hor-Aha, in Friendship City on state matters, received a message from great Theodosius, and smiled. Such wisdom, such a good friend. His heart warmed thinking about the great progress they had made in the past few years, paving the road to a peaceful co-existence and strong alliances between the nations on the continent.

                            Hor-Aha drafted a message to his allies, announcing that he strongly supported the idea of a Council of the Ice Sea. He also ordered a shipment of the new drink they had recently created, using the new spices grown near Thebes. He had named the drink Wiskeh. It was strong, and it warmed the body. It would be a great companion for the sailors who would undertake the arduous journey to the islands of the Ice Sea. He looked outside, and saw workmen loading the barrels of Wiskeh that he was sending to Theodosius as a gift.

                            He told a servant to pour him some Wiskeh. He sipped it, and smiled again. Great journeys to come, great adventures. He hoped he would be around long enough to see it all.


                            • #29
                              The new linage of Kings was now from Father to son. No longer was the king a selected position.

                              The Royal Family, or in Korean the Wang Family , was decreed to rule Korea for ever.

                              The Leader of the Wangs was known as Ka. Sometimes the Great one. To most of the world he was the Great Wang Ka.

                              No longer would kings retain their name once crowned , it would be a continual line of Wang Kas till Korea ended.


                              • #30
                                Βασιλεύς Βασιλέων Βασιλεύων Βασιλευόντων

