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Halp! Noob Q about difficulty level in MP

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  • Halp! Noob Q about difficulty level in MP


    My boyfriend and I are trying to set up a LAN game where we can play against a number of AI opponents, just like any multi-player game.

    While we've been able to do this, we haven't been able to set the difficulty level. It looks like the first player, the one who sets up the game, can set his difficulty level to anything (settler, chieftain, noble, etc) but all the other options remain at Noble.

    We'd /really/ like to play at Chieftain level as Noble is just kicking (mine only, not his as he is much more experienced at this game than I am) my butt and I need that breathing room that Chieftain gives.

    We have the 2.13 build and I have looked at the other patches and didn't see this fixed.

    Are we doing something wrong? Any help would be greatly appreciated!!! I am only visiting him for a few weeks then it's back to nursing school where I have no time. We were really hoping to have a few epic battles!!!


  • #2
    I have solved the problem.

    For anyone else having this problem - our solution was that I needed to be IN the LAN lobby when he started the game and everything was fine.

    Some days are better than others!


    • #3
      Do you know if there is a way to do this in PitBoss? Here you have the problem of too low a difficulty level when playing all human opponents as you can quite happily fight a sustained war as a Democracy and unhappiness is a minimal problem. It should really hurt but it doesn't at Noble.
      “Quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur”
      - Anon


      • #4
        Perhaps a better answer would be to play on noble and have your boyfriend teach you how to play better?

