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KAC Dyplo 3 - the greatest Civilization 4 game ever played

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  • KAC Dyplo 3 - the greatest Civilization 4 game ever played

    I want to present to you KAC Dyplo3 - a game which as far as I know is the greatest Civilization 4 game ever played. It was a game played by 32 players of KAC club It took 284 days during which 225 turns were made by 32 players. Game was played using Pit-Boss with turn timer set to 24 hours. Each player had to login once a day and execute his turn. During game many players were eliminated - only 14 players survived to the end. Game was ended by launching nukes on greatest cities of West - all players agreed that Bombel's Empire (Hatschepsut of Egypt) won that game.

    During game a Chronicle was written, players had possibility to sign official pacts / alliances and at the same time we have created a system for unofficial - secret pacts that were revealed after game was finished.

    Game was played using Sid Meier's Civilization 4: Beyond The Sword 3.13. Especially for this game a mod was created (to let 32 players to take part in game and add bigger map size and new resources) and a special map script. We worked on rules for many weeks to keep the game as fair as possible. See links at bottom to get full list of people who contributed.

    Game was set up on a server bought by our club, one of players provided a place and network connection. It was third game of that kind (fourth game was begun some time ago). It was really great fun - probably the best of all Civ4 disciples as game involved many players, it lasted for months and most of the fun is secret diplomacy (hence the name - Dyplo from Polish "dyplomacja" = eng. diplomacy).

    Some data:

    Game time frame: 4000 BC - 1575 AD
    Real time frame: 2008.02.12 - 2008.11.22 (9 months 10 days = 284 days)
    Turns played: 225 turns
    Official pacts: 4
    Secret pacts: 28
    Count of posts in secret pacts: 1.619
    Count of posts in official forum: 4.357
    Count of posts in total: 5.976

    Changes of boundaries:
    GIF version (very poor, youtube and AVI are much better):

    youtube version
    AVI version:

    Demography at the end of game:

    Credits (in alphabetical order):
    Anion (known as djanion at - creation of MOD Dyplo3 (see below)
    Beny - map script
    Domel - administrator of Dyplo 3 (huge work)
    LDeska - map script
    Martin - donated server, provided place for server and internet connection

    Battles summary:

    Some screenshots of final attacks:

    KAC Dyplo 3 forum
    Game Chronicle
    Official Pacts
    Secret Pacts (revealed after game was finished)
    Summary of all battles:
    Summary of demography at the end of game:
    Charts at the end of game:
    Biggest Cities (state as of 2008.06.22)
    Map Of The World (state as of 2008.06.21)
    World Wonders and Regligions (state as of 2008.06.21)
    Wars History (state as of 2008.06.24)

    Map script for KAC Dyplo 3 (LD_Donut):
    Mod for KAC Dyplo 3 (40civs_xres):








    Top 5 cities: - petition to add Poland as a playable civ in Sid Meier's Civilization - Polish club of Civilization players

  • #2
    WOW! Looks great, I'd rather use a more realistic map than that, but its still a great game and an awesome effort.

    It looks like the Polish diplogame group is more vibrant than Apolytons!
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • #3


      • #4
        Awesome game!
        Next diplogame of us should contain 32 civs as well, and perhaps we should accept civs being destroyed as well

        Maybe that'll create more fun for everyone.
        Backwards civ won't have to go through cruel turn-ending and advanced civs can... well... destroy civs
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • #5
          I say the next Poly Diplo should have 8-10 Players, 2-4 AI (to be freely destroyed), and leave some space (4 slots) for Colonies. Of course, we can use a mod to enable more than 18 civs, and double these numbers (but keep the same ratios).
          Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
          "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


          • #6
            Looks like it was a great game. And played in a reasonable time frame.

            Originally posted by CyberShy
            Awesome game!
            Next diplogame of us should contain 32 civs as well, and perhaps we should accept civs being destroyed as well

            Maybe that'll create more fun for everyone.
            Backwards civ won't have to go through cruel turn-ending and advanced civs can... well... destroy civs
            Cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war .... aw, forget that nonsense. Beer, please.


            • #7
              @The Capo - we used especially prepared map script to balance starting positions and to create strategically interestind situation. Two separated seas (internal and external), one huge continent - so no separated games until Astronomy...

              @Cybershy - why do you forbid killing civs? It makes wars very seldom. You need to cope with unhapiness from war wariness till the end of game... if I get attacked I never sign peace - the unhapiness is rising and rising in invader's cities and he gets what he deserved When civs gets destroyed, there is no more war, so war wariness decreases over time.

              It was really nice game. With big number of participant organization of such games gets tough. For now we managed to finish three such games (we play them consecutively, one after another). Currently KAC Dyplo 4 with 32 participants is under way:

              KAC Dyplo 1:
              KAC Dyplo 2:
              KAC Dyplo 3:
              KAC Dyplo 4:
     - petition to add Poland as a playable civ in Sid Meier's Civilization
     - Polish club of Civilization players


              • #8
                @Cybershy - why do you forbid killing civs? It makes wars very seldom. You need to cope with unhapiness from war wariness till the end of game... if I get attacked I never sign peace - the unhapiness is rising and rising in invader's cities and he gets what he deserved When civs gets destroyed, there is no more war, so war wariness decreases over time.

                Our games are focussed on story telling and role playing.
                We want all players to enjoy, not only the best ones.
                We have a voting system in which game-score is only 25%

                A civ that's not the best player (technically) can win our game because he can create very good stories and is very good at diplomacy.
                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                • #9
                  Wow that game looks awesome.

                  But as for eliminating people, the idea that you'd never sign peace with someone till they are eliminated is exactly the type of thing we are trying to avoid. It isn't realistic.
                  Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                  When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                  • #10
                    Nice post game review!

                    I'd love to get in another 32 player game.


                    • #11
                      very interesting...
                      a rough diplogame? maybe the aggressive trait might actually be valuable in such a game. consider me interested.
                      Last edited by LzPrst; December 21, 2008, 12:13.
                      Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                      • #12
                        I don't know how well a 32 player diplogame would work.

                        BTP is already proving that 18 is problematic.


                        • #13
                          cause the map is ridiculously unbalanced...?
                          Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Pinchak
                            I don't know how well a 32 player diplogame would work.

                            BTP is already proving that 18 is problematic.
                            What's the problem with our 18 players?
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by CyberShy View Post
                              What's the problem with our 18 players?
                              i for one lost interest a long time ago, and I know I'm not the only one....
                              and its not because of the amount of players, it's because of the dynamic, or rather lack of, which I suspect is largely because of the map situation. and this is endemic. some get better starts and that usually carries through most of the game unless the player is incompetent or his neighbours very clever. unfortunately, the case far too often is that one or a few players gain an advantage and keep it to the end of the game.
                              Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst

