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Civilization 4 Road to War Multiplayer ?

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  • Civilization 4 Road to War Multiplayer ?

    Hey dudes....pls help me...

    I'm a German guy and a big fan of Civilization 2 ....the world war 2 szenario.....

    Some years ago..i wished to play this Szenario against some mates in a multiplayer game.....but there was never a possibility to do that.

    Some days ago..i bought Civ 4 .....i discovered Road to War.....but im getting bored to play it in the single player mode....

    Please ....tell me if there is a possibility to play the World War 2 Szenario 1939 as a multiplayer Game....

    i can'T choose the " multiplayer " function at the moment.

    pls help me and i hope u can excuse my bad english.


  • #2
    Guten Tag.

    Not every scenario or mod is available for multiplayer. Sometimes this is due to deliberate design choices (as in the Charlemagne scenario), and sometimes this is due to simple mistakes on the part of the designer. I have never tried the Road to War scenarios, nor the Desert War scenario (which I believe was based on the WWII Africa campaigns), but if they give you the choice to choose which side you play as, then there may be a possibility to play them in multiplayer.

    If you do not wish to change any of the main game mechanics, you could try starting a normal game with the settings and Civs you want (Industrial start, Earth map, England, France, Germany etc) and then using the WorldBuilder tool to create your own scenarios. This tool should be found easily in the menu.

    Once you are happy with your scenario, you can save the game inside the WorldBuilder, and then load it up as a multiplayer map. Just follow Snoopy's instruction in the other Road to War thread you posted this request in.

    If none of these options are to your liking (or you lack the skill to design an effective scenario), you could always try asking nicely in the Civ4 Creation forum. Someone there will probably be able to either create a simple map for you, or point you in the direction of an existing one.

    Good luck, and Auf Wiedersein
    Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
    "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"

