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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Story Thread] Part 2 (September)

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  • Portugal is ready to release what we call back home at Korecom screenshots of Rome's letters.

    And let all interested nations decide if they have been tampered in anyway.

    We ask anyone interested to send us a letter. We will be more than happy to oblige.
    Last edited by Pitboss Portugal; September 11, 2008, 14:58.


    • have betrayed our trust.
      betrayed our trust

      And this is said by the country which is killing, raping and conquering Portugal cities while we speak? Buying outside help even to inflict more demages.

      We are sorry but a betrayer like yourself, has no grounds to blame its backstabbed victims.


      • No longer will you be the imperialist superpower that steals our land
        Tell us Rome, which nation that you have contact with has more lands than yourself?

        steals our land
        We had a border agreement for Outpost for which you said yes.

        I send you a letter knowing that the desert city was placed wrongly asking you what can i pay to make it right. (I still have the letter, and I will me more than happy to show it to the others.)

        You never answered us.


        • To:King of Portugal
          From: General Aelius, Dictator of Rome

          Your rushed replies reveal your desperate nature. Also you show vulgar disregard for proper form or any etiquette. Typical barbarian.

          Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal

          This is no laughing matter.

          Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal

          Hmm I have lied and lied, now that I have achieved much of my goals is time to switch to being honest. "World hear me I will be honest from now on, so i will be public with my dealings with Portugal"
          Yes lets talk about lies Portugal. Maybe we should start with how the Romans raped children in Outpost.

          Do not start a game of truth you can not win, I have a dozen instances of you bending and even braking the truth.

          Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal
          Your army may be larger and your technology more advanced, you are also much richer than Rome, but our objectives have been met. Do you understand what this means?

          Rome you are just too transparent, you can try as hard as you can to make yourself sound right – but your actions have showed the real you.

          Was it part of your objections to:

          *Kill my father Tir
          *Lie about converting, while building and moving legions to attack us.
          *Kill retreating citizens from Outpost
          *Cancelling your own deals several times just to advance your cause
          *Threaten to take our Holy City
          *Make as a vassal
          We do not know what you mean by objections? Do you perhaps mean objectives? Barbarians unfamiliar with the written word often make such mistakes.

          Now to your accusations:

          *We did not kill your father Tir, he apparently somehow in his incompetence manged to get himself killed after a traitor in Rome released him near Outpost. Perhaps you had something to do with his death.

          *We never lied about converting, the moment this war is over we shall convert to Judaism, don't play ignorant and blame us for sound strategy. Our people are superstitious and would think the gods against us if we fought brothers and sisters of the faith

          *Also we never canceled deals, we retracted offers, there is a difference

          *We do not consider armed soliders carrying bows and axes civilians Now you could argue they where, but they had promotions, this means they where trained soldiers.

          *Make as a vassal What does this mean? We threatened this in order to scare you enought to do what we wanted and believe me we are capable of doing so after a long war. But we don't consider this worth it.

          *You have two holy cities, the way we see it that is one more than your fair share. But again this was only a threat, we have no interest in carrying it out. The cost is too high.

          Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal

          Your actions have made us what we are now, we will never give our holy city up!
          Again you seems slightly deluded, can I recommend a physician? He reports that after preforming a certain procedure many delusional people are cured.

          I don't want your holy city, its too well defended. I'm trying to impart on your thick Gaulish skull that we are not going to attack you in your lands anymore and that any attack you make will be deflected. The war is regardless of either of our feelings over in all but formalities. Gods are barbarians impervious to reason?

          Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal

          We will simply be content to sit in our lands, and make no mistake Egypt has always been our land, your illegal settlement did not change this. Your predecessor admitted as much in private negotiations.

          Be content as long as you want in your lands.
          So you do not even attempt to hide the fact that the reason that we have started this war was reclaim the land you tried to steal? Well if you are this honest then I don't mind being called a liar by you!

          Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal

          The city of Outpost, or as it is now know Petovio was indeed yours, but looking at the map once can clearly see that its sole purpose was to extend influence on Rome and our eastern neighbor Russia. We could not accept this, we wanted to force you across the Mediterranean sea out of our subcontinent.

          Twisted Roman games, I am not surprised. You have proved this many times over and over.
          Wait? No protest that the city of Outpost was razed and its poor little children raped and the king Tir feed to the pigs? My, my you need to keep your story straight.

          Also we Romans like such twisted games, we call them geopolitics and security. Maybe you should try playing them sometimes.

          Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal

          Now... back to my point. We shall sit in our lands and easily repel any attack you try to mount on thosr flat grasslands. We are patient and due to me conscripting in my cities our population is low. Yours is much higher. I am sure they will grow restless sooner than my people.

          The only attacks have been Roman and the aggressor in this war. My forces are here to defend the target you are after Vrata!
          We are not going to attack Vrata.... untill we have catapults. But by then the war should be over... unless you don't want it to be over. Make no mistake if we are still at war in 20 or 30 turns I will take what I threatened.

          But if we make peace, well I keep what is mine, and you keep what is yours. What can be fairer than this?

          -Magister Populi, Praetor Maximus and Magister Peditum Aelius


          • Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal
            Portugal is ready to release what we call back home at Korecom screenshots of Rome's letters.

            About as much proof as your posts. And you still haven't denied editing the text in the posts.

            Do not tell me that edited "screen shots" have not been successfully used in the past to support lies.


            • Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal

              betrayed our trust

              And this is said by the country which is killing, raping and conquering Portugal cities while we speak? Buying outside help even to inflict more demages.

              We are sorry but a betrayer like yourself, has no grounds to blame its backstabbed victims.
              When exactly did we back stab you? Did we not demand the city of Outpost and Egypt? Did we not tell you turns ahead that the situation was escalating to war?

              Also we have only conquered one city. We have since stopped our advance.


              • Come and get it Roman, we are ready to die!

                You want us dead so finish it..


                • There will be no PEACE until you honor you Peace Deal!!!


                  • Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal

                    Tell us Rome, which nation that you have contact with has more lands than yourself?


                    Portugal by a large margin if we count the territory you stole fro me. But we have retaken that. Also at the wars start we had the exact same city number, just that all your cities where larger. If anyone thinks I am lying I can provide the holy screenshots, that are apparently irrefutable "proof".

                    We called you an imperialist superpower, because you are stronger than us and you tried to steal our lands. Gods is there a better definition I am not aware of? The only reason we are winning is because we got ourselves a foreign ally to kick you off our land.

                    Also we haven't encountered many countries and the ones we have are not much smaller than us.

                    Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal
                    Come and get it Roman, we are ready to die!

                    You want us dead so finish it..
                    We will not give you death, even if you seek it, escpecially if you seek it.

                    We wish you no harm other than to reclaim our land.
                    Madness is in your land, but we are sure it will subside before we have catapults.

                    And even if we do not, we have no problem waiting this out. We are prepared to wait for centuries if we must are you?

                    Originally posted by Pitboss Portugal
                    There will be no PEACE until you honor you Peace Deal!!!
                    I made offered that proposal in a moment of madness, we have since retracted it. If you had accepted it when I offered it in my moment of madness in live chat, then we would have honored it.

                    But I've since seen reason. It is unseemly for the victor to pay reparations.
                    Last edited by Pitboss Rome; September 12, 2008, 01:30.


                    • delete this post
                      Last edited by Pitboss Rome; September 12, 2008, 01:30.


                      • delete this post to reduce spam
                        Last edited by Pitboss Rome; September 12, 2008, 01:31.


                        • Here is what Portugal once offered in order to fix the desert city:

                          II As you may be aware the Warrior Bear Slayer has settled a rather border conflicting settlement in the Desert of Illusions. I can’t reason with him. He knows that he has infringed our border agreement. So looks like I am in debt towards you. So I would like to make this right! What payment would fix this issue? Things I can offer are a free tech (not an expensive one), some resources and gold.

                          Of course we did not get a reply from you that time too!


                          • Lies Lies and Lies again:

                            If you had accepted it when I offered it in my moment of madness in live chat, then we would have honored it.
                            This was never offered in a live chat. You send as a letter.


                            • And even if we do not, we have no problem waiting this out. We are prepared to wait for centuries if we must are you?


                              • Bae Hyeonyeong arrived in Pyongyang to formally hand over his Regency to Emperor Sejong, who had finally come of age. It was an important time in Korean history, and marked a successful change from military-rule to Imperial rule. The political situation in the southern region (Maya, Korea, and Greece) was growing more tense as negotiations saw no change. The Greeks didn't want to grant the canal zone that the Mayans requested, and the Koreans were attempting to come to a compromise. Bae knew that the Mayan canal proposal was a better one than Greece had offered or Korea had negotiated, but he realized that the canal itself was more important than the quality of land surrounding it. Either way he was soon to find out that Sejong didn't agree with him completely.

                                The two men sat in Wang Geon's old palace, in his private chambers. Maps were strewn over the desk, missives from foreign dignitaries littered tables around the room, and of course messages from officials like Hae Mosu and Lama Subo were also present. Sejong eyed the map of the northern land-bridge " the Greeks wish for their settlement to be here on this southern portion, and you have negotiated for a canal to be built here on the northern portion of the land bridge?"

                                "Yes Sejong" Bae said, he was still uneasy about handing over power, he feared Hae Mosu wielded too much influence over the young Emperor "This canal is imperative for our naval capabilities, and we already have ships in production."

                                "Yes, I can see how this would be important. The Greeks don't want the canal here?" he said, pointing to the southern plot, where the Greeks intend to build a city.

                                "No sir, they are insistant upon a Greek settlement at that location." Bae replied.

                                "Well, surely this is stalling the proposed military agreements with Greece, and a nation which is launching a foriegn war should jump at this opportunity." Sejong thought aloud "Did we give them assurance of safety along the border?"

                                "It is understood your Excellency, that was a prerequisite for this negotiation, that we would not threaten their borders." Bae said.

                                "Well surely we can come to some type of arrangement, we have been forced into a border deal that, as far as I can tell from this map, us wholly unfair, the Greek lands seem to be double that of Korea."

                                Bae did not like where Sejong was going with this "Yes sir, but it has been negotiated, and agreed upon by Wang Geon."

                                "I understand that my father made deals with these Greeks, but it was you who negotiated, not Wang Geon himself, and we didn't know the extent of Greek territories. Besides all of that we were still threatened by the Mayans, there were other considerations then." Sejong said "Allowing the Greeks this much leeway, especially as they sally forth to Piercia is laughable to me, what has Greece offered Korea?"

                                "Your Excellency, this was a mutual border agreement, it must be obliged." Bae explained.

                                Sejong stared at him for a moment, "Yes, I suppose you are correct. But surely Alexander would be willing to discuss this matter, the Greeks got away with riches and silver mines, the Koreans received a paltry plot of land, and this border is very close to Pyongyang, it is wholly unfair. Hae Mosu suggested we renegotiate this with them."

                                "Hae Mosu isn't exactly the best person to listen to your excellency, he doesn't understand the Greeks like I do." Bae said "The main point here is to maintain a status of peace, and give security. There is no way we can get this canal built by making idle threats to Greece!"

                                "I do not intend to threaten them Bae, I never said that" Sejong fired back "It is simply laughable that we make this border agreement, or more appropriately, YOU make this border agreement that leaves us empty-handed, meanwhile the Greeks get the silver mines, they get access to the inner-sea, and use these treasures to prosecute war in foreign lands. Besides all of that what is Korea's obligation to Greece if they were to go to war?"

                                "Well, we have made a tentative agreement to protect Greece's borders, if we get the canal zone that is."

                                "And you are assured they will grant the canal?" Sejong asked.

                                "I have already had private discussions with them, they made a counter-offer to the Mayan proposal and we replied with a counter-proposal ourselves, which they agreed with, it gives us a northern canal, with hills to mine and dye to trade, so the city and garrison have some income to work with."

                                "I see" Sejong thought "Well, if they denied the Mayan proposal, and then changed it to this land, which is honestly unmanageable. Look at it, its jungles, and there are no means of production there, it would require the city defense to be imported, and we don't have port cities on the inner sea. Perhaps we could make some other arrangement with them?"

                                "Well your excellency" Bae began "What did you have in mind?"


                                "Thebes sir?" Bae thought, he realized this Emperor would be difficult to work with "That may prove difficult, the Greeks may not want to turn over one of their cities."

                                "Well here is my line of thinking Bae" Sejong began "The Greeks did not allow us to scout their lands prior to your border negotiation, and they originally asked for more land, you managed to negotiate a little more for us, but hardly anything, the Greeks knew what they were doing, they had our territory plotted out. As far as I can tell, and this is something you should have considered, perhaps the Greeks were not as accomodating as you might think."

                                Bae was slightly insulted by this, but didn't say anything "Well your excellency, there were other considerations at that time-"

                                "Precisely, at THAT time." Sejong said "We should open new negotiations with Greece, now as it concerns my ascendancy."

                                "Of course Emperor" Bae began "I have produced a contract, handing over my control of affairs to you and your court, I have also tendered my resignation from public life." Bae handed Sejong the papers.

                                "Your resignation?" Sejong asked, this he did not expect.

                                "Sir, I have grown very old, I have outlived my family, I have nothing left in me." Bae said "I want to enjoy the rest of my final years, I wish to retire."

                                "Well, then surely we can offer you a wonderful residence, for all of your years of service to the people of Korea." Sejong offered.

                                "Well sir, I think I shall move to Greece, if you don't mind. No offense to Korea at all, I love it and it is my land, but it reminds me of my wife and its a constant reminder of the pain." Bae explained.

                                "You wish to resign, and then go to Greece?" Sejong said, he was a little angry.

                                "I made a promise long ago, and I must uphold it your excellency." Bae said.

                                "I see" Sejong said quietly "Well then, I must say I am surprised by this revelation, but if that is what you wish it shall be done."

                                Bae stood silent for a moment "There is one other thing my lord, it is about your father..."

                                Days Later, Aztec Territory...

                                General Han Gong surveyed his army and his officers. He rode his horse slowly up and down the line, this was his chance to rise up in the ranks. The Aztec city lay just accross the river, and the final brigades would arrive shortly from their march. When they arrived the attack would occur. The men were decked in their bronze armor, proudly holding up their flags and weapons for inspection. "Very good lads!" General Han Gong said proudly from atop his horse "We shall soon ford the river, we shall soon set up our camp, and then the invasion. Our Mayan allies have succeded in crushing them in the East, and now our mission awaits. When this city has fallen, and it will, we shall return heroically to Pyongyang and receive our honor!"

                                The army burst into applause.

                                "And of course, you may pillage anything your arms can carry, we will send this scum into oblivion!"

                                The army again burst into applause, but after finishing this line a messenger arrived from Pyongyang. "General Han Gong" the soldier said "A message from Emperor Sejong."

                                "Sejong?" Han Gong asked "What would he want?"

                                "Sir, he has ascended the throne, he is Emperor now!"

                                "What happened to Bae?" Han Gong asked.

                                "He has retired sir, at least that is the rumor."

                                "Retired?" Han Gong said to himself, as he opened the letter...

