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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread II]

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  • i have to get to class now but i'll try it out as soon as i get back. thanx for the explanation.


    • Welcome on board Carter!

      Few things:

      - Be aware that this is a diplogame
      Roughly that means:

      * create a story for your civ

      * one of the goals of the game is that everyone enjoys the game till the end: nobody will be destroyed or lose that many cities that there's no fun in the game for him anymore

      * Backup your actions with stories. Act like your civ is a 'real' civ, thus you must create a background for a war, an alliance.

      * We communicate through 'anonymous' mail accounts and apolyton accounts. Unfortunately mail is down right now, but I'll send you the details as soon as it's online again.

      * Play your turns, if you can't play a few turns, try to find a sub (ie. one of the other players, an allie, or someone from the other continent)

      * We vote once per month for 3 categories: Story telling, Diplomacy and Military Strategy.
      You can cast 3 votes per category. (best, 2nd best and 3rd best). In total thus 9 votes, ie:

      1. Zulu
      2. Canada
      3. Belgium

      1. Mexico
      2. Austsria
      3. Uganda

      Military Strategy
      1. Georgia
      2. Antartica
      3. Iraq

      It's up to you for whom you want to vote, don't let any "in game" reasons lead you. (ie. an allie) nor game mechanics (ie. he's leading, so let's not vote for him)

      Story telling is about story telling.
      Diplomacy is: who has achieved his goals best through diplomacy
      Military Strategy: who has achieved his goals best through military means (which can also include military pressure without actually engaging in a war)

      We send votes to: from the 1th of the month on, 2 weeks long.
      Civs that didn't vote before September 15th can't receive any votes for that month.

      There are detailed explanations about how this voting works.

      There are 2 important rules:
      - If you're in a war, don't move twice without your enemy moving in between or the new turn having passed for 33%.

      (ie. Not allowed: you move last, end your turn, the new turn starts, you move again so that you effectively moved twice while your enemy did not move at all.

      allowed: you move, end turn, wait till 33% of the turn is over (about 6,5 hours) and then you move again.

      Also allowed: you move, end turn, your enemy moves, you move.

      2nd important rule: you're not allowed to trade away more then 15 techs throughout the entire game!
      You have to report all tech trades in the tech-trade thread Like this: My civ has traded away 1 tech.
      You don't have to mention the civ you traded with or the techs you traded.

      You can also trade the right to trade techs.
      Ie: you can still trade away 9 techs, Player B can trade away 3 techs, then you can give 1 'voucher' to civ B. After that trade you can trade away 8 techs, Player B can trade away 4 techs.

      If you have any questions: post them here.
      Ignore the argumentating, it's only about 3 or 4 of us who are debating everything all the time
      I'm sure it'll settle soon.

      I'm not sure if Russia will/can come back, you have to figure it out with him. If he wants his civ back then you'll be the first to get a civ of your own as soon as one comes free.

      Thanks a lot and most welcome!
      Formerly known as "CyberShy"
      Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


      • Diplo mail works again.

        I've placed my server at my brother's house.
        I didn't start the pitboss server since that must be streamlined with MMC, otherwise we end up having 2 games running seperately.

        Since I'm home again I can't start the pitboss server now, and not in the coming days as well, most probably. Thus please, MMC, don't bring yours down yet

        If you experience any problems, please let me know
        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


        • I should be able to receive PM's again.


          • Carter2160 is blackdragon.

            Didn't think I would have to point this out, because I consider this a fairly intelligent group of people, and to me it was obvious the first time I saw Carter post.


            Carter2160 joined apolyton on the 28th.

            Carter didn't post anywhere else but in this organization thread. Now some may not see the problem with that, but personally it took me several months after joining before I even knew diplogames existed. It isn't exactly the first thing you notice given the link tree of this website.

            Blackdragon prides himself on being sneaky, but is terrible at it.

            Lets look at some writing style similarity...

            Notice the complete lack of capital letters in Carters posts.

            so i can get on and play at any time?
            i have no problem argueing it's just while reading this org thread i noticed you all take argueing to another level. its like your all brothers fighting over stupid things. to tell you the truth it reminds me of my own family. now i can sub for russia but i'm afraid this would be the first time i ever played in a pit boss game so alittle explanation would be great.
            i don' know who you are but i don' have double logins. i just registered and was reading what was going on on this site. so please keep me out of whatever fights you are having.
            Now take note of Blackdragon's lack of capitals.

            i'm not lying i didn't tell anyone anything. and that fact u keep accusing me is not cool. i have done nothing wrong and i haven't pmed anyone about anything.
            just remember just like in real life you can never trust anything you are told. if you do then you are just asking for trouble to happen.
            well we all know this now so what's the problem? if this island really does exsist and it has uranium then it will prove ur story. but until we A. find the island, and B. if it is found AND it has uranium then best of luck to who ever gets it. but like i said before i think this is just a big myth someone made up to f#ck with you or the person who told it to you.
            The consistent inability to spell is yet another notable similarity. The use of the word "cuz" for "because" and "thanx" for "thanks" should also be noted.


            i don't know if i could sub. if it means geting dragged into this huge fight your having then i'd rather not. i'd rather just sit back and read he stories which in my opinon some one needs to give he greeks an award or something cuz not only do that have great stories that have he coolest screan shots i have ever seem.
            looks to me like only a few of you go over bord. it will be interesting to see how long it takes before you kill eachother.
            thanx for the explanation.

            well thanx for letting us all know ahead of time.
            jezz it just looked like all japan wanted was to know if it was ok for him to tae a few cities. it seems to me he was trying to avoid any problem so take it easy capo. you got to remember that unlike the rest of us japan has to fight to get full advantage of his civs traits so ust let him. i'm sure he will give reasons for starting wars i just hope he doesn't come my way.
            please anyone with half a brain knows deity was korea he himself confermed it when he put it out that he wasn't going to play anymore and gave his password so please don't give me that bs about deity not being korea cuz you and me both know thats a lie.
            Investigate yourself if anyone has doubts. Right now he is laughing by the way that some of you fell for this.

            Well, personally I'm sick of his infantile games, deceptions, and lies, and I am not going to let him continue it here. If I had any idea how much trouble it was going to be I would have never invited him to play in this game.

            What is most disturbing to me is that now he has been given permission to access another players game.

            Cyber, I'm counting on you to do the right thing here or I'm going to request from DanQ that not only the Carter account be IP banned from this site, but also the Blackdragon account and his Pitboss account.
            Last edited by Pinchak; August 29, 2008, 17:07.


            • I'll ask the admins if it's indeed a DL, and if so to ban it. (that's what always happens with DL's)

              In the meantime I'll change Russia's password to prevent people messing up with it. I'll sub for Russia.

              blackdragon is your co-worker, isn't he?
              I hope that it's not that a personal fight between you guys moves to this game.

              I think it's not a shame that we fell for it. We just did no investigations. It's not a shame to trust people. It's not the first time that people signed up only to join a diplogame.

              But thanks for the heads up.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • Well damn, very interesting.


                • I must say that Blackdragon's game contributations were amazing. He really posted some great posts and stories.

                  Isn't it possible to settle the issue and continue the game?
                  Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                  Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                  • blackdragon is your co-worker, isn't he?
                    Was a co-worker. I no longer work there thank God.

                    I hope that it's not that a personal fight between you guys moves to this game.
                    No, the other way around actually. Although in retrospect I would have never considered him a "friend". We had plans to help each other in this game (call it a secret alliance if you want, but I would think it pretty obvious that if two people know each other in real life they would tend to work together ingame. The fact that me and blackdragon knew each other from work was no secret, and was publicly posted about in the first org thread).

                    Then I started to get the feeling that he wanted to see me fall in this game. I didn't want to believe it, because I would never do that to someone I knew from real life, but then I got hard evidence from several unrelated sources.

                    I am well aware of the motive in retrospect as well, although he should have realized he could never pull it off with someone like me.

                    What you have to realize about blackdragon the person is he has no honor. He sees lying and deception as a perfectly alright means to his selfish ends.

                    Now I was willing to let it drop, write him off as a true [removed] (as opposed to the kind I am, I am sure some people know EXACTLY what I am referring to), and continue with the game.

                    But then he pulled this Carter [thing].

                    @ blackdragon, personal friction aside, I think you are a valuable diplo player for your contributions to the story. I also think you are a [removed] for lying to me after knowing me in real life, but hey, your the one who has to live with yourself. Had you been smarter you might have made it work. Creating a double login and gaining access to another players civ however is over the line.

                    Yes there is alot of deception in diplogames, but you have to know there are limits.

                    I'll ask the admins if it's indeed a DL, and if so to ban it.
                    Check the IP against both the blackdragon account and the pitboss account.

                    edited by CS to remove some family-site unfriendly language
                    Last edited by Robert; August 29, 2008, 18:07.


                    • i asked mike to creat an apoly account. he was going to take over for me cuz i am leaving this game. hope u have a nice game cuz i'm done.

                      edited by CS b/c of the language
                      Last edited by Robert; August 29, 2008, 18:06.


                      • You can call me names all you want, but the bottom line is you brought this whole thing upon yourself.

                        And even when caught red handed, you still can't just admit you were wrong.

                        Asked Mike to create an apolyton account? His writing style is just like yours? What a coincidence. And why would "Mike" want to gain access to russia's civ if he was going to take over for you?

                        If you don't have the stones to admit you were wrong, then good riddens.


                        • So now we need two subs.
                          I'll take over Russia for now. Let's go look for someone to take blackdragon's civ.

                          I'll keep the civ a secret for now so that the new player can remain anonymous when he takes it over.

                          I'll let MMC know which player to kick from the game.
                          Maybe MMC can sub for that player till there's a sub.
                          Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                          Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                          • Ummm... wow. This has become a Blackdragon hatefest rather quickly...

                            The arguments that Pinchak used to say Carter is BlackDragon, actually only proved that Carter is of the modern generation (unable to type properly, or even at all unless using so called 'Txt-Speak'). BlackDragon appears to suffer from the same affliction.

                            Now the fact that BD has turned around and said something (I'm not entirely sure what) that appears to confim Pinchak's hypothesis, is neither here nor there.

                            Anywho... I was willing to defend BD until proof was found, but his last post seems to have put another nail in that coffin.

                            Oh well...

                            On another matter:
                            @Russia, If you want help with Linux, contact me somehow (MSN is best - pm me for an address, or ask around). Or you can try, or

                            @Cyber: I'll keep the game up until you move. It'll save you running around whenever there's a problem.
                            Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
                            "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


                            • look you [removed] i was going to quiet and cyber told me to wait and think about it. so i told mike to hold on. why he decided to sub for russia i don't know. and your [removed] a bout similar writing. just because not everyone in the world is as smart or as good a writer as you think you are.
                              Last edited by Robert; August 29, 2008, 18:22.


                              • Admins are aware of the DL thing, they confirmed it. Both account most probably are going to be banned.

                                I've changed the passwords of both his apolyton account and gmail account. I've provided MMC with the correct Civname so that he can change that password as well.

                                I'll say it again: I liked his story contributions.
                                I think it's a pitty that it had to go like this
                                I really liked BlackDragon's in-game contributions, he was a great player.

                                As for the editing: apolyton is a family-site, that means that both language and pictures must be clean.
                                That excludes pictures of drawed naked women (story thread) and swearwords, even covered up with $ or @.
                                That's not my or Ozzy's point of view but the general admins point of view.

                                If Ozzy or me remove things that violete the rules of apolyton then we do that as Moderators, not as game-rulers or something. Just wanted to make that clear. I hope you guys understand.
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

