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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [Organization Thread II]

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  • Originally posted by OzzyKP
    The Silent Majority:

    The Capo (with some qualifiers)
    Pitboss Rome
    Pitboss Japan
    Pitboss Celts

    Ok, that's half of us. Everyone stop the *****ing. It is really ruining the enjoyment of this game for the rest of us.
    ok so when i say the lack of story is ruining my game it is just me whinging and spamming the threads. seems diplo is not what it once was. it was always encvouraged to post to converse and to build a social community.

    now we are more into attacking people who are having fun and conversing.

    If every one posted some stories about what is happening instead of holding all their cards to their chest perhpas it would be quieter in the other threads.


    • oh RNG is the RANDOM NUMBEr GENERATOR...

      jsut for info...


      • Sorry to do this in the organization thread, and if you guys delete it I'll understand but I wanted to say a couple of things, one is almost asanine but true;

        There are more MP players then diplo players.
        Barely, well if you exclude the PBEM guys who have their own sub-forum.

        But in all seriousness; I think part of the reason there are more complaints about the "chit chat" in this game is that there are (a) double the players of a usual diplogame, and (b) more votes/voting because of that, plus its pitboss, so there is a lot more material in the organization thread. When you add more players it creates more discussion/spam (whatever you want to call it), and people think its over the top, especially when there is stuff posted daily. I am guilty of this too, and I am not trying to blame anyone (in fact some people may consider me to be spamming as we speak), but it is out of hand and it should relax a bit. Or at least be kept in the OOC thread.
        "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

        One Love.


        • I must say, my luck has been the complete opposite of HRE. I've only lost one unit to animals, and only one unit to barbs. I think the animals have just given up by now, and the barb was an axe in Ozzy's territory (my scout was just saying hello at the time... bad timing). I have yet to see a barb on my island, and I haven't even been particularly careful about keeping the tiles visible.

          However, I fully support HRE's decision to post about the poor luck, especially if getting it off his chest is enough to bring him back into the game. What I object to is the 24/7 *****ing about things, and more specifically blaming other people for no reason.

          In other words;
          • HRE explained his problem, *****ed about it, didn't blame anyone except fate (and the RNG), and seems happy to just get on with life and the game. That is good.
          • On the other hand, several players (naming no names) seem to like *****ing about every little thing that displeases them, and blaming anyone who disagrees, or asks them to stop. That is not good.

          I admit the second point may be a little exaggerated, but it's the attitude that some players seem to have. Capo has hit the problem on the nose with his last post, and I fully agree that some of the banter is too be expected, and to a certain degree, tolerated.

          On a different note, HRE, can you please contact me whichever way is easiest for you (email, CivStats, IM, IRC, PM, etc). In fact, it would be nice to have a 3-way chat with Ozzy, if possible (Polychat IRC would probably be best, but IM is also possible).
          Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
          "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"


          • if ypu would prefer i leave jsut say so..

            i had enough of the accusations now..


            • no one is saying anything about you so slow your role.


              • and for interst i am content for al lrules to remain as is...

                but perhaps as per the other thread some enforcements of non playing by rules is needed to be looked at.

                Lets not change any rules. They were agreed at start whether by majpority of by silence, but were set.

                so lets move on and jsut deal with whether penalties are needed for non abiding by rules.


                • I concur with the wise Vikings reasonings.


                  • occasionaly i do have these....


                    • I would like to think they aren't NEEDED, and I doubt they truly are. But that is assuming nobody will break them, and there is no telling what people may be driven to do for the sake of power/tactics. But since we are all honorable people, and agree that nobody will break the rules there should be no objections to penalties, even if they appear to be harsh. They are intentionally harsh, by the way, to ensure nobody does it.

                      So I implore Cybershy to include a vote on the penalties described in the turn-timer thread in the next round of ballots.


                      • Originally posted by Pitboss H Roman
                        The HRE apologizes for not posting lately - but to be honest - this game has me totally discouraged. It has nothing to do with what anyone has said or done, but the damn RNG.

                        I was hampered early in this game losing two scouts to animals which had roughly a 10% chance of success. In both cases they won. And neither scout made it very far from the capitol.

                        Then I directed all my reseach in a religious direction (being what my civ is all about) only to end up finishing one religious tech as the same time as another civ - and you know who you are - and my understanding that it is random as to who gets the religion. I did not. Which then meant another long slog to get the religion.

                        And most recently - I had just finished a settler. He was moving to a new city site guarded by a unit. Monday night I missed playing one turn in weeks, courtesy of an old friend on a cross-country cycling trip dropping in un-announced, and then the connection going out later that night due to a doozy of an electrical storm. When I logged in the next day, lo and behold a barbarian warrior appeared on the turn before, and moved and attacked my warrior on the turn I missed. Its odds were not good for victory (30% or so), but guess what, it won. Settler gone.

                        Sigh. I'll get over it. Thanks for listening.
                        Rome would be happy to help out our namesake once we make contact.


                        • So, if I declare war and attack another civ at any point in the current turn and I then wait 1/3rd of the next turn (6 hours and 40 mins) I can then do my next move regardless of what the other civ has done.

                          No one will complain?

                          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                          icq: 8388924


                          • indeed.
                            Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                            Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                            • Originally posted by deity
                              So, if I declare war and attack another civ at any point in the current turn and I then wait 1/3rd of the next turn (6 hours and 40 mins) I can then do my next move regardless of what the other civ has done.

                              No one will complain?

                              thosse damn portugese !!!!


                              • Apparantly the game is down
                                Right now I can't reach my entire internet server at all.

                                Since I'm at work and my wife is in our new house (server is still at our old house) there's nothing I can do about it right now.

                                I'll see what I can do but it may take 8 or 9 hours from this post on.

                                I'm sorry.
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

