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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [OOC Chat Thread]

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  • ================================================== ========================

    Date/Time Sent: 07-08-2008, 02:51
    From: Pitboss Japan
    To: Pitboss Vikings
    Subject: RE: RE: RE: land land land

    I’m sorry but I can not give you any map info. you are not the only civ I
    have a secret alliance with and showing you my map would break the terms of
    at least 3 different alliances that Japan is current part of.
    ================================================== ========================


    • ================================================== ========================

      Date/Time Sent: 07-08-2008, 10:13
      From: Pitboss Japan
      To: Pitboss Vikings
      Subject: RE: RE: RE: RE: RE: land land land

      to be honest if you were to start a war with one of my other allies i would
      stay out of it.the only way i would choose side is if one of the offers
      something. and by the way if you found the greeks korea and maya are
      ferther inland.

      you can alter maps to hide things with any iamge software i have doen that
      to hide your map position in earlier posts.

      Seeing the greeks are to your south east and no one else is on the coast to
      your east , i owndering who you could have met.

      The whole purpose of an allianve is to be honest with one another.

      If you are allied to someone secretly that i attack which side wil lyou

      I am concerned that you hiding a lot from me.

      I’m sorry but I can not give you any map info. you are not the only civ I
      have a secret alliance with and showing you my map would break the terms of
      at least 3 different alliances that Japan is current part of.
      ================================================== ========================


      • this post was what finally led me to know this guy knew the map well.. to owell for someone with two cities on an island and a boat sailing the coast... oh well this is aobut the deals not the lies.

        ================================================== ========================

        Date/Time Sent: 07-08-2008, 10:44
        From: Pitboss Japan
        To: Pitboss Vikings
        Subject: RE: Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: land land land

        just wait till you see it allthen you'll realize just as i have how
        importaint that land bridge next to me is.

        i already guess there locations base on their posts i could almost plot all
        of them now.


        • ================================================== ========================

          Date/Time Sent: 07-08-2008, 14:12
          From: Pitboss Japan
          To: Pitboss Vikings
          Subject: RE: land land land

          you seem like someone i can trust so i will share with you something.
          somewhere on the map is an island shaped like a skull. right now it doen't
          look like much but one of us needs to take it and keep it. noone can know
          of this. i know forsure that pinhead knows were it is but i don't know
          which civ pinhead is. and i know CS has seen it but what he doesn't realize
          i that skull island will be the only sorce of uranium on the map. we must
          controll this no matter the cost.


          • ================================================== ========================

            Date/Time Sent: 07-08-2008, 14:55
            From: Pitboss Japan
            To: Pitboss Vikings
            Subject: RE: RE: RE: land land land

            i was told by blackdragon. he was there while pinhead was making the map.
            i'm not sure what civ he is either but we need to get to it first. and a
            gally won't help yet. we need to b-line to astonomy before anyone else.
            it's the only way to insure the island is ours.

            how did you find this out ? and very silly to have only one source of
            uranium in the world.

            I will continue exploring with my boat and my galleys will load a settler
            and a warrior in case i find it.


            • ================================================== ========================

              Date/Time Sent: 14-08-2008, 12:34
              From: Pitboss Japan
              To: Pitboss Vikings
              Subject: RE: hmmmm

              i only got 1 out of game friend playing in this game and just for your info
              they will burn by the time this game is over. like i said before i have
              seen the borders of almost all the civs. from last count i only need 5 more
              to have seen were everyone is. i don't make deals with those who are good
              players or on the top score wise i make deals with those i can trust not to
              betray me like yourself and a few others. i don't think the midd range civs
              will start a war unless there is something in it for them. once i'm ready,
              aka my pyramid is done, i will be going to war but against one of the
              larger civ and once i do feel free to join or have others join cuz i'm
              going to enjoy burning sparta to the ground then maybe what ever city hold
              the great wall will be next that should drop them down alot. one by one i
              will bring order to the world but i will not betray those loyal to me.
              ================================================== ========================


              • ================================================== ========================

                Date/Time Sent: 22-08-2008, 08:57
                From: Pitboss Japan
                To: Pitboss Vikings
                Subject: RE: : the mission

                in 30 turns when i'm ready i will have the alphabet and enough troops to
                take out portugal myself. it will take longer to get into postion with both
                land and sea troops. i'm not exagerating when i say this will take alot of
                preperation but the sooner we organize the better.


                • after all those lies was finally glad to meet a new leader.

                  ================================================== ========================

                  Date/Time Sent: 09-09-2008, 13:44
                  From: Pitboss Japan
                  To: Pitboss Vikings
                  Subject: RE: Contact

                  To: Oldonians

                  It is a pleasure to meet you. I have heard a great deal of you. I can send
                  a settler for I am building two settlers currently. The only problem we
                  have is we have no metals nor do we have any units to protect the city. If
                  you could lend us some troops till we are able to protect ourselves we will
                  gladly help you. I do not know how close you were to the former imposter
                  Emperor but we hope our relations are much better.

                  True Emperor of Japan: Emperor Jimmu

                  Hi there

                  Had many dealings with previous leader, hopefully this time we can make
                  some deals and make them stick

                  To your east jsut of the coast is the Land Bridge linking myself to the
                  lands of Greece and the Mayans koreans.,

                  The agreeement with previous leader was for the japanese to land on this
                  peninsual and settle at a point that would form a canal from one side to
                  the other.

                  This is urgent now as the koreans are hoping to do the same themselcves.

                  if you agree , then please get a settler there as soon as possible, i will
                  sendf sone units down to fight off the barbs.

                  ================================================== ========================


                  • ================================================== ========================

                    Date/Time Sent: 09-09-2008, 14:34
                    From: Pitboss Japan
                    To: Pitboss Vikings
                    Subject: Re: RE: Contact

                    To: Oldonians
                    From: Emperor Jimmu

                    We know of the iron to the north, our only problem is we have no troops
                    strong enough to defeat the barbarians guarding it. I have spoken to my
                    advisors and they say that not only would we be able to trade resources
                    right now but we can also open borders with each other. I have send you an
                    embassador to discuss a deal that would benefit our peoples and provide
                    long lasting peace between our peoples. If you do not wish to trade with us
                    or open border we understand and will not be offended.

                    Emperor Jimmu

                    Pitboss Vikings wrote on 09-09-2008 03:58:
                    to Jimmnu the Emporer

                    We are to your immediate north on the mainland. We have agreement in place for you to settle all the islands you choose to settle plus there is land
                    set aside for you on mainland too.

                    I will be securing my second deposit of iron and copper soon in new city
                    limits but will take time to build mines and roads to connect. once done
                    will glady share with you, I was informed by previosu emporer he had copper and iron. I know from my passing ships that you have iron source in your northern island area. perhaps send one settler there and the other to East.

                    I will board my galley with some trooops and rush them there too.

                    Just conencted horses too so can build chariots too, researching horse
                    riding to get mounted archers.

                    together wwe can prtoect ourselves from tohers.


                    • ================================================== ========================

                      Date/Time Sent: 10-09-2008, 07:56
                      From: Pitboss Japan
                      To: Pitboss Vikings
                      Subject: RE: Trading

                      My settler will be done in two turns followed by how ever many turns it
                      takes to get to the right spot. I do not see the rush in getting to the
                      land bridge nor do I see why it is so important but never the less I will
                      honor the deals set forth in the past. I do fear though that because of the
                      former leader my settling on that bridge might cause a war that I can not

                      We are definatly open to bnegin ning trading.

                      Open borders will be useful. Will have my ship pick up some troops and land
                      them on the land bridge if you can get a settler there.

                      We need to beat the Mayans and Greeks to it.

                      Once i have access to my map maker (at home) i will send you a map showing
                      where to build the city.

                      In meantime once open borders wil lalso get some troops to help destroy
                      babrbs to oyur north.

                      I think this is the beginning os something thatsohuld hav ebeen going since

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                      • ================================================== ========================

                        Date/Time Sent: 16-09-2008, 22:50
                        From: Pitboss Japan
                        To: Pitboss Vikings
                        Subject: Re: RE: RE: RE: RE: Trading

                        There was a deal between Japan and Greece but while

                        I was gone things changed. I was told I could build as

                        long as I got to the bridge first but some how both the

                        Koreans and the Mayans found out about this. They

                        both started pushing the issue with Greece and gave

                        then no choice but to hold the bridge and attack anyone

                        who comes by. He was kind enough to inform me and

                        currently I am in negotiations to settle this dispute

                        peacefully. Currently they are offering me Iron free as a

                        gift, they have given me the rights to the Island west of

                        their cost line, they offer to let be build north of the

                        bridge as long as it is 5 spaces away from the bridge,

                        they will allow me to use the bridge free of charge, and

                        have offered their protection. They told me if I ignore

                        them and build anyways not only will they attack but so

                        will the Mayans and Koreans. I think it best for my

                        people to accept his offer since they have been willing

                        to do so much for practically nothing.
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                        • ================================================== ========================

                          Date/Time Sent: 22-09-2008, 23:45
                          From: Pitboss Japan
                          To: Pitboss Vikings
                          Subject: Greetings

                          To our Oldonaian friends,

                          We have spotted a barbarian city between you and

                          the natives. We ask if you may take this city and allow

                          Japan to make it our own. As you know Japan currently

                          does not have the resources to build units strong

                          enough to take this city so we ask you if you may do

                          this for us. If you cannot we understand and ask that

                          you leave that city alone until we are able to take it.

                          Suizei Emperor of Japan

                          ================================================== ========================


                          • You seem to be missing a few like the ones about the fake war you and the other Japan player had.


                            • While I am sure some people appreciate this, and some people (myself included) are certainly considering these things for future diplomatic dealings. This was certainly in bad form Ras, you really should not have done this and I can't imagine anyone speaking with you privately about anything now. Korea certainly WILL NOT.

                              That's right, Korea will NEVER deal with Oldonia in private EVER. I can't believe you did this.


                              • Originally posted by Pitboss Japan
                                You seem to be missing a few like the ones about the fake war you and the other Japan player had.
                                Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                                Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori

