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Beyond the Pit [Pitboss Diplomacy Game] [OOC Chat Thread]

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  • Originally posted by Pitboss Vikings
    well first wave is over ... 50-50 win... second wave coming in this turn will report of results soon, i sure hope i surevive as game is getting more interesting with the Japsn and piercienss going to war !!!
    Oh and BTW, if Japan really wants a war, i want a story that explains why !

    (and if possible something smarten than "they have soldiers, let's fight them !")


    • i really want to meet your women but if you want to fight i'll give you a reason.


      • i canthink of many stories why Pierced ones are a target for japan..

        Should i give them to the japanese...

        nahhh better ne nice....


        • i already have a reson to start a war with everyone


          • well i better finsih this damn pyramids soon, only 4 turnsd to go


            • Do you ? I only have a reason to go to war with one single civ, okay, maybe two.

              But the question that really matters is : are you planning on going to war againsts everyone ?

              Well, if you want to meet Piercian women, know that there is already something prepared for you. As soon as we meet, i can write stories that should please you. However, if we don't meet today or tomorrow, you'll have to wait two weeks.

              And just for the matter of clarification. I do not wish to fight you because i don't like your civ. Quite the contrary in fact, I would agree to fight you because that is what your civ values. Battle and honor are two shared notions of our two civs, so fighting seems to be the best thing to bring them together.

              I have to admit that i can't find a historical example where two civs became allies by starting fighting against each other. There are situations close to that, but no alliances formed because of the fighting, only to avoid future fighting.


              • to answer your question only three civs have pissed me off enough to go to war against them and your not one of them. but if you really want to fight then i'll be happy to take a few of your cities.


                • [SIZE=1]

                  I have to admit that i can't find a historical example where two civs became allies by starting fighting against each other. There are situations close to that, but no alliances formed because of the fighting, only to avoid future fighting.
                  USa and ENGLAND

                  They begun as hating each other, become the greatest allies of all time.


                  • Originally posted by Pitboss Japan
                    to answer your question only three civs have pissed me off enough to go to war against them and your not one of them. but if you really want to fight then i'll be happy to take a few of your cities.
                    Well you did land on my shores uninvited.. but i guess now you figihting a mutual enemy i may forgive you.


                    • well fighting you was a compleat fluke and besides you declared war on me.


                      • justifiably too... you keep to the islands...

                        My galleys found a nice isaland for you too....


                        • well if you really want me to move my forces back to my island and leave you to the mercy of the barbs then i won't fight what you want.


                          • Originally posted by Pitboss Vikings

                            USa and ENGLAND

                            They begun as hating each other, become the greatest allies of all time.
                            Sure, but they are not friends because they fought each other. I was thinking about japanese and piercians becoming friends because of the respect the fighting one against another inspired them. Kinda "Wow, you really know how to beat the sh*it out of someone, i like that".


                            • yeah notsure if anyone would evedr feel that way pierced ones.


                              • Originally posted by Pitboss Persia

                                Sure, but they are not friends because they fought each other. I was thinking about japanese and piercians becoming friends because of the respect the fighting one against another inspired them. Kinda "Wow, you really know how to beat the sh*it out of someone, i like that".
                                We could always do something like the Olympics were we wouldn't go to war but we could compete in friendly competition.

                                And by the way England and US are friends but not case we kicked their ass in the revolutionary war. It was because we bailed them out during each of the world wars. To put it in other terms, if the US and England were in prison England would be the US’s *****.

