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CivPlayers league 2008 Nations Cup

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  • CivPlayers league 2008 Nations Cup

    I am pleased to announce the CivPlayers Nations Cup. This will be a competition that will go on throughout the year, and at the end of the year, the nation that has earned the most points will be declared the champion for that year. With luck, I will find a sponsor for some sort of trophy, preferably a cup. (update, $40 has already been pledged towards this trophy)

    Players that wish to participate in the CivPlayers Nations Cup will need to register on the CivPlayers league ( ) then again on the nations cup thread ( ) and then for the specific event they wish to compete in. I will need the players screen name and the country of their current residence. I will designate the teams, to prevent the chaos of the previous Nations Cup. If you do not wish to play for the team I designate for you, you do not have to, but you won’t be eligible to play for any other Nations Cup team.

    For simplicity sake, I am staying away from using a player’s nation of birth. You play for the country in which you live, or you do not play. Players found to be misrepresenting where they live will be disqualified from all future CivPlayers Nations Cup competitions. Players that move during the year may notify me of their new nation, and they may be moved, by me, to the team of a different nation the following year.

    I have taken a close look at the schedule for the CCC events for the upcoming year, and have chosen three weekends where I will recruit my TDs to run multiple CivPlayers Nations Cup events. I am also hoping to run additional Nations Cup events on various weekends between CCCs. The scheduled weekends for CivPlayers Nations Cup events are…

    May 16-18
    Sept 19-21
    Dec 12-14

    I do not want to try to run anywhere near as many events as a CCC weekend. I am thinking about 2 events on Friday, and three on Saturday and Sunday. This should prevent to much overlap of events, and allow smaller nations to participate in as many events as possible.

    Event start times (All time Eastern Standard Time)
    Event #1 Friday 4pm
    Event #2 Friday 6pm
    Event #3 Saturday 10am
    Event #4 Saturday 2pm
    Event #5 Saturday 6pm
    Event #6 Sunday 8am
    Event #7 Sunday 12pm
    Event #8 Sunday 4pm

    Unscheduled Nations Cup events will be run at the discretion of the TD staff. Any events run after Dec. 14th would only be run in case of the need for a tiebreaker. Nations Cup events will be scored like CCC events, except the points accumulate over the year. At the beginning of each year, the points reset to zero.

    Event #1 of the nations cup is on Sunday, March 30th at 9AM EST.

    This event will be a CTON. That means a game with the “always war” condition checked. Because this is a Nations Cup event, Nations with more than one player will have a qualifying round. Nations with two participants will have a 1v1 CTON, Nations with three participants will have a 1v1v1 CTON, and so on. The basic rules will be a clone of the CTON from CCC LVI.

    The qualifying round will be held on Sunday March 30th, 2008 at 9am EST. The main tournament will start as soon as all the qualifying heats have been completed. (approximately 11am-12pm EST)

    Points for nations cup events are scored as per the CCC except that they accumulate throughout the year. The Nation with the most points at the end of the year wins the tournament. Nations cup tournament directors should be considered game referees and should be accorded the respect due to a game official.

    Civ selection is random. Seeding is random. Difficulty level is Noble. There will be no substitutions allowed. All espionage, both passive and active is allowed. Cristo Rendentor is banned for use to change civics in conjunction with spy missions.

    Settings Tab:
    Map: Inland Sea
    Size: varies depending on number of players. 2 players = duel, 3-4 players = tiny, 5-6 players = small, 7-8 players = standard.
    Climate: Temperate
    Sea Level: Medium
    Era: Ancient
    Speed: Quick
    World Wrap: Flat
    Resources: Balanced

    Options Tab (all options are unchecked except for the following):
    No city flipping from culture
    No barbarians
    Unrestricted leaders
    No tech trading
    Always war
    No vassal states
    No tribal villages
    No random events

    Victory Conditions Tab:
    All victory conditions are enabled.

    Multi-Player Tab (all options are unchecked except for the following):
    Simultaneous turns
    Turn timer = Blazing
    Game Turn Limit:
    Qualifying round = 120
    First round = 120
    Second round = 130
    City elimination = 2
    Last edited by Levi_the_Oracle; March 27, 2008, 12:40.