This is a thread about a Final Frontier diplo game. The first Civ4 mod diplo game ever!
Final frontiers as you probably know is a very extensive mod that came with BtS. It changes Civ4 into a realy good space strategy game, while preserving the Civ feel. Unfortunatley the AI didn't quite understand the changes.
Most games start their lives as time slots, HOTU I will be different, It will start its life as a idea. So don�t worry about time, just sign up if you want to play in a Final Frontier diplo game with a Ozzy-like score system.
Once we enough players signed up, we will vote on a proper time slot, some won�t be able to make it, if it�s a narrow majority over another time slot, the others can start HOTU2 or even HOTU3 if it�s a three way split. The remainder can then vote on the specifics and try to recruit one or two extra players. When will it start? Do they want balanced random or premade? Do they play with the 3.13 patch version or the intermediate patch the mod creator published? Ect.
More info soon to follow
Useful links:
A Final Frontier Walkthrough
post-3.13 Final Frontier patch (before instaling this you have to patch Civ BtS to 3.13)
Rules: (only three so far)
1. We play with the Final Frontier mod
2. A Ozzy-like Score system
3. No tech brokering
Players that have signed up:
1. Heraclitus
2. Pinchak
That is 2/8 so far.
There is now a pitboss version of this game. There is still room in it for a few extra players.
Pitboss version of HOTU
Final frontiers as you probably know is a very extensive mod that came with BtS. It changes Civ4 into a realy good space strategy game, while preserving the Civ feel. Unfortunatley the AI didn't quite understand the changes.
Most games start their lives as time slots, HOTU I will be different, It will start its life as a idea. So don�t worry about time, just sign up if you want to play in a Final Frontier diplo game with a Ozzy-like score system.
Once we enough players signed up, we will vote on a proper time slot, some won�t be able to make it, if it�s a narrow majority over another time slot, the others can start HOTU2 or even HOTU3 if it�s a three way split. The remainder can then vote on the specifics and try to recruit one or two extra players. When will it start? Do they want balanced random or premade? Do they play with the 3.13 patch version or the intermediate patch the mod creator published? Ect.
More info soon to follow
Useful links:
A Final Frontier Walkthrough
post-3.13 Final Frontier patch (before instaling this you have to patch Civ BtS to 3.13)
Rules: (only three so far)
1. We play with the Final Frontier mod
2. A Ozzy-like Score system
3. No tech brokering
Players that have signed up:
1. Heraclitus
2. Pinchak
That is 2/8 so far.
There is now a pitboss version of this game. There is still room in it for a few extra players.
Pitboss version of HOTU