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Diplogame HOTW XII Ragnarok - Story Thread

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  • TO: All
    FROM: King Henry the IV.

    Please check your embasies for any letters from France. We have recently been very active in our corespondances.

    King Henry the IV. of France
    'Impossible' n'est pas français.


    • TO: France
      FROM: Machu

      Inca would like to ask France to explain why it aided with troops the Carpathians, while preaching for peace in the west and claiming to want to help all nations there. We feel this was an unjust act by your nation. Arming with troops one side is counter productive of the so called Marshal Plan which you had devised to assist those western nations.


      • [SIZE=1] Originally posted by Diplo Inca

        TO: France
        FROM: Machu

        Inca would like to ask France to explain why it aided with troops the Carpathians, while preaching for peace in the west and claiming to want to help all nations there. We feel this was an unjust act by your nation. Arming with troops one side is counter productive of the so called Marshal Plan which you had devised to assist those western nations.

        TO: All
        FROM: King Henry the IV.

        Perhaps if you had been more attentive to your history lessons, you would now this young man. My grandfather’s proposed “Marshall” plan was not supported by other eastern nations including your own state, the western states also did not reach a consensus. When it became clear that war was inevitable our kind tried to use desperate measures to avoid the war.

        Unfortunately he died in less than glorious circumstances. The Baron Vladmimir Harkonen held power in our country from then onwards. The scoundrel apart from committing numerous crimes and being extraordinary cruel was apparently also clever in covering his tracks. In fact so much so that few incriminating state records remained, I had to circumvent standard legal proceedings to convict and execute him. As you may know he was my regent for a several years before the execution.

        If doubt France sold much arms, and if it did, it probably provided less aid in war materials than other nations. The Baron as vile as he was, was primarily interested in profit. Other countries had not worked hard to prevent the war, and participated in it by supporting one side. France tried to avoid the war and even under a criminal regime tried to make the best out of a bad situation. Once ordered was restored, France gave generous aid in the form of colonial rights, regular payments (in fact we have recently committed to doubling our financial aid, despite the fact we are the poorest of the donor states), ships and other materials.

        I ask what excursuses do states that picked sides, that did not try to mediate peace and that did not endure regime change have?

        If anything we have the moral high ground here, a most repugnant thought considering who held power in my beloved country at the time. In any case this is ancient history, it is as inappropriate that you drag this up as it would be for me to point out that you engaged in similar policies, some might argue on a larger scale, prior to your isolationist stance triggered by your unsucesfull unprovoked attack and subsequent defeat at the hands of a minor power.

        I believe it is written in the Incan good book: ”Let he cast the first stone who is without sin.” and ”Judge not, that ye be not judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.".

        - King Henry the IV. of France
        'Impossible' n'est pas français.


        • Originally posted by Diplo France
          TO: All
          FROM: King Henry the IV.

          Please check your embasies for any letters from France. We have recently been very active in our corespondances.

          King Henry the IV. of France
          What is the URL for the e-mail again? It was saved in my browser history, but I just upgraded Firefox and now I can't find it...
          Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

          When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


          • The Great Compromise

            The epic Battle of New York went well for the Americans. Tens of thousands of Carpathian invaders littered the streets and alleyways of New York, their blood washing down to the river and their foul stench contaminating the entire city. Vigo the Unmercyful ordered two waves of attacks on the city, and both were rebuffed – with untold levels of carnage seen on both sides, but especially for the Carpathians. Boys as young as 10 were seen on the front lines assaulting American positions.

            Americans knew the streets, and led detachments of Carpathian troops into ambush after ambush in the narrow city streets and alleyways. The sniper fire from windows and rooftops decimated the Carpathian troops. Catapults rained death upon the defenders, and much of the city was in ruins. General McClellan stood firm however, and the Carpathian force continued to deplete.

            In the midst of this epic battle, the American commander, and now world renowned prophet of Islam, Thomas Jefferson, died in Oradea. The Electoral College met hastily in Washington, and appointed James Madison as the next Commander-in-Chief of America.

            Madison was well aware of the epic bloodshed in New York, and the incredible stand General McClellan made against Vigo. It was widely assumed that Carpathia never wished to seriously negotiate earlier because they always presumed they could take back their lost cities through force. For them, the first war never really ended.

            He met with Secretary of State, Henry Clay, and they decided now was the perfect time to begin a diplomatic offensive. Carpathia was weakened, and with the near total destruction of their army they may, for the first time, be seriously considering negotiating fairly. Jackson, of course, pressed them both to capitalize on Carpathia’s defeat and take more territory as punishment. But Madison was fearful of a Mongolian invasion. He was also fearful of world opinion that increasingly saw America at fault for the war – even though Carpathia started both wars.

            America doesn’t start wars. America finishes them.

            Madison sent Henry Clay on a tour of the major players in international diplomacy. He met with officials from Holland, France, the Inca, and others. Evidence was presented as to the true objective of Carpathian’s invasion. International powers were aghast at the bloodshed at New York – a city all recognized as sovereign American territory.

            While the battle was far from over, the massive Carpathian casualties weakened Vigo’s influence and strengthened Vlad Terpes III’s calls for negotiation. Vigo, despite all his lust for war and blood, looked weak, impotent. Defeated in two charges on the city. Vlad became emboldened and started, for the first time, sending peace offers to America.

            Madison and his cabinet considered the offers, but they appeared to be insults more than tangible treaties. Despite significant military losses the Carpathians negotiated as if they had the upper hand. They sought a victor’s peace.

            Clay took the lead role in drafting acceptable peace offers to send to Carpathia. Foreign powers such as France and Holland had made many generous offers to help encourage the peace process, he intended to incorporate them into his plan. He also sought to build off of the Carpathian proposals – weak as they were. He wanted to ensure territorial continuity for each nation, so the matter of Craiova, which was now isolated from Carpathia had to be addressed.

            The trickiest matter of course was the fate of Oradea. The city had great religious and cultural importance to both America and Carpathia. It was an important jewel for each empire and fueled the war. Furthermore, the principle demand of international powers was that America return the city. Madison and his cabinet strongly, strongly resisted the idea of returning such an important city despite what the world thought. But Clay impressed upon them that if the terms were right, losing Oradea wouldn’t be as catastrophic as they feared. If America received half of the tithes the holy shrine of Jefferson received, and if they were appropriately compensated by the Great Powers then... perhaps they could agree.

            John Quincy Adams in particular was concerned with the cultural pressure on New York. In the days before the war, Oradea and Transylvania’s borders closed in tight around New York. Carpathian farmers encroached ever further into American lands. For this reason, he argued, Oradea could not be returned, regardless of profit sharing.

            Clay had an ingenious idea though. What if Carpathia handed over Transylvania? The productive mines that lay between Transylvania and New York would be firmly American then, and New York would have some respite from the cultural pressure. It seemed to be a radical compromise, but reluctantly, most of the cabinet agreed to it.

            Four different peace offers were drafted, and sent to Carpathia. Madison & Clay participated in a long round of direct negotiations with Carpathian officials.

            After much discussion and debate a deal was, at last, agreed to!

            Peace between Carpathia and America was, at long last, a reality!

            Henry Clay was widely recognized and heralded for being the principle architect of what would later be called the Great Compromise. Generations of warfare was finally at an end. America could finally cash in its “peace dividend”.
            Land of the free. Home of the brave.


            • AD 1390

              Huygens cared little for praise. Mis-information was annoying to him but the glorious diplomatic achievements in the West was for others to judge. He now looked to the future. He cared for peace, trade and expansion. He also cared for Ginkel's son, Dirk Ginkel.

              He was as a mentor to Dirk. He found that Dirk listened carefully and attentively.

              The honour of Hollande was now passing into his hands at the age of 18. The triunphant peace achievements in the West placed a great responsiblity upon Hollande. The Islamic missionaries must propogate - 4 so far had spread their religion in Dutch cities. Another 6 would be Dirk Ginkel's responsibility. And very soon other enormous tasks faced him.

              "Dirk, you must always realise that the might of Hollande pins down the world threat of the Mongols. They yearn for war yet are deprived of it. This makes them dangerous and frustrated. All through history they threatened many nations of the world yet in all the entire history they have only ever managed a punitive and deceptive strike upon the Ottomans. Be assured they will strike one day and you must always be ready but you must use your force to attain peace. You can see how this has worked in the West. And the Inca are an important part of this. They function similarly to Hollande and likewise pin down Mongolian aspirations."

              "I have plans sir! They constantly threaten us with espionage and are heading to Comminuism I'd lay a bet sir!"

              "Most astute young Dirk. A Great Spy would suit them finely so we have a choice but Dutch research has constraints on it and Communism is not the wisest of routes for now."

              "And of Jovis sir?"

              "You must work with him - he is wiley and of Mongol blood of old. He sniffs them. Use him, trust him."

              "And France?"

              "France is a problem. They have been duplicitous in international affairs but this is down to failed individuals as is the case in all our governments but most notably in the Inca and French regimes it seems."

              "So what am I looking at here. We have a ong history with France."

              "Yes of course, fundamentally we remain allies and their southern borders with Mongolia are poorly defended. You need to secure that region as a final pinning of the Mongols but I fear eventually that southern super power will simmer and boil under the pressure. Jeolousy of American victories and war gains drives them crazy every night. They sleep lightly and with their hands on their weapons. They are a deeply disturned people. We have never been able to connect with them culturally despite strong religious ties. They yearn for our holy city. Remember that."

              "Sir, forgive me but I ask of France?"

              "France is in trouble and you must realise that this could mean instability. Be prepared and be wary but always friendly to this ancient ally. Also take care to maintain our new relations with the West. The Mali are particularly friendly with much trading potential. The Carpathians remain a wildcard and the Americans must be encouraged as friends. Even the Inca have found one common connection with Hollande but this is a state secret."

              "Yes, I remember their deft negotiations with you and most clever on their part I must say."

              "Speak little of this."

              'Sir, and Russia?"

              "Russia is a very distant nation yet dialogs have been received and they are to be helped if at all possible in settling New Hollande but honour all agreements with the Ottomans. The Ottomans have an emmigration dream and a desire to build a great Wonder that I know little of but Hollande must not build it nor should any other nation. The Inca and Mongols have pressed heavily upon ancient Ottoman lands yet they avoided war and were enchanted by the wonders of New Hollande. That reminds me - we have not published the map simply displaying the folly of the new world."

              "Do we need to? I think most nations ae now aware of it?"
              Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
              [Trading Inc. 660AD]


              • Does America have acces to its mail or has no one sent anything to him?
                Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
                The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
                The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


                • In the beginning of the 14th century the empire of Holland became the terra's leading power, controlling close to one quarter of the terra's population. The Hollanders worked hard to enforce a Pax Hollandica, which would encourage trade and peace on terra. During this time the 14th century was an era of widespread invention and discovery, with significant developments in the understanding or manipulation of mathematics, chemistry, new military weaponry and metallurgy largely setting the ground works for a very rapid technological innovations, which Inca think would take place in the next couple of centuries.

                  Inca being aware of its weakened world stature choice to concentrate on its domestic politics and border security instead on foreign politics.

                  Noticing a major arms race between Holland and our neighbor the Mongols – Inca has no choice but to push for military reforms and bring up to date its armies. The sole purpose of this is to reassure Inca’s safety and the defensibility of its borders.

                  Military reforms:

                  Incan Line Infantry Regiments were termed either "Machu" or "Cuzco" depending on where the Regiment drew its recruits from.

                  Between 1300 and 1390, each Incan Line Regiment was organized into:

                  - 6 field battalions of light flintlock musket men
                  - 10 companies of grenadiers
                  - 8 bombardment companies
                  - Incan cavalry

                  Currently Inca views the military competition between Holland and Mongolia one with out an absolute goal, but only the relative goal of staying ahead of the other’s military.

                  On another note, Inca is working very hard to develop its lesser cities in the New World. Currently Inca has only two small cities with a 3rd to be built in the near future. We hear Russia planning on settling some land which we of course do not oppose, but they should not take that Incan city site, which Inca bought from the French many years ago.

                  At the moment Inca is not interested in settling other cities in New France or New Holland. We still await Carpathians thank you gift which they told us they will send shortly after Inca secured and gave them very possibly the most fertile and production capable city on all of Terra. We hope to see that promised gift very soon Carpathia.


                  • Required reading pertaining to the development of Mongolian Nationalism:

                    The Tradespost Weekly

                    Editor's comment.

                    For decades now, several nations around the world have begun to develop a strong sense of their own singularity and particularity. In the times of old, this was in many ways considered an inherent part of all cultures, but it is not until more recently that this advent has been systemized and brought great developments of a number of disparate and enriching forms. Holland's nationalist fervor has led to a golden age and a great military developments. In Inca a great growth of culture and societal unity. Yet here in Mongolia, we prefer to stay with the ancient traditions, spreading our culture orally rather than by organized written form. We find it odd that the printers of Mongolia has not sought to gather and contextify the vast cultural heritage of Mongolia to clearly distinguish our unique culture by organized form. We find it also odd that the Tribesmoot who spend so much time discussing matters in the most elaborate and poetic form, has done so little to expediate Mongolia's national identity by incorporating our national heritage into our superior education system. Not only have we as a people fallen behind our larger neighbours in technological terms, we have also been left in the dust as a nation. This is a great call to our leaders of political, intellectual, philosophical and creative societies to bring forth a change in this respect. We envision a common cultural identity that would encompass all the people of the Plain, from the Karakorumen in the west to the Silk traders of Turfan of the North to the Seaworkers of far east Landsedge. Opponents of such a common cultural identity say that it would limit local freedoms, political and creative, as well as fail to ring true as Mongolia is such a vast and diverse and in many ways disunited entity. It is claimed that to artificially create a "common" culture would be a falsehood and possibly create more disunity by those who would oppose it than it would help to bring people together.
                    The editor of this magazine could not disagree more fervently. For by creating a common denominator culture from the vast myriad of localized traditions and experiences, we would establish an even stronger and richer culture, for the base upon which to strengthen culture would be vastly magnified and broadened.

                    We hope our call is answered by the 12 tribes, and the men of repute and honor within them who have the will, the capacity and the ambitious nature to undertake such a step towards the creation of a Mongolia where a man from Beshbalik will feel more brotherly towards one from Horseshoe Falls, than any neighbourly Ottoman, for brotherhood lies in blood, but must be strengthened by a common experience. Mongolia cannot afford to lack such a unifying commonality.

                    Varidar, Printmaster.

                    Note to historical magazine article published 1390 AD.
                    As should be clear, a sentiment of lacking cultural unity arose within Mongolia in the time period and many consider this article to be a catalyst in rallying the Mongol's to create the Mongolian cultural reform of the mid 1400's. As will also become clear, this nationalist fervor would have an enormous effect upon the Mongolian empire as seen in The Great Revolution. I'll go into details on this matter during my next lecture.
                    -Professor Randall
                    Last edited by Diplo Mongolia; April 12, 2008, 13:43.
                    e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                    msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                    “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                    • Economical and Political development of Mongolia in the 1400's.

                      As known, the Mongol's were despite their grand empire, technologically inferior to the two other Giants of the East. This caused a major problem as their military became gradually obsolete, their technological competivity weakened and industry suffered. Some historical economists claim that if not for the weapons industry of the 1300's, Mongolia's economy would have stalled completely, leaving it behind as a 2nd rate, or some would even claim, 3rd rate nation. Though the timber and weapons industry were instrumental in the development of the economy of the time, it would be misleading to say that it was the only economical development. Regardless, growth was not great compared to the other Giants, and if not for Mongolia's industry, spearheaded by their weapons manufacture, with rifles in particular as a speciality, they would undoubtedly have fallen greatly behind and likely been preyed upon by their imperialistic and ambitious neighbours.

                      However, resulting from the vast industrialization that followed was an increasingly large manufacturing class. In addition it was also highly educated, by result of the Mongolian education system, which was considered one of the finest of the time. It focused on broad classical Mongolian cultural themes and relevantly applied war-sciences, the most important subjects being divided by category into:

                      1. Strategy and Tactics (War Sciences)
                      2. Poetry and Rhetoric (Cultural Sciences)
                      3. Anatomy and Martial Arts (Health & Medicine)
                      and the optional
                      4. Mechanics and Manufacturing (Engineering)

                      Every student would choose one subject from each of the initial 3 categories, and then one additional subject. What we consider traditional hard sciences such as Maths, Physics and Chemistry were absent until the 1400's, when Mongolia became the first nation to establish a scientific method for education and experimentation. Despite what would be normally assumed, this did not result in a great technological advantage as it was highly difficult to incorporate these new subjects into the already established university subjects. Eventually they were and was added as a fourth group of compulsory subject choices.

                      The educational revolution laid the base for the Mongolian nationalism which demanded the creation of a uniform school system for all citizens, establishing in turn the foundation for the educated manufacturing class, which would, warrant a greater change in the age old societal structure of the Mongol confederacy. What is known as the Great Revolution.
                      Last edited by Diplo Mongolia; April 12, 2008, 13:45.
                      e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                      msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                      “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                      • James Madison, and his young but influential Secretary of State, Henry Clay, were widely respected for their work to end the decades long war with Carpathia by proposing the Great Compromise. Otherwise, Madison's reign was unremarkable.

                        Following in the tradition of other Commanders before him, Madison served many years and then resigned. The college of electors (Senate) met to decide who would next rule America.

                        The top candidates for the office were John Quincy Adams, Madison’s Vice-Commander, Henry Clay, known throughout the land as "The Great Compromiser" and "The Great Pacifier", and Andrew Jackson, the tough general and Secretary of War nicknamed "Old Hickory" for his defiance and victory over Carpathia. The process was hotly contested. Jackson was strongly supported by members of the Senate with a military background and by the majority of the people. Clay had the support of the diplomatic corps. Adams, whose family had become an entrenched part of the noble elite in the country enjoyed the support of the still powerful – but waning – Jefferson & Washington families.

                        The debate was fierce. Jackson’s military credentials were touted, and was called the “voice of the people” for his sympathies for the common man in America. The electors however were less sure of his qualifications for office. One elector, Albert Gallatin criticized Jackson as "an honest man and the idol of the worshippers of military glory, but from incapacity, military habits, and habitual disregard of laws and constitutional provisions, altogether unfit for the office."

                        The votes in the Senate were fairly evenly split between Adams, Clay and Jackson, with Jackson having a slight edge over each of his rivals. The debate between Clay and Jackson seemed to became one of war vs. peace. John Quincy Adams was seen as a compromise candidate who would steer the country away from the rapids of war and shoals of pacifism. His financial experience also seemed most needed in this time of economic expansion.

                        Ultimately, great mediator that he was, Clay threw his support behind Adams and in so doing led to Adams winning the vote for Commander-in-Chief. Adams appointed Clay his Vice-Commander in thanks for his support.

                        Jackson however felt personally insulted by being passed over for Commander-in-Chief after his long, honorable, and victorious service to the nation. The hero of Oradea and the Secretary of War under John Adams, Thomas Jefferson, and James Madison felt slighted yet again. He refused to participate in another cabinet. He called Clay’s decision to support Adams a "corrupt bargain." Jackson was popular with the people and after his resignation he turned his attention to campaigning for Commander-in-Chief by appealing to the people directly, a truly unusual tactic to take.

                        John Quincy Adams’ cabinet:

                        Vice-Commander – Henry Clay
                        Secretary of State – John C. Calhoun
                        Secretary of War – George B. McClellan
                        Secretary of the Treasury – Daniel Webster

                        John Quincy Adams ended up having one of the most powerful cabinets in American history to that point. McClellan was the popular defender of New York and regarded as one of America’s best military minds. Clay, Calhoun and Webster were powerful and brilliant men from all over the nation. Clay was from Ozzydelphia, Webster from Boston, and Calhoun, an American from Timisoara. Together, the three of them were called "Great Triumvirate."

                        (a full round up of past Commanders & cabinets):

                        Samuel the Yankee - Session 1

                        Christopher the Yankee - Session 2 & 3

                        Benedict Arnold (the traitor) - Session 4 & Session 5

                        Secretary of State – William Manning

                        George Washington’s cabinet: – Session 6

                        Vice-Commander – John Adams
                        Secretary of State – Thomas Jefferson
                        Secretary of War – George Patton
                        Secretary of the Treasury – Alexander Hamilton

                        John Adams’ cabinet: – Session 7

                        Vice-Commander – Thomas Jefferson
                        Secretary of State – James Madison
                        Secretary of War – Andrew Jackson
                        Secretary of the Treasury – Alexander Hamilton

                        Thomas Jefferson’s cabinet: – Session 8

                        Vice-Commander – James Madison
                        Secretary of State – James Monroe
                        Secretary of War – Andrew Jackson
                        Secretary of the Treasury – John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams)

                        James Madison’s cabinet: – Session 9 (last week)

                        Vice-Commander – John Quincy Adams
                        Secretary of State – Henry Clay
                        Secretary of War – Andrew Jackson
                        Secretary of the Treasury – Daniel Webster

                        John Quincy Adams’ cabinet: – Session 10 (for today’s session)

                        Vice-Commander – Henry Clay
                        Secretary of State – John C. Calhoun
                        Secretary of War – George B. McClellan
                        Secretary of the Treasury – Daniel Webster

                        (for you history buffs out there, Clay was actually Adam’s Secretary of State and Calhoun was actually his Vice President, but Calhoun hasn’t yet done anything in my story, so it’d be odd to elevate him to VP/VC so soon)
                        Land of the free. Home of the brave.


                        • Originally posted by Diplo Inca
                          In the beginning of the 14th century the empire of Holland became the terra's leading power, controlling close to one quarter of the terra's population. The Hollanders worked hard to enforce a Pax Hollandica, which would encourage trade and peace on terra. During this time the 14th century was an era of widespread invention and discovery, with significant developments in the understanding or manipulation of mathematics, chemistry, new military weaponry and metallurgy largely setting the ground works for a very rapid technological innovations, which Inca think would take place in the next couple of centuries.

                          Inca being aware of its weakened world stature choice to concentrate on its domestic politics and border security instead on foreign politics.

                          Noticing a major arms race between Holland and our neighbor the Mongols – Inca has no choice but to push for military reforms and bring up to date its armies. The sole purpose of this is to reassure Inca’s safety and the defensibility of its borders.

                          Military reforms:

                          Incan Line Infantry Regiments were termed either "Machu" or "Cuzco" depending on where the Regiment drew its recruits from.

                          Between 1300 and 1390, each Incan Line Regiment was organized into:

                          - 6 field battalions of light flintlock musket men
                          - 10 companies of grenadiers
                          - 8 bombardment companies
                          - Incan cavalry

                          Currently Inca views the military competition between Holland and Mongolia one with out an absolute goal, but only the relative goal of staying ahead of the other’s military.

                          On another note, Inca is working very hard to develop its lesser cities in the New World. Currently Inca has only two small cities with a 3rd to be built in the near future. We hear Russia planning on settling some land which we of course do not oppose, but they should not take that Incan city site, which Inca bought from the French many years ago.

                          At the moment Inca is not interested in settling other cities in New France or New Holland. We still await Carpathians thank you gift which they told us they will send shortly after Inca secured and gave them very possibly the most fertile and production capable city on all of Terra. We hope to see that promised gift very soon Carpathia.
                          Note that the Inca are doing the same as Hollande in maintainng military parity with Mongolia and they could argue the same as each of us goes for a surge to catch up then unwittingly overtake the other.

                          We believe the Inca are peaceful but powerful defenders just like the Dutch - unlikely to start a war.


                          Also realise that the Inca and Hollande are equally powerfull overall and that the world statistics oscilate every year - as soon as you learn your next tech the situation will put the Inca at the lead again.


                          We too support Russia's New Hollande aspirations but we are curious to know why the Inca sought advantage from the peace negotiations of the Western wars? Have we got this wrong? Gifting a city is a mighty piece of help but at a maintenance cost to Carpathia. What do they owe you?

                          As an open system of transparency the Dutch have declared the conversion of 4 Dutch cities to Islam at the cost of 5 missionaries. Do you mind letting us know how you are going on this count? And with Mongolia's non compliance with this request what is your position? There is not much we can do but Hollande is eternally grateful for Inca support of the peace processes.
                          Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                          [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                          • TO: Holland

                            We too support Russia's New Hollande aspirations but we are curious to know why the Inca sought advantage from the peace negotiations of the Western wars? Have we got this wrong? Gifting a city is a mighty piece of help but at a maintenance cost to Carpathia. What do they owe you?
                            Carpathia being thankful offered Inca a small token of gratitude, thus we are waiting it to be delivered as they said they will. And yes gifting such an incredible city is a mighty piece. We are the only nation on terra which has done so yet.

                            As an open system of transparency the Dutch have declared the conversion of 4 Dutch cities to Islam at the cost of 5 missionaries. Do you mind letting us know how you are going on this count?
                            Islam is present in roughly 55% of our land, thus we feel we have done enough to spread that religion, of course if Carpathia or America wishes they can spread it on their own expense to our remaining cities. It is well known that Inca hosts the greatest diversity of religions on terra.

                            And with Mongolia's non compliance with this request what is your position?
                            Well we all know that Mongolia has a different view on things, we can not judge their actions. I trust they can explain it themselves why they have decided to do so.


                            • Beware worshippers of the dual-natured... and there are even more surprises... Ottomans you must take care with your decisions and plans...
                              Attached Files
                              Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                              [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                              • Dark Ages Ends, Light Ages Begins

                                The period directly following the Second Carpathian/American war is known to modern Carpathians as “The Light Ages”. The Light Ages marked the official end of the Carpathian dark ages, and ushered in a period of prosperity unseen in Carpathia since the beginning of the first war.

                                The Light Ages could have easily turned out to be the dim ages, had it not been for the diplomatic prowess of Vlad the Third.

                                Vlad plead his case to the world, and they listened. Historians are for the most part baffled by how Vlad III got such a good deal for his nation. Some feel that the length of the war was the primary factor, and that Carpathia’s willingness to continue fighting ultimately played to their favor, thus almost forcing America to accept a peace arrangement even if it was not in their best interests. Others put more weight on Vlad the Third’s painting America as exploitive and greedy. Still others think that the “Great Compromise” was fueled by geopolitical circumstances beyond the boarders of Carpathia and America.

                                More than likely, it was a combination of reasons. At any rate, Vlad III picked the right time to start talking peace with America. After offering four different agreements, America countered with four of it’s own based off a combination of Holland’s plan and the French plan. Of these four counter proposals Vlad chose the last, which laid out the following conditions…

                                *Oradea is returned to Carpathia
                                * Shrine profit is split 50/50 between America and Carpathia
                                * The 3 super-powers generate 10 Islamic Missionaries each to spread Islam to 30 cities minimum (a startup missionary may be required)
                                * Focsani given to Carpathia
                                * Craiova is given to America
                                * Transylvania is given to America
                                * Carpathia receives a city in the New World (already done)
                                * Carpathia & America receive land in the New World as part of France’s generous offer.
                                * Carpathia gives Astronomy to America
                                * The 3 super-powers, regardless of all other disagreements, must act as one to stop any future aggression from either side in this conflict - am open to discussion on troop numbers that each side will be allowed' to maintain (this will help America and Carpathia rebuild - minimal troop costs)
                                * A guaranteed promise of peace for 200 turns
                                * The 3 super-powers provide 5 GPT each to America and Carpathia as additional aid
                                * The six workers Mongolia rented from America be returned

                                Vlad saw the value of such a deal. Oradea and Focsani were much more valuable then Craiova and Transylvania. Although once the capital of Carpathia, Transylvania had little food sources and was surrounded by mostly unproductive plains. Sharing the shrine moneys was not attractive, although Vlad did recognize Thomas Jefferson’s great contribution to Islam. A devout follower of the Jefferson Code himself, he could rationalize the splitting of religions funds with America.

                                Vlad strongly opposed sharing Astronomy with the Americans however, and this detail of the proposed agreement actually held up a signed peace agreement for some time. In the end however the Tepes psychological edge got the better of the American leadership and it was agreed that in exchange for Astronomy the Americans would teach Carpathia Paper.

                                OOC: Carpathia has 2 trades remaining.

                                And so through pen, not sword, Vlad III had once again secured Carpathia. The American leadership early on in the peace debates had rightfully noted that, “Despite significant military losses the Carpathians negotiated as if they had the upper hand. They sought a victor’s peace.”

                                And despite losing the second war, that is exactly what they got due to the diplomatic agility of Vlad III.
                                Last edited by Diplo Carpathia; April 12, 2008, 23:49.
                                YIM is CarpathiaCiv
                                MSN is CarpathiaCiv
                                Email is diplo_carpathia at plomp dot eu

