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Diplogame HOTW XII Ragnarok - Story Thread

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  • From: Charge Leader Bakura, Commander of Mongol 2nd Army.
    To: Leader of the Ottomans
    As you may or may not have realized, our Tribes have agreed to send a punitive expedition to America since they refuse to accept their place in the world. In order to do this we need to pass through your lands. My Government wishes to express the desire that we be allowed to do so. They hope that you will acquiecese to that request.
    Yet know that I am a military man and I have my orders. I will march my soldiers through your lands regardless of your permission. The damage done if we cannot use your roads will be most unfortunate. I hope this will not come to pass.
    Forgive my briefness, but I have a campaign to plan.
    Charge Leader Bakura, Commander of Mongol 2nd Army
    The Ottomans are determined to complete their great project and gain their freedom, which obviously we do not yet have. In the meantime we will do whatever it takes to maintain our survival, even if we must watch barbarians or worse pass through our territories freely.


    • TO: Leader of the Ottomans
      FROM: James Madison, Commander in Chief

      Concerning: Mongol Attack on America

      We have been greatly disturbed to hear rumors that the honorable Ottomans are reconsidering their staunch commitment to peace on our continent and may let through a conquering Mongol horde intent on attacking America. As you can imagine, these rumors are very distressing, please tell us they are not true.

      During the Franco-Incan war, the Ottomans held firm and would not let armies through Ottoman lands. Later on the Ottomans would not permit the French to sell troops to America (even though many French troops were already sold to Carpathia by sea). Nor would the Ottomans allow Mongol troops through (besides five knights) to attack America.

      The Ottomans have been a beacon of peace and light in this dark world. Do not betray your principles now. Do not give in to a hostile warmonger. Do not sell out your American friend to the northwest who means no harm to either the Ottomans or to Mongolia.

      We are a small country and we wish only to live in peace, yet we are continually invaded by foreign powers. Not just any foreign powers, but generally tiny America is invaded by some of the most powerful nations on Terra. There have been many great wars between the great powers, but America is the only small nation to have the great powers invade and gang up on it.

      Please dear Ottomans, we beg of you, do not condemn your peaceful neighbor. Do not give in to Mongol bullying. Their thirst for blood has gone too far. Hold firm against the Mongol threat and the civilized nations of Terra will fight them off together.

      We beg of you, do not abandon us. Do not abandon peace.

      James Madison, Commander in Chief of America
      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


      • TO: An Open Letter to All Nations
        FROM: James Madison, Commander in Chief

        Concerning: Worldwide Anti-Americanism

        America is at a loss to explain the widespread anti-Americanism that has grown across the planet. We have only ever sought to defend ourselves against aggression. When the world's 4th most powerful nation decided to invade the 8th or 9th least powerful nation there was no corresponding anti-Carpathianism. Why does the world hate America for defending itself?

        Does the world refuse to accept a free and independent America? Must America be a slavish vassal to Carpathia or to Mongolia before the world will let us live in peace?

        When the 4th most powerful nation attacked tiny America we received help from only one nation - the Inca. Now, in another war America did not seek and did not start, nations of Terra are falling over themselves to aid Carpathia.

        Nations who have recently given help to Carpathia:
        1. Holland (gave them gunpowder, ships, perhaps more)
        2. Mongolia (declared war on America and invaded)
        3. France (sold many units)
        4. Inca (gave territory in new world)
        5. Mali (has or will return city taken in war, maybe giving tech too)
        6. Ottomans (might be letting Mongols through to attack America soon)

        Nations who have recently given help to America:
        1. France (sold some units)

        The only nation that has not helped Carpathia is Russia! American diplomats are at a loss to explain how a former super power that bullied and invaded two of the weakest nations on Terra enjoys near universal support and aid. America has only sought to defend herself against larger powers and is now brutally ganged up on by all of Terra!

        This is unbelievable!

        Those of you who believe this matter is simply about Oradea are dead wrong. Carpathia has said their intention is not to simply retake the holy city of Oradea but to retake all the land taken by America in the first war AND NEW YORK, our second oldest city.

        Even after significant charity and help provided to Carpathia they return to their old ways of seeking to crush America utterly. Yet they are aided by the world!

        I am at a loss of words to explain this. How can a nation who has so often shown itself to be a warmonger without any regard for peace or the balance of power be rewarded in such a way?

        America made a dozen generous offers of peace to Carpathia and each time they spit in our face. Our hesitation to sign peace with them while we had the upper hand in our war was well founded, we knew quite well that Carpathia would take that opportunity to rebuild their military and invade once more. Yet we intended to prove once more to the world that we were only interested in peaceful co-existence.

        Now our fears have come true and Carpathia has built up their forces and once again invaded America. Once again with the intention of destroying us, and instead of the world recognizing America's incredible restraint for sparing Carpathia when we had the advantage, the world is AIDING THE WARMONGERING CARPATHIA.

        Now one of the top military powers in the game has declared war on us and is planning to invade.

        The world does nothing.

        James Madison, Commander in Chief of America

        [OOC: This is ****ing ridiculous. Seriously. In all my years of diplogaming I have NEVER seen a small civ be ganged up on this completely in a diplogame before. Heck, I have trouble remembering a major nation ganged up on this much. It seems diplomacy is a ****ing a joke in this game. No matter what good will America tries to build everyone seems intent on our eradication. ****ing ridiculous.]
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


        • TO: All
          FROM: King Henry the IV.

          France is greatly disturbed by the prospect that Carpathia might be wagining this war for objectives beyond the Holy City. Let it be know that France will not tolerate such overtly aggressive and distasteful actions. If the Carpathian people (again) choose this path there will be severe consequences.

          We also ask the Mongolian people to reconsider their declaration of war.

          We also request an explanation to why the Ottoman state has no problem allowing Mongolian Knights to march through its lands while French observers are not tolerated.

          France will not under any conditions tolerate the utter subjugation of the American people, if nesecary we shall enforce cancelled blocade for 10 turns, after that period French troops will beging landing in the battlefeild to attempt to enforce peace. We will not sit idly by as yet another destructive total war ravages the West, and any nation holding such illusions will be in for a rude awakening.

          In one day our offer to relinquish our claims in New Holland as part of a Western peace deal will be withdrawn and the territory will once agian be as much a part of our Empire as is Madagascar, New France and the city of Paris. We shall tolerate no ilegal settlers or military forces there.

          We ask that in these difficult times states be more dilligent in checking their emabassies on street for letters.

          King Henry the IV. of France
          Last edited by Diplo France; March 28, 2008, 14:13.
          'Impossible' n'est pas français.


          • To: The Nations of Terra

            From: Mansa Musa II.

            Let it be known that, though we are willing for peace with Carpathia, let it not be mistakenly believed that we are now allies. In particular, I urge America once more to give up the Holy City, but ensure that you get adequate compensation in return. We shall not be taking any part in a future war with Carpathia and America-on either side. As far as troop movements go, consider our borders closed to all comers. Any attempt to send a military force into our territory will be considered an act of war, and shall be treated accordingly.

            We are a peaceful people, but we shall never again allow ourselves to be duped or walked over again.


            • Peace deal for America

              To all nations of Terra

              From Huygens of Hollande

              Dec 1st 1330AD

              I wish to inform you that my senator colleague, Ginkel, has finally passed away.

              Clovis and I are to rule together as an ongoing war cabinet but his duties will remain in the south on the Franco/Mongolian border. He will concentrate on the Dutch war machine, regretfully but it is necessary in these worrying times.

              I will concentrate on broader international affairs, developing ties with new nations, colonisation and trade.

              My peace proposal to end the Carpathian/Mali war met with acclaim and my offer to gift a technology to each of the warring parties has gone down well. The Mali selected Education and the Carpathians selected GunPowder from our repetoire of technologies. It is interesting to note that as a result of this we unexpectedly developed a much closer tie to the Mali and Open Borders and trade has developed there.

              My main concern with America and Carpathia is the Holy City.

              I think both nations have not been entirely truthful in thse matters and I have received confidential correspondence from both parties.

              Before I continue, let me say that Hollande does not support any attacks by the Mongols on ANY American city EXCEPT the Holy City. A Mongolian army, if allowed by neighbours, MAY make its way to the Holy City and capture it for the Carpathians if America does not cede it. The Mongolian army can ONLY defend itself against attacks but not attack cities; NOR can it pillage American lands. A Dutch escort may be provided if America allows it to observe Mongol adherance by moving with the Mongol stack.

              Any deviation from this tactic will result in a full declaration of war by Hollande on Mongolia. Clovis is ready for this and just needs an excuse my friends.

              Any attacks by the Carpathians on ANY other city will result in a full withdrawal of support from Hollande.

              That said, I, Huygens, do NOT want war. I want American friends. I want Carpathian friends.

              The sticking point is that America won't cede back the Holy City and each side keeps going back over history to support their arguments.

              Now, we need the Inca, Mongols and the Dutch to act as responsible super powers - NOT as war mongering pawn plyers.

              What I propose:

              * the Holy City be returned to Carpathia

              * the 3 super-powers generate 10 Islamic Missionaries each to spread Islam to 30 cities minimum (a startup missionary may be required)

              * the modified revenue from the shrine in the Holy City is split 50/50 with America - a screen shot of the current revenues to be posted at the end of each session

              * the 3 super-powers, regardless of all other disagreements, must act as one to stop any future aggression from either side in this conflict - am open to discussion on troop numbers that each side will be allowed' to maintain (this will help America and Carpathia rebuild - minimal troop costs)

              * A time limit could be set - say, 500 years?

              * the 3 super-powers provide gpt to America and Carpathia as additional aid. I am very interested to hear what the Mali, Inca and Mongols might have to say about this. Although the Mali would not be asked to contribute I believe they will exercise good judgement in suggesting apprpriate levels of support free from self interest.

              * Open Borders be re-established between Hollande and America and various trade negotiations commence. Additional new world cities may be available for America at a time when they are able to support them. This will be subject to separate three way negotiations with the Ottomans and their plans in the new world.

              * Hollande may no longer allow French troops to be used as mercenaries crossing our land BUT this is subject to separate negotiations and not directly part of this deal

              I grow weary of all thiese troubles and I grow old.

              Please consider this open and defiant offer.

              Huygens of Hollande - the Dutch Republic
              Last edited by Diplo Holland; March 28, 2008, 23:25.
              Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
              [Trading Inc. 660AD]


              • Vigo the Unmercyful

                Vigo the Unmercyful served under Vlad II as his most trusted general. Against Vigo's expert advice, Vlad II insisted the main force be sent south to draw away the invaders during the first war. Vigo vocally debated the wisdom of such a manuver, instead arguing that it would be better to keep the army in Carpathia where it could gain tatical advantages. Questioning Tepes was unheard of, expecially in a public forum. Vigo knew however that Vlad II would not exact punishment upon him, as he was regarded as the best military mind in Carpathia.

                Vigo refused to lead the army south (another act of defiance that went unpunished). This turned out to be benificial however, as Vigo later headed the strike force that retook the capital from the Americans. Vigo never truly forgave Tepes stuborness concerning the southbound army, and it was later rumored that Vigo himself carried out the assasination of Vlad II.

                For years Vigo plotted the next war to regain Carpathia's losses to the Americans. A devout follower of The Code, Vigo vowed to retake the holy city in the name of Islam. He played the mayors against each other, feeding rumors and false intel so that they would raise armys for defence against each other. For years he plotted, waited, plotted, and waited for the right moment.

                As Vlad III gave his address to the mayors that fateful night, Vigo could hardly believe what he was hearing. His carefully constructed plan to avenge Carpathia against the Americans was being dismantled before his very eyes. He had to put a stop to it.

                "Young Vlad," Vigo shouted over the cheering, "Young Vlad, are you suggesting we actually allow the Americans to keep our land?!?!"

                The room went silent. All in attendance knew Vigo well and knew what he was capable of. If Vigo had the gaul to stand up against Vlad II, there was no doubt he would do the same with a mere boy.

                "I am sorry, but what office do you hold in Carpathia," Vlad responded, "What is your name and office?"

                "Vigo the Unmercyful, chief general under your father, head military advisor to the United Citys of Carpathia, and impaler of thousands of American swine." Vigo replied.

                "Very well Vigo, you have the floor", Vlad III said with a hint of unease in his voice.

                Vigo cleared his voice, raised his arms, and turned toward the center of the room.

                "Mayors of Carpathia," he began, "The young Tepes is correct, we are at a turning point. For years the filthy Americans have held control of both Odelea and Foccisici, our holy city and the Hanging Gardens of Vlad the First. Dispite diplomatic pressure from other nations, the American swine hold on to these citys like a theif holds on to gold coin... manipulating, lying, and deciveing to keep his ill gotten gain. The Americans have even gone as far as to corupt The Code with their own watered down version that they call The Jefferson Code. First our citys, now our religion? They will not stop until Carpathia is ruined completely. The time for talk is over. Their peace offers as they call them are so out of alignment with justice they almost bring me to laughter. I have recently take inventory of our ranks and we now have more soliders then ever. The Americans on the other hand struggle with keeping order in our citys as well as their own. Perhaps if they had adhered to The Code as it was written they would not have this problem. We are at a turning point indeed, but it is not a matter of light and dark as Master Tepes has suggested, it is a matter of our survival!

                Cheers once again went up among the now intoxicated attendees. Vlad III appeared shaken. Vigo then went in for the kill just as he did with Vlad II, only this time the dagger was words.

                "Join me!", he boomed with arms still outstreched, "Join me in retaking what is rightfully ours! The time is NOW! Peace will fall upon the land, but not until Carpathia is restored!"

                Wild cheering this time. Vigo had worked the mayors and advisors into a frenzy. Vlad attempted to interject.

                "No," he exclaimed in his pubesent voice, "War is what got us here! We must end this cycle while we still have a Carpathia!"

                Vigo drew his sword and lept upon a table. Pointing it directly at the young king he spoke in a menecing tone. "Young Vlad, someday you will make a fine leader I am sure of it. But not now. Your youthful hopes and idealistic dreams will no doubt serve Carpathia well... once peace is achived. But there will be no peace until America relinqueshes it's grip on our sovern lands.

                Once again cheers from those in attendence.

                "I pledge 30000 troops", yelled one mayor.

                "I pledge 40000, and catapults!" bested another mayor.

                Vigo shot a glance back at the boy king and gave a hint of a smile. Young Vlad, although a natural leader, did not have the political experience or connections to counter this mutiny. His longtime caregiver whispered in his ear, "Your time will come my son. You must send messengers to the nations of Terra. That is your sword."
                Last edited by Diplo Carpathia; March 29, 2008, 01:31.
                YIM is CarpathiaCiv
                MSN is CarpathiaCiv
                Email is diplo_carpathia at plomp dot eu


                • America offered Carpathia the holy city of Oradea for peace many times but they have no interest in peace. They seek only America's destruction.

                  I grow more convinced every day that the world has no interest in peace either. If they did they would have put pressure on Carpathia to accept our many initial offers of peace - including offers of Oradea when they were on the table. The world however did nothing but help Carpathia prepare for war.

                  Indeed, even in the first war, when Carpathia the super-power invaded America, Holland assisted them. They permitted the Carpathian navy to enter their waters and exposed America's underbelly to Carpathian piracy and potential invasion. Holland supported them then, Holland supports them now. We find any claims of even handedness by Holland to be greatly suspicious.

                  However we present them with a chance to prove their fairness:

                  Originally posted by Diplo Holland
                  Any attacks by the Carpathians on ANY other city will result in a full withdrawal of support from Hollande.
                  Proof that Carpathia is not simply interested in reclaiming the holy city of Oradea:

                  If Carpathia were only interested in reclaiming the holy city of Oradea they could have easily captured it with the combined might of their army and significant supply of French mercenaries. But no, they divided their force so they could take additional American territory and continue to assault New York as we speak.

                  Will Holland keep its word and fully withdraw support from Carpathia?

                  -James Madison, American Commander in Chief
                  Land of the free. Home of the brave.


                  • Originally posted by Diplo America
                    America offered Carpathia the holy city of Oradea for peace many times but they have no interest in peace. They seek only America's destruction.

                    I grow more convinced every day that the world has no interest in peace either. If they did they would have put pressure on Carpathia to accept our many initial offers of peace - including offers of Oradea when they were on the table. The world however did nothing but help Carpathia prepare for war.

                    Indeed, even in the first war, when Carpathia the super-power invaded America, Holland assisted them. They permitted the Carpathian navy to enter their waters and exposed America's underbelly to Carpathian piracy and potential invasion. Holland supported them then, Holland supports them now. We find any claims of even handedness by Holland to be greatly suspicious.

                    However we present them with a chance to prove their fairness:

                    Proof that Carpathia is not simply interested in reclaiming the holy city of Oradea:

                    If Carpathia were only interested in reclaiming the holy city of Oradea they could have easily captured it with the combined might of their army and significant supply of French mercenaries. But no, they divided their force so they could take additional American territory and continue to assault New York as we speak.

                    Will Holland keep its word and fully withdraw support from Carpathia?
                    Huygens of Hollande wishes to assure America that the tide will turn badly against Carpathia if they attack New York.

                    I desire more responses to my peace deal before finalising my plans and whether Clovis comes in to play...
                    Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                    [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                    • The Second Carpathian/American War

                      Soon after the final Meeting of the Mayors (often refered to as The Meeting of Vlad III) Vigo put his plan against the Americans into action.

                      He gathered the mayors together at his private estate without the boy kings knowledge. Tallys were taken, troops were pledged, and deadlines drawn. To help ensure victory, Vigo went as far as to trade Carpathian workers to the French for even more troops. Unknown to Vigo however was that the French looked only to profit from the unfortunate situation in the west, and were also selling troops to America.

                      Historic records indicate that had Vigo moved against Ordelea soon after the Meeting of Vlad III, he probably would have taken it quickly. However, the French were slow in delivering on their promase of troops (perhaps they had other orders to fill?) and Vigo delayed the attack until they arrived.

                      Upon delivery of the final French troops, Vigo split his now massive army into two. The smaller diversionary force headed toward Ordelea, as the Americans no doubt would assume this was the main attack and would concentrate their defence there. The larger force headed by Vigo himself would make the short march from Transylvania to New York.

                      From well preserved Carpathian military records (currently on display in the Carpathian National Museum) we know that Vigo's plan was to take New York by surprise, then trade it for Ordelea and Foccisia. From a strictly military standpoint this made sense (hit the enemy where they least suspect it), however it had negative political blowback. Nations that were in total support of Carpathia in their quest to regain their holy city were now questioning the true intent of Carpathia's invasion.

                      The diversionary force made it to Ordelea and began the siege. Catapults worked on the defences, while troops manuvered around the city to prevent reenforments from entering. The epic battle that ensued cost tens of thousands on both sides, but Carpathia lost most of it's force outright, while the defenders nursed their wounds and lived to fight another day.

                      This was of little consequence to Vigo however. He fully expected to lose most of the army at Ordelea, and hoped that it did it's job of throwing America off balance.

                      The Battle for New York may have been the single largest loss of life in a single day on Terra. Vigo marched his main force totaling over 100,000 from Translyvania to New York. Upon arriving, the assult on the city's walls started immediatly. America, realizing the true target was not the holy city, rushed reenforcments into New York from the unoccupied east.

                      After two days of bombardment from catapults and trebuches, Vigo launched an all out assault. Rushing the openings in the walls, and using ladders where the walls still were intact, the Carpathians attacked with full force. The defenders braced for the onslaught, and retaliated with arrows, muskets, boiling oil, and sword. So violent was the first hour of fighting that the river running next to the American city literally turned red with the blood of the fallen.

                      Both sides reeled from the clash, although the city did not fall that day. Vigo retreated his troops at dusk, and sent runners back to Translyvania to call up reenforments for what he expected to be the final assult. Longbowmen, trained for only city defence found themselfs on the frontlines. Musketmen as well were ordered to rush the city the following day. Vigo went as far as to have every able bodied male in Translyvania over the age of ten broght to the front.

                      When the reenforments arrived two days later, Vigo ordered the second charge. The Americans although baddly battered from the first assult, fought like demons to hold their grand city. Vigo was impressed with their resolve, although furious that the city was not yet his. Wave upon wave of Carpathians attacked, and the losses on both sides were incredible. Vigo himself rode into the city and fought along side his men, killing many Americans personally.

                      The walls were mere rubble, and getting into the city was no longer the issue. The Americans fired arrows from windows, and used their knowledge of the city layout to plan ambushes. No longer was the battle a head to head slaughterfest, but a streetfight waged street by street, building by building.

                      Fires raged unattended in many structures. The water supply system was in ruins. Blood flowed in the streets to such a degree that it looked as if someone had painted them red.

                      Vigo ordered another retreat. The American resistance was costing him too many lives. He would regroup outside the deathtrap known as New York, and plan his next move...
                      Last edited by Diplo Carpathia; March 29, 2008, 04:42.
                      YIM is CarpathiaCiv
                      MSN is CarpathiaCiv
                      Email is diplo_carpathia at plomp dot eu


                      • Originally posted by Diplo Holland
                        Huygens of Hollande wishes to assure America that the tide will turn badly against Carpathia if they attack New York.

                        I desire more responses to my peace deal before finalising my plans and whether Clovis comes in to play...
                        The artists rendering sent in our last message was from many months ago. We sent it to show you, and the world, the size of the force Carpathia has brought against our city of New York (our second oldest city).

                        The attack has begun. It has begun months (years?) ago and continues today. This is how the situation looks today after many months of war. The Carpathians laid siege to New York and invaded. Thus far at least, the gallant American defenders have repelled the invasion. Notice too the different composition of troops in the second image. Carpathia has sent several waves of troops at New York.

                        We certainly hope Holland keeps to its word and look forward to seeing "the tide turn badly for Carpathia". They have no interest in peace. Vigo is mad with hatred and will never stop until America lies in flames.
                        Land of the free. Home of the brave.


                        • Sneaky Stuff Indeed

                          OOC: Errrr, why did America post old footage of an impending carpathian attack when the attack already happened? Holland and others, I trust you can see through the deceptive diplomacy of the Americans.
                          YIM is CarpathiaCiv
                          MSN is CarpathiaCiv
                          Email is diplo_carpathia at plomp dot eu


                          • OOC: As I stated, it was posted to show the world the size of the force you brought against us. Least Holland believe you were simply sending a diversion against us to distract us from Oradea. In truth more troops were sent against New York than Oradea, and we wished to demonstrate Carpathia's true intent.
                            Land of the free. Home of the brave.


                            • Originally posted by Diplo America

                              Offer of Peace to Carpathia

                              As it is unlikely this treaty will ever be read or responded to, we shall save the ink and dispense with the diplomatic pleasantries by being brief. The war has not gone well for Carpathia. You attacked us without provocation and began this ill-fated war entirely of your own volition. America did not ask for this war, but we refused to be pushed around by a stronger and more advanced nation.

                              We mobilized for war and delivered defeat after defeat to the mighty Carpathian empire. In total we captured five Carpathian cities. One has been returned to the Mali and one you have retaken. Our army continues to grow and we have no fears about continuing this war. It will only continue to get worse for you. Now is the time to negotiate.

                              Americans are a fair minded people. We do not seek to cripple Carpathia, we merely want to end this war with honor. In light of our great military success, America’s poor situation in the world, and Carpathia’s role as the aggressor we offer the following terms:

                              America Gives The Following:

                              - America recognizes the cultural and strategic importance of Oradea, the Islamic holy city. Against our better judgment, we offer to return this city to Carpathian control.

                              Carpathia Gives The Following:

                              - Carpathia gives America the city of Craiova in exchange for Oradea. This is a reasonable request as this city borders America’s capitol, Richmond, is surrounded on three sides by American territory, and is entirely cut off from Carpathian territory. Considering the value of Oradea, this small backwater is a small, reasonable concession.
                              - Carpathia teaches America the technology of Engineering and Optics as reparations for starting this costly war.


                              - All hostilities cease and current borders are frozen between America and Carpathia.
                              - The cities of Timisoara and Focsani remain under American control as they were fairly taken in combat in a war we did not start.
                              - Prisoners of war shall be exchanged.
                              - The border shall not be militarized by either side.

                              We believe these terms are fair. If war continues our next offer will not be as understanding or generous.


                              Thomas Jefferson
                              Secretary of State

                              George Washington
                              Huygens sits back and re-reads the old American ffer of peace that included the return of Oradea.

                              My, how the waters have been muddied of late.

                              Maybe Carpathia will never end its warring?

                              I hope the Carpathians reply to my peace deal soon or reconsider the American deal? Or just start negotiating in a statesman-like way!

                              I like those Carpathians and admire their bravery and national pride but foolishness is another thing...
                              Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                              [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                              • Re: Sneaky Stuff Indeed

                                Originally posted by Diplo Carpathia
                                OOC: Errrr, why did America post old footage of an impending carpathian attack when the attack already happened? Holland and others, I trust you can see through the deceptive diplomacy of the Americans.
                                It makes no sense to attack New York if you truly want Oradea back alone.

                                You need to consider one of the peace deals or start offerring some please Vigo.
                                Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                                [Trading Inc. 660AD]

