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Diplogame HOTW XII Ragnarok - Story Thread

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  • Adams’ reign was brief but prosperous. He made many foreign trades and began building America’s first navy. He also, for the very first time, began exploring lands beyond America’s shore. Sending expeditions north to begin exploring the northern continent. Much to his disappointment many Dutch were found there. Adams was a pious man and worked to spread Islam to all American cities and build places of worship and religious study throughout the land. It was under his watch as well that Islam first came to France. Thanks to Hamilton’s economic policies and Jefferson & Madison’s treaties, much economic and scientific progress was made during the Adams years.

    Ultimately, John Adams followed the example of George Washington and resigned after a certain number of years in office. The senate was called once more to decide upon a successor. Once again the top two candidates were Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson. This time however the electors were without a suitable compromise candidate. The debate was furious. Jefferson and Hamilton campaigned heavily for the position, but it was Jefferson who carried the day.

    Frustrated, Hamilton resigned as Treasury Secretary and refused to accept the Vice-Commander position.

    (OOC - Ok, this brings us up to speed. Now with Jefferson’s selection, I am posting for the current time. Jefferson will be in charge for next session (tomorrow). A guide for those of you keeping score at home:

    Session 1 – Samuel the Yankee
    Session 2 – Christopher the Yankee
    Session 3 – Christopher the Yankee
    Session 4 – Benedict Arnold
    Session 5 – Benedict Arnold
    Session 6 – George Washington
    Session 7 (last week) – John Adams
    Session 8 (tomorrow’s session) – Thomas Jefferson)

    Jefferson’s cabinet:

    Vice-Commander – James Madison
    Secretary of State – James Monroe
    Secretary of War – Andrew Jackson
    Secretary of the Treasury – John Quincy Adams (son of John Adams)

    Once again, the Carpathian question was at the top of the agenda. The Carpathian government had finally reorganized after the long illness that overtook the nation following Tepes’ fall. The Carpathians cried out for mercy and charity. Jefferson, the chief proponent of offering them mercy under Adams’ administration now was unsure how to proceed. He called a cabinet meeting.

    Jefferson began, “You have all read the message sent by the new Carpathian government. What are your thoughts?”

    Jackson spoke first, “This is precisely what I warned you of. We should have finished them off when we had the chance. Neither they, nor the world at large give America any credit for the ridiculous amount of restraint we showed. Jefferson, you worried about us being seen as the aggressor, now, even with our concessions and unilateral suspension of hostilities the Dutch and Mongols still see us in the wrong and sympathize with the damn vampires. I say we invade just to silence their impunity.”

    “My father was hesitant to accept the peace deal without terms near the beginning of his term,” said John Quincy Adams, “It seems his fears have come to life. When America was weak and backwards the Carpathians exploited us. When the Mali were weak and backwards the Carpathians exploited them. When, through much work on our part, the Carpathians were weak and backwards we showed them mercy and charity. Now they scoff at us and seek to exploit us again. Now, however, we are not weak and backwards. We are a growing, powerful nation. We must not bow to their demands. We have been overly generous as is.”

    “Perhaps they need to be reminded of our generosity,” suggested Jefferson.

    “I recommend the world be reminded of the crimes Carpathia has committed against us and the Mali as well. They have short memories,” added Jackson.

    “A note of clarification can only help to shine light on the current situation for both sides,” agreed Madison, “But we shouldn’t rule out further negotiations. A lasting peace is a fair peace.”

    “We offered them a fair peace a dozen times,” growled Jackson, “they spat at us and put our couriers on spikes. They have no interest in peace or in justice.”

    “The Carpathian people were victims of Tepes’ brutal reign the same as we. To paraphrase the Inca, we should not punish their people for the sins of their father,” said Monroe.

    “I have sympathy for the Carpathian people, I do, but we have been down this road before,” replied Adams, “Arnold, the traitor, did many foul things in our name when he ruled America. Yet Washington did not seek to run from Arnold’s record or legacy. He offered fair, just compensation to the Mali for actions taken by Arnold. We don’t seek to punish the Carpathians, but they do need to accept responsibility for the actions of their leaders. As we have. To expect otherwise is not justice, it is license to commit any crime or horror without consequence.”

    “Well we can, at least, agree on a statement pleading our case to the world. I shall begin writing it,” said Commander-in-chief Jefferson. With that he concluded the meeting.
    Land of the free. Home of the brave.


    • TO: To Tomas Jefferson
      FROM: King Henry the II.

      Concerning: The Marshal’s plan

      We wish to echo the opinion of Mongolia on the subject of a treaty with Carpathia. We feel that you should not blame the people of Carpathia for the actions of their goverenet, nor do we wish the partition of Carpathia. Such a course of action would be unacceptable. Please do not take this the wrong way, we have considered ourselves friends of America, French traders often travel to American cities, your people are culturally similar to our own, we have both won wars against vastly superior opponents, we have engaged in profitable trade and we also have and shall send aid to help America recover from the war and catch up technologically.

      Inspired by a comment on the future of Terra made by one of our marshalls, we have now decided to formalize our friendly and humanitarian policy towards the West. We wish for a fair peace to be established and for a new government to be set up in Carpathia. We think its people are tired of war. The new government is said to represent the people, if this proves true perhaps a friendship among the Western powers is possible? Only on the grounds of Carpathian-American forgiveness, reconciliation and friendship can a new, post-war community arise. Another war in the Western peninsula, even if or perhaps especially if waged in a century or two in the future, would cripple all sides involved. There must be peace in the great western peninsula. It is French hope that this will come to pass, and that the people of America and France will be able to give a helping hand to the people of Carpathia in taking their honorable place among the peoples of Terra once they are blessed with a just goverement.

      France is firmly committed in aiding America and the West in general. If America is willing we can together rebuild the west. We must all commit to never forget the suffering of the people of Mali, America and Carpathian in their many wars. We must also never forget the suffering of the people of Russia, who lived for millennia in fear of barbarians. We must also never forget the hard hand of the oppressive governments that have caused soo much suffering to their own people. The people who need knowledge must be helped to reach it, the people who need roads and aqueducts must be helped to build them, the people who need stability must have it. There is no limit to the freedom and prosperity, 20 or 30 million westerners can achieve if given the proper aid and the gift of peace!

      King Herny the II. of France
      Last edited by Diplo France; March 21, 2008, 17:50.
      'Impossible' n'est pas français.


      • The unanimous Declaration of the eleven united States of America,

        When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to defend their right to exist and declare the equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to this situation.

        We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

        That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from God and the Law of Nature, That whenever any Government becomes destructive to their Neighbors and threatens the peace, tranquility and freedom of their People, it is the Right of said People to cripple or to abolish the Threat they face , and to institute new Borders, laying their foundation on such principles and organizing its territories in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Borders long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the Threat to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Threats, and to provide new Borders for their future security.

        Such has been the patient sufferance of America; and such is now the necessity which constrains them to alter their permanent Borders. The history of the Government of Carpathia is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over Western Terra. To prove this, let Facts be submitted to a candid world.

        During the reigns of Samuel & Christopher the Yankees, Carpathia exploited America’s weak position by claiming most good land on the peninsula and leaving America only an unmanageable land of jungle.

        Carpathia then formed an “alliance” with America by which America was made little better than a client state expected to assist Carpathia with their technological goals with unsatisfactory compensation.

        Carpathia, even during the early days of our supposed friendship, did make military threats on the American city of New York and remark on how easy it would be to capture the city.

        Carpathia took advantage of the Mali during the Mali-American war and captured the Mali city of Bacau without provocation or declaration of war.

        Carpathia claimed the territory of the former city of Goa, claimed and fought over by both the Mali and Americans.

        When the Mali-American war ended and America recognized Mali’s sole claim to their historical territory of Goa, Carpathia refused to budge.

        Carpathia has long established the right of conquest through military strength and has sought to ‘justify’ its unprovoked conquest of Mali land with the following statements:

        To: The Americans and Malinese
        From: Vlad Tepes II

        There is no sense in fighting over this piece of land. Carpathia has laid claim to it and even now has sufficent military stationed there to defend it if needed.

        Any settler seen within this region will be killed on sight.

        To: Mansa Sari I, king of Mali
        From: Count Vlad Tepes II

        We claim the area in the name of Carpathia through pure military dominance, which is in accordance with The Code.

        If you wish to test our claim, please, bring troops. Carpathia has entered a military renaissance lately, and is eager to test it's new toys out. Be warned however, Carpathia is hungry for more territory and may not stop at Goa if war ensues.

        The improvments will remain as they stand today. Any attempt to destroy or sabotage them will be considered an act of war.

        We are not a fair minded nation of Terra.

        - Vlad
        And (OOC, so take it for what you will):
        OOC: To the player behind Mali. Perhaps our views on how the game should be played differ. With Holy Romes traits, UB, and UU, it makes sense to spam citys, catch yourself economicly with your UB and Holy Building, then use protective/imperialistic to defend your sprawl. I don't really feel any obligation to ensure any other civilizations survival but my own. And yes, I will backstab, but not all the time. In fact, machinery was probably more beakers then both techs you traded me, so don't push the "stole your techs" thing too hard. You were compensated. The days of playing nice are over however.
        After the Mali-American war ended and America agreed upon reparations to send the Mali, those reparations (refugees from Goa) were brutally murdered by Carpathia, without the slightest provocation or warning and without being any where close to the vicinity of Goa.
        Carpathia then sent troops into American lands to assault our ancient city of New York.

        Carpathia then sent troops into Mali lands to assault their cherished capitol city, Timbuktu.

        Carpathia had no qualms about attacking, invading and seeking to take territory from the weakest nation on Terra – America.

        Carpathia had no qualms about attacking, invading and taking territory from one of the weakest nations on Terra – Mali.

        Despite Carpathia’s wealth and power they did not show the slightest mercy toward either America or the Mali.

        After the tide of battle turned against Carpathia, they refused to discuss America’s magnanimous offer of peace.

        As the tide of battle turned further against Carpathia, they again refused to discuss America’s magnanimous offer of peace.

        As the tide of battle turned further against Carpathia, they again refused to discuss America’s magnanimous offer of peace.

        As the tide of battle turned further against Carpathia, they again refused to discuss America’s magnanimous offer of peace.

        Having received no concessions, hearing no remorse for Carpathia’s attempts to conquer both the Mali and Americans, and expecting no guarantee that Carpathia would honor said agreement; America unilaterally withdrew its military from Carpathian land and went to peace.

        (OOC: American troops were outside of the major and strategically important Carpathian city of Braila. There wasn’t a single unit in the city. We could have taken this city to use in future negotiations, and to deny Carpathia access to iron with which they could rearm themselves and mount another assault upon us or the Mali, but we did not take the empty city. Instead we signed the unilateral peace and sent our troops home. Were we truly seeking to hurt Carpathia or seeking to conquer land for our own benefit, by rights we should have taken that city.)

        Under new government, Carpathia does not offer the slightest apology for the wars they started or the crimes against America or Mali, yet they demand territory.

        Carpathia's brutal unhuman treatment of its own people has appalled the good senses of right-thinking people the world over.

        Carpathian citizens of Oradea and Foccicia refuse to return to their brutal overlords, new government or not, for fear of reprisals and impalement.

        We, therefore, the Representatives of the united States of America, appealing to the Supreme Judge of the world for the rectitude of our intentions, do, in the Name, and by Authority of the good People of this nation, solemnly publish and declare, That these united cities of Oradea and Foccicia are, and of Right ought to be Free and American States; that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the Carpathian crown, that all political connection between them and the State of Carpathia, is and ought to be totally dissolved. And for the support of this Declaration, with a firm reliance on the protection of divine Providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes and our sacred Honor.
        Land of the free. Home of the brave.


        • TO: All
          FROM: King Henry the II.

          Concerning: The Marshal’s plan

          The Marshal’s plan can only be realized if the countries who started the aggressive wars fully renounce the actions of their former tyrannical regimes. This is especially true for the people of Carpathia for Carpathian aggression, but also, if much less so, applies to the American aggression on Mali under Benedict Arnold.

          Only once such apologies and renouncements are made, can reconciliation happen.

          King Henry the II. of France
          'Impossible' n'est pas français.


          • TO: King Henry the II of France
            FROM: James Monroe, Secretary of State

            Concerning: The Mali-American War

            We have formally apologized to the Mali for the destruction of Goa and any harm Benedict Arnold may have caused the Mali people during our war. We agreed to peace terms and have since enjoyed a firm friendship. Carpathia appears unwilling to recognize its own wrong doing or offer any concessions for such actions, as America has.

            Reconciliation has happened flawlessly between America and Mali. Reconciliation is possible between Carpathia if they follow our example and offer concessions propotionate to the conduct of the war and their role in it.

            James Monroe, Secretary of State of America
            Land of the free. Home of the brave.


            • TO: All nations of Terra
              FROM: King Henry the II.

              Concerning: The Hundred Year War

              We are pleased to state that the crisis, after long and difficult negotiations, is over. The exact terms of the arrangement remain secret for now on the request of the Incas. We can say it is not dissimilar to the original treaty, that the Incas illegally tried to get out of.
              We can also state that if instability within the Incan government resulted in aother “unexpected” change of official policy, the default legal order would be the original treaty. We also reserve the right to publish the current treaty if the Incas violate it.

              But let us not allow such legal regulations damper the enthusiasm felt because of this historic accord. Let us state that if the treaty is respected we shall hold no animosity towards the Incan people and that the peaceful French people are willing to work together with all the trustworthy nations of terra.

              King Henry the II. of France
              'Impossible' n'est pas français.


              • TO: Huygens and Clovis of the Dutch, King Henry the II. of France and the Tribes of Mongolia
                CC: All civilized nations
                FROM: Thomas Jefferson, Commander in Chief

                Concerning: Dutch, French & Mongol Sympathy for Carpathia

                Your diplomatic sympathy toward the Carpathians is well known, but it strikes us here in America quite odd. Where was Dutch or Mongolian sympathy when America was the weakest and most backward nation on Terra? Where was Dutch or Mongolian concern for our well being? America had done no wrong to no land, treated our own people well, and respected the borders and treaties of other nations, yet because of foul land treaties with the Carpathians found ourselves clinging to a useless scrap of jungle and mountains for most of our history. Falling further and further behind the world in power and technology. While Carpathia was building grand wonders of the world America was struggling to survive. Where was your sympathy then?

                Why too, do two of the most powerful and advanced nations on Terra request that America, long Terra’s weakest society, be responsible for providing charity and mercy to the Carpathians?

                Surely, if they truly sympathized with Carpathia, with Holland’s significant land claims in the northern continents and the New World they would help Carpathia recover from the war by offering overseas territory or access to the bounties of the New World. Far better to help Carpathia that way then to ask America, just now claiming a meager lot for ourselves in the world at large to subsidize the development of Carpathia.

                If diplomacy is to be decided based on worth, based on need, or based on righteousness, then surely America has a stronger claim than Carpathia. America has consistently sought to do the right and honorable thing and despite lip service paid to such virtues by the Great Powers, America has earned no respect for doing so. Our only transgressions, were they to be called such, was during the Mali-American war. Remember, however, that were America labeled the aggressor (which I maintain we were not) we aggressed against a larger, more advanced and more prosperous nation and sought to improve our lot in life. The Carpathia however stole land and pushed around nations far weaker than it. The Mali and Americans had never provoked Carpathia yet they declare war on us, steal our land, massacre our citizens, all while enjoying a considerable advantage in technology, wealth and land.

                America did not seek out charity to right this inequality. We did not ask for cities we did not earn. We fought and bled for every inch of land we have taken in this war.

                To the Mongols, we quote your own leaders:

                “Take as much of this land as you care too, for he who is bold can claim more than he who is timid.”

                Has not America been bold?

                We have been. We have been bold and victorious. We deserve the spoils of war not only as the just reward for earnest military action (that was not of our making). But we deserve the spoils of war because by it, for the first time in our people’s history, America is not the weakest, most backwards nation on Terra. To demand or request that America reverse and undo the victories we have earned in this war is to demand and request that America return to last place and be content to lag behind all other nations on Terra.

                We refuse.

                That being said, we have never intended to cripple Carpathia even though they sought to cripple us (and received no condemnation for). We are open to negotiations with the new Carpathian government. Indeed we are even open to returning the city of Timisoara to Carpathian control. We know the pain that war can cause, and thus also offer teams of American workers to help rebuild Carpathia. Also, we are open to additional, though limited, technology or gold concessions as well.

                However we will not return the cities of Oradea and Foccicia. Their people have no desire to return to harsh Carpathian rule. Furthermore, it is in the interests of world peace that Carpathia be severed from their source of The Code in Oradea. It is their interpretation of Islam that has caused much of the cruelty and horror our peninsula has experienced over the last several generations. American prophets and theologians have studied in Oradea and have reached quite different interpretations of the holy texts and do not see this as a religion of brutality and malice, but of peace and justice.

                It is no accident that the tyrant Vlad Tepes was overthrown after the Carpathians were severed from Oradea. Returning Oradea to the Carpathians simply invites a reemergence of the Tepes brand of brutality. For the safety of our people, the Mali people, and Carpathian’s own people, we cannot allow that.

                I close with words from Carpathia herself, spoken after the brutal theft of Mali land:
                Your best option king is to cut your losses and expand in other directions. A war with Carpathia would be VERY costly to both the Mali people and treasury. Please note our army is almost double the size of yours, not to mention protective archers and a long history of metal use. I noticed your army is mostly comprised of skirmishers.

                Perhaps a very generous offer of either tech, money, or resorces might sway us to sell the land, but it would have to be quite generous.

                Make me an offer, but forget about me handing over land for free.
                Likewise, America will not be handing over land for free.

                Thomas Jefferson
                Commander in Chief
                United States of America
                Last edited by Diplo America; March 21, 2008, 19:17.
                Land of the free. Home of the brave.


                • TO: James Monroe, Secretary of State
                  FROM: King Henry the II.

                  Concerning: The Carpathian war, The marshal’s plan

                  We are aware of the trial of Benedict Arnold that followed the war, we are also aware of renouncement of Benedictian doctrine and imperialist war by the American people. The peace and friendship that resulted is truly an example of overcoming differences for the common good.

                  But you must remember that the friendship was forged to protect yourselves from aggression by another power. There is no such external threat currently, so all parties involved will have to do groundbreaking work. And will have to accept reason to the greatest degree if there is any hope of this

                  Firstly, We understand the former ruler of Carpathia is dead and can not be tried by a international Amero-Mali tribunal. Perhaps some of the other officials of the former government could be tried? Such a trial would provide closure and would help positive forces in Carpathia in securing power without fear of being toppled by revanchists.

                  Secondly, the new Carpathian government must fully cooperate all depends on them. If they do, they will have full French protection from any unreasonable claims or injustices.

                  Thirdly, the people of America and Mali must leave Carpathia enough land for the state to be independent in the true meaning of the word and will have opportunity to develop. Since a large Carpathian population being slowly assimilated into the American or Mali empire will not create good conditions for lasting peace or stability. We do understand that the spoils of victory are unavoidable rights, but excesses should be avoided.

                  In conclusion France will, as it always has provide aid, to the Americans to help you develop and take your rightful place amongst nations and recover from war and Russia so it may recover from the long reign of terror of the barbarian peoples and the tragedy of natural disasters. What is changing is that we shall extend the aid to the people of Mali and Carpathia. We wish to ensure no nation falls into the horrible spiral of constant warfare, instability and extreme poverty after this Great War. Aid shall be dispensed reasonably, Carpathia dosen't need tech, but they may need some workers or workboats or some gold to keep their economy afloat. Or perhaps they just need to keep some more of their land? We also think that nations included in this aid agreement will also provide aid among themselves, by helping each other a spirit of solidarity will arise and the region will develop faster than if it relied exclusively on Eastern aid to catch up.
                  'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                  • The end of Cuzco's glory

                    Immediately after the short conflict between Cuzco and the French Empire, Cuzco was called to the great Incan Council to explain their violation of international law and what beef did it have with the French Empire. After much debate and talks it was decided that Cuzco will no longer represent the Incan civilization. The grand capital will be striped of almost all of its privileges. It will only maintain its religious and cultural influence on the Incan civilization. Never will the Inca again allow one of its cities to fight against a whole nation by itself. What a shame! From now on the whole of Inca should be informed and the great council will need to vote for their to be taken any agression toward a foreign nation.

                    Little is known about the Cuzco/French conflict. All the documents which would have shined light on what really happen and why were destroyed by the city of Cuzco. The majority of Incan cities didn’t care much, they were foreign to this so called conflict. Most even didn’t knew about it, Cuzco worked very hard to keep it out of sight from many even the great council.

                    With the fall of Cuzco a new city was given the role of governing the Incan future. All government agencies were moved there. The city of Machu Picchu was to become the center of Incan bureaucracy and home to the majority of the great council members. After Machu Picchu’s inauguration ceremony the city council elected a special diplomatic committee with the task of gathering the brightest foreign policy minds to aid with the soon to start negotiations with the French.

                    This special team of highly skilled diplomats was asked to present a front of the committee their recommendations in how the Incan should handle these mess started by one city.

                    The following is part of the presentation:

                    Dear committee:

                    We need to orient ourselves towards a win-win approach: many Incan studies support the view that how we approach a negotiation will play a key role in how the negotiation proceeds. Inca have a much better chance of coming to an outcome involving mutual gains if we approach the negotiation wanting to reach this kind of outcome. It is critical to constantly reinforce our interest in the other side's concerns and our determination to find a mutually satisfactory resolution.

                    Even in what appears to be win-lose situations, there are often win-win solutions; we need to look for an integrative solution. This includes trying to create additional alternatives such as low cost concessions that might have high value to the French; frame options in terms of the French’s interests; look for alternatives that allow our opponent to declare victory

                    Plan: Do some thinking ahead of time!

                    Before the negotiation, it is helpful for us to plan. Know whether we are in a win-win or win-lose situation. We should be sure of our goals, positions, and underlying interests. We should try to figure out the best resolution we can expect, what is a fair and reasonable deal and what is a minimally acceptable deal. What information do we have and what do we need. What are our competitive advantages and disadvantages. What is the French's advantages and disadvantages. We should give some thought to our strategy.

                    It is very important to be clear on what is important to us. We should be clear about our real goals and real issues and try to figure out the French's real goals and issues. Too many negotiations fail because nations are so worried about being taken advantage of that they forget their needs. Nations who lose track of their own goals will break off negotiations even if they have achieved their needs because they become more concerned with whether the other side "won."

                    Equally important is to be clear and communicate why our goals, issues, and objectives are important to us. The french side needs to know why issues are important to us, not just that they are important.

                    It is important to be clear about Inca’s walkaway, also called reservation position.

                    It is important to know our competitive advantage-our strongest points. Also we need to know the advantages to the french's argument. Similarly, we should know our weaknesses and the french's weaknesses.

                    In most conflict resolution or negotiation situations we will have a continuing relationship with the French so it is important to leave the situation with both sides feeling they have "won." It is very important that the French doesn't feel that they "lost." If one side feels that they have lost, the results are often lack of commitment to the agreement or even worse, retaliation.

                    Separate Nations from the Problem at Hand

                    It is critical to address problems, not personalities and avoid the tendency to attack French personally; if France feels threatened, they will defend their self-esteem and make attacking the real problem more difficult. We should try to maintain a rational, goal oriented frame of mind: if France attacks us personally, we should not let them hook us into an emotional reaction; let the French blow off steam without taking it personally; we should try to understand the problem behind the aggression.

                    Make sure we send signals that we know the conflict is about the issues at hand and not personal. This will help to prevent the French side from getting defensive.

                    Find Underlying Interests!

                    A key to successful negotiations is finding the "integrative" issues--often they can be found in underlying interests. We need to be very clear about our interests and this may not be as easy as it would appear. Equally important is the need to find out the France’s key interests.

                    We are used to identifying our own interests, but a critical element in negotiation is to come to understanding the France’s underlying interests and underlying needs. With probing and exchanging information we can find the commonalities between us and minimize the differences that seem to be evident. Understanding these interests is the key to "integrative bargaining." The biggest source of failure in negotiation is the failure to see the "integrative" element of most negotiation. Too often we think a situation is win-lose when it is actually a win-win situation. This mistaken view causes us to often use the wrong strategy.

                    A key part in finding common interests is the problem identification. It is important to define the problem in a way that is mutually acceptable to both Inca and France. This involves depersonalizing the problem so as not to raise the defensiveness of the other nation.

                    Use an Objective Standard if possible!

                    We should try to have the result be based on some objective standard. Make our negotiated decision based on principles and results, not emotions or pressure; try to find objective criteria that both Inca and France can use to evaluate alternatives; don't succumb to emotional please, assertiveness, or stubborness

                    Pay Attention to the Flow of Negotiation: Negotiation is a sequence of events, not an incident

                    There is a tendency to think about conflict or the negotiating situation as an isolated incident. It is probably more useful to think about conflict as a process, or a complex series of events over time involving both external factors and internal social and psychological factors. Conflict episodes typically are affected by preceding and in turn produce results and outcomes that affect the conflict dynamics.

                    A negotiation usually involves a number of steps including the exchange of proposals and counter proposals. In good-faith negotiation, both sides are expected to make offers and concessions. Our goal here is not only to try to solve the problem, but to gain information that will enable us to get a clearer notion of what the true issues might be and how our "opponent" sees reality. Through offers and counter offers there should be a goal of a lot of information exchange that might yield a common definition of the problem.

                    Next, once aware of the conflict, both Inca and France experience emotional reactions to it and think about it in various ways. These emotions and thoughts are crucial to the course of the developing conflict. For example, a negotiation can be greately affected if a nation reacts in anger perhaps resulting from past conflict.

                    Then based on the thoughts and emotions that arise in the process of conflict resolution, we formulate specific intentions about the strategies we will use in the negotiation. These may be quite general or quite specific

                    Finally, these intentions are translated into behavior. These behaviors in turn elicit some response from the other side and the process recycles.

                    This approach suggests we pay particular attention to these generalizations:

                    Conflict is an ongoing process that occurs against a backdrop of continuing relationships and events.

                    Such conflict involves the thoughts, perceptions, memories, and emotions of the people involved; these must be considered.

                    Negotiations are like a chess match; have a strategy; anticipate how the other will respond; how strong is your position, and situation; how important is the issue; how important will it be to stick to a hardened position

                    Begin with a positive approach: Try to establish rapport and mutual trust before starting; try for a small concession early

                    Pay little attention to initial offers: these are points of departure; they tend to be extreme and idealistic; focus on the other person's interests and your own goals and principles, while you generate other possibilities.

                    So armed with this new skills Machu Picchu’s diplomatic envoy left for France to fix this diplomatic glitch.
                    Last edited by Diplo Inca; March 21, 2008, 20:43.


                    • Comment

                      • edit
                        Last edited by deity; March 21, 2008, 21:17.
                        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                        icq: 8388924


                        • Of matters war and religion

                          To: Thomas Jefferson, Commander in Chief
                          From: Huygens of Hollande

                          Dear Sir,

                          I am in receipt of your latest international communique that is for all to see.

                          Whilst I appreciate our growing ties with open borders and trade exchanges I have to tell it to you straight how I react to this missive. Clovis, my partner in Dutch governance, is so enraged as it best not to involve him in this diplomatic effort.

                          Note that I, Huygens, am a man of exploration and trade; of the building of Wonders that assist in the economic development of Hollande and all those who trade with her. It us a privilege to secure open borders arrangements with Hollande and we do concede that your willingness to trade a Great Prophet for De Hague a most advantageous one. We are keen to continue the spread of Islam to our country and Confucuionism to yours and Carpathia.

                          Now, that aside, please note my reactions below.

                          Originally posted by Diplo America

                          TO: Huygens and Clovis of the Dutch, King Henry the II. of France and the Tribes of Mongolia
                          I would have appreciated a private communique first to enable you to get your facts straight

                          CC: All civilized nations
                          FROM: Thomas Jefferson, Commander in Chief

                          Concerning: Dutch, French & Mongol Sympathy for Carpathia

                          Your diplomatic sympathy toward the Carpathians is well known, but it strikes us here in America quite odd. Where was Dutch or Mongolian sympathy when America was the weakest and most backward nation on Terra? Where was Dutch or Mongolian concern for our well being?
                          Firstly, these wars are far away and are more correctly part of the sphere of influence by the Inca super power. Secondly, barely had the Carpathian/American war started that America was supported by Inca troops and won considerable battles. At no stage in this phase was there any direct support of Carpathia by ANY nation on Terra (check message log), but anti-war cries would have been made by some nations.

                          America had done no wrong to no land, treated our own people well, and respected the borders and treaties of other nations, yet because of foul land treaties with the Carpathians found ourselves clinging to a useless scrap of jungle and mountains for most of our history. Falling further and further behind the world in power and technology. While Carpathia was building grand wonders of the world America was struggling to survive. Where was your sympathy then?
                          This is all history now and you use the same labels of countries to describe different peoples and governments. We could say where was America when the Mongols assaulted our soutern borders? No nations came to our aid (save the Ottomans at the end) or even offerred any verbal objection. Again the Inca sphere of influence produced a deafening silence as wave after wave of Mongols attacked us, yet the Inca got the support of 3 or 4 nations when the same threat beset them. But this is during King Willem's time and is ancient history too.

                          Thomas, what you speak of is ancient history also. If we are to make any progress TODAY then recognise that Tepes has gone. His people are liberated to an extent and the city Mayors are gradually taking charge. It seems to me that America is using historically conflicting arguments to press a case today. Hollande spoke out against the Carpathians back in the time of the first attacks and urged Carpathia to negotiate - I'm sure you remember this.

                          This lack of negotiation appears to me to have precipiated a war mongering element in America that verges upon racial genocide and excuse for major over reaction. I hope you can bring this under control, particularly the Jacksons of your regime. I appeal to you to resist the glory of war mongering results for you will see a world that grows more anti-American as time goes by.

                          The Mayors of Carpathia need to be cut some slack, sir.

                          Why too, do two of the most powerful and advanced nations on Terra request that America, long Terra’s weakest society, be responsible for providing charity and mercy to the Carpathians?

                          Surely, if they truly sympathized with Carpathia, with Holland’s significant land claims in the northern continents and the New World they would help Carpathia recover from the war by offering overseas territory or access to the bounties of the New World. Far better to help Carpathia that way then to ask America, just now claiming a meager lot for ourselves in the world at large to subsidize the development of Carpathia.
                          This is where I am most angry at you sir. You speak out in an international arena like this without knowing the full facts. Diplomatic correspondence is still struggling to finds its way to the Mayors (it was sent well before last session) but no contact has yet been made. What lies in the correspondence is currently private but I can assure you that many generous Dutch offers were made to the Mayors of Carpathia (or their far flung predeccessors) that did entail territorial acquisitions. I am most insulted by your presumptiveness in this matter.

                          If diplomacy is to be decided based on worth, based on need, or based on righteousness, then surely America has a stronger claim than Carpathia. America has consistently sought to do the right and honorable thing and despite lip service paid to such virtues by the Great Powers, America has earned no respect for doing so. Our only transgressions, were they to be called such, was during the Mali-American war. Remember, however, that were America labeled the aggressor (which I maintain we were not) we aggressed against a larger, more advanced and more prosperous nation and sought to improve our lot in life. The Carpathia however stole land and pushed around nations far weaker than it. The Mali and Americans had never provoked Carpathia yet they declare war on us, steal our land, massacre our citizens, all while enjoying a considerable advantage in technology, wealth and land.

                          America did not seek out charity to right this inequality. We did not ask for cities we did not earn. We fought and bled for every inch of land we have taken in this war.

                          To the Mongols, we quote your own leaders:

                          “Take as much of this land as you care too, for he who is bold can claim more than he who is timid.”

                          Has not America been bold?

                          We have been. We have been bold and victorious. We deserve the spoils of war not only as the just reward for earnest military action (that was not of our making). But we deserve the spoils of war because by it, for the first time in our people’s history, America is not the weakest, most backwards nation on Terra. To demand or request that America reverse and undo the victories we have earned in this war is to demand and request that America return to last place and be content to lag behind all other nations on Terra.

                          We refuse.

                          That being said, we have never intended to cripple Carpathia even though they sought to cripple us (and received no condemnation for). We are open to negotiations with the new Carpathian government. Indeed we are even open to returning the city of Timisoara to Carpathian control. We know the pain that war can cause, and thus also offer teams of American workers to help rebuild Carpathia. Also, we are open to additional, though limited, technology or gold concessions as well.

                          However we will not return the cities of Oradea and Foccicia. Their people have no desire to return to harsh Carpathian rule. Furthermore, it is in the interests of world peace that Carpathia be severed from their source of The Code in Oradea. It is their interpretation of Islam that has caused much of the cruelty and horror our peninsula has experienced over the last several generations. American prophets and theologians have studied in Oradea and have reached quite different interpretations of the holy texts and do not see this as a religion of brutality and malice, but of peace and justice.

                          It is no accident that the tyrant Vlad Tepes was overthrown after the Carpathians were severed from Oradea. Returning Oradea to the Carpathians simply invites a reemergence of the Tepes brand of brutality. For the safety of our people, the Mali people, and Carpathian’s own people, we cannot allow that.

                          I close with words from Carpathia herself, spoken after the brutal theft of Mali land:

                          Likewise, America will not be handing over land for free.

                          Thomas Jefferson
                          Commander in Chief
                          United States of America
                          I think you are crying unfair and poor America too loudly Thomas and if care is not taken there may be a rift between our great nations.

                          A strong Confucionist religious element is on the rise in Hollande thanks to your help. The Ottomans have converted to Confucionist and the Mongols response to that was one of immense pride in welcoming them.

                          I am concerned about this and Clovis is currently in charge of De Hague and Utrecht attempting to build a religious Frankish empire. If a giant Confucionist regime were to develop... well that is enough for now and I personally think it quite fancifull. But please take care in your international communiques and I suggest you do not transpose one part of history and its people and government of the time for justification in another time and place with different peoples and governence.

                          I am open to more discreet negotiations as I prefer to see a giant Islamic/Confucionist trade regime where the stronger nations like Hollande and Mongolia assist the more needy, including America.

                          Yours faithfully,

                          Last edited by Diplo Holland; March 21, 2008, 21:33.
                          Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                          [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                          • Interesting fact for all nations on Terra to see. Some of you claim Inca is big and wants more, well dear friends here is the latest intel which shows that 5 nations have more cities then us. We ask that you stop spreading fause infromation.

                            Thank you


                            • Originally posted by Diplo Inca
                              Interesting fact for all nations on Terra to see. Some of you claim Inca is big and wants more, well dear friends here is the latest intel which shows that 5 nations have more cities then us. We ask that you stop spreading fause infromation.

                              Thank you

                              There is a difference between number of cities and land controlled.

                              Inca controls the MOST land in all the world.

                              France controls far less.

                              Hollande holds the most population.

                              Number of cities has not been mentioned in any of our communiques but land has.

                              I'm not sure of the point of this?

                              The only point Hollande made is that the land deficient French are entitled to fully exploit New France to obtain more LAND.
                              Dirk Ginkel of Huygens, Ginkel [RIP] & Clovis
                              [Trading Inc. 660AD]


                              • To: Huygens of Hollande
                                From: Great Incan Council

                                Sir we would want to clarify some facts here:

                                America was supported by Inca troops and won considerable battles.
                                America approached us and asked for assistance, seeing the growing aggressiveness of Carpathia we aided them. For those who aren’t aware of western terra politics we ask them to go back to their achieves and study the real events. We are proud of the fact that when asked by smaller nations like America and Mali at the time of need we didn’t hesitate at all - instead we backed them up. Also if some are more interested in the details please read the American accounts of those years of struggle. The Incan who took part in that war were used mainly for defensive purposes.

                                Incan troops were retuned immediately after the Americans took the offensive, thus our troops didn’t play any part of that – for reference check with the Americans

                                Again the Inca sphere of influence
                                Inca has no sphere of influence, what evidence does Holland has to support these claims? We kindly ask you to provide if you have any. Unlike you we have what is called a relation index which was purposefully created to give transparency to our foreign relations with all nations on Terra.

