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Diplogame HOTW XII Ragnarok - Story Thread

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  • OOC (sorry )

    Wow, those borders look REALLY tight. Surprised there hasn't been a war already .

    Great stories from everyone too, I am massively impressed by the quality of the tales-they leave even HOTWXI in the dust!

    Marcus (aka Aussie_Lurker, aka.....wouldn't YOU like to know )


    • Interesting substitution of words did the Mongols pick

      First the Mongols state openly that they “request that he be handed over, or war be declared” The Mongols settle an army right on our borders a clear act of aggression! Clearly threatening the people of Cuzco to give in or else.

      Even in this dark hour this gave a good laugh to the people of Cuzco. People were laughing as they read more and more of the Mongols communiqué “We offered them brotherhood and an exchange so that our people would be tied together” and “Betrayed our openness and trust”

      These just benefits us more, send this evidence to other nations to see. Mongols are people of destruction who seek to destroy normal life as we know it. They play with words and innocent people’s lives as they wish.


      • Originally posted by Diplo America

        Dude, what is your problem? Don't get OOC angry with my IC posts.

        Chill out, reply in character.
        Dude I didn't. "I see you calmed down" was an IC post, just without the royal protocol. Didn't the OCC " HOTW12 is great fun" say as much?

        EDIT: Oh, now I see I used the word posted. My bad. I’ll replace it with sent.
        Last edited by Diplo France; February 11, 2008, 11:36.
        'Impossible' n'est pas français.


        • Dammit! Ozzy or CS or someone delete this.
          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

          One Love.


          • Remi the Second, King of France

            TO: To America and other civilized lands
            FROM: King Remi II of France

            We are pleased by how the situation has unfolded, since unnecessary bloodshed was avoided. The Americans toned down their rhetoric before the Dutch announced a change of plan. We wish to apologies to any we may have offended in this difficult affair. But We dare say the situation ended well, for now… I was surprised by the Dutch withdrawal, even though I don’t think they quite renounced their claim. The map that was shared to all clearly supportes Frances original position. All one must do is not how the resources are otherwise lost, since no urban center can make use of them, and the two useless mountain peaks. I do wonder why the Americans wanted that piece of land so badly.

            Regardless since all parties seem to agree on the issue, our honorable agreements remain valid and legal, and obstacles to good relationships with the Americans and Carpathians are removed. We are most pleased by this.

            As to the situation on our southern border, it is ironically hard for us to comment on-

            -Remi II

            OCC: Soo Sorry about session 3, is anyone up for a mid-week session?
            'Impossible' n'est pas français.


            • Widespread protests and rallies have broken out in the Ottoman capital, demanding that the people of the Great Rivers do more to help that nation being threatened, the nation that welcomed Jesus to earth and founded the Christian religion which the people of the capital support also. The ambitious 2nd prince Constantine is fomenting these protests for his own political advantage and the government will find it very difficult, probably impossible, to resist the mood for war if the Inca christian people are attacked.


              • The Eastern Shores...

                General Benedict Arnold, known as "The Redcoat" by his troops due to his trademark red cloak (check the threads, it's true), sat defiantly staring accross the seas in the direction of what he thought was Holland, 'come on dutchmen' he thought to himself 'give me my day of glory,' he had been encamped for months in the northern region, where the Dutch indicated they wanted a colony (nobody knew exactly where the maps came from, but nobody questioned them). He began to concieve of greatness for himself, 'I could rule here and in Philadelphia' he thought 'I would be an empire unto myself.' Arnold was assured of victory over the Dutch if they ever came, 'I would return to Richmond a hero' he began to fantasize; lost in his thoughts he barely realized a rider from Richmond was approaching. Arnold turned in the direction of the rider, his first instinct was worry; maybe the Dutch armies were already defeated, maybe he had lost his opportunity, but then his thoughts soon turned "positive" - maybe Christopher's army was routed and it was up to him to save America!

                "General Arnold, great news from Richmond" the rider hopped from his horse "This is from Captain Manning my Lord."

                "Manning? I thought he was in Philadelphia, what is going on, have the Dutch arrived?"

                "Not sure my Lord, all I do is deliver messages, here it is."

                The rider held out the scroll, which was quickly snatched by Arnold, he had thought perhaps the dutch arrived and he had missed their landfall "Where in the hell is Christopher!" he said aloud, for effect as he read the letter...

                General Arnold,

                It seems that the Dutch have agreed to stay on their side of the waters, I was not present at the meeting but apparently it included Carpathia as well. I am surprised Christopher did not tell you, but as soon as I became aware I sent this missive. I hope the weather was mild. There is a feast tonight as well in Richmond to celebrate the peaceful resolution, I have been invited to this as well. I thought you would like to know how our Commander has forgotten you.

                Your loyal Captain,

                William Manning
                Arnold did nothing but stare at the words on the scroll, had he been duped? Was this a ploy by Christopher, and maybe the Senate, to get him out of Philadelphia? Was there ever a Dutch threat? he was incensed! He was embarassed! He was ready to respond; "Boys!" he barked, his face growing red with rage "Pack up your things, we're going back to Philly..."

                Richmond, Virginia, Christopher's Estate...

                The political situation in Terra was a bit more ready to explode than even the Americans believed, even though they just avoided what they thought would escalate into war. The religious problems in the south were about to come directly to America's doorstep, and there was no avoiding it. Mongolian armies had camped outside of Cuzco prepared to sack the city and capture a young boy of the Incan royal house. Christianity and Confucianism were prepared to go head to head, and there was no doubt that war would be the result. This reality, of course, did not resonate throughout the halls of American politics. They knew little of Confucianism and hardly anything of Christianity, and could care equally less about either faith. In fact Christopher had decided, following the resolution of the Dutch issue (the Dutch for their part didn't necessarily consider the issue 'resolved,' but we'll discuss that later) that he would try to take America on a more isolationist course. Like many of Christopher's ideas, this too would prove to change.

                "I'm glad we stayed here," Christopher said, kissing his wife Abigail on the back of her head "There was a time there where I really had my doubts."

                She turned around and placed her hand on his cheek "I told you darling, everything would be just fine. I think you should have invited Benedict though" she said, Arnold had offered her marriage years ago in attempts to secure her father's loyalties, this obviously did not occur and Arnold never forget it, Abigail had always wanted to make good with him and she always felt in the back of her mind that it was her fault there was such animosity between Christopher and Benedict. This was, of course, partly true.

                "He would have made an ass of himself, there's no way I would have invited that man into my home, besides Jefferson doesn't like him, isn't that right Jonathan?" Jefferson did not hear him "Jonathan! Johnny!"

                "Oh, I'm sorry" Jefferson said to Captain Manning, the two were discussing, of all things, women's dresses for some reason "My Lord" Jefferson said, with a slight bow.

                "What are you doing, lighten up, have some wine" Christopher said, holding out his chalice "Its a party, oh yes, Manning, come here!"

                Captain Manning was an imposing man; he was over six feet tall (extremely tall for that era), he had very light blonde hair and blue eyes and was built like a bear; in other words he stood out from the rest of the Americans. Many said this was due to his 'Dutch' heritage, in fact Manning was not Dutch but grew up in an area that spoke Dutch, and while he was thought to have many Dutch relatives his 'cousins' were not as they seemed, "Ah, Lord Christopher and Lady Abigail, such a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Manning cracked a slight smile and gently kissed Abigail's hand.

                "Please Captain Manning, have a seat" Christopher said, inviting Manning to sit directly next to the royal couple. "So, how do things go in Philadelphia?"

                "Well, the settlement is still new, so we've spent a lot of time clearing the jungles surrounding it, we've got a great position though it will make a great port city one day." Manning said, he didn't really know how to answer the question as he still had allegiences with General Arnold "There are troubles brewing to the south, and I must say we have been asked by the Inca to intervene."

                Abigail was very interested in this subject "Yes, isn't that a horrible thing those vile Mongols are doing?"

                "Well" Manning began "It is in their religious lore, the child is supposed to be a great leader for the Mongolians I believe. Its similar to what we did to the Dutch; in our own mythology Britannia promised us this land, which is why you were so stubborn to give it up"
                he said to Christopher, who didn't seem pleased with the direction Manning was going into "Its the same with the Mongols, they think they are doing right by their gods. They are angering a lot of people because they are unwilling to tone down their rhetoric, same happened to us." he took a sip of his wine "Doesn't matter of course" he continued, "The Mongols are barbarians after all" he said laughing, many Americans and Carpathians held this attitude after a Carpathian exploratory unit was attacked by the Mongolians centuries beforehand.

                "So they asked you for an army?" Abigail asked "Are you going to send it?"

                "Of course he isn't!" Christopher replied before Manning could, "He doesn't have the authority, or the permission to do so."

                "Well, my Lord, I felt it would be inappropriate of me to do that, especially with General Arnold so far away from Philadelphia. Where is he by the way? I haven't seen him here." Manning asked coyly.

                "He um, well General Arnold is busy at the moment and could not make it tonight" Jefferson explained "But my Lord, perhaps you should tell the Captain why you have called him over."

                "Oh yes, Captain Manning what do you think of being my special envoy to Holland and France? We feel that the issue over settlement may have left sour tastes in their mouths, and we did take quite a hard line with them. We wish to amend this, and I know of your affinity for Dutch culture so-"

                "Well, I am part Dutch" Manning said, this of course was not entirely true "I have family there, I've been there."

                "Yes" Christopher didn't know how to respond to that "Well, you will accompany Foreign Minister Jefferson on a fact-finding/diplomatic mission to the Confucian states. With all of these problems flaring up down south it would be best of us to know the players in the game, no?"

                "I concur my Lord, I must say, I did not expect anything like this. You are aware that Arnold has not returned to Philadelphia yet, and the city is under local administration, but only temporarily. I would at least have to return their first to make sure-" Manning was interrupted.

                "I have already made arrangements for Philadelphia's administration" Christopher said bluntly.

                "But what about Arnold?" Manning asked.

                "Do not worry about Arnold, I shall worry about Arnold, you worry about going to Amsterdam, now you should probably get some rest, the Trireme leaves in a month..."

                Days Later

                "That was a close call last time."

                "Maybe we shouldn't meet like this anymore."

                "Well, if we get caught together-"

                "It will be our necks!"

                "Well, I was going to say that they wouldn't necessarily know what is going on, but I guess that wouldn't really make much sense, us being together here."

                "For you its not as bad, I think I'll do it soon, maybe tonight if I can."

                "Hold on that! Not until this whole mess is over, wait until the trip to Holland and France is over before anything."


                "Because, fool, if everyone in court is in said court it will be the more difficult to determine who killed him, that is if the fools ever suspect poison at'all."

                "Oh, another thing that we haven't considered might become problematic; the young Yankee Augustine. He is getting older, quite older, and if we do this he'll swear vengeance upon us for certain!"

                "Yes I've considered that, he'll have to go as well."

                "A child?"

                "This is bigger than a child, you know that!"

                "But a child?"

                "Fine, we won't kill him, we'll banish him or something, I don't know. If we are successful we won't have to worry about some pathetic boy!"
                Last edited by Diplo America; February 13, 2008, 03:42.
                Land of the free. Home of the brave.


                • -It seems the world is turning against us brothers. Our informers tell us of support for the Inca in Ottoman lands. Rumours of a punitive expedition from distant Carpathia are heard from faraway travellers. And the Inca continue to spread their foul lies.

                  -Fools. They understand so little of the forces at work in the shadows this world. The boy is not an enemy to us, he is our salvation. The Inca seek to deprive us of this, they wish to keep him for their own wicked purposes. Yet even now the darkness that only the boy can quench, gathers over Runan'gee. The light of the moon will soon fail, dark clouds cover the sky. If they will not give him up willingly as a trade, we must take him by force and bring him home. Or the Shadow will devour all.

                  -Sound the Horn, we must ride. We will defeat the Inca. If the Ottoman make war upon us we will defeat them as well. For should any enemy stand foot upon Mongolian land, the whole Plain will rise as one. So say we all.

                  So say we all!

                  lolzor. photoshop newbness. I'll have to keep working on it...
                  Last edited by Diplo Mongolia; February 12, 2008, 19:16.
                  e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                  msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                  “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                  • To Inca.
                    From the Horde.

                    You have refused to answer us. Instead you have made preparations for war. Your wish is hereby granted. The Mongol Tribes of Beshbalik, Karakorum and Ning-Hsia have decided to make war upon you.

                    Praise your gods that it is not the full force of all the Plain that comes upon you.

                    -Hulegu the Swift, Wheelmaster and Lord of Beshbalik, Master of the Northern Plain, Hordesman, Victor at the Army of Five Swords.
                    -Ogodei the Lustful, Wheelmaster and Lord of Turfan, Steward of Karakorum, Defender of France, Hordesman, Victor at the Army of Five Swords.
                    -Kubilai the Wise, Wheelmaster and Lord of Ning-Hsia, Hordesman, Victor at the Army of Five Swords, Spirit Guide
                    e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                    msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                    “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)


                    • Over the skies of Machu Pichu, Ozzy the All-Powerful spoke to his favored prophet, Pitr the Pious. The clouds opened and a booming voice was heard by none but Pitr.

                      "Pitr, serve me and speak my words to all who shall listen. To be my servant, you must follow me exclusively. Say goodbye to romance and declare your faith and trust in Me alone. Obey my words faithfully and I will see you on the other side in a world where you will have no more tears."

                      Pitr fell upon the ground in reverence and piety. Humbled by the awesome presence and demands of Ozzy the Almighty.

                      "Yes Lord, I shall follow your every word to whatever end."

                      Lightening cracked and thunder bellowed. The ground trembled and the sky grew dark.

                      "I grow angry" Ozzy said, "My servants in France stray from the one true path. They have committed the ultimate sin and worship other gods. They bark at the moon to false idols and lesser gods. If they do not rebuke their evil ways there shall be a bloodbath in paradise."

                      Pitr trembled before his god and cowered before his wrath. The wind lashed his body and the temperature dropped. The great Ozz brought a blizzard upon the land with his anger. Pitr was terrified and snowblind, but still he listened to his god.

                      Ozzy continued, "Their King, a wicked man, ignores my commandments and takes my name in vain. I command you, Pitr, to travel north and east, go over the mountain and tell the French to turn from their wicked ways."

                      At this, Pitr summons enough courage to speak, "But Lord.. the people do not listen. They read my holy book but believe it to just be a diary of a madman. The people say I am paranoid and ask me, "Am I going insane?" What can I say to them?"

                      "You will go and they will listen, for you bring with you the hand of doom. Go to France. Go to a sleeping village and behind the wall of sleep you shall find those who will listen to your message. The wizard you shall find there. He goes by many names, but only you shall know his true name. Call him by the name 'CyberShy'. This wizard is not of this world. He is one of my honored."

                      Ozzy paused. The dark clouds began to break up. Several shafts of glorious sunlight shone through. Pitr knew that his next message was of the utmost importance.

                      "You shall pay him respects," Ozzy continued, "You shall pray to CyberShy and heal him daily. All who seek my favor shall heal the wizard. If France seeks to avoid my wrath they too shall heal him. I beckon you too to hurt his enemies. Hurt them daily, and twice as much as you shall heal the wizard. Spread my message to all the people's of the world. Bid them to do my bidding. If they do, they shall be flying high again."

                      It was then the sky cleared, the sun returned, and the clouds disappeared. Pitr was fearful at seeing Ozzy's wrath, but determined to follow his commandments.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • Land of the free. Home of the brave.


                        • Remi the Second, King of France

                          TO: To Richard the Yankee, Lord of Virginia, Prince of New York, and Commander in Chief of the Americans
                          FROM: King Remi II of France

                          We once again wish to reiterate our satisfaction with the easing of tensions among the Dutch and Americans.

                          Both the honorable Special Envoy Willem Manning and the respected Chief Foreign Minister, Sir Jonathan Jefferson will be heartily welcomed in French lands. We do proclaim that the American delegation will have freedom to move about French lands as they please without restrictions, have reasonable access to our libraries (the library of Paris has some sections which are barred for security reasons, no foreigner save one has ever ventured into those halls), the right to freely converse with our nobles and rights to petition for audiences with the King of France.

                          Their safety while venturing to Paris through French lands is assured as is their diplomatic immunity. They will be welcomed in a proper ceremony where the King of France will bestow his own gifts upon them. As a gift to American a residence of a former Clan leader will be considered from now onward American property and will house the delegation, you are free to make it a permanent embassy if you so desire. The members of the delegation will also be provided with servants and concubines for the duration of their stay.

                          -Remi II
                          'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                          • To: The Horde
                            From: Ko Mamadi, Military Advisor to Chief Koboku.

                            Hulegu, Ogodei & Kubilai. May the peace of Ozzy, Legba & Mami Wata be upon you.

                            Dark tidings have reached our ears from the Ottoman & Incan Empires. We hear that you are determined to take a defenseless Incan Child, by force, from his People & his Family. This cannot stand-we desire that you make immediate peace with the Incan people. If you pursue these aggressive acts, then you shall consider yourself an enemy of the Malinese people, & an enemy of Ozzy himself. May I advise you to choose wisely before your next course of action...


                            • Remi II was concerned he had heard reports of rumors spreading that the Ozzy is displeased with France. How could this occur?

                              “The Lord Ozzy frowns upon us!” Bruno seemed most distraught.

                              “Nonsense our Oracles have said nothing of the sort! These are rumors spread by dissidents who have faield to realize that all of France is an extended family. These are people not well versed in the works of Confucius they have little respect for the traditional view of Ozzy” said Master Epicures

                              “Ozzy is the strongest of Gods” Remi II hesitated “Could it be he wishes to be the only one?”

                              “Surley not!” Said Bruno “Why would Ozzy abandon his celestial servants. Why would he banish beautiful Artemis and Aphrodites , L’Prst and CyberHidden the wise?” Bruno objected

                              “The Superior Man is all-embracing and not partial. The inferior man is partial and not all embracing. The teachings of Confucius are clear for man, and how could Gods be inferior to men?” said master Rene

                              “Where are the abbot and archbishop of Paris?” Remi II demanded “I instructed them to…”

                              “They are still traveling through Mongolia after a pilgrimage to the Holy City”… said Trion

                              “There is no Holy City but Paris!” Shouted Remi

                              “My lord such blasphemy will not go unpunished!” whispered Bruno fearfully

                              “An oppressive government is more to be feared than a man-eating lion, said Confucius you are fourtunate Bruno that We know the texts well or you would be decapitate before this evening was over“

                              “My lord I..” Bruno began

                              “Silence. We shall not make windows into peoples souls, France has many faiths and philosophies. All of them recognize Ozzy… But who is Ozzy? A jealus wengefull father? A caring saviour? The master of Valhalla? Or is Ozzy a metaphor for the heavens? These are dangerous questions my sirs, I command that you do not antagonise the people, do not divide them. I say it is possible to be a good Christian or a good Pagan and still follow the advice of Confucius, and still work in a Confucian state!” Remi II fervently declared

                              “Leave us, and think of what We have said, relay this to the archbishop once he arrives, I am certain he will agree”

                              “As you wish my lord.”
                              “The King is the son of heaven, and our fealtiy is with him.”
                              “I shall sacrifice twelve doves to Cyber in the hopes of this.”

                              They said as they left. If all worked as he hoped the kingdom would be at peace, but would he be? Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Remi II realised that he indeed did love France more than his soul, and that the Ozzy of the Incas would likely not forgive him for this sin…
                              Last edited by Diplo France; February 13, 2008, 16:53.
                              'Impossible' n'est pas français.


                              • To Mali.

                                We have no knowledge of your people or your culture. As such, we advise you that you not choose sides after hearing only the lies of the inca. We have a war to fight and we suggest that you mind your own business. The only reason for your apparent wish for suicide is that the Inca dogs are paying you to support them, since they are too cowardly to fight us alone. Should you choose to prostitute yourself and blindly join a war against a people you know nothing of, it will only grant us greater joy, for Mongolia would like nothing better than to plunder your rumoured fat coffers and destroy your weak armies. Give us an excuse and you will bring destruction upon yourself.

                                Consider yourself warned.

                                The Horde
                                e-mail: diplo_mongolia [at]
                                msn: diplo_mongolia [at]

                                “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.” -Genghis Khan (allegedly)

