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Multiplayer Options

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  • Multiplayer Options

    I've been reading the forum alot, just haven't posted often.

    I'm looking for suggestions to add to my multiplayer experience. Currently I play Civ with my wife on a seperate computer and we play through the direct IP connection. We've been playing well over 2 years now and we're sometimes finding it difficult to come up with new ideas and goals when we play our games together.

    My question therefore is what are some of the things you all do to keep your interest in the game and what would you suggest for me? The only requirement is that I need to play with my wife. Thanks for any replies!

  • #2
    - You could (both) join a Diplomacy Game (9+ player long-term game with 'role playing' and much diplomacy between the sessions) (more info)

    - setup a huge pangea map with many AI civs, raging barbarians, deity level, then team up together and try to beat the AI.

    - agree that one of you founds hinduism, the other founds buddhism. The first player who's spread his/her faith to 50 cities wins. (razing cities is allowed )

    - Wonder challange, the player who builds most big-wonders wins

    - 4 vs 4 (3AI + player vs 3AI + player) perm alliances

    - Only select cultural victory

    - One City Challange

    Kewl, btw, that you play civ with your wife!
    Everybody wants to have such a wife
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #3
      I second the last comment - when i read that You have been playing Civ with Your wife for two years i got flatout jealous. Civ was pretty much the reason why my ex split up with me (and Apolyton was refered to by her as "Your stupid forum")...

