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BTS error loading PBEM file

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  • BTS error loading PBEM file

    im getting an popup trying to load a Civ 4 BTS save game. it says

    The Save file you have selected is protected to ensure that the assets in your mod folder have not been changed.
    and when i press the OK button, a "LOAD FAILED" error msg appears for a second or 2 and then im dumped back to the desktop.

    this is not a problem with vanilla civ as i play some PBEMs in it (fully patched to 1.74)

    some of the other players did experience this issue in BTS but they got around it by installing some drive imaging software, however i downloaded the Steam version, all the others have the boxed version.

  • #2
    Make sure you all have the same version of civ loaded (3.02)... you could have 3.03, not sure when steam pushed that out, though i thought it was 8/10 ...

    If it is a problem for this game, you should have someone with the admin password remove the admin password (go into the save, bring up admin password iirc shift alt D, delete password [leave blank], and save game and send it to you). That should remove this warning, though it also removes the admin password of course.
    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


    • #3
      its not a version issue as this happened a few weeks ago, plus ive just downloaded 3.03 as type this.

      dont think playing without admin pass is possible, there nice guys, but u know civ players! damn treacherous

      thx for reply tho.
      im wondering if this is a steam install issue, any other steam install players playing in PBEMS out there? if so it work for ye?


      • #4
        D2D version has worked fine with others. However it wouldn't totally surprise me if it is the problem...

        I'd have someone remove the admin password, get it to you, then play, then readd the admin password. It's possible that will get it around the problem.
        <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
        I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


        • #5
          ive tried to start the game but it didnt work for the other players when they tried loading it.

