I am somewhat new to polly and I was surprised to discover that there was absolutely nothing posted under the catagory of multiplayer civ4 tournaments. Since I am one of the head tournament directors for the civ4 mp ladder, I thought I would post some information on the civ4 mp tournaments we run on the ladder.
On the ladder, there are several clans that have formed since the days of civ3. Now that civ4 has team play, the clan competitions are quite popular. Every six weeks or so, the ladder has a three day tournament called the CCC (Clan Championship Cup). This is usually a series of eleven events (or so) covering virtually every major varitey of multi player civ.
CCC #39 will be held November 17th through November 19th in the civ4 mp lobby.
To compete in a CCC, a person must be on the civ4players (c4p) ladder and a member of a c4p clan. To join the ladder, go to and click on the "free signup" link in the left frame. Be aware that some email filters will route the email confirmation to your junk email folder, so if you don't get an immediate response from cases ladder, you might want to check there. The c4p ladder is free, unless you consider having to look at some banner adds as a cost.
The other thing a person must do is be in a c4p clan. Clans are fairly informal groups of players that put a tag of some kind in front of their names. For example, if you name is PhearlessPhred, and you were a member of the "PIG" clan, then you would change your name to [PIG]PhearlessPhred. Some clans have specific rules regarding the behavior of their members while others have in clan ranks, differentiating the noobs from the vets. How clans are organized are entirely up to their founders. Some clans, currently in existence, only add new members by invitation. Other clans add new members by advertising openly in the civ4 mp lobby, or by advertising in the clans section of the ladder forum.
If, for example, any of the poly users wanted to form a poly clan, it would only require that six of you agree to do so. (Six being the minimum number of members recognized by the ladder as a clan) You would then create a gamespy id with a tag of something like [POLY]PhearlessPhred, and then register the names of your clan's members on the official clan roster found on the ladder forum whose address is listed above.
In between CCC events I occasionally host events called COT events. COT stands for Clan Ongoing Tournament. The CCC accumulates points from the three day event, and whichever clan earns the most points is declared the winner. The COT accumulates points indefinitely, with the winner being the clan that has accumulated the most points to date. The next COT events that I have scheduled are as follows.
COT event #5 will be held at 12:00pm EST on Saturday, November 4th, a clone of the CCC 3v3 ancient era.
COT event #6 will be held on Sunday, November 5th at 12:00pm EST, a clone of the CCC 3v3 Renaissance era.
In the CCC, a clan fields one team per event. In the COT, a clan can field as many teams as it wants for each event, based on how many people are in that clan. Each CCC event has a special roster that has to be completed by midnight, the day before the event begins. The COT uses the official clan roster, which can be updated at any time. The CCC is a marathon tournament over three days. The COT events are exactly the same types of events in the CCC, except they are scheduled only one event on a given day. and never more then two per weekend.
If anyone is interested or has questions, feel free to post here and I will do my best to help you out. If some of the polly users want to form a clan, I will also do whatever I can to help.
I am somewhat new to polly and I was surprised to discover that there was absolutely nothing posted under the catagory of multiplayer civ4 tournaments. Since I am one of the head tournament directors for the civ4 mp ladder, I thought I would post some information on the civ4 mp tournaments we run on the ladder.
On the ladder, there are several clans that have formed since the days of civ3. Now that civ4 has team play, the clan competitions are quite popular. Every six weeks or so, the ladder has a three day tournament called the CCC (Clan Championship Cup). This is usually a series of eleven events (or so) covering virtually every major varitey of multi player civ.
CCC #39 will be held November 17th through November 19th in the civ4 mp lobby.
To compete in a CCC, a person must be on the civ4players (c4p) ladder and a member of a c4p clan. To join the ladder, go to and click on the "free signup" link in the left frame. Be aware that some email filters will route the email confirmation to your junk email folder, so if you don't get an immediate response from cases ladder, you might want to check there. The c4p ladder is free, unless you consider having to look at some banner adds as a cost.
The other thing a person must do is be in a c4p clan. Clans are fairly informal groups of players that put a tag of some kind in front of their names. For example, if you name is PhearlessPhred, and you were a member of the "PIG" clan, then you would change your name to [PIG]PhearlessPhred. Some clans have specific rules regarding the behavior of their members while others have in clan ranks, differentiating the noobs from the vets. How clans are organized are entirely up to their founders. Some clans, currently in existence, only add new members by invitation. Other clans add new members by advertising openly in the civ4 mp lobby, or by advertising in the clans section of the ladder forum.
If, for example, any of the poly users wanted to form a poly clan, it would only require that six of you agree to do so. (Six being the minimum number of members recognized by the ladder as a clan) You would then create a gamespy id with a tag of something like [POLY]PhearlessPhred, and then register the names of your clan's members on the official clan roster found on the ladder forum whose address is listed above.
In between CCC events I occasionally host events called COT events. COT stands for Clan Ongoing Tournament. The CCC accumulates points from the three day event, and whichever clan earns the most points is declared the winner. The COT accumulates points indefinitely, with the winner being the clan that has accumulated the most points to date. The next COT events that I have scheduled are as follows.
COT event #5 will be held at 12:00pm EST on Saturday, November 4th, a clone of the CCC 3v3 ancient era.
COT event #6 will be held on Sunday, November 5th at 12:00pm EST, a clone of the CCC 3v3 Renaissance era.
In the CCC, a clan fields one team per event. In the COT, a clan can field as many teams as it wants for each event, based on how many people are in that clan. Each CCC event has a special roster that has to be completed by midnight, the day before the event begins. The COT uses the official clan roster, which can be updated at any time. The CCC is a marathon tournament over three days. The COT events are exactly the same types of events in the CCC, except they are scheduled only one event on a given day. and never more then two per weekend.
If anyone is interested or has questions, feel free to post here and I will do my best to help you out. If some of the polly users want to form a clan, I will also do whatever I can to help.