Sign-Up is Always OPEN!!!
I have provided a forum for the game to be organized:
You may sign up there as well.
The Inter Diplomacy game was an idea I came up with after playing in the CivIV Democracy Game (at civfanatics.) The CivIV Multi-Team Democracy Game (at civfanatics) and the CivIV Intersite Democracy Game, as well as RealPolitik 2 (at evolution games.)
With that said I have tried to wield all the concepts of the above games together to create the most realistic and fun simulation of Diplomatic Relations between countries based on CivIV.
The International Diplomacy Game (IDG for short) is a multi-player game where 4 (we may decide on 5) teams compete. It may sound like the MTDG, however there is one huge difference. Anything goes. There are no precedents or rules a team must follow. All arrangements thinkable are allowed. There is no set government structure that must be followed, as each team (with the help of team captain) will create their own team rules and government structure.
A description of all the teams and their government structure will be posted for all players not assigned to a team to look over, and decide which team they want to join.
The only requirment is for each team to have a team captain. The only job of the team captain is to moderate the team's private forum and organize the team before a government structure is drafted. I will personally select each team captain.
To view the general rules (more like do's and dont's) you may find them in a stickied post in this thread.
Thank You.
Again sign up is located here:
Any comments or suggestions may be posted in this thread as well as talk about the game.