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The spinning wheel from hell

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  • The spinning wheel from hell

    My buddy and I play a lot of Civ4 with us teamed up against the computer. He normally hosts, and after a while, I normally hear him say "ARGH, DONT ASK ME TO CHANGE CONSTRUCTION, THEN PUT A SPINNING WHEEL UP" Quite funny actually from my end, but from his its annoying as can be.

    I have found that the spinning wheel is the computer making moves, etc etc. Least I think so

    We normally play on turn based if that helps. Anyway, any possible idea on how to move the computing turn to another time? Does the player order when you start the game affect it? (as in goes down the list, then goes to my friend to start AND does computing at the same time).


  • #2
    computer moves after all the humans move, perhaps play on a smaller map.
    First Master, Banan-Abbot of the Nana-stary, and Arch-Nan of the Order of the Sacred Banana.
    Marathon, the reason my friends and I have been playing the same hotseat game since 2006...


    • #3
      If your friend signed up to the game first (either by hosting it, or by taking the first slot in a PitBoss game), then he would go immediately after the computer players. He would then experience a wait as the Computer players' turns are processed at the beginning of his turn. If you alternate slots with Human and Computer player (assuming an equal number of each) then that should spread the load and lessen the wait for anyone.
      Also Simultanious (sp?) turns might help...
      Ceeforee v0.1 - The Unofficial Civ 4 Editor -= Something no Civ Modder should ever be without =- Last Updated: 27/03/2009
      "Just because I'm paranoid doesn't mean there's no conspiracy"

