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Need Help

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  • Need Help

    I cant play internet games in multi player, i have an account with gamespyid and everytime i try to connect it says unable to connect to server, any one know wtf is goin on? I want to play games on the internet instead of always kicking the AI's asss on any level, need to test my skills with more intellegent counterparts, any one know how to get my multi player working?

  • #2
    Did you open your firewall?
    What OS are you using? Windows XP?
    Formerly known as "CyberShy"
    Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


    • #3
      you wont find any intelligent counterparts here

      anyway. you need to turn off the firewall (thats the safest bet regarding that) and you must make sure your router allows UDP traffic on port 2056. you can ask your ISP about that.

      good luck.
      Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst


      • #4
        I have windows XP and i allow the civ 4 as an exception in my fire wall i should turn my wall of complety though imma try it.

