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Blazing :(

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  • #16
    I wish the timer system were more like Civ II. Set a timer and change it with a vote.

    By giving them names people seem to think it is "manly" to go for the fastest timer.

    I'm just glad there isn't a super blazing.


    • #17
      I often wish there was a super blazing. I am a very intelligent person and I am capable of making the correct dicision very quickly, unlike many a moron around here that wish for a slower timer. So I often have time left at the end of my turn.

      The only few times I wish I had more time was when I had a massive army on the war rampage and couldnt move all my units, but you know what? When that happens, I am just kicking ass anyways and if I dont move everything, big woop. I still always win.

      Why do your guys brains function so slowly?



      • #18
        Originally posted by Possibility
        I often wish there was a super blazing. I am a very intelligent person and I am capable of making the correct dicision very quickly, unlike many a moron around here that wish for a slower timer. So I often have time left at the end of my turn.

        The only few times I wish I had more time was when I had a massive army on the war rampage and couldnt move all my units, but you know what? When that happens, I am just kicking ass anyways and if I dont move everything, big woop. I still always win.

        Why do your guys brains function so slowly?

        It's an age factor, Eyes
        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
        icq: 8388924


        • #19
          LOL - nothing like a nice, polite, "intelligent" response.

          And Deity, even though this has all the tact and class of an Eyes remark, his were usually a little more thoughtful.

          He didn't say the game was @#$%$ and he didn't tell us of the 37 "strategies" he wrote.

          If it was Eyes he is definitely losing his touch.


          • #20
            What does eyes mean?

            And I was serious with my post. Many people can play on Blazing speed and have a whole lot of fun. I thuroughly enjoy it. And many people also complaign when people dont end their turns faster.


            • #21
              I can play blazing speed, thats really not the point. I don't see why people want to take a strategy game and not take the extra few seconds and strategize.

              You can say what you want but I hardly think 20 secs, especially when the first 3 secs are unmovable, is enough time to move numerous units, attack, guide workers, choose what to build, pick techs, change civics etc.

              I realize alot of that can be automated, but I dont like to automate workers etc. I want to decide what they do. I want a players best game not thier 20 sec game.


              • #22
                I rarely ever automate workers, and i can easily get my turns done with time to spare. I just played an incredibly fun game against 4 other human players that lasted until we got rifle men and cannons. And never did I not have enough time. The best thing is, the game only lasted about 4 hours.

                Everyone in the game had a good time and all played very well, and it didnt take 2 weeks to finish the game either, but rather only 1 evening.



                • #23
                  I played one last night with 4 people - no timer and was researching rifle when we quit. It was about 3.5 hours into the game.

                  Most turns probably would have been within the blazing guidelines. Occassionally someone needs a little longer. I'd rather take a little longer once in awhile if need be. I would NEVER want anyone to lose or be at a disadvantage because on a key turn they ran out of time.

                  Sounds like our games got about equally far in similiar time periods. (Researching rifle 3.5 hours vs having rifle 4 hours)

                  I guess thats the point - if people need 10-20 secs usually on a turn and then once in awhile they need 45 secs. I'd rather give them the extra 25 secs once in awhile and get a worthy opponent that I didn't need the time clock to beat.

                  Would your game have been unplayably slow if it went 4 hours and 5 mins instead of 4 hours?
                  Last edited by Deity Dude; February 12, 2006, 13:43.


                  • #24
                    I have played games with slow people that like to use most of the turn, if not all of the turn every turn. When you have these people, if the turns were only 1:20 long, they use it all up, but if they had 5 min, they would have used up the entire 5 min too.

                    If you are able to find fast players that can play without a turn timer, then congrats to you - seriously. I might want to join a game like that.

                    However, playing with random people online its best to have a turn timer. You just dont want to take chances with the slow people out there.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Possibility

                      However, playing with random people online its best to have a turn timer. You just dont want to take chances with the slow people out there.
                      I don't even mind a timer. I just don't like a 20 sec timer


                      • #26
                        A timer is good.
                        but indeed not that fast. I want to reign my empire, I don't want to run behind.
                        Formerly known as "CyberShy"
                        Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


                        • #27
                          Fortunately, the better the players you are matched against, the more they will play on fast or medium speed. Ladder games are a good way to find good games on slower speeds since these players are actually there to play and not there to "kill things". The "kill things" people usually just want to see their units instantly move across the map and blow up a city. The real strategists take their time to determine all the best moves. Moral of the story - start playing ladder.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Atomation
                            Fortunately, the better the players you are matched against, the more they will play on fast or medium speed. Ladder games are a good way to find good games on slower speeds since these players are actually there to play and not there to "kill things". The "kill things" people usually just want to see their units instantly move across the map and blow up a city. The real strategists take their time to determine all the best moves. Moral of the story - start playing ladder.
                            MY problem with ladder, as I understand it, is most games are done with turn limits and then the score is used to determine the winner.


                            • #29
                              There are turn limits, but I rarely have played any games determined by points except CTON. Teamers are almost never determined by points - in fact I can't think of a single instance where I've played one that was.


                              • #30
                                well, I am not much for team games either.

