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Out of Africa-the Story of the Mali (Epic of Man)

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  • Out of Africa-the Story of the Mali (Epic of Man)

    OK guys, I am going to try my best to write a good 'story'.

    Kali Mbutu, leader of the Nomadic Malinese people, knew that he had chosen the correct location in which to settle. As a boy, he had heard of this place from his Elders-who spoke of a veritable paradise wedged between the harsh worlds of desert and jungle. It was a place his tribe would sometimes come in Spring and Summer, but their wanderings would never allow them to stay for very long. Kali, however, was determined that he would bring his people to this place-this time to stay. Now, looking ahead, he knew that the cost he and his people had incurred in travelling here would be well rewarded. So, with a wave of his hand, Kali summoned his people to follow him, as they moved out to build a Civilization.
    The moment the Malinese people started to erect the buildings in which they would live out their lives, several of the more eagle-eyed villagers could tell that the hill under which their city nestled could well contain many riches for future generations. With this in mind, Kali instructed a number of his people to organise, train and equip their fellows in how to bring these riches to the surface.
    Meanwhile, Kali's Witch-Doctor came to him and said 'My Lord, several of my charges are feeling quite fearful. They lost many of their family in their journey to this Promised Land, and are now uncertain as to where they are. After all, their physical bodies now lie beneath the desert sands, and now they feel they have no real connection to them.' Kali pondered his Witch Doctor's words for a moment, then said 'I see the problem you raise Mana N'Tekka, I have often pondered what became of us when we died-have you any thoughts?' 'None at present, my lord', said N'Tekka 'but I am sure that between us, we can reach some common ground.' 'I agree, but perhaps we should also discuss this with the wise men and elders of the village, as what we discover could have wide ranging implications.' N'Tekka bowed in Acquiesence, and so moved into private conference with Kali and the village wise men, in an attempt to uncover the mysteries of life after death...

  • #2
    Ummmm, can the mods please delete this thread? I posted it in the wrong place .

