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Man's Epic Oddyssey (EoM2) Story thread

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  • Man's Epic Oddyssey (EoM2) Story thread

    This is the story thread for this game:

    Saturday Night US/Sunday Afternoon Australia

    Frank 'Dangime' Johnson - Mongolia
    Deity - Xianbei (Japan)
    Ljube - Russia
    Aussie Lurker - Mali
    Moker - Rome
    77ways - India

    Start posting...
    "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
    *deity of THE DEITIANS*
    icq: 8388924

  • #2
    People have wandered this vast land for ages. They moved from place to place, never understanding the true potental of this world of their lives. This is the story of one such tribe, that huddled around a nameless river, in a nameless land that seemed to go on forever.

    Mongolians as they began to call themselves lived a short and harsh existance. The winters were firece, and caused great floods where ice blocked their path to the sea. They wandered the plains from place to place, trapping what they could to sustain themselves. Progress came very slowly to them, until a now mythic figure named Khan rose to prominance over the Mongolian people.

    As the legends go, Khan possessed knowledge that no man should have. It was as if he spoke unto other worlds and brought the guidence with him into this one. The decendents of Khan became tribal rulers and great seers. People saught out desendents for all important events, like weddings, or when to plant crops, or to ask for rain.

    The Khans knew the ways of the land. They could predict the rains, and the changes of the seasons. They called forth the people to bring together elaborate structures made from stone, the likes of which any human dwelling could not compare.

    Thousands of years passed. The people grew in number and dispersed across the land. The line of the Khans became lost to the peoples of Mongolia and all that remained of their rich legacy were their monuments of stone and strange markings. The people continued to follow the old ways, but they had lost the source that led them to the truth of the Khan's knowledge.

    Mongolians found themselves at the center of a vast world. Philosophies from all over were developed, but none of them could grasp at the hearts of the people. They were one with the land and the old ways, even if the truth of those ways were lost. Although they had lost the truth of their ways, the Mongolians had their pride as a people intact. Their civilization had become vast as the plains themselves. The forests had been cleared. Mountains and deserts were no obsticals to the people. Barbarians feared the prowess of the tribal warriors that guarded the growing lands of Mongolia.

    But Mongolia was despriately searching the world, hoping to find itself. They had the strength to thrive, and the respect of all other civilized nations. No one knew what path the people would take. However there was one man who had a plan. Mongolia would endure great upheaval before the ambitions of this man could come to fruition.

    Mysterious Man: "They will come to us. We are like the center of the unknown. They cannot help but come to us."

    Servant: "But who will come?"

    Mysterious Man: "In the end it does not matter. Because the path to greatness runs through Mongolia, those who seek greatness must come here. Those who ignore Mongolia will sink into darkness."

    Servant: "The people are wary of outsiders. Will they listen?"

    Mysterious Man: "We will make them to listen. All that matters now is who will speak, and speak with truth and they shall share in the greatness that is Mongolia."


    • #3
      The Rise of the Russian Empire

      For years the Russian people have been nothing more than skilled hunters and expert lumberjacks who lived in countless villages gravitating to the most important crossroad - the only Russian city Moscow. Their lives were dominated by the river Volga, that crucial artery of trade which they utilised to transport their goods. But then an ambitious mayor of Moscow decided to proclaim himself Knez (Russian for Duke) and establish a central government. It was Ivan I and his successors expanded the Russian state by building new cities to the south and to the west. After the fifth such city was founded, Knez Ivan III felt powerful enough to proclaim himself Czar (Russian for Emperor) and to claim for Russia all lands as far south as the deserts of Arabia and as far north as the Icy northern sea.


      • #4
        Dangerous superstition spreads through the Russian Empire!

        The people of Moscow accumulated enormous wealth through trade of hides and they became so rich and idle that they indulged in all sorts of religious practices forgetting the ways of their fathers. A dangerous superstition called Hinduism that teaches of many gods and requires human sacrifice appeared in Moscow during the reign of Ivan II, but was quickly suppressed by public execution of their leading priests. This evil practice has unfortunately spread to one of the cities of the Russian south-western neighbour the Roman Empire and to make matters worse, the evil rulers of the Roman people have converted to this heresy creating much tension between the two nations.


        • #5
          Another evil superstition plagues Moscow!

          At the beginning of the reign of Ivan III some religious fanatics wishing to overthrow the religion of our fathers that teaches of the existence of god of lightning, god of the earth, god of the forest, goddess of spring and other nature gods have started to spread a teaching that about a single God. This superstition called Judaism was promptly suppressed by the authorities in the same way they suppressed Hinduism.


          • #6
            Ivan IV the Terrible

            This remarkable Russian Czar completed exploration of the African continent by discovering the island of Madagascar, made contact with the Japanese people with whom Russia has signed a treaty of friendship and mutual technological aid and made a deal with India which included tech trade: monotheism, monarchy and iron working for future Indian tech discovery of feudalism.

            He also eradicated any local support for Hinduism or Judaism by executing entire families of those found to practice either of these religions. That's why he was named the Terrible.


            • #7
              Out of Africa-the Story of the Mali (Epic of Man)

              Kali Mbutu, leader of the Nomadic Malinese people, knew that he had chosen the correct location in which to settle. As a boy, he had heard of this place from his Elders-who spoke of a veritable paradise wedged between the harsh worlds of desert and jungle. It was a place his tribe would sometimes come in Spring and Summer, but their wanderings would never allow them to stay for very long. Kali, however, was determined that he would bring his people to this place-this time to stay. Now, looking ahead, he knew that the cost he and his people had incurred in travelling here would be well rewarded. So, with a wave of his hand, Kali summoned his people to follow him, as they moved out to build a Civilization.
              The moment the Malinese people started to erect the buildings in which they would live out their lives, several of the more eagle-eyed villagers could tell that the hill under which their city nestled could well contain many riches for future generations. With this in mind, Kali instructed a number of his people to organise, train and equip their fellows in how to bring these riches to the surface.
              Meanwhile, Kali's Witch-Doctor came to him and said 'My Lord, several of my charges are feeling quite fearful. They lost many of their family in their journey to this Promised Land, and are now uncertain as to where they are. After all, their physical bodies now lie beneath the desert sands, and now they feel they have no real connection to them.' Kali pondered his Witch Doctor's words for a moment, then said 'I see the problem you raise Mana N'Tekka, I have often pondered what became of us when we died-have you any thoughts?' 'None at present, my lord', said N'Tekka 'but I am sure that between us, we can reach some common ground.' 'I agree, but perhaps we should also discuss this with the wise men and elders of the village, as what we discover could have wide ranging implications.' N'Tekka bowed in Acquiesence, and so moved into private conference with Kali and the village wise men, in an attempt to uncover the mysteries of life after death...


              • #8
                Day after day, and year after year, the wisest men of the Village (which some bright spark decided to name Tim-bukh-to) would meet for hours on end to discuss the meaning of life and death. As this great debate continued in earnest, the day-to-day life of the Malinese people continued. The mining of the hills to the south unearthed a virtual treasure-trove of bright, glowing stones-each more beautiful to behold than the last, in colours as plentiful as the rainbow. These beautiful stones adorned the necks, arms and brows of the populace-finally taking their minds off the arduous journey that brought them here. Flushed with their original success, the people that brought these gems to the surface moved out to the region north of the city to collect something they felt were even more precious-dozens of different seeds and grasses. They would sit, combine and recombine the different seeds to see what they got from their experimentation. These efforts were one day interrupted by a sudden cry from the Witch-Doctor's hut, as N'Tekka ran out into the middle of the village crying 'I had a vision, I had a VISION...'


                • #9
                  The stars seemed to be brightest in all of Mongolia in the province of Lena along the harsh frontier of the empire. Although long established, its conditions kept the people humble and they lived simplier lives than those who dwelled in the burgs and the plains. Here nature was all around them and its beauty and horror were unescapable.

                  Years before a seer had lived in the captial. He was the most prominant amongst those who investigated the old way. The true line of the Khans, the purpose of the stone momentments. He lived a long life and made many predictions, and was sought after as an advisor within the captial in times of crisis. Although his words were cryptic and could seem to be unrelated at the time, they never failed to be correct in the end. Unfortuently many times the shortsighted people of the captial were unable to appreciate his warnings before they were too late. This made him unpopular with some who believed he was intentionally hiding the truth. An angry mob cast him out of the captial forcing him to wander the long roads of the empire.

                  He preached to those who would listen to him of a new coming of a divine presence. He traveled to the isolated military posts on the frontiers, from the forest covered hill tops in the cold north, to the desert sentries of the copper mines of the south.

                  The message appealed to the isolated garrisons of soldiers many of whom were conscripts who had left their families at a young age. He spoke of a man who could bring them eternal life, peace, and a reunion with their families in the afterlife if they kept themselves from evil. This was no simple task in these isolated posts. Drinking and gambling were rampant. Mongolian silver was a world standard coinage, and it could buy anything. Although many listened to the story few changes their ways to take up the path he set out for them. They waited for the "other".

                  The old seer, finally at the end of his days, came into the beautiful Lena valley and looked upon the beauty of the world for the last time. Having made his peace with God, he fell ill. He was taken in by a rich merchants family that had established a watcher group in Lena, but it was his time. They erected a small shrine to the seer. At first every year they placed flowers and insence at the tomb, but slowly over time he was forgotten, and the shrine fell into disrepair and its surrounding also declined. Many years past...


                  • #10
                    Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                    When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                    • #11
                      Well, Ozzy, if I could figure out a way to get into my saved games, then I would be quite happy to provide maps for you. Any suggestions?



                      • #12
                        Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker
                        Well, Ozzy, if I could figure out a way to get into my saved games, then I would be quite happy to provide maps for you. Any suggestions?

                        Select MP/Direct IP... Load a saved game

                        Pick your Civ.... Submit vote to Continue without the others...

                        Check out your Civ!
                        "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                        *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                        icq: 8388924


                        • #13
                          Xia Culture: 100BC [edit]

                          "Xianbe… Xianbe… Xianbe… mother of the oceans free…" resonated in song throughout the land, but it was a small land.

                          The whole island was filled with many tribes. It was a Utopia. The oceans provided their sustenance, which did draw the tribes to three main centres – one in the far North became known as Norxia and another in the far South became known as Souxia. It was a gradual process and in the central Eastern part, in the shadows of a massive volcano, the major Xianbe centre developed – Xia City. The three cities were virtually joined to each other via a string of villages and towns. The entire island was bustling and friendly. No primitives were ever sighted, although tales of fearsome men waging battles did fill the folklore of the land. Xia loved stories.

                          Xianbe Culture was always a harmonious society. Land was so scarce that the fullest co-operation was imperative. Protection from the regular volcanic eruptions precipitated efficient organistion by the tribes. But there was a secret. Special powers came from the mountain, like a spell being cast over the land. It was known as "Xia".

                          Xia was not a person but a guiding force or energy. It was not explained.

                          It was.

                          It is.

                          It always will be…

                          [Note first session pic]
                          Attached Files
                          Last edited by deity; December 16, 2005, 02:23.
                          "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                          *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                          icq: 8388924


                          • #14

                            I like how Deity (notoriously known for his long terms in HOTW2) left the caption "Waiting for YOU to finish turn..." in his image.
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • #15
                              The mighty Mongolian Empire encompasses lands and peoples from the Caspian Sea to the Yellow Sea.
                              Attached Files

