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The Epic Of Man...

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  • The Epic Of Man...

    This is the storyline thread for the Diplogame starting Friday, November 25th 2005 (in Australia it's November 26th). The players in this game are:

    The Capo - Rome
    OzzyKP - India
    Deity - Azande (Mali)
    Deity Dude - Russia
    Master-Mike - Japan
    Seventy7Ways - Mongolia

    Please try and limit this thread to in-character posting, in the beginings of the game I understand we may have to use this as a forum for OOC (Out Of Character) posts, which is fine, but try and keep this thread for only storyline posts. Thank you.
    Last edited by The Capo; November 25, 2005, 01:54.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.

  • #2
    Sometime before 4000 b.c. ...

    The tunnel was dark and cold, not nearly as dark and cold as the thoughts running through Aeneas' head. He held his torch far in front, it was the last glimmer of hope he and his people had. His bruised and bloodied hand clutched the handle of of a sword so tightly the sweat produced dripped onto the cobbled patch built years before by his ancestors, the only sounds that echoed through the dark corridor were that of the women, children and the few men that survived the attack - nay - the destruction of his home; Troy.

    When he reached the door he turned "This is it" he said, "we've made it..."

    Two years later...

    "I think he's dead" said the boy as he poked the man's body.

    "He's breathing Sextus, stop it." he friend said "Let's help him up."

    "No" Sextus said, holding his friend Tiberius back "He's a soldier, look at his sword, he may kill us."

    "He's near death, take his sword, we can make him our slave." Tiberius replied.

    "Come on! We haven't got all day" his father yelled from the hill "what are you doing down there?" He walked towards the boys, and noticed the man "Get away from him, now!" he said rushing up to the body.

    "Father he's alive, I think he's an Etruscan, he has a sword." Tiberius told his father.

    "Go back to the camp, get the Auger, you shouldn't be playing with this body, it will anger Pluto." said the man as he surveyed the body; he was alive, but wasn't well, without care death would soon befall him...

    The Auger looked over the body "he's a strange looking man, he's not of Italy."

    "Well, look at his sword, its well crafted. It looks more ceremonial than useful, look how blunt it is" said Turnus as he ran his finger accross the sword's edge, "such craftsmanship."

    "He's still alive in any event, he's breathing." the Auger said as he sprinkled water on the man's brow.

    "Leave him to the dogs for all I care" said Turnus "or make him a slave, who found him?"

    "We can't just make him a slave! You said it yourself, the sword he bears is ceremonial, he's obviously important, perhaps a great warrior. We could incur the wrath of the gods and anyone else that would wish to claim him if we made him a slave." the Auger argued, Turnus was not listening; he was an arrogant man who was only two days from marrying Chief Latinus' daughter Lavinia. Despite his disposition he was the greatest warrior and hunter the Latins had.

    Just then the man coughed - "He moves!" the Auger said.

    The man's eyes opened, he looked around the tent and quickly rose from his bed "What place is this?" he asked, hysterically.

    Turnus quickly rose and readied his flint club "Name yourself!" he yelled, threatening the man.

    "I am Aeneas of Troy, son of Anchises and Venus, commander of the Dardanians. Where is my sword?" he said, looking around frantically.

    "Calm yourself good man" said the Auger calmly, "We have your sword."

    "Give it to me, I musn't let-" Aeneas tried to explain but he was quickly interrupted.

    "SILENCE!" Turnus yelled at the man, pushing him back down onto the bed with his club "What are you doing here? I hardly believe you are of Troy, it is a myth!"

    "Where are the others?" Aeneas asked, looking Turnus dead in the eyes. Turnus felt a strange heat come over him, for whatever reason he was enraged.

    "The man is raving!" Turnus laughed "There are no others, only you, we found you half dead near the beaches. You'd be wise to tell us what your business is here!"

    "I told you, I am Aeneas of Troy. My city was destroyed by a coalition of barbarians, we left on a ship. There was a storm, I don't remember much after that, I was pretty sure I was going to drown..." he trailed off "Where am I?"

    "That is of no concern to you, you will see the Chief." Turnus replied "Auger, help him up..."

    Turnus bowed before Chief Latinus and kissed his feet, it was customary in the Latin tribe to do such a thing, Turnus couldn't wait until the marriage so he could one day become Chief himself; "Dominus, there is a stranger who appeared near the beach, he claims to be from Troy, he says he and a shipload of people left the city because of an attack. He's raving sir, clearly insane from near death, but I have this to offer." Turnus reported, he kneeled and held up the sword, the Chief took it.

    "This is quite beautiful" the Chief said, looking over the craftsmanship "Its hardly sharp enough for fighting though. Where is this stranger?"

    "AUGER!" Turnus barked from the tent, within seconds the Auger walked in, with Aeneas beside him. "Here he is Dominus." Turnus said to the Chief.

    "State your name." the Chief said bluntly.

    "I am Aeneas of Troy sir, son of-" Aeneas explained, the Chief raised his hand to silence him.

    "Aeneas, Turnus tells me you claim to be of Trojan descent. I find this odd, we here in Italy fancy this as mere myth. Troy does not exist, it is a tale." the Chief explained.

    "No sir, it can be no myth, I was born there. The city is destroyed." Aeneas explained.

    "Of course it is destroyed" said Turnus sarcastically "Chief, he lies! He can't produce a city that has been destroyed-"

    "TURNUS!" the Chief yelled "Leave at once!"

    Turnus turned and glared at Aeneas, he then bowed to the Chief and left the tent.

    "Now, Aeneas, tell me what happened to Troy..." the Chief asked.
    "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

    One Love.


    • #3
      Aeneas and Turnus...

      The next day the Chief announced that the camp would be moved, the Etruscans were hot on their trail and it was only a matter of time before the two tribes had to fight, the Chief's daughter would be married the next day and there was the issue of the stranger to discuss; rumors that Aeneas was nothing but an Etruscan spy were popular, and the Chief decided that it would be wise to test Aeneas' contention that he was in fact descendant of the goddess Venus. Turnus had shared a plot with the Chief, if Aeneas was found by the Auger to be of only mortal lineage then he could be executed and the fears the tribe had could be lifted.

      The tribe moved north towards the Tiber river, there they would celebrate the upcoming hunt with a festival, a ceremony to disprove Aeneas' lineage and finally the marriage of Turnus and Lavinia.

      The tribe assembled around a make-shift alter; Aeneas was placed upon it, bound by rope. The Auger kissed the Chief's feet and rose, approaching Aeneas. "Noble Jupiter, King of gods, King of the Earth, ocean and sky. Please today portend to us an omen. It is Aeneas, the stranger who claims to be of Troy who needs your auger today. If his lineage be true, and he be of the line of Venus please give us our sign, if he is a heretic lord Jupiter we shall strike him down for you!" the Auger said, as he burned incense and circled Aeneas body.

      Aeneas couldn't believe it had come to this; he had failed his people, they were all either dead at Troy, or sunk to Neptune at the bottom of the ocean, and now his time has come. He would die in a strange land at the hand of barbarians! This was no way for a nobleman of Troy to die, he reasoned that in the end it was fitting; what use was a Trojan without a Troy?

      "There is no auger!" yelled Turnus "Destroy this heretic spy!" the crowd cheered, the Auger looked to the Chief, who gave him the signal.

      A man holding a large flint club approached the altar, "may the heavens bless this act" the Auger continued "for those who comitt heresy are the enemies of Jupiter, and deserve nothing but suffering to the rage of Pluto's lapdogs-" just then an Eagle flew, seemingly out of nowhere and ripped out the executioner's eye, he fell screaming in agony as the crowd gasped.

      The Chief arose from his chair, "Auger! What is this?" he asked.

      "It displeases Jupiter Dominus, to kill the stranger!" the Auger replied, astounded. He was a man of faith, but nothing of this magnitude had ever occured.

      "Unbind him at once!" the Chief commanded.

      "No, Dominus, this is impossible!" Turnus argued "This man is not a Latin, he is a liar!" he watched as the priests cut the rope, and Aeneas rose from the altar.

      "I wish you no harm! Surely this is proof that I am no liar!" he said, approaching the Chief, Turnus quickly pulled out his weapon and placed himelf in front of Aeneas.

      "Halt there! I will kill you where you stand if you take another step." he said to Aeneas, he then turned to the crowd "My people, fellow Latins, this man is a brigand, and practices a dark faith. What auger takes an innocent man's eye? How are we to know this is an act of Jupiter and not of some dark force?"

      "Turnus, please." Aeneas argued "I wish nothing to befall you, I was sent to preserve my culture, nothing more. I offer no threat to you all, I only wish to go-"

      "If this man truly is of divine lineage, Venus would not let him perish! I shall fight him, and disprove this atrocity!" Turnus yelled "Dominus, let me prove Latin strength to you before I marry your daughter, let me prove my worth to my people."

      "You are our finest warrior Turnus, I could not let you die at his hands. The auger speaks for Aeneas, we can not challenge the gods in this manner!" the Chief said, the crowd was silenced.

      "If this man is a child of the gods, then let him marry Lavinia if I fall to him!" Turnus boasted "But look at him, he is ill, and tattered, hardly the appearance of divinity. Let him weild his pathetic sword of Troy, I spit on him and his lies." he held his hand out to the Chief "Dominus, I will give him his weapon."

      "Turnus, you are betrothed to my daughter Lavinia, I musn't let the day of your wedding end in tragedy, I can not allow it." the Chief protested.

      "I will fight you Turnus." Aeneas said, "Chief Latinus, please, the sword."

      "It is blunt Aeneas, and Turnus speaks without thought, if you are truly the son of Venus I would be putting my entire tribe in danger if you were to fall," the Chief responded, Turnus kept quiet, he couldn't stand to have this man, this supposed son of Venus trump his position if he became Chief, in his mind Aeneas must die.

      "Great Chief Latinus. I speak no lies, this man disrespects me, and my people. I was brought here to Italy by the gods' design, they kept that sword by my side, and if I shall fall I will only do so with it still at my side, please Dominus, I will entertain this fool!" Aeneas said, the crowd began to murmur, he walked past Turnus and kneeled before Latinus "please my lord, the sword."

      The Chief approached Aeneas and held out the sword "Here in the fields of Mars, named so for the god of war, shall Aeneas of Troy and Turnus do battle for the hand of Lavinia." He knew this would be disastrous, but how could it be helped, if Turnus took Aeneas' life in cold blood Venus would punish the Latins with infertility. If Aeneas was truly a liar, Turnus would have proven his might, and would make a great Chief.

      As soon as Aeneas grabbed the sword Turnus swung his club, hitting Aeneas in the leg, breaking it. He fell in agony "Is this the son of Venus?" Turnus boasted as he swung down towards Aeneas' head, Aeneas quickly rolled out of the way, and rose upon his good knee.

      Turnus turned to the crowd "This broken man, with his blunt sword and his story of Troy wishes to take Lavinia's hand?" He ran at Aeneas who rolled into him, knocking him onto the ground, Aeneas stood up, wincing in pain and tried to stab Turnus in the belly, but was blocked. Turnus quickly rose.

      "Is that the best you can do boy?" he asked, as he swung his club, Aeneas blocked it with the sword but it broke, shards flying everywhere.

      "I hope they build Trojans better than they build swords!" Turnus boasted as he kicked Aeneas to the ground and stood above him "Now, I shall prove you a liar Aeneas" Turnus lifted the club above his head as he stood directly on Aeneas' broken knee.

      Aeneas clutched the now broken sword in his hand, Turnus did manage to break it, but unfortunately for him also made it sharp. Aeneas lunged it into Turnus' calve muscle and twisted it, the club fell from Turnus' hand as he bent over and grabbed his leg, Aeneas kicked him to the ground and jammed the broken sword into Turnus' stomach...

      Aeneas was married to Lavinia a year later after his leg healed. The story of Troy was spread throughout the Latin tribes, who had seen Aeneas as a new hope against the Etruscan tribes. He adopted the surname Latinus, and Lavinia bore two children; their names were Romulus Latinus, and Remus Latinus...
      "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

      One Love.


      • #4
        This tale begins on a day like any other, the sun shone on the plants and the rocks and the wind licked mountains and rivers. It begins in a place like any other, the valleys, rivers, mountains and forests not unlike those on any of the many continents were you to suddenly awake displaced far from home. Yet it begins among a special people, a noble people. A people with a long history, a rich history...

        "Rich history? I ain't seen a cent of those riches."
        "haha me either!"
        "All I've seen is an endless treasure of ****."

        "Silence! Do not interrupt Rishi Vyasa you worthless Shudra! Know your place! - Continue wise sage."

        This epic tale spans thousands of years and is the great story of India. Our lives are but a speck in this grand story of our people. Yet, this is not the first world, nor is it the first universe. There have been and will be many more worlds and universes than there are drops of water in the holy river Ganges. The universes are made by Lord Brahma the Creator, maintained by Lord Vishnu the Preserver and destroyed by Lord Shiva. Since the universes must be destroyed before they can be recreated, Lord Shiva is called the Destroyer and Re-creator. These three gods are all forms of Supreme One and part of the Supreme One. The Supreme One is behind and beyond all.

        After each old universe is destroyed nothing is left but a vast ocean. Floating on this ocean, resting on the great snake Ananta, is Lord Vishnu. Some say that a lotus flower springs from his navel and from this comes Lord Brahma. And it is from Lord Brahma that all creation comes.
        How dies Lord Brahma create? Some tell of how he grows lonely and splits himself in two to create male and female. Then he becomes one again and human beings are created. In the same way he creates all the other living things, from the great animals to the tiniest insects. Others say that everything comes from different parts of Lord Brahma's body. All the different animals and all the people come from his mouth, arms, thighs and feet. His mouth became the brahman; his two arms were made into the rajanya; his two thighs the vaishyas; from his two feet the shudra was born. Everything comes from one - Lord Brahma, who is part of the Supreme One - so everything is part of the Supreme One. For this universe, this world and this Lord Brahma, like all those before and all those to come, will be destroyed by Lord Shiva.

        How long is the life of a universe? Its length is beyond imagination. One day to Lord Brahma is longer than four thousand million of the years that we know. Every night when Lord Brahma sleeps the world is destroyed. Every morning when he awakes it is created again. When the Lord Brahma of this universe has lived a lifetime of such days the universe is completely destroyed by Lord Shiva.
        Everything disappears into the Supreme One. For an unimaginable period of time chaos and water alone exist. Then once again Lord Vishnu appears, floating on the vast ocean. From Lord Vishnu comes forth Lord Brahma of the new universe and the cycle continues for ever.
        Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

        When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


        • #5
          They were herdsmen on the grassy plains north of the Gobi Desert and south of Siberian forests. The Mongols were fragmented, moving about in small bands headed by a chief, or khan, and living in portable felt dwellings - gers.

          They endured frequent deprivations and sparse grazing. They frequently fought over turf, and during hard times they occasionally raided, interested in goods rather than bloodshed. Didn't collect heads or scalps as trophies and did not notch wood to record their kills.

          From an ancient society, a mongol named Temujin rose as khan over various families. He was a good manager, collecting people of talent. He was vassal to Ong Khan, titular head of a confederacy better organized than other Mongol clans.
          Last edited by Seventy7Ways; November 26, 2005, 07:09.


          • #6
            Report, soldier.

            All quiet sir, as quiet as the day before which was as quiet as the day before that. For as long as my assignment has been, my post has been as quiet as a tomb. Persia is sleeping and poses no threat to us.

            Any non-hostile sightings?

            Just the common rabble of traders, beggars, and peasants sir. Oh, and a small detachment of dark-skinned warriors wandered through that pass there, however they did not linger nor attempt to make contact. They showed no interest in our affairs nor hostility.

            And you just watched them then?

            I posted Hamra and Chaladi, our swiftest runners to observe their progress from a distance and rush back if they showed any signs of aggression. They did not and were soon outside of our mandate. I thought nothing of it sir. Did I err?

            No soldier, you did your duty. Just curious is all. I shall inform the lord. Many a year have we waited for official word from the kingdoms we hear rumors of around us, yet nothing but silent scouts skirting our lands. Most curious.
            Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

            When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


            • #7
              The Lizard returns...

              There was a rustle in the jungle and a ripple of light.

              Another planet, another time, the same Lizard...

              It slithered away as an alien creature. What had gone before had sent shockwaves through the Universe. The misunderstood Lizard sought respite here. It seemed familiar and homely - another time warp.

              What the Earth peoples had not understood from the beginning was that the Azande were not of that planet, nor this one. They slip through time paradoxes into places where intelligent life evolves and spread the word of the Lizard - knowledge, peace and harmony. But this was seen as a threat in previous times. Here, a new planet with apelike mammals can be put to the test.
              Will their mankind learn the lessons; OR will the eons of ages be littered with death and destruction that is so typical of over developed apes!

              Lizard moved quietly amongst his secret tribe in Africa, preparing for another model civilisation.


              In the year 2,000,000AR (After Reptiles) the first village of Azadine was established and the first band of manlike explorers did set forth.

              Around 2,001,000AR the Azandes or "Azadines" happened upon a very funny looking group of Warriors whose names all ended in "us". RiDicuLus, Pompous, Nilus and Roamus were their leaders’ names. They had a great laugh about this with the "Romans" who also commented on the strange appearance of the Azadines. Permission was granted the Romans to explore and southwards they progressed… these apes showed significant promise and a peaceful Roman civilisation seemed certain, this time…

              Not long after this meeting in the year of our Lizard 2,001,600AR, a newly formed tribe of Azadine reached the same place along the river “Nilus”, named after the Roman explorer, and there did settle a new place called “Azand”

              Secret intelligence revealed, despite Lizards best efforts to play down his power, his first two places of dwelling were in the Top 5 greatest ‘cities’ of the world by 2,003,180… the year that the religious mask of Confucianism was created to make the Azande seem as though from this planet…
              Attached Files
              "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
              *deity of THE DEITIANS*
              icq: 8388924


              • #8
                Lizard was not impressed about this...

                Further intelligence proved overwhelming and Lizard ‘requests’ for the Azande to build ‘culture’ and spread gradually throughout the lands…
                Attached Files
                "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                icq: 8388924


                • #9
                  Immediate health alert!

                  He said 'prioritise' health issues and curb growth...
                  "Old age and skill will overcome youth and treachery. "
                  *deity of THE DEITIANS*
                  icq: 8388924


                  • #10
                    It was an age of darkness and disorder.

                    Jimmu throwing open the barrier of Heaven and clearing a cloud-path, urged on his superhuman course until he came to rest. Below small villages scattered across a wasteland indeserpte need of a GOD. I am Jimmu descended from the heavenly rule of the Sun Goddess Amaterasu boomed Jimmu's voice, through-out the lands.

                    The scattered peoples who inhabited these lands looked towards the sun, were Jimmu hovered above the clouds. You will follow my rule, i will bring Prosperity, Harmony and Focus to you. I am a Sun God. Those that do not follow my rule will be my enemy, as divided we will fall, we must be united in these wastelands i am to make you a great and powerful people.

                    Behold my power, Jimmu pulled from around his waste a long slighly curved sword, this sword glowed as if powered by the sun its self. With a mighty slice towards the ground a river was unleashed that flowed to the nearby village and provided it with fresh water. Nothing will stand in my way, behold the power of the sun gods.

                    The people rejoiced as this genorous display of power from the gods. Over the comming years this wasteland was crafted into a buitiful paradise. Jimmu made war on the poeople's to the east and west who would not submit to his rule. There resistance did not last long, how can you fight a GOD. A new great nation has emerged from the desolate wasteland that time forgot. You will hence forth be know as the Empire of Japan or Japense, you are descended from the ancestors of the land of the rising sun. The Sun Gods.

                    You will call me Emperor. As my gift to you i present you with Kyoto our founding city. From here we will spread our knowlege, culture and focus to bring the other barbian peoples into our Empire. Do not defy me, i wil bring Justice to my new empire, peace, stability all that are not with me, are against me. This is the life of a god, all of nothing there is no middle gorund.

                    These words will be written into tablets and installed im my imerpial palace for lal to see.

                    So begins the History of Japan.


                    • #11
                      Lord Bhishma has led his people for many years. Born on the Asiatic steppe he trusted in the Vedas and stories of a lush land to their south, so led his people south in a voyage of many years. Finally they came across a great river. The border of their new southern home.

                      Out of appreciation for its lush banks and the for the tales brought to him by his gods through the Vedas handed down throughout time to his people, he named the river Indus after the King of Gods, Indra. Furthermore, Lord Bhishma named his nation, India. Henceforth all the peoples in all the kingdoms of this plane and the next shall know and tremble at the mighty people of India.

                      They did not settle upon the banks of the Indus however, but did meet many a beautiful woman. Refugees from what they described as a vast and powerful kingdom down river. After hundreds of years, their civilization was destroyed by barbarians. Those women and children who remained fled north, following along the river banks, seeking Lord Bhishma's protection. Gladly Lord Bhishma welcomed them into the tribe. Many warriors and herdsmen gladly took on a second wife. A great celebration was held, and the people rejoiced for several nights.

                      Lord Bhishma continued east till his people met the banks of another great river, and there they built the first permanent settlement of their people, the great city of Delhi.
                      Captain of Team Apolyton - ISDG 2012

                      When I was younger I thought curfews were silly, but now as the daughter of a young woman, I appreciate them. - Rah


                      • #12
                        So, the comeback of the Lizard. Beware all who think that Lizard is human.


                        • #13
                          Letter to Rome...

                          Dearest brother,

                          I yearn to return to Rome.

                          The nights here are dark and boring, the soldiers hate their taks; fending off barbarians.

                          Soon our settlers will establish themselves and we can leave, and return home to our great city. I grow tired of this, only in my confidence to you I say this; our father has lost his mind. We're attempting to re-established "Troy" in Asia. Such a fruitless endeavor, to expect our warriors to secure a land so far from Italy is questionable at best.

                          For now he has established a city on the great Danube river between Rome and the Russian lands, he chooses to remain in this city, it has been called "Antium" by our troops; named so for the stars that adorne its walls. I have a heavy heart though my brother, on campaign I have met numerous foreigners of various description. The pale-skins of the north and the dark skined Azande of the south, I don't know much about them but I have a sinking feeling that their humanity isn't what it seems to be, regardless, they have been our most compassionate neighbors.

                          I shall return to Rome soon. I can't wait to taste our wines again, and see our women. I question father's decisions; our people are not Trojan, and we musn't waste time on establishing an old and lost culture, we have many pressing issues before us.

                          I know you are busy with issues in Rome, and I honor you for what has been done so far in the city, but many others around the world have reached glory unattainable under our current rule. Great wonders that defy our understanding have been built throughout the world, or so the tales say. I shall be in your presence mere days after you recieve this letter. So I will save the last of my issues for your ears alone, nobody must hear of what I will speak of.

                          Love and honor.

                          Remus Latinus.
                          Last edited by The Capo; December 10, 2005, 00:36.
                          "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                          One Love.


                          • #14

                            Since Aeneas took power he has done many good things for the Latin people; a capital has been established in the center of Italy, a new outposts in Germany and Asia have been established, and Italy has been united under the Latin tribe; however their relative power has been unestablished in the world's scene; a dark cloud has been cast over the Roman empire...

                            "Send in Martius!" ordered Romulus, seconds after bedding his slave "Summon my ministers!" He had become accustomed to ruling his people since his father left in search of Troy's ruins.

                            Martius was a very simple man, he attained his position simply out of his acumen for understanding foreign languages, he was from an old family in the Latin tribe; the Brutii. He entered, his attitude humble, and his clothes even moreso...

                            "Yes Dominus." He said humbly as he entered the King's chambers.

                            "Martius Brutus," Romulus began "I have a note here from my brother Remus, he tells me he shall return within the next two days, I want a grand feast in his honor."

                            "Yes dominus" Martius replied "it shall be done."

                            "That is not why I called upon you, please sit" Romulus ordered as he walked towards his table, his slave dressed herself and was promptly escorted from the room.

                            "Dominus, I shall wait until you are clothed-" Martius said, he was quickly interrupted by Romulus.

                            "Nonsense, I have no shame in my Roman body, sit, we shall speak." Romulus replied, as he grabbed his toga.

                            Martius sat at the table, and pulled a bundle of papers from his bag, he set them on the table and waited for Romulus' statement...

                            "My father is busy in Antium, and things are not going well. So far three of our exploratory forces have been destroyed by barbarians, this is unacceptable. The northern tribes are uncooth and must be destroyed, we must establish relations with the Russians and Azande, it is central to my plans." Romulus said.

                            "I understand sir, but the Russians are less than willing to discuss any treaty, your father himself can attest to this."

                            "As the Tiber (thanks Ozzy ) ebbs and flows, so does the world Martius, perhaps father hasn't given them incentive, that is your job." Romulus said as he snatched Martius' papers from him "What are these?"

                            Martius was embarrased, "They are nothing sir, simply suggestions."

                            "It looks like Buddhist drivel" Romulus said looking over them "Jupiter looks down on such nonsense!" he exclaimed as he threw the papers unto the table.

                            "I apologize Dominus" Martius replied.

                            "It's irrelevant! You are to court Stalin of Russia, tell him we wish for peace and cooperation between our people, the danger of foreign doctines ruling our people is more than either of us should bear, our borders are set, and we wish to solidify them. We can not be civilized people if we don't treat others accordingly."

                            "Yes of course Dominus, who shall I send?" Martius replied as he collected his papers.

                            "Send my brother Remus, as soon as he returns to Rome." Romulus said, knowing full well that Remus was a danger to his claim to the throne "Do you know when Father shall return?"

                            "That is uncertain Dominus, your father may stay in Antium indefinitely, he has a love of that country." Martius replied.

                            "Very well, you are dismissed." Romulus ordered as Martius was promptly escorted from his chamber.

                            Romulus sat in solidarity, 'my family shall be the downfall of Rome' he thought to himself, 'something must be done'...

                            Just then one of his guards entered the room, "Dominus, your brother has arrived" he said.

                            "Excellent, order the slaves to prepare a feast, it shall occur at nightfall. Send my mother, I must speak with her..."
                            Last edited by The Capo; December 10, 2005, 00:37.
                            "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                            One Love.


                            • #15

                              "Dominus! Dominus!" Leartes exclaimed as he ran up the hill, Aeneas was surveying the countryside. He was excited about his new city.

                              "Leartes, please calm yourself." the King said "What is the matter?"

                              "My lord," he said out of breath "Lord Romulus has a message for you, he says it is urgent." the servant said as he caught his breath.

                              "Here, please, have some water." the King replied as he summoned his slave to bring the large jug of water they had been carrying with them.

                              Leartes drank from the jug, more seemed to be spilling from the sides of his mouth than was going in, he wiped his mouth and took a few deep breaths.

                              "Well, out with it, give me the letter." King Aeneas replied, his servant grabbed the jug and carried it back into the tent, they were set up on a hill over-looking the valley, planning out the expansion of Antium.

                              "No sir, it is no letter. He was afraid someone may have come accorss it and killed me, so I am to recite it to you, for your ears only." Leartes responded, eyeing the guards and slaves Aeneas kept at his side.

                              Aeneas nodded "Well, if my son believes it is this important I shall hear you out in private," he motioned for his people to stay put while the two walked towards the tent. As they entered King Aeneas motioned the two slave girls residing inside to leave as well...

                              "Alright Leartes, enough drama, what is the word from Rome, nothing has happened has is?" the King asked.

                              "No Dominus, its just that-" with that Leartes pulled out his knife and stabbed the King right in the throat, he clutched Leartes' ribs as he fell motionless to the ground. Leartes looked around, the tent was empty, he placed the knife back in his bag and searched for gold...

                              Back in Rome...

                              "I'm worried about father" Romulus told his mother Lavinia, "He's been in Antium for a very long time, I fear for the worst."

                              "He's homesick Romulus, he'll return shortly. I hear Remus has returned from Germany." she said with a smile, she was getting old but her classic Roman looks kept her famous beauty intact.

                              "That's just it mother, look at this note I recieved." he said as he handed his mother Remus' note, she read it and looked at her son confused.

                              "I don't understand, what does this have to do with Aeneas?" she asked, returning the note.

                              "He says that he considers father a fool. He has no right to say such things about his father, let alone the King of the Latins!" he said angrily.

                              "Romulus, please, calm yourself. This is hardly any reason to get upset, we have a feast tonight to welcome your brother home and you regard such a simple note as a threat to your father?" she said, as she placed her hand on his cheek "You think too much, all of this work has got you, well, worked up."

                              "I'm simply surprised he's been gone for so long, and everybody knows Remus is jealous that Rome was named after me." he said as he folded the note up.

                              "Romulus, really!" she said sternly "I will not stand here while you accuse your brother of conspiracy, this is a joyous day, since the founding of the city I haven't seen all three of you together at all, and finally I'll have my two sons here. I will NOT have this day ruined by your petty rivalries, do you understand?"

                              "Yes mother." he replied.

                              "Prefect of Latinum or not, you are still my son!" she said, "now, put on some armor, let us make this a galliant display, Rome needs something to cheer about..."
                              Last edited by The Capo; December 10, 2005, 00:39.
                              "Our cause is in the hands of fate. We can not guarantee success. But we can do something better; we can deserve it." -John Adams

                              One Love.

