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Bizarre MP situation last night

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  • Bizarre MP situation last night

    A friend was over last night to plan some LAN civ4. We played for about 4 1/2 hours and had 2 odd things happen. 1st we got an error in red across the screen saying: outofsync mysyncseed=1540172288 my options seed = 0.
    Then after about 4 hours I was going crazy as I had searched the whole map with ships to find him and still nothing. I had built a ton of wonders and had a massive army and wanted to go in for the kill. Finally my friend came over to my screen and pointed where he was. I went back there, to a land mass which I had already explored and still couldn't find him. He showed a civ score for me on his screen, but my score for him showed 0. We were able to talk through the screen and I waited for his turn to end each time( we played simul). Now the strange part was he was nowhere to be found in my game, as if he was playing the game from an alternate viewing. In his game he had nearly killed a Spain civ on his continent, in my game the Spain civ was Huge and had lost no cities. My game showed all the wonders he made as Spanish wonders, his game showed the wonders I had built as mine. We hadn't even been doing any drugs What the heck is going on. I tried to reboot as his civ and it said he was killed for each autosave I tried this, yet the first couple saves showed his civ fine.
    Anyone else run into this odd situation? I am sad that I wasted 4 1/2 hours without killing him

  • #2
    When you get an out of synch error you must reload immediately or the game will split into two seperate games. It isn't really odd, out of synch means there is a difference between the game data on each players' computer. Since the game has already detected the synch error, it gives no other warnings and plays on with the data on the respective computers.
    "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


    • #3
      Well the odd thing then is why did we get the error( both games were fresh installs, no mods, no added data etc etc) and why after the error were we will still playing the same game, then suddenly later it split into 2 games? I can understand if it happened right away, but it seems odd that it didn't change our games until approx 20 turns after the error occurred?
      We are going to try again next week so we can see if there are any more errors, lets hope not and lets hope I get another great start


      • #4
        Originally posted by Swissy
        When you get an out of synch error you must reload immediately or the game will split into two seperate games. It isn't really odd, out of synch means there is a difference between the game data on each players' computer. Since the game has already detected the synch error, it gives no other warnings and plays on with the data on the respective computers.
        So, considering you knew this why didn't you get us to reload in our game? (I assume Swissswiss is your dogtag)


        I was in a parallel Universe for ages...

        Won't let it ruin my experience again


        • #5
          My CIV tag is SwissyCIV. I generaly only play civ4players ladder games. When In am online game that is not ladder I try to rectify the situation, but most of the time I am ignored because players put up with the red flashes just to play (a commentary on the sad state of CIV online play when players are happy to play a game that has an obvious bug.)
          "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo


          • #6
            I had a similar thing happen. The other guys game was in 400 BC, while my game was in 1300 AD. We could not figure out what happened. Also, we are too dumb to figure out how to re-load. "Load Game" doesn't quite do it. And, finally, when we save a game, then try to load it later, the game acts as if it's SP and no one else can join the game.
            Let Them Eat Cake

