Wraith, myself and a few others will be starting a MP game soon so if you like long, epic games hit up myself (joshpix@hotmail.com) or Wraith (l_o0wraith0o_l@homtail.com) and we will give you the details.
There are 4 of us already, we are aiming for 8 human, 8 A.I. opponents so it should be a blast and a good introduction to Civ 4 MP.
Wraith also has a teamspeak 2 server set up as well so it will be a lot of fun.
Hope to see you there!
There are 4 of us already, we are aiming for 8 human, 8 A.I. opponents so it should be a blast and a good introduction to Civ 4 MP.
Wraith also has a teamspeak 2 server set up as well so it will be a lot of fun.
Hope to see you there!