This happened a few game ago, but it is still fresh in my mind.
I'm playing as Saladin, planning on making a run at snagging as many religions as I can, and possibly going for Culture. Playing on a standard sized pangea, with default # of civs.
Start to scout around, find the coast at a nice distance to place a second city. I meet Isabella to the west, and find more coast to the east. To make an unrelavent story short, I'm trapped on the south eastern tail of the continent, with enough room for 5 cities before she boxes me in.
So I do what any good little civ would do in this case. I start brown nosing as much as I can. Same religion, same civics, whatever she wants she gets. Anyone who wants a piece of me has to go through her first
Alexander doesn't quite like the fact that the lowly Arabians with a paltry standing army keep denying his right to take what he wants. So he declares war. Mouse over to Isabella, Alt-click to open up trade dialog and bribe her to declare war and OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!
Ctrl-click is trade, and Alt-click is declare war. I am now at war with the two most powerful civs in the game.
Amen for autosaves.
I'm playing as Saladin, planning on making a run at snagging as many religions as I can, and possibly going for Culture. Playing on a standard sized pangea, with default # of civs.
Start to scout around, find the coast at a nice distance to place a second city. I meet Isabella to the west, and find more coast to the east. To make an unrelavent story short, I'm trapped on the south eastern tail of the continent, with enough room for 5 cities before she boxes me in.
So I do what any good little civ would do in this case. I start brown nosing as much as I can. Same religion, same civics, whatever she wants she gets. Anyone who wants a piece of me has to go through her first

Alexander doesn't quite like the fact that the lowly Arabians with a paltry standing army keep denying his right to take what he wants. So he declares war. Mouse over to Isabella, Alt-click to open up trade dialog and bribe her to declare war and OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!
Ctrl-click is trade, and Alt-click is declare war. I am now at war with the two most powerful civs in the game.
Amen for autosaves.