Metaliturtle bobs his head to the tribalish sounding Baba Yetu music. It begins to get repetative so he clicks the custom game button quickly. He puts all the sliders on random, then a weird idea crosses his mind.
Difficulty slider @ Diety.
Saladin's smiling face greets Metaliturtle. It appears Saladin is the victim.
Metaliturtle groans because Saladin is only good for doing an early religion rush, and Metaliturtle doesn't know if that will even work on Diety level.
"No Settler choprushing for me," Metaliturtle thought.
First glance at the map gave him hope, stone nearby and goodie huts in the vicinity, excellent starting point. Mecca is plunked down in 4000 BC, warrior heads east to go 'splorin'.
Three turns later, warrior has been given several woodsman promotions, Metaliturtle feels like the game is winnable. He discovers polytheism 4 turns after meditation is discovered. Metaliturtle rejoices that he has founded a faith!
Isabella shows up, and she must have writing because she wants open borders, Metaliturtle agrees because she is on the edge of the empire with an axeman.
Archery is discovered on the next turn!
The warrior meets a Lion the following turn and is RUTHLESSLY DEVOURED!!!
"Welcome to Diety" Metaliturtle thought.
Metaliturtle quickly sees his hopes for an uber religious empire as Judaism, Taoism, Christianity, Confucianism, and Christianity are all founded in far off lands.
"I'll make a military presence I guess," thought Metaliturtle.
Her Royal hotness, Catherine the great decides to pay Metaliturtle a visit. She gets open borders too, promptly sends 4 jewish missionaries into the Holy lands of Hinduism, and then demands polytheism, which Metaliturtle thought was weird until he realized that Catherine mooched all of her religion stuff from Isabella.
Alexander decides to pay a visit, apparently he is "teh 00b3r 1337!!1!one11!" He declares war on me for being friends with Catherine, and now there are knigts sitting outside of Medina.
Surprisingly, Alexander doesn't attack Medina, rather, Catherine lands 4 galleys worth of pikemen and I get to watch a slaughter.
Now my cities are guarded with russian pikemen though...
I've just discovered bronze working!! (YAY) Now I can cut down trees.. wear high heels... etc.
Hatsepshut shows up and requests something from me, I don't want her to have anything because she's the #1 AI, instead I say, lemme offer you something better... and then flee negotiations.
Isabella gives me a map for a big pile of gold, I learn that I'm surrounded by her on three sides, she outnumbers me four cities to one.
"I think I'll stay on good terms." I said.
On the same turn, every wonder I ever thought about possibly considering researching the tech to build... was built.
I am still playing the game, but I almost want to declare war with someone to see what happens.
I do not have a chance to win this game, I usually win on Warlord but not past that level, what do you guys think could happen that would be funnier than what has already happened?