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It's 8am and...

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  • It's 8am and...

    I've just finished my first game of CIV.

    I haven't played any of the Civ games in a while (yeah, heresy, i know...), and I wanted to try and get both re-acquainted with the general dynamics as well as get a taster for what's new with this iteration. So, did an epic game on a huge/continent map on settler difficulty. For point of comparison the gaming rig is an X2 4400, 7800GTX o/c-ed to 490MHz core/1.31 GHz memory and 1GB of PC3200 played at 1920x1200.

    Finally finished after 10hrs 46min in one sitting with a Space Race victory in 1856AD, a normalised score of 18073 and 20 cities built.

    First thoughts then. I like the new look. It works for me. There are some interface quibbles that I'll touch on later but that's more about the feel than the look. It all ran smooth enough (should do...) with one irritating exception - Wonder Movies. They for no discernable reason. I'm just going to play with them off in future. End game performance didn't bog down in the same way I recall Civ3 doing, and even at the end the AI turns passed swiftly by.

    Game wise, there were no wars. None. Nada. Not even a hint of them. In fact, the AI seemed shockingly civilised. This did mean that I didn't have too much about getting to know the changes to the combat model so I could play around with the other changes and leave combat for another game.

    From what I've seen on the new culture/religion model, I like. A lot. It seems to make a lot more sense.

    The Great People seemed to work well. Possibly a little too well, as the Great Artist is as effective as multiple armies at taking over enemy cities. I used two to great effect to rapidly link five small cities I'd built in quick succession as part of a resource grab to my cultural core and to culture-bomb (and eventually flip) four cities to my side. Looking at the end game culture graph, it was blatantly obvious when I'd set off this bomb. I can already think of some very nice strategies to exploit just how powerful they are.

    On to my gripes about feel (which I mentioned earlier). There are just some odd interface issues. Maybe I missed it, but there doesn't seem to be any obvious way to do an upgrade on all units of a certain type. In Civ3, being able to quickly upgrade them via the military advisor screen made left much easier so it seems odd for this to have gone walkabout.

    In addition, the mouse-over tooltips seem to be temperamental as hell as to whether they're going appear or not. When in the city screen I could tell that I had sufficient funds to rush production on a unit/building etc but with the mouseover tooltip choosing not to appear a lot of the time then I had no idea how much it was gonna cost.

    Also, the Civilopedia. Why? Non-obvious icons, highlighted text which doesn't link when you'd assume it would, other things which irritated me about it but I'm too tired to recall. Look, it's getting towards the better part of a decade since SMAC was released yet not one single game has come anywhere near to having an integrated help resource which is as good. SMACs help system is how they should be done.

    Anyhow, I'm tired. Just one more go metamorphosed into the 'uh-oh, is that the sun peaking through the window?' so it obviously is initially satisfying. I'm actually thankful that the game does run through so much faster, as I don't particularly think my employment status or social life could handle doing twenty-four stretches. So to bed. And I'll probably end up dreaming CIV...

  • #2
    You can upgrade all your units with holding the (I think it's alt may be shift too).


    • #3
      the bottom of the unit box shows the key combo
      anti steam and proud of it

      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


      • #4
        I haven't played CIV but in Civ3 you could upgrade your units by pressing "SHIFT-U"


        • #5
          you can upgrade all your units by pressing alt-f4 in game
          To us, it is the BEAST.


          • #6
            Bad Sava, bad!

            No cookie! (or CIV!)
            But there's no sense crying over every mistake. You just keep on trying till you run out of cake.
            PolyCast | Girl playing Civ + extra added babble! | Yo voté en 2008!


            • #7
              /me goes and stands in the corner!

              (btw save before "upgrading" your units)
              To us, it is the BEAST.


              • #8
                Yes, the mouse-over tooltips are tempermental....sometimes the mouse-over text appears, sometimes not. I've especially noticed this on the diplo screen.

                And yes, the Civilopedia icons are not exactly obvious...sometimes its hard to find what you need there right's not quite right, but ok.
                Let Them Eat Cake


                • #9
                  8 am, congrats, I played to 5 am - I like new civ, it has some isses (and war is the biggest) but it's good. I played civ1 to 5am, civ 3 and now 4 - it's kind of goodness of game for me


                  • #10
                    10hrs 46min for an epic game? On a huge map? That doesn't sound all too "epic" to me. That should be the length of a standard game. Epic games should be twice that! In Civ 3, I'd take 20 hrs just to play a game on a standard map.

                    In any case, I'm glad to hear some good reviews on Civ 4. I look forward to getting it...once it's patched.
                    "Every time I have to make a tough decision, I ask myself, 'What would Tom Cruise do?' Then I jump up and down on the couch." - Neil Strauss


                    • #11
                      Modifier key to Upgrade All is ALT-
                      But it seems to be for upgrading all units that can upgrade TO that unit (e.g., all your longbows, crossbows & macemen, etc. to Riflemen). For your footslogger lines that isn't going to be too practical. For others it should do just fine.

                      Xorbon, for Settler level it might be an appropriate time for a "get your feet wet" game.
                      My speed is not comparable: I won a Dan Quale on Greek World (Warlord/Large) and have played a couple hundred turns further -- recently started building fighters. It's only taken me a hundred+ hours.
                      Last edited by Jaybe; November 20, 2005, 13:19.


                      • #12
                        "Greek World"? I've also heard somebody mention something about a "Lake World". Are these pre-made maps, or do they have new settings for random-map generation?
                        "Every time I have to make a tough decision, I ask myself, 'What would Tom Cruise do?' Then I jump up and down on the couch." - Neil Strauss


                        • #13
                          I have to agree with the point regarding Great Artists, Rev. I think that an Art Academy/Artists Studio or something like that would be a FAR better ability for the Great Artist-earns a big culture and gold bonus for the city it is built in-not unlike the Science Academy. Far less open to abuse IMO.



                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Xorbon
                            "Greek World"? I've also heard somebody mention something about a "Lake World". Are these pre-made maps, or do they have new settings for random-map generation?
                            Scenario/Mod(?). Find it the same place as Earth 1000AD is (I'm not at that computer ATM).
                            Large map, pre-made with scripted events.

