Found a size 19 barb city on the 'New World'. but it was rather late into the game.
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Largest Barbarian City?
Re: Largest Barbarian City?
Originally posted by wiley15
Exploring a far-flung island in the 1400s I was stunned to find a size 11 barbarian city! Its land was completely developed and it had more structures than most computer cities. Of course, its two archer defense detachment weren't really ready for my cavalry.
What is the larget barbarian cities you guys have come across?Esquire
Re: Largest Barbarian City?
Originally posted by wiley15
Exploring a far-flung island in the 1400s I was stunned to find a size 11 barbarian city! Its land was completely developed and it had more structures than most computer cities. Of course, its two archer defense detachment weren't really ready for my cavalry.
What is the larget barbarian cities you guys have come across?I like it. good to see the barbs having some fun. hopefully they will get their warmongerness tweaked a bit in future patches, or mods
Originally posted by samsmithnz
I've lost a captured city to its former owner before. It took about 5-10 turns, and I tried my hardest to stop it (even with an artist culture bomb), but it was too close to its capital.
hmm. startin a custom game, there is an option "city Flipping after conquest" with the tooltip "cities that have been captured via conquest can convert peacefully back to the previous owner" . so that means to me, that under default rules it wont happen!War and courage have done more great things than charity. Not your sympathy, but your bravery hath hitherto saved the victims.
I've seen a barb city that built a Monolith.
The best I've seen had built the Hanging Gardens, that was a nice gimmie!
It seems the only things barbs will build that give culture (and thus expanded radius) are Monoliths and Wonders. I guess the monoliths go obsolete too soon for them to build many.
I learned the hard way that Barbs are a lot better in 4 than 3. Left Philly with only an archer defending, and lost the damn city to a couple barb axemen.
Then spent the next 5 or 6 turns trying to win it back, weakened the defending archer significantly, and the damn Japanese decided to take Philly for themselves.
I'd have none of it. *****es wouldn't give me the city back fair and square, so I took it.
Pissed Mao Zedong off big time too - he's declared war on me 3 times since . . . looks like him and Tokagawa are buddies.
I once saw a size 16 barb city with tons of improvements (including fishing boats) defended by a healthy stack of muskets, longbows, and cavalry.
Wait, that was Mecca, nevermind.Last edited by Aquendwato; December 2, 2005, 00:15.
Originally posted by JoeGator
I learned the hard way that Barbs are a lot better in 4 than 3. Left Philly with only an archer defending, and lost the damn city to a couple barb axemen.
That little 'incident' dropped me from 2nd place to 7th.
Biggest Barbarian city I've seen is in the Earth map (Ancient era start). I haven't gotten close enough to see the population, but its cultural borders are huge. It's in Mexico.