I love the new goverment/religion/production system, it's marvellous.
Rest of the game is pretty classic, seems more like a graphical update from Civ3, which is normal and good.
However i have a concern; my first few games i had this strange feeling that the time was passing too fast regarding to my tech discoveries; i often discover things like alphabet in AD 500 and more, but when i reach renaissance, i feel that the tech tree speeds up way too much, not giving me the time to update my units properly.
it feels like the "second part" (cities at 11+) of the game is too fast while the beginning is too slow.
It's a new problem compared to civ3 where the tech development was pretty quick right at the start, often leading to having tanks in 1200 AD...
It's a problem to me, even tho the rest of the game is pretty ok and i didnt have any "crashing" problem, and the UI suits me.
So far the game is overall better than Civ3, but this tech/units/building development issue is annoying.
Rest of the game is pretty classic, seems more like a graphical update from Civ3, which is normal and good.
However i have a concern; my first few games i had this strange feeling that the time was passing too fast regarding to my tech discoveries; i often discover things like alphabet in AD 500 and more, but when i reach renaissance, i feel that the tech tree speeds up way too much, not giving me the time to update my units properly.
it feels like the "second part" (cities at 11+) of the game is too fast while the beginning is too slow.
It's a new problem compared to civ3 where the tech development was pretty quick right at the start, often leading to having tanks in 1200 AD...
It's a problem to me, even tho the rest of the game is pretty ok and i didnt have any "crashing" problem, and the UI suits me.
So far the game is overall better than Civ3, but this tech/units/building development issue is annoying.