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The Children of Lake first REAL Civ4 game

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  • The Children of Lake first REAL Civ4 game

    Well, first up I REALLY should learn to check the settings on my games-cause I don't know if I am on 'Warlord' or 'Noble' level (though I am GUESSING Warlord).

    So, I begin the game as Hatepshut-whom I rename Nefertiti , and the dawn of Man....errrr Woman, I should say, BEGINS

    Darn it, where is the REALISM-I should be near a River Delta, not a LAKE . Still, lots of good stuff nearby-a huge forest, some lovely marble for my future World Wonders, cows to the North and-oohhh, whats that, a TRIBAL VILLAGE! Well, off you go my brave warriors show what they have in store for us !

    More later....

    Attached Files

  • #2
    One of the tabs under Victory Conditions (F8) reveals your game settings, including difficulty level.


    • #3
      Part 2: Bronze, Copper and Slavery

      Man, no WONDER I am kicking butt right now, I am only on Settler difficulty-and yet I am only JUST ahead of Caesar in my current game (must be all that salad he eats. What kind was it, Waldorf or something?) Anyway, looks like I am gonna have to get a WHOLE lot smarter if I want to beat this game at Noble level (which is the level I USED to win at in Civ2 AND Civ3!!)
      Anyway, on with the story:

      Well, seems like those tribal villagers aren't as dumb as they look-appears they know how to work a substance called COPPER-melding it with tin to make BRONZE! They even showed my warriors how to do it (though I personally think the warriors are afraid it will make them redundant !)

      Oh and, what do you know, right next to the tribal village is a deposit of COPPER!!! Now is that coincidence, or is what they give you linked-to some degree-to whatever resources might be nearby? Given my other tribal village experience, it may be the latter-I certainly hope so.

      Anyway, with my knowledge of the fashioning of bronze in my reportoire, I immediately get my smiths to work fashioning axes and manacles for my new bronze age economy, and adjust my labour system accordingly !
      Last edited by The_Aussie_Lurker; November 5, 2005, 00:24.


      • #4
        Re: Part 2: Bronze, Copper and Slavery

        Originally posted by The_Aussie_Lurker
        Anyway, with my knowledge of the fashioning of bronze in my reportoire, I immediately get my smiths to work fashioning axes and manacles for my new bronze age economy, and adjust my labour system accordingly !
        Be careful with that. In a mere six thousand years you'll have to face off with the Egyptian Labor Party!


        • #5
          and adjust my labour system accordingly
          And, judging by your screen shot, we all know what that means . . . ya sick man!


          • #6
            For those who are interested, I do plan on posting the next part of this 'tale' sometime tonight-my time-but I confess that I have not had the time I would have liked to play Civ this last 48 hours (blasted parents are visiting ). Watch soon, though, as I become the cultural and spiritual heartland of the Ancient World....



            • #7
              all right another must read review

              keep the review rolling
              anti steam and proud of it

              CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


              • #8
                3880BC: Well, in total disregard of the advice of his military advisor, Ramses I-son of Nefertiti-keeps Egypts sole band of Warriors exploring the surrounding terrain. Seeing the sheer vastness of the forests nearby, Ramses takes it upon himself to name the terrain 'Cedars of Thebes'.

                3840BC: Well, the Arts funding of his mother have paid off, as Thebes undergoes a huge boost in its pulling power-in the process revealing some lovely bovines (cows for the unenlightened !)

                Well, another 160 years of peace prevail and, during the rule of Akhenaton I, the people of Thebes finally start the organised worship of their Mother Goddess Hatheshup, but certain mystics have some rather 'heretical' ideas-namely that their Goddess may be just one of a Pantheon of Gods and Goddesses-only time will tell if the idea will take hold.

                Oh and look, there lie evil lions to the south, and another tribal village to the west-I wonder what they will give to their recognised superiors...



                • #9
                  FOUR days with no word: What a calamity! Aussie_Lurker must have had real life distract him, ...
                  or his Children of Lake Nile met a ghastly end not much later.

                  Please (since I bumped the thread) DO TELL!


                  • #10
                    yeah, he and yin, two of our most prolific posters, have gone completely quiet.


                    • #11
                      Don't worry guys, still here. Yes real life caught up with me-not to mention the dilemma of 'play more civ, or spend more time updating this thread?' Oh, decisions decisions...
                      Anyway, I am going to sift through my current screenies, and post at least one new chapter to my current story today !



                      • #12
                        In the glorious reign of Rameses II of Egypt, during the 36th century BC, an armed delegation is sent to meet with the Elders of a local tribe of villagers. Rameses suspects that, with a large deposit of gold in the vicinity, this village may be able to pay tribute into the growing coffers of Egypt-in retun for citizenship in the burgeoning Egyptian empire. Lo and behold, they happily give 75 gold to their recognised overlord.

                        The remaining reign of Rameses is marked by peace and prosperity-and an ongoing focus on the arts and religion, but little did anyone know the great revelations that lay around the corner.

                        At the turn of the 32nd century BC, Nefertiti II-grandaughter of Rameses II, was beset with night after night of strange dreams. In it, she met with the Mother Goddess Hatheshup, but was then shocked to see her remove her face-like a mask, beneath which lay the face of a man, with a laughing face. Another night, the Goddess again removed her face to reveal a lions head. So it was for night after night-Hatheshup would reveal a completely different face-man, woman and animal/human hybrid-eacg time. In time, she went to consult with her court mystics, and they interpreted her dream as a revelation that-far from being a single individual-Hatheshup actually represented a literal pantheon of different deities, perhaps representing a multitude of different natural phenomena and human ideals. Yet all the same creator Goddess-Hatheshup! This was an amazing revelation to Nefertiti and so she asked her mystics to tell her more about this concept. Her mystics told her that there were holy men in the city who could tell her more. The next night Nefertiti spoke deep into the night with a band of Holy Men who held a belief almost identical to what had been shown to her in her dreams. After this night of theological discussion, Nefertiti went out to her people and announced that a new belief had been found within the city of Thebes-a religion known as HINDUISM....

                        Last edited by The_Aussie_Lurker; November 13, 2005, 05:46.


                        • #13
                          Question: How do you name landmarks?
                          Everything changes, but nothing is truly lost.


                          • #14
                            OK, in the bottom right hand screen you should see a little 'globe'. Click on this and it will take you out to the Globe View. Then, in this view, you will see a number of 'tabs' next to the globe icon-click the one which says 'Strategic Layer'. Click on it and it will bring up several choices (Delete, Add Sign etc). Click on Add sign, then click on the terrain you want to label. A checkbox will come up where you can write in the terrain name you want. Problem is, you lose it every time you re-load the game-just a warning!



                            • #15
                              Great story!

