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How far did you go for Civ IV?

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  • How far did you go for Civ IV?

    OK, so I just walked five miles in the freezing cold to get to my local Walmart for a copy of Civ IV (freshman in college, no car). I'd been calling them repeatedly since release day to see if they'd gotten it in yet, and they finally did this afternoon.

    Now, freezing your butt off while walking down the side of the road and realizing you really, really need to buy a hat because your ears are about to fall off isn't all that fun... but I know there's got to be somebody out there that went to far greater lengths to get their Civ fix. Let's hear 'em.

  • #2
    I got out of bed and sat down at my PC.

    That's about how far I had to go to get the game.

    But eventually, I'll drive about 3 or 4 miles to my local Gamestop to buy it. This game is definitely worthy of a purchase.
    To us, it is the BEAST.


    • #3
      Well my local shops haven't even got the game yet, and I live in Montreal! I'm sitting here reading all these first impressions of how amazing the game is and feeling like I'm missing the first few days of discovery

      But there's always the hope that EB will get the game tomorrow


      • #4
        Originally posted by Jerh9e1k5
        Well my local shops haven't even got the game yet, and I live in Montreal! I'm sitting here reading all these first impressions of how amazing the game is and feeling like I'm missing the first few days of discovery

        But there's always the hope that EB will get the game tomorrow
        If you read Ninot's thread in the Availability section, you'll see why you're better off giving money to Future Shop (for once); besides, you'll save $10.

        I still can't believe they refused to sell him (and me, incidentally) copies they actually had behind the counter.

        Back to original topic: I briefly considered driving south until I came upon a copy of Civ IV.

        If the Habs weren't playing, I would have.


        • #5
          Sava, I was planning on doing that too, but we're behind a proxy here at my college so torrents don't work.

          BTW, does anyone know of any mini-images or no-cds that have come out yet? I'm playing on a laptop with a slow external CD drive and I'd definitely prefer to play without it.


          • #6
            I paid $10 more to get it a day earlier than I could of, and didn't even play it.


            • #7
              The game is not yet available in the Netherlands, but it is in Germany. Because I live quite close to the border, I just took the train this morning, and after 11 minutes I was in the town centre of Gronau. I could take the first train back (about 30 minutes). So took me about an hour in total to get the game.


              • #8
                I bought a new PC just to play this game, so in effect I paid $600 for my copy of cIV.


                • #9
                  I traveled for ~60 minutes on Tuesday and called a couple stores

                  Wednesday I traveled ~20 minutes

                  Jon Miller-
                  I AM.CANADIAN
                  GENERATION 35: The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experiment.


                  • #10
                    I got two copies of the game because the ordered one didn't come fast enough.

                    And I went 3 days in a row to 4 shops to see if they had it.


                    • #11
                      Me too, baboon.

                      I ordered from Amazon - which didn't ship on time. So of course I had to get another copy immediately! - Give the Amazon copy to my nephew - or whatever...

                      I live in Sarasota and when IV hit the stores hurricane Wilma had just come through. I stalked an EB only to be told by the UPS delivery guy (when he came to EB @ 2PM) that deliverys were delayed 1 day due to Wilma!!!

                      Made a few calls and found IV at another EB about an hour later - whew...


                      • #12
                        I gave my mum 20 pound, pre ordered it on amazon, should be arriving tomorrow. god. so much effort


                        • #13
                          I got off the bus on the way home from work, walked into the store, bought game, caught the next bus.


                          • #14
                            A ten minute walk to Game in the High Street. Silly Virgin, not opening until 10.00am lost a sale of a game and a strat guide.


                            • #15
                              payed a lot to get it shipped from the US to Belgium

