I will keep it brief.
Game is buggy, worst I have ever played.
System specs deliberately played down so people would get the game first, then upgrade. Not only my opinion. This is the basis of a complaint in Australia to have the game removed from shelves.
Tutorial and Civilopaedia are a farce (not only my opinion).
Time line up the creek, early in the game I can research 2 advances for the time it takes a level1-2 city to build a spearman.
Diplomacy largely pointless, civ 3 was much, much better.
Have not read anywhere where people say what the main thing religion does is, except give you more building options.
Worst thing though, not enough penalty if you go to war. Played 2 games (monarch/gt plains) was totally peaceful, turn 1200-1500 AD was about equal 1st when an AI attacked me when I had never attacked anyone else. 2 more games using stankarps IAS (infinite attack sleaze), killed 7.5 AI over 2 games, turn 1800AD, 2.5 to 3 times the nearest AI score, and no AI attacked me, they sat their in line while I splattered them one at a time. Hardly bothered with diplomacy or Trade.
Biggest point to note though, the thread for bad things about civ 4 is TWICE as long as the thread for good things (4 pages to 2).
Who said statistics never lie?
Game is buggy, worst I have ever played.
System specs deliberately played down so people would get the game first, then upgrade. Not only my opinion. This is the basis of a complaint in Australia to have the game removed from shelves.
Tutorial and Civilopaedia are a farce (not only my opinion).
Time line up the creek, early in the game I can research 2 advances for the time it takes a level1-2 city to build a spearman.
Diplomacy largely pointless, civ 3 was much, much better.
Have not read anywhere where people say what the main thing religion does is, except give you more building options.
Worst thing though, not enough penalty if you go to war. Played 2 games (monarch/gt plains) was totally peaceful, turn 1200-1500 AD was about equal 1st when an AI attacked me when I had never attacked anyone else. 2 more games using stankarps IAS (infinite attack sleaze), killed 7.5 AI over 2 games, turn 1800AD, 2.5 to 3 times the nearest AI score, and no AI attacked me, they sat their in line while I splattered them one at a time. Hardly bothered with diplomacy or Trade.
Biggest point to note though, the thread for bad things about civ 4 is TWICE as long as the thread for good things (4 pages to 2).
Who said statistics never lie?