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The Chronicles of Ambition

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  • #16
    The Battle for Metal: Preparations for the Walls Ahead

    Using the stores within the vaults and storage of Iki, Tokugawa was successful to properly arm about 7000 of his troops. And so were rest of the forces waiting to meet them at the outskirts of the city, all battle geared for action.

    Tokugawa has fought battles before, but not quite like this one. First of all, the Japanese forces will be attempting a first offensive, in which tactics differ very much so. That offensive then branches out into another problem, which is the taking of a city. Unlike the barbarians, who fought the Battle of Kuzagawa,or for Iki, not on or in it, they will be directly assaulting the city itself. The way to do siege and secure entry into the city is not means of making a mad dash to the walls. Rather, in order to win over the city, the commander must decide what tactics are they going to preform. There are three basic types of siege: a siege requiring the knocking through the doors and defeat of all the defenders together, a blockade in order to starve the people out, (which was not an option here do to Iwagakure's self-sufficient economy), or a siege of weakening the defenses first.

    Many of the citizens detest the mutinous behavior of Ban Mitsuri, but it really wouldn't make a difference to even approach that to the new supervisor. Instead, the renegade insurgency in the inner sanctum of the city have instead to plan a daring move in which to open or shatter the walls and then start up activities and disrupting the legion of Ban's troops. A spy from the insurgency has arrived at Fukushima's heel to deliver a report. Here is an account:

    "My true lord Fukushima, I bring news of the upcoming battle preparations." (Spy)
    "Well, go on and say it."(Fukushima)
    "Right, right, well... things are going according to plan. We have set up obstacles that will deter the numerous clusters of troops, allowing for your unscathed arrival. We have also encircled the palace grounds and have arranged a rendezvous point in which to inform you more about that current situation. However...." *scratching his head* "barbarian reinforcements have bolstered Ban's ranks, so the initial hope of a quick victory might turn into a long- drawn out battle." (Spy)
    *Sighing* "... well then... let's hope things all favor us.In any case, we can't afford to back down now. Off you go, and soon I will do the same." (Fukushima)

    And so Fukushima stayed true to that word, rounding up his coalition forces and marching forward, heads high, lances drawn, and horses front. And, ere lo... the har horn was sounded and the horsemen charged off into the walls.

    Ever nearing, the insurgency, who consisted of citizens in the mining trade, were able to create a series of fires using a flammable powder acquired from trade by China that either destroyed or distracted the archery positions. The insurgency soon found itself in a fight of 10 to 1 in the inner reaches of the southern wall. Swords and blows flying, weaving in an out, a rebel sprints for the lever to open the gate. Archers fired multiple consecutive shots at him, nearly missing the vital parts (but he did got hit), and in the process, slew all in his path. Shot at last by an arrow that pierces his heart, the rebel opens the doors through the lever mechanism and, holding tightly, expired, using his body as a last defense of the lever, as the defenders (irony) moves to remove the defending body, but yet it was too late.

    A greater, more furious battle will take place...

    The Battle for Iwagakure no Sato is about to begin...
    What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


    • #17
      The Battle for Metal: The Demon

      Horsemen, hand with spears held low to the ground and bows to the sides, trampled the enemy infantry of the approaching under foot. Fukushima, at the head, commanded his armies to part in different directions, in an effort to encircle the palace grounds and choke off escape, 3000 to the left, 3000 to the right, and the rest in a mad rush for the center. Spears aloft, the remaining cavalry (yet still numerous) engage in an advance against a rather weak attempt by the enemy to call to a halt (organization at this point was seemingly impossible for Ban's men, thanks in due part to the insurgency and the rest of the citizens, who also picked up their arms to fight).

      The remaining ground forces under the command of Tokugawa soon followed in pursuit. Arrows raining and clangs of shields and swords and spears ringing continued on for the next few hours. Retaking the east and west gates, the split up parties soon met at a summation of action at the north, the only lifeline left for the traitors, and, consequently, the most well guarded, though, at the continued success rate, there would be no doubt it would fall as well. However, the relative success did not last for long, for as night began to take into full effect, the figure of the Crescent Moon appeared.

      The demon marched in on swift foot in the red of night through the gates of the walled city. The Japanese are most superstitious, on once gazing their eyes upon the horror that radiated from the figure's golden crescent, the Japanese divisions instantly fell apart.

      Not much is known about this manifest of evil, only the fact that when the moon focuses its light on a battle, it would soon become a blood fest. In fact, throughout the lands that fell into darkness because of barbarian desires, multiple demons have rose up to join in the slaughter. Most say they rose up to take revenge on the world which has shunned them so. There is also some speculation that these tormentors, these furies are allies to the barbarian cause, as they drain the hope and morale of the people everyday with each passing, but that is merely speculation. There are news of three most visible demons, most visible for their grievous actions, named from the symbols that line their heads, the Crescent Moon, the Blue Star, and the Mud colored cross.

      Meanwhile, the insurgent leader, Hitake Nabeshima leads charge against enemy forces near the gates, unaware of the doom looming, when a loud voice is heard echoing through the winds:

      "I am the demon Sakon Shima of the Crescent moon, death incarnate! Let my spear and scythe provide cleansing and harvest for the coming of the Last Judgment!!!" *lighting roars and winds pick up an unusual, eerie chill* (Shima)
      "Do not fear my comrades, for we fight for more than against the enemy, but for our home!" (Nabeshima)

      What will this new turn of events do upon the battle enduring Tokugawa and Fukushma?

      To be Continued...
      What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


      • #18
        The Battle for Metal: The Exiles Return

        Unaware of the more pressing concern in the North gate, Fukushima and Tokugawa, meeting at their rendezvous point, proceed in a march toward the palace walls. Just outside, the allies' march was returned with the enemy's lurch of arrows and and spears. Quickly retaliating, the allied offensive shot back at the gate guard archers, and soon many fell. Ban's swordsmen and spear men, though weilding weapons meant to maximize efforts against cavalry, were trampled by the sheer of numbers.

        Ban Mitasuri, the supervisor of the city, begins, in fear, to make an attempt at escape and crosses over the palace lines and heads through the north gate, never to be seen in the city again, in due thanks to the people (thus the verb "ban", meaning to prohibit or bar was created in testament to that cowardly person's flight). In other news, Tokugawa, producing a ram, broke through the gates and, with Fukushima, succeeded in overwhelming the remaining occupied troops. In fact, more than the troops surrendered to the might of the awesome powers demonstrated by the two great leaders today (and that the man they were following abandoned them, and so... better captured than dead). The exiles have returned and taken back the city.

        Since the power shift changed from the barbarian occupation to the Japanese occupation, the attack the demon Shima made, now that the plan was over, would be regarded as a most grievous threat and thus should be dealt with with full force, with the Japanese forces delivering temporal summations from every side.

        Meanwhile, in vain, Nabeshima, rallying his insurgency into battle, were slaughtered at the hands of Shima. It really wasn't a matter of numbers or better armaments that was making Nabeshima's men drop so quickly is because every single person from Shima's detachment were natural born killers, with Shima being the most skilled and deadly of them all. Nabeshima, killing the few next to him with a long sword (he was also very skilled) went after Shima's head, for if he was to beat a demon, then the rest of the enemy would flee from the area in panic. Here is the account of the dual:

        *charging at Shima* "Have at it! Stop me if you can, for you won't get through!" (Nabeshima)
        "Who?..." *turning head around* "You dare challenge me?! You will pay for your courage in death!" (Shima)
        [*fighting occurs... slashes and clangs...Nabeshima falls to the ground, long sword out of his reach*]
        "Ugh..." *voice growing faint* (Nabeshima)
        "I will bathe in your blood!" *spear closer to Nabeshima's neck* (Shima)

        What will be the outcome of this new battle?

        To be Continued...
        What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


        • #19
          I would appreciate any feedback (comments) anyone has, and if they can tell others about this story for people to read. I put a lot of work in this... for fun of course, but I would like to see if my writing was very fruitful or not...

          Also, what should I do with the battle between Nabeshima or Shima? Should Nabeshima die, or continue on? And if anyone is perplexed to the whole "shima" name thing, just be patient, for it will eventually come up in the story...
          What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


          • #20
            The Battle for Metal: "The Moon is Gone, but the Sun has Risen..."

            "Now...Die!" (Shima)
            "Turn hellhound, turn!" *appears at the hill leading to the gate*(Tokugawa)
            "Ahh...Tokugawa, maybe someone I can finally rip through in a fight!" *gazing away from Nabeshima* (Shima)

            Living far away from the turmoil that Japan and her great cities had to endure, Tokugawa has not yet heard of the dreadful song made in the testimony of the few, ravaged survivors who barely had the chance to make way for concealed shelter:

            Once upon a crescent moon,
            There came the time of the great monsoon,
            And all was wet and dark.

            All screamed the cawing larks,
            The crows, the doves and the ravens,
            As they made away to find safe havens.

            In his march of horses cried,
            The soft munch of silence lied,
            The impending doom to come.

            His rage horrifying,
            His subjects glorifying,
            The death came to come.

            There came a shout of fire and fare,
            As buildings burned as much as they dared,
            Blood streaked on the ground and doorpost.

            Indeed a carnage this person boast,
            Sakon Shima is his smear,
            And all those who linger and fear,
            Will at last only see a blood stained spear.

            And so the duel of the demigod and the demon began. Here is the account:

            "Declare yourself!" *drawing sword* (Tokugawa)
            "I am the demon Sakon, and I have come for your head..." *slashes are exchanged* (Shima)
            "What business do you have here? We have no wrong against you? *dismounted from his horse, blocking and parrying* (Tokugawa)
            "I have word from my master for me to devour your soul." (Shima)
            *fallen to the ground, panting* "What master?" (Tokugawa)
            "The one you will meet in the next life!" *Spear thrusts* *Shima gets hit in the chest with blunt blow..blood drips* (Shima)
            "We are not finished yet!" (Nabeshima)
            *wiping blood off face* "You know the chant I carry around? 'And all those who linger and fear... will at last see a blood stained spear!!!" *stabs spear into shoulder, Nabeshima falls* (Shima)

            *Tokugawa throws sword at Shima, lacerates arm* "The Crescent Moon is gone, but the Sun has risen..." *Rising sun battle banners below* (Tokugawa)

            To be Continued...
            What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


            • #21
              I would appreciate comments and replies...
              What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


              • #22
                1 suggestion:
                The lands, divided into barbarian states, were in essence pillaging and destroying wherever things went, destroying and burning the ancient towns and villages of old. The people who fell victim could not stand such an onslaught.
                The lands were pillaging and destroying?
                If you separate into more sentences the grammatical style throughout will be fine.

                When many think of barbarians, they see them off as ravagers and pillagers, unorganized, but on the contrary, there is more than meets the eye, for barbarians, in this account, are just considered foreigners to the region, and so, catching wind of an organized revolt against them, the barbarian leaders rallied thousands of armies to finally wrest control of the lands of Iki and Edo.
                This is a nice insight.

                Tokugawa knows that if it comes to melee, he will surely lose. His army is relatively outdated and not well armoured compared to their foes.

                -read through post 7.
                ...I will try to publicize this a bit and see what happens. Most people probably didn't realize someone had posted a story here- the fiction production has declined over time . Thankfully, you have remedied that dearth.
                -->Visit CGN!
                -->"Production! More Production! Production creates Wealth! Production creates more Jobs!"-Wendell Willkie -1944


                • #23
                  Actually, I am setting things up to look like a civil war, but I will explain more on that later in the story... so stay tuned... Thanks for the insight, and I hope for many more...
                  What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


                  • #24
                    Campaign for the Plains: Preparation and Puzzle

                    "You... next time we meet, I will have your head!" (Shima)
                    "You are now on the property of the Sovereign State of the The Rising Sun; you are henceforth considered hostile and will immediately be killed come in contact with any piece of this land and people..." (Tokugawa)

                    The duel between Tokugawa, Nabeshima, and Shima was (in a span of 15 minutes) the ultimatum of the battle below their feet. Fukushima, with his ample supply of forces, easily overwhelmed the battered enemy, giving new relief and morale for the defenders already below, and thus all made a retreat. With such overwhelming odds, why did Shima arrive here at a time when Tokugawa was reaching stardom? Here is an account for this:

                    *spitting blood at Tokugawa* "May you finally meet my master in death!" *jumps off cliff; disappears* (Shima)
                    *Soldier approaches Tokugawa* "Sir, are you alright?" (Soldier)
                    "I...I'm fine, just some bruises, please attend to that man there..." *pointing finger at Nabeshima* (Tokugawa)...

                    And so, Iwagakure no Sato was finally liberated from the barbaric hold and assimilated into Free Japan. Yet Tokugawa still had to make a more formal decree on matters that were soon to come, but racing in his mind was still unanswered questions: not about men, troop movement, provisions, or metal (which there was now plenty of), but what Shima said before the two parted (three, but Nabeshima didn't really count because of his current condition and the manner in which he arrived). What was this master Shima was talking about? At first, it seemed that Shima meant death or the devils that spawned Shima, but maybe it was meant to be someone else. Maybe the battle he was fighting were sorely misinformed? Did he even know the enemy that he faced, other than their ravaging and pillaging. Men can only go too far in accumulating wealth before it has been decided that they had enough fill in their cup... maybe barbaric is a double entendre... after all, barbarians are not what most people seem... but maybe they are more civilized than at what Tokugawa first thought.

                    Putting aside the matter for later, in the city of Iki (remodeled for siege), Sakai and Tokugawa are now planning for the road ahead. Over the the river (named of the Iki people "The Rei River"), consisted of a multitude of plains controlled by the enemy. The plans of crossing would consist of an army just camping right out of Kuzagawa pass, with an expeditionary force looking out ahead to scout new ground and enemy movements. Not in years has anyone from this valley dare to venture out. Relatively simple plan that will develop over the events that follow, but there wasn't much choice in the matter. Also, there are reports of rebel riders moving about, resilient to barbarian persecution. It would be a most great idea to meet and ally with them, sharing common ground of course. Sakai and Tokugawa would make the march, with Nabeshima staying behind (because of his condition) to watch after Iki. (Tokugawa has developed much responsibility and fondness on him because of his sacrafice).

                    More details of the plan coming on way...

                    To be Continued...
                    What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


                    • #25
                      Campaign for the Plains: Descent

                      A total of 15,000 men would be participating in the campaign (at least in the first part) moving upward, liberating cities and rallying the citizens to their cause. The first of the cities that would need to be retaken would be the city of Kusa. Drawing water from a tributary branching off from the Rei River, this thriving agricultural depot soon went silent after the enemy took its lands, killed the defending army, and abdicated the previous lord. This town would be key to prevent any major incursions against the barbarians if they dared mobilized forces and set their eyes on Iki once more.

                      In the cold of morning, Tokugawa, Sakai, and the 15,000 men soon started their journey up north. However, ever since the Battle of Kuzagawa, the barbarians made sure to keep tabs of Tokugawa's movements; it would soon come to knowledge that Tokugawa intended to take Kusa by force. The barbarians would have time to amass and prepare their defenses. Just like the battle of Iki, Kusa was well defended by both man-made and natural formations. However semi-surrounded by forests, hills, and streams, the place looked as much a death trap as it did in the battle for Kuzagawa.

                      Unfortunately for the barbarians, they also didn't have the element of surprise, for one spy accidentally slipped and made himself known to Tokugawa. The spy escaped, but the commanders leading the advancing army could get enough info. in what would happen if that spy did make it back.

                      Making camp at sundown, Tokugawa and Sakai rode of to discuss plans more privately. However, by the time camp came out of sight, did the two finally noticed they were blocked in on all sides by archers and infantry. The question now is "Who?" Here is an account:

                      "You who comes before us, declare yourself!" (Tokugawa)
                      "You know my lord, I don't think it is a time to make threats..." (Sakai)
                      *rustling* "I am Yi Naomasa, the Crimson Devil, and what business do you have here?" (Yi)
                      "We are planning to liberate Kusa..." (Sakai)
                      "You make it sound so easy..." (Yi)
                      "It may not be easy... but I believe with some help, we can ease the burden..." (Tokugawa)

                      To be Continued...
                      What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


                      • #26
                        Campaign for the Plains: The Northern Forces

                        "What makes it that I need your help?" (Yi)
                        "I believe that it is I who needs help?" (Tokugawa)
                        "Frankly, you do need help if you think a mass of men can take the city of Kusa? (Yi)
                        "Then how did Kusa fall?" (Tokugawa)

                        Normally under these terms of circumstances , being captured and threatened at spear point, that one would usually beg for one's life. However, Tokugawa knows that Kusa, just as Yi had said, cannot be taken with just a show of men. Men high in emotion can be very dangerous, yet can be very easily manipulated if strings are tweaked right.

                        It was then that Yi answered and explained who he was and the current situation there. Having his lands been taken and raked out of its former splendor, Yi united many a war torn citizen to bring up arms in liberation. Overhearing the news of successful victories just beyond the Kuzagawa pass, Yi planned to meet Tokugawa face to face (but not alone for that matter).

                        "The city of Kusa fell because of siege from the Northern forces ..." (Yi)
                        "Who are the Northern forces?" (Sakai)
                        "What do you mean 'what are the Northern forces'? You have been fighting them..." (Yi)
                        "Let us discuss this matter later, for there are more pressing concerns..." (Tokugawa)
                        "What in hell's name do you mean 'What are the Northern forces'?! I should have known that Japan's freedom would have been kept locked up for more years to come!..." *voice growing louder and louder* How can Japan have entrusted its destiny with a greenhorn like you?!" (Yi)
                        "Please understand..." (Sakai)
                        "What is there not to understand? *cracking* "I, my family, my people... all suffering and dead out here facing the brunt of this savage's attacks, while a sheltered life, only havign begun to taste what the difference is between sour and bitter!You may have won victories, but they are only minor in the face of this adversity... Hope has flourished in your lands of Iki, Edo, and Iwagakure (who hid behind their walls while my people suffered), but here, hope is dead...

                        Has Tokugawa's previous assumption gone right? If so, then it is truly so that much graver things have yet to come...

                        To be Continued...
                        What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


                        • #27
                          Campaign for the Plains: Opening the Gate...

                          "We, together, can resurrect hope..." *putting a hand on Yi* (Tokugawa)
                          *shaking Tokugawa's hand off* "But only gods can do that..." (Yi)
                          "Then I will become one! The god of my people!" (Tokugawa)
                          *startled* "Well..." *pausing* ." are as ambitious as I have heard... but sometimes... ambition can wrought bad misfortune not only to oneself, but to the lives of your companions. As for your help from us..." *turning back... he and men walking away slowly and disappearing* "Don't count on us, do not hope... for it has forsaken these lands..." (Yi)
                          *sheathing his sword* "I believe our lives have been spared, has it Tokugawa?"
                          "Let us not prepare for the afterlife 'till morning. If our souls perish then, at least we can all die as men." (Tokugawa)

                          And so departing from their current place, they made lodge in their tents, bracing for a new mourn. Before dawn, Tokugawa and his army readied for battle and made way for positions down in the rivers, rocks, and forests. A search and destroy party went underway to silence any sentinels laying watch. As luck would have it, many of the guardsmen were fast asleep. The rest were only half awake. As the forager in the morning, when mist is upon the land, that he kills the bees and gets the honey, being gorged with honey and their wings too wet for flying, so to did the horsemen killed each in rapid succession, silencing them before delivering the final blow. As the soon started to break at the lining that all scouts were dead. Taking positions, arrows flung through the blue sky, taking the archers and watchmen on top by surprise, dropping them down.

                          The strategy was simple: because the Free Japanese lacked fire power to knock down a wall, they instead tried to bait the enemy into opening the gates for a melee battle (the Japanese had non-obsolete weapons and armour now), using the surroundings, most considerably the ledges, which housed the numerous archers, as a tactical advantage.

                          Like all (or most) humans, they eventually learn from their mistakes, a concept called innovation. Barbarian or not, they new strategy as well, and know too well in what would happen if a charge were to be attempted. Volley after volley, hour after hour passed, stretching into afternoon. Tokugawa must break this constant ebb soon.

                          To be Continued...
                          What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


                          • #28
                            Campaign for the Plains: Crimson

                            Tokugawa could see overtime his men were starting to suffering bouts of morale drops. In the battles he led before, they seemed stunning, with plenty of action and fighting to go around as emblazoned soldiers fought hard to the death to defend their ranks, with rather quick victory. But as night soon turned in and the new day started to arise, those hopes of swiftly saving Japan started to vanish with each continuous, familiar sound of arrows whizzing through the air.

                            Sakai noticed this too, and soon, after thorough examination and thinking, it finally dawned in him a plan to finally open the gates. Getting on his horse, he galloped to a commanding lieutenant, telling him to hold fire and be ready. After a half hour of commands, one finally reaching Tokugawa's ears, he started heading off directly at the gates. As soon as the last arrow was flung, he made to the doors and made a boast in a loud voice. Here is an account of it:

                            "I am Sakai Hoshigake! General and aid to the Sovereign State of Free Japan! Hiding behind your walls, what happened to the courage and invincibility that you once had?! Cowards! At least your friends died in battle quickly and honorably! And what of you?! Simply content to die like frightened children behind your tables and chairs?! Is there anyone willing to fight me?! What say you?!" (Sakai)

                            There are people who would ponder this question: Would they die gloriously in battle at a young age, or live to a ripe old life and die forgotten? During those times, honor was more important out of all and everything. Throughout Japan, before the tragedy that befell Japan occurred, there were stories of how people, though righteous deeds and actions, were able to obtain immortality. But what is immortality? Was it a gift from the gods, or eternal life and youth? Perhaps, but it does seem far-fetched and "extremely difficult to obtain," in fact, so difficult, that there aren't any confirmed cases . Then what is it?

                            The only confirmed way of living immortal was not through the endurance of life force, but the endurance of memory, of good reputation. Even if the enemy who attacked Iki and Iwagakure fell rather quickly, they would be forever honored in the memory of their service, and so live on. But now, as Sakai points out, the enemy behind the walls are "hiding like frightened children" from the midst of battle, which is, during those times, a very gut wrenching insult, especially for soldiers. Once overhearing this, the soldiers inside immediately started opening the gates, with footmen rushing madly in retaliation, translating "Let's see whose cowardly now!" from word into action in defiance to their orders. Soon Sakai, bringing up his sword high into the ground, slashed through the air, and soon a multitude of arrows came screaming through and striking the charging hordes, felling them easily. Soon cavalry started rushing out from the surrounding land, meeting with Sakai to do battle there and then.

                            The Northern advancement, consisting of thousands of soldiers, realizing the magnitude of what they done, turned and retreated, but the Japanese horsemen were to quick for them, and they soon came slashing and cutting though reach and every soldier, 10 at a time. The North, realizing that was also a mistake, soon reinforced their numbers as a full scale battle started to take place. Sakai's cavalry, seeing this new turn of events, withdrew, to be replaced by hundreds of swordsmen and spear men. In a matter of minutes, the ground spewed with dead bodies, dead enemy soldiers and a few unlucky men from Free Japan who got cornered. The battle soon escalated into the lower reaches of the hills, with archers furiously downing approaching units, biut being replaced by two more. Hacking, slashing, and stabbing, the Northern Soldiers overtook the ground down below, pushing to the hills. Remaining allied infantry soon took up positions, and the battle soon became a stalemate, with Tokugawa's men taking a tactical advantage, enemy soldiers popping one end while allied soldiers came from campig and hacked them down to size.

                            Once the favor started turning over to Tokugawa, the enemy soon began retreating once more, shattered remnants of what they once was part of, tripping over mounds and mounds of bodies and slipping on blood. Seeing an opportunity, Tokugawa rushed his men through the gates, setting up on the hills. Looking over, he saw bits of fighting, not from his ranks, but from others, watching the rising crimson sun...

                            At that moment, Tokugawa was surrounded, ambushed on all sides by Northern soldiers. Drawing his sword with his men, he prepared for the worst, when suddenly he heard a shout:

                            "Charge my Crimson riders! Nippon Bonsai! For Japan!"

                            Rushing from all sides came horsemen wearing crimson cutting through the ambush party, but from who?

                            To be Continued...
                            What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


                            • #29
                              I would appreciate more comments on my work!
                              What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)


                              • #30
                                Campaign for the Plains: Briefing on the Situation

                                "Having trouble, I hope you were not hoping..." (Yi)
                                "Of course not..." (Tokugawa)
                                "And that is why you won the battle..." (Yi)

                                And so, the battle officially ended in favor of Tokugawa and his forces, the Northern defense of Kusa being annihilated within an hour after the attempted attack at the head of the army. However, much to the expectations of the battle, there was one that was sorely missed: the presence of the villagers, who proved decisive in battles before...

                                Unlike the previous battles fought before (which were mainly defensive) the expression goes that hope has forsaken the lands of the people who inhabit them, no longer willing to follow blindly to something that has done nothing for them before; many of them have fled to safer grounds, not willing to resist or rebel, knowing other attempts from example would prove futile. (However, I am not saying that all had given up, but the majority did, and the others... were exiled from their lands... for life... to a place that they cannot leave from... ugh... well, I believe its understood where things are going then.) However, there is a possible way to reverse that, at least in the province Tokugawa is currently residing in now.

                                Naomasa Yi, the leader of his "crimson riders" were from a castle stead now occupied by Northern forces, not too far from Kusa. The people surrounding his lands come to know him as a respected official and landowner, and so he may be the key to winning support of the people there. Priorities were soon to be changed to regaining Yi's land. The taunt strategy might have worked today, but it certainly will not succeed next time.

                                Meanwhile, news has started to flow out from Iwagakure no Sato in a mobilization attempt to retake it's neighboring lands of Ouwi and Ormoc, currently vassals to the Northern states. Tokugawa seemed concerned that over-expansion of war efforts could be a problem, stemming from the challenges that he must immediately, but left it alone for the most part, believing appeasement would make sure good relations were retained. He would eventually regret this.

                                Coming into matters at hand, the strategy became set and soldiers were immediately dispatched (for if a god was to continue his succession, instant gratification became an issue) to surround the castle, now vulnerable being the majority of the enemy was either slain or fled in that area. They will soon find out it will be more of a challenge to retake that fortress...

                                To be Continued...
                                What difference does it make to the dead, the orphans and the homeless, whether the mad destruction is wrought under the name of totalitarianism or the holy name of liberty or democracy? (Mahatma Gandhi)

