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AU 301 DAR 2 - 0AD to Rennaissance

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  • AU 301 DAR 2 - 0AD to Rennaissance

    Post part II of your DARs here
    I make movies. Come check 'em out.

  • #2
    Emperor Difficult (Solver's Patch)

    I'm going to suggest just going to 1000AD.

    My game left off with a Prophet building the conf shrine (which immediately started earning 8gpt). Also I was finally getting metal hooked up.

    Ragnar had declared war on Pericles, and came asking for me to join in. I declined.
    Ragnar and Pericles are both accommodating personalities, they'll trade even if you don't kiss their ass. This is in contrast with all the other nutjobs on this island. Also Ragnar and Pericles are the same religion, which means in the long run they'll probably end up allies. So I stay out of their war.

    Anyway I continue to pump out settlers, even before investing in metal units (mainly because the metal was still being connected), alas despite my negilence towards military, I STILL manage to lose a good city site:

    In spite of my fortress on his borders, Toku has decided to simply expand around it.

    Fortunately this was basically the last good site in the south, I thus focus on the north and found a couple of cities in quite nice locations.

    For a few turns nothing much happens, I do a little trading with Bismarck, picking up Monarchy and Meditation for Code of Laws and Polytheism.

    Unfortunately for me, it turns out this is "Declare war on your religious allys" day.

    Bismarck has a stack which is alarmingly optimized for not being defeated by chariots. Yes - this is something I quite deliberately coded. The AI WILL train armies to counter it's intended victims, to within certain limitations. It's not perfect, but it works better than not having anything in the way of counter logic.

    My chariots are obviously useless and the first metal units are only now rolling out. But the poor city is clearly doomed, with only a warrior and an incoming sword to defend it. I evacuate the city.

    Fortunately Pericles will come to my aid - At least trading me Construction for Alphabet Meditation and Priesthood. Unfortunately I can't get anyone to actually declare war on Bismarck.

    The city is of course razed to the ground.

    More ill comes my way, since every day is "Declare war on the Human Day" for Monty!

    It is quite possible that Bismarck bribed him here, but he's Monty, it was coming sooner or later.

    Meanwhile Bismarck had been continuing his pruning of my expansion.

    I obviously can't take on both these nuts at once. So it's time for reinforcements:

    I had been really hoping that I could let Bismarck get away with his little invasion with no diplomatic harm done. But that would have involved defeating his army, and frankly, I needed my army to defeat Monty. So I had to get Bismarck off my back and that meant bringing in a war ally.

    Bismarck predictably turns his stack around and runs away from my capital, my army does precisely the same thing leaving my capital barely garrisoned.

    Pericles continues to be of use to me and I trade CoL and Monarchy for Calendar and Archery.

    Due to the width of my empire the force dispatched from the capital ("The Imperial Swordsmen") took a long time to march to the Aztec front, fortunately I had manged to muster enough axes to thwart Monty's main attack:

    Although it's quite possible some roll luck was in play there, in getting a favorable outcome.

    The fighting with the Aztec scum births a Great General, for reasons more fanciful than any I created a GG unit:

    I guess I just wanted a sword-totting mascot to call the Aztecs filthy currs and cut them down. It's good for morale anyway.

    With my empire basically secured I re-found Matara

    Obviously it can't stand up to Bismarck (whom I'm still at war with), but I'm relying on Ragnar to keep him busy.

    Over at the Aztec front I set up a bit of a chokepoint where Belisarius stand vigil and screams "BACK YOU CURS!" and "THOUGH SHALT NOT PASS!"

    You'll note that Monty is promoting all his axes with Shock. That is another of the AI's counter-abilities, Monty has noted that my army is nearly exclusively melee, and thus only bothers with Shock.

    The war with Monty continues to rage and I generate a second GG, which gets settled in my city which is destined to be home for the Heroic Epic:

    Pericles continues to be an "Ally" of sorts, and I manage to trade to him Aesthetics, in exchange for the last quarter of Currency and 270g.

    Things go my way and I bag the Great Library:

    This is a hard wonder to pass up when you have Marble. In retrospect I may have been better off getting Horseback Riding as to train Elephants for my wars, but the GL will certainly do good things for my economy.

    Also I finally decide that Bismarck is worthy of peace, and give him Aesthetics to seal the deal.

    Rather predictably, Pericles, who has been chasing religion type things all game, builds the AP:

    I decide to give my vote to Ragnar, on the logic that if you must share space with a big hairy Viking, it's best if said Viking actually likes you. In any case Ragnar is a decently dependable ally, while Pericles is one of those girly men who are about as useful as tits on a bull when it comes to war, so the greatest benefit is definitely in befriending Ragnar.

    Pericles actually wins the vote (Bismarck voted for him, not surprisingly), but I still got the diplo bonus with Ragnar.

    1000AD is celebrated with a feast of moose steaks (the giant beaver moose harvest becomes a recurring event).

    1000AD Demographics:

    Notes on the Era:
    Most of this span of time was taken up fighting the wars, basically getting my army in shape. Most production was sunk into units, other than the wonders, although at the end I resumed infrastructure. I also declared peace with Monty for some loose change he had lying around.

    I believe a mistake here was not prioritizing Horseback Riding for Elephants, since going toe to toe with Aggressive leaders in "Axemen wars" is not too smart - better to use shock Jumbos.

    Although I ended up with less cities than I had at my peak, I don't tend to think I overextended myself. Losing fringe cities is not the end of the world, and the risk of it happening is acceptable in the name of expanding faster. Indeed grabbing more territory gives you more cities to lose in wars, making it more difficult for enemy stacks to reach the heartland. Speaking of expansion, Tokugawa has continued to claim the wasteland to the south. This terrain was so bad I couldn't really justify founding cities there (not when I needed to train army). While it's annoying being englufed by Tokugawa, I take heart in the fact that I have exceptionally high quality terrain for my cities, while he's stuck with highly marginal crap. Also it's not like it matters - the only troops which can attack from that direction are his own, and he's Tokugawa, he sucks.

    1000AD Map:
    Last edited by Blake; September 2, 2007, 21:57.


    • #3
      Emperor - 3.02 - Normal Speed

      As I'm short of time before a few days away from my PC, I'm doing this DAR from memory, so details may be a bit sketchy.

      Having reached 1AD intact, I got an axe to take out the barb village (garrisoned by warriors), and then got a few more units together out of general principle, and out of a desire to take down a barb city on hills off to the east.

      Started work on Hagia Sofia (GE points), and Shwedagon (GA point), whilst building the odd building in between units. Was teching slowly to Drama after Aesthetics completed, when one of my regular checks for WHEOOH turned up a positive reply from Shaka.

      Switched research to Construction, but as Shaka's units moved towards my borders it was obvious that I was going to have to sell Aesthetics to wonder-boy Pericles (who has gold) in order to get cats in good time to help slap down the attack. 260g for a monoply tech

      I was already whipping and chopping defenders like crazy (skipping Chariots completely), but I was fortunate (again) that I had my team of barb town swords and axes to hand. Ten turns later and the force would likely have been much reduced after trying to take the barb city.

      Monty also joined in , despite not being WHEOOH when I checked a turn or two beforehand. A bribe? Probably, seeing as he didn't send a single unit at me.

      Anyhow, after more whipping and chopping (and having to allow my Marble and Ivory to be pillaged) I saw off his stacks. Tactically, I launched some Combat 1 suicide cats at his stack on the hill north of the capital, then mopped up with Combat I axes, swords and spears. Laibella(?) was slightly different: Barrage cats as the units were more and on flatland, so the cat had a better chance of damage, then a couple of rounds of mop-up.

      Shaka has enough by this stage. I'm so happy I (and not Shaka) have Staue of Zeus

      Monty pays with the razing of Yayoi for his unwise choice. He'd plonked down another city to its south, which was attacked (along with one of my spears) by a Barbarian uprising. Monty had longbows by this stage, so it was a shortlived uprising to say the least.

      Other stuff is harder to recall, but I traded some tech and completed the Hagia Sophia (but lost Shwedagon). I went Hindu when Pericles asked me. But Ragnar - who declared on Pericles in the first place - capitulated to Bismarck, who went on the offensive (trundling his units through my land). All three are Hindu.

      Having made peace with me, Shaka launched at Bizzy a handful of turns later. He took a barb city and Essen on the same turn. He already had about 10 cities when I made peace :rolleye: I decided to bribe Squeaky off Pericles, so he can concentrate on Shaka.

      Feeling left out, Toku declared on Monty (while I was still at war with him IIRC).

      I completed Drama, and researched Philo by hand, founding Taoism in my fishing village (and probable artist farm) in 1050AD, where I stopped. Before this, Raggy had completed Apostolic Palace (I had put two or three turns to it in the Hindu city of Gondar) which is great if Hindu hasn't spread to all civs. I didn't study the vote that carefully, but I do have a screenie to check.

      I acquired Christianity (from Pericles) by a random spread on the turn he completed Nativity. Thus I have 3 religions to spread around for my cultural victory (should I get that far).


      • #4

        Look at that! Toku's just caught Hinduism in a 1 pop city I've got to hope that Shaka and I can block a victory vote, or that Bizzy's DoW makes Pericles change his mind when it comes to the big vote.


        • #5
          Prince(Solver's patch)

          1 AD - 1000 AD

          With my economy completely trashed and Currency and CoL way too far away by conventional means I discover the wonder of Scientists. I hadn’t really used specialists that much before, just for Great People generation. I assigned Scientists anywhere where it would assist my total science output and found that it obscenely effective. The research times dropped quite significantly. Obviously you sacrifice production when doing this but I figured getting my finances under control with Currency and CoL was more important. I managed to found Conf when I discovered CoL.

          I had a lot of trouble with wars in this period. The first war was when I was completely unprepared and Ragnar and Bismark declared on me. Before the fighting started in earnest I founded my 7th city Qohaito:

          Just for extra fun, Monty declares on me too and I am now fighting a war on 2 (or 3 depending on how you look at it) fronts with very few units. Something amusing happened though, Shaka asked me to join his war with Monty on the same turn that Monty declared on me - free diplomatic bonus! The only plus side is that I happened to build city walls in my border cities (for probably the first time ever) because I saw that they reduce bombardment damage and I figured that once the border was established it wasn’t going to move again. I built units as I could and killed units and stacks as I had the firepower available to do so.

          Bismark didn’t give me too much grief, all he seemed to do was move units to his isolated city of Essen. I killed a scout of his and managed to get peace for free. That left me with just Ragnar and Monty. Ragnar sieged the city of Gondar but I managed to clear out his stack and get peace with him too.

          Sorry I don't have a 1000 AD empire screen shot, I thought we were going to the Renaissance and so I didn't take one.


          • #6
            With my economy completely trashed and Currency and CoL way too far away by conventional means I discover the wonder of Scientists. I hadn’t really used specialists that much before, just for Great People generation. I assigned Scientists anywhere where it would assist my total science output and found that it obscenely effective. The research times dropped quite significantly. Obviously you sacrifice production when doing this but I figured getting my finances under control with Currency and CoL was more important. I managed to found Conf when I discovered CoL.
            Excellent! That was one of the stated course goals, so it's good to see people dealing with the issues in new and educational ways!
            I make movies. Come check 'em out.


            • #7
              Originally posted by ZargonX

              Excellent! That was one of the stated course goals, so it's good to see people dealing with the issues in new and educational ways!
              Ha, this course has been very educational Having the AIs dance on my head (see DAR 3 when I post it) has really caused me to stretch myself just to survive. The educational trend continues into the next report, I learnt some things about diplomacy (and the power of the AP). I think I am also going to get a lesson in how not to win the game but we will see.


              • #8
                Jon's Dar Noble - Normal - Unoffical Patch
                The later Classical years: 1 AD - 640 AD

                Personal restriction: I will not start construction of any wonders until after building the last settler.

                75 AD Found City 6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-9 Bringing in Corn & Bananas

                100 AD Two barb cities seem to have formed recently, both are closer to Japan than anyone else

                175 AD An AI (the Greeks) is finally willing to sell the Alphabet, we buy it for Code of Laws. We then turn around and buy Monarchy from the Germans for Code of Laws.
                We switch civics to H.R. & Caste System

                300 AD Japanese found Taoism

                325 AD Great Scientist born in the capital, build an Academy there since we are still building cities and also the Japs have already founded Taoism

                540 AD Found City 6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-9-9 Bring in Clams and Horses

                640 AD Buy Feudalism from the Greeks for Math, Astichics & 75 gold, entering the Middle Ages

                Techs: We continued to concentrate heavily on techs that keep an economy support by researching Currency, then researched some ultra cheap techs leading to more valuable techs and then started Music for the Free Artist and advancing at that time. However a check of the techs that same turn we started Music resulted in us entering the Middle Ages then. I also must apologize for how far zoomed in my world view map still is, so far neither of the AIs that have the Calendar have been willing to sell it and until I get it the main map screen simply won't zoom out any more.

                Use of the Creative Traight: During this portion of the classical era, we started rapidably building theaters. The half price and knowing that after Calendar it will improve happiness was an unbeatable incentive.

                Use of the Organized Traight: We have already completed 5 Court Houses so far.

                AI commentary: It appears the Japanese AI hasn't a clue on what to do about the two barb cities next to them, it's very apprent that for whatever odd reason they are building settler-chariot combos instead (and losing them to the barbs) instead of clearing them out and removing their security threat.
                Attached Files
                1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                Templar Science Minister
                AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                • #9
                  Jon's Dar Noble - Normal - Unoffical Patch
                  The early Midevil years [thru Calendar]: 640 AD - 940 AD

                  Personal restriction: I will not start construction of any wonders until after building the last settler.

                  640 AD With the acquization of Fedualism, we replace archers in our queues as future garrision units (forunately none actualy under construction at the moment) with Longbows. It loooks like Serdom would be much more useful than Caste System however we don't want to waste a turn of anarchy for that by itself.

                  800 AD Found City 1-1-1-1-1-1 Taking in Fish, Wheat, and Sheep

                  820 AD Use the Free Great Artist from Music to start a Golden Age. Switch civics to Serdom.
                  Start reseraching Civil Service.

                  940 AD Discover Civil Service; switch civics to Burarchey taking advantage of free civic changes during GA again.
                  An AI is finally willing to trade the Calendar. We sell Currency to the Vikings for it + 60 gold

                  Use of Unique Traights: This is actually starting to wind down as only the newer cities need them.

                  AI commentary: The AI appears to be bringing one less unit than is actually needed in it's attacks against the Barb cities. I have line of sight from culture into one of them and have a scout near the other and during this time frame there was a moment in which each barb town had one damaged archer remaining but the attacking AI was out of units next to it.

                  Map commentary: I seem to have display issues on global view; note how dark it is south of the parallel just north of Thebes. And the Jap cities don't display at all in this view.
                  Attached Files
                  1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                  Templar Science Minister
                  AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                  • #10
                    Jon's Dar Noble - Normal - Unoffical Patch
                    The middle Midevil years [thru Machinery]: 940 AD - 1190 AD

                    Personal restriction: I will not start construction of any wonders until after building the last settler.

                    940 AD Start reseraching Compass as a cheap tech leading to more useful techs.

                    960 AD Found City 1-2-2-2-2-2-2 taking in Fur, Deer, Iron

                    980 AD Japanese AI finally captured Barb town of Satuma near Stone & Spice. My GA ends

                    1000 AD Start reseraching Paper as it's currenly the only tech I can research that none of the AI already have.

                    1060 AD Only non-duplicative tech I can now reserach is Education. So I'm now resarching Construction for the last of the creative double speed buildings, bridges, and War Elphants
                    Found infill city 4-4-4-1-1 taking in Incense.

                    1080 AD Sell Literature to Greeks for Construction (partually complete + 100 gold). Start resarching Horseback Riding for Stables

                    1100 AD With completion of Horseback Riding and Stables & a War Elephants to the queues of many cities.
                    Start researching Medal Casting

                    1140 AD With completion of Medal Casting, add Forges to the queues of many cities; after the War Elephant in the queues. Start reseraching Machinery

                    1180 AD Found Marginal City 6-6-6-6-3-3-3 [Iron]

                    1190 AD Completion of Machinery revels none of the AIs have reached any tech that require it. A Gladitor becomes a local hero; invest the gold for extra culture.

                    AI commenentary: The Japense AI appears to be making some city placement and city timing mistakes. Nagaski is one tile off from taking in an Iron within natural city radius and left room for me to found Masawa. And I think the Japense AI would have been better off founding a city in the contested region near the river valley before either of those two southern coastal cities. The artic should have been seen as a lower priority given the lower food potential. (They built those two before mine.) If the AI doesn't hurry up I'm likely to claim that river valley.

                    Map commenary: Looks like I'm not suffering the display bug that was occuring earlier. The Japense AI though has refused to open borders throughout the game and I have more important things to do than building spies so they almost certaintely have more cities than is on my map.
                    Attached Files
                    1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                    Templar Science Minister
                    AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                    • #11
                      Jon's Dar Noble - Normal - Unoffical Patch
                      The late Midevil years: 1190 AD - 1470 AD

                      Personal restriction: I will not start construction of any wonders until after building the last settler.
                      I'm very much hoping to found that last city before advancing to the next era. I'm counting at most three more city sites I can found.

                      1190 AD Start Guilds. Disband two scouts due to less need for them since the Japense have recently built several cities.

                      1250 AD Start Optics; since none of the AIs even have Compass yet; it looks like there would be a good chance I could circumnative the globe.

                      1260 AD The very long standing Barbarian City State finally falls, to a Japense Samarri.

                      1290 AD Start Banking to help cashflow

                      1310 AD Found Marginal City 6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-6-3-3; Claiming fertile land / border town on a hill.

                      1330 AD Start Education. With the large size of our empire & very few coastal cities, we decide to Adopt Merchanism for the free specalist.
                      Buy Enginnering from Greeks for Music + Drama + 35 gold

                      1340 AD Japanese AI founds another polar city; removing a city site; there's now only one more city site we are planning on founding. Go thru all cities, revamping workforces, the specalists, and queues.

                      1360 AD Greeks found Islam

                      1380 AD Vikings renouce their protection from the Greeks

                      1420 AD Found Marginal City 2-3-3-3-3-3-3-3; bring in more marginal territory into our empire.
                      This is the last city we are founding so we are now at last free to build wonders. Only at the moment, there are no useful world wonders that we have the tech for to be built. We do however immedately start the Forbiden Palace national wonder. We have also placed the Mori Statues & Globe Theater into our southwestern most city queue but it needs a few more basic buildings first.

                      1430 AD Our maps prove the world is round

                      1440 AD Election for Budist Resident: The choices are the Greeks or abstain, we choose the Greeks for the diplomatic boost

                      1450 AD Everybody except Shaka (10 votes) vote for the Greeks.

                      1470 AD Discovery of Education advances us to the Rennance Era

                      During this section we finished up all cities we're ever going to found. That 1310 AD one was actually a major blow to the economy: It droped my science rate down to 50%. It may take quite awhile to reach breakeven. At the worst point though we were running a -4 deficit at 50%. The major goal for the next era is to build in the stuff that will allow the science rate to go back up.
                      Attached Files
                      1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                      Templar Science Minister
                      AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.

