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Hauptman's AU 100 "C" for combat.

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  • Hauptman's AU 100 "C" for combat.

    Well folks, here it is. Not to step on Nbarclay's toes but I figured I'd toss this together and let you all have a gander at it... Take it as Officially as you'd like. But i would love some participation and see how all you guys play through it.

    About the scenario, Its a large continents map (fear not mostly water, so not alot of lag for people like me who start to limp late game) with 12 very aggresive rival AI's just waiting to feed your Chinese UU's experience. Gamespeed is epic to allow plenty of time to enjoy the wars but not so long as to require a week to finish.

    The only victory conditions are conquest or domination, with a time win as a booby prize for those who cannot pull it off prior to 2050.

    Options are Agressive AI, to assure there is no lack of action, and No cheating to keep the nosy folks out of the world builder beforehand.

    You play as Mao Zedung whos odd traits will go together quite well to help you maintain an empire to encompass the globe.

    The question isnt whether to conquer, but when. Shall you build early and defend your core til you have an unstoppable tech lead and the economy to man all those conquered lands? Or use that early UU for its full effect and move on them swiftly and without mercy?

    Just download the .zip, and double click the extracted file, no messy options to fiddle with. you dont even need to extract it to any particular folder, the file itself will launch C IV.
    Attached Files
    The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...

  • #2
    Chinese UU sucks. Lemme go get my pen drive.
    DeepO mentioned something about last game not being saved right and the harder AIs not receiving their proper starting units, is this the case with this game as well?

    Never played on Epic or Aggressive AIs so I think I'll pay this one on Monarch. Want us to post our stuff here? Gonna make my DAR shorter than the previous AU game.


    • #3
      Chinese UU does not suck, "Its a beutiful tank man, enough with the negative energies already..." Collateral damage units LONG before construction can be quite powerful.

      I'm pretty sure you will be chalanged at all game difficulty levels. I got beat to every damn wonder i tried for, the tricky lil bastaad's. Guess i will just have to conquer them all, since you know, that is the point.

      To counter the units at start difference, I simply modified each individual civ personally. Otherwise you cannot control starting locations. I was very set on making the agrresive early UU civs start right next to YOU. and move them farther out as there UU's come later. Then gave a certain to be found out later civ a good advantage that I'm sure will challange every single player here without beeing game breaking.

      Oh and you'll have to forgive me for what i did to the poor english. But I was curiose to see how well the computer handles such a start.
      The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...


      • #4
        Here's My DAR, HIGHLIGHT the text to read it (to prevent spoiling the game if you want to play it, it is a pretty fun game)

        I didn't spellcheck this so some words will be embarassingly misspelled. Also I wrote this in Notepad for the PC but put it on a Mac to upload it here so all the apostrophes come out weird. No pictures included because I dunno how to hide them, but if you want pictures, I have some, not many but some. This DAR is kinda short, if you want further explanation I can give it to you, just ask.

        Actually, the DAr is in the next post, it is like 20090 chars and the limit is 20000 chars, hehe.


        • #5

          2120 BC Second city founded, no maintenace.

          1500 BC Third city found, -2 gpt. Horses nearby, no copper anywhere though, Alex has copper.

          BW->The Wheel->Masonry->Mysticism->Animal Husbandry->Pottery(1150 BC)->Writing(900 BC)->Alphabet(300 BC)->Iron Working->Horseback Riding

          720 BC Fourth city founded on incense, Fish and Wheat within range, GPP center most likely.

          660 BC Horses hooked up, time to get some chariots for defense/offense.

          300 BC
          Writing to Genghis Khan for Fishing + Hunting
          6 Chariots up, bye bye Genghis.
          Ning-hsia taken. 2 Chariots gone

          120 BC Iron Working done, thank god Iron in desert next to cap. Montezuma cancels deals, get iron and axemen asap ahhhh.

          80 BC Beshbalik taken (has copper in radius) Peace to Genghis for Sailing. Thanks bud, I'll be back with an iron filled army.

          100 AD Monty declares war. Traded Horseback Riding to Hyuana for Mathematics. Pop-Rushing axemen. Construction next.

          340 AD Intense axemen/swordsmen fighting with Aztec axemen and Jags. Winning and starting on the offensive. Construction finished.
          Construction to Hyuana for Calendar (Calendar will open up a few resources)
          Horse-back Riding to Cathy for Polytheism, Meditation, and 10 gold.

          360 AD Tlatelolco taken, thanks for the 112 gold.

          Archery+Priesthood really quick then to CoL, moving north towards more Monty cities. Monty Galleys could raze some boats but I have 2 axeman guarding my coast.

          390 Texcoco taken, no casualties, it's an access port through a land bridge. Moving on.

          530 AD Christiantiy spreads to our lands, since everyone else is Christian, sounds good to me.

          580 AD Tenochtitlan taken. One Aztec city left, I think. Cathy declares war on me, dunno where she even is. Got CoL then Monotheism then onto Civil Service. One turn later Genghis declares war and thanks to some extrmely bad luck he takes beshbalik, troops rush to defend. Getting low on troops for the last city push on Monty.

          700 AD After a lot of really bad defeats I make peace with Monty and Cathy. Moving troops towards Genghis, once his super luck runs out it's game over for him.

          820 AD Civil Service done. Took one Genghis city barely worth anything. Switching to Burueacracy, Hered Rule and Org Religion. BIg battle near Beshbalik, won most of them. Researching Metal Casting then machinery for Macemen to help vs Genghis.

          920 AD I dunno what's going on, Genghis is sending 2-3 troops a turn at me, I made peace with Genghis for about 200 gold (from him). ALexander declares war on me the next turn. Bull, complete bull.

          970 AD Great Library and Machinery both done. Making some Macemen. Still waiting for the enemy luck to run out, almost out of troops, Macemen + catapults should kill Alexander.

          1040 AD This game is starting to get annoying, Alexander has War Elephants so we make peace with him, back to Genghis I guess.

          1085 AD War with Genghis, got one big stack of doom I'm gonna kill him with.

          1180 AD Genghis is finally dead and with that I take a break, I'm #3 in score, #1 in production and #1 in land area. It's going to be annoying to take out Alexander but after that it should be easily sailing.

          The story so far:
          Genghis is dead, Montezuma is crippled. Have gone to short wars with both Cathy and Alex. Almost everyone I know is Christian. Beijing has 2 Great scientists and one Great Prophet settled as well as an academy and the Great Library. Running 70% science with about -7 gpt and rising as new cities come out of resistance. Plan is to build up and just plow through Alex and then maybe Cathy and keep on until the entire continent is mine. War weariness starting to build up, and that's a problem.

          1230 AD Reconnaisance of Alex complete, he has 3 cities and a large force in each city. His force is mainly consisting of longbowmen, pikemen and some war elephants, macemen + catapults should blitz Alex before he knows whats going on.

          1295 AD Stack of Doom complete, War declared on Alex, it will be very fast and very messy.

          1305 AD Stack vs stack combat in the open field vs Alexander. Softened up his stack with about 3 catapults then 1-2 cho-ko-nu's then followed it up with macemen/knights. This is where the cho-ko-nu shines vs stacks in the open field where it can defeat an enemy AND cause collateral damage, cho-kos are not for cities. Finished Education and onto Liberalism (14 turns) might get a free tech, woot.

          1325 AD Athens taken. Alex small stack moving towards Nanjing. Nanjing made a Great Merchant and he settled in Nanjing.

          1365 AD Thermoplyale taken. My units are under some decet collateral damage so they must heal, one Alexander city left. Alex has some great territory, dye, ivory, and silk will help a lot. Been disbanding captured workers since I already have workers that are bored.

          1400 AD Sparta taken and that ends Alexander's career. Sparta has the Hanging Gardens. Got Liberalism awhile back, no free tech but went on to Economics for Free Market, I need more cash. Met some new nations like Elizabeth and Napolean, I am barely #1 in score, huayna capac is right behind me followed by Julius Caesar.

          1440 AD Got Economics and switched to Free Market. Onto Printing Press. I'm out of the tech trading circle and tech is pretty slow

          1520 AD Used a Great Scientist to speed along Chemistry. I want to send my troops to kill Monty real quick but leaving my borders not well defended is a non vs Tokugawa. If you just move your army away from your borders for a few turns, Tokugawa *will* attack, it's just how he is. I am concerned over getting a little bit far behind in tech. I think I will mass create Grenadiers and get Riflemen up asap and try to take out Tokugawa, before I fall even further behind.

          1550 AD Out of the blue Julius attacks. Troops rush to defend my infrastructure, leaving a good garrison vs Tokugawa I hope it's enough. Julius is on another continent and has galleons, since I don't have frigates yet I am in for a defensive war I hope I can end this quick somehow. Going to swtich to Theocracy after my first group of Grenadiers are done next turn.

          1570 AD Second Julius assualt force is destroyed Lost a few of my highly promoted troops to unpromoted troops but sent 1 cho-ko and then mop up was pretty easy. Going to start putting pinch on all of my units to counter anymore Greandiers that come.

          1625 AD Yay, peace to Julius and I get 70 gold, sweet. All troops back to Tokugawas borders. I almost got Rifling, once I get a few riflemen out I think I'll have a go at Tokugawa. Sweet deal to Eliz:
          Music + Paper + Engineering + Gunpowder for Astronomy + Drama + 50 gold. A bit of a bad deal for me, but it's worth it, Eliz is low in score, no problem with her. I also gank 8 gpt from Ghandi for bananas.

          1652 AD I feel confident enough to give attacking Tokugawa a shot. A bit low on the Riflemen, but I have two killer stacks, one at Sparta (which I named Alpha group) and one at Thermo (which I named Beta group) We dunno even where the Japanese cites are since we haven't been able to trade for maps or get open borders with Tokugawa, so we'll just see how this goes. Gonna upgrade then go for it.

          1654 Nationalism finished. I should've researched Steel, dunno what I was thinking, I don't really need cavalry. I'm going to just let my Rifleman stock grow so I have a big buffer in case the enemy is mostly cavalry/riflemen (which it usually is) Plan is to get to Steel then upgrade as many as I can (kinda broke atm made too many gerandeir upgrades) then hit Japan.

          1684 Ugh catapult -> cannon upgrades cost 250g a piece, lowering science to 50% to get +128 gpt, got about 850g in the bank gonna keep this and upgrade 4 cannons then upgrade as I go.

          1686 Tokugawa has a lot of friends, kathy, huayna, ghandi. I declare war on Tokugawa. Alpha Squad is going to try to decoy a stack from the enemy and kill it, Beta Squad is going straight for an enemy city.

          1692 plan worked kinda. The problem is that Sparta is surrounded by two hills on Japans side so it was tough to kill that stack, lost more units than I should have but defenses should hold there until reinforcements arrive, got a few Riflemen up to Combat III.

          1694 Plan is working I think, took Tokyo, it had 4x Riflemen and 1x catapult as defenders. Tokyo is nice, it has Sistine chapel and a courthouse and a grocer, market, forge, and observatory and 257 from the sack. Sweet. Should be easier going unless someone else joins in, gotta go quickly.

          1702 Seeing a lot of "While defending your riflemen was destroyed by a japanses riflemen" I should be winning some of those battles oh well, recon shows no troops but about 4-5 Riflemen for the two Japan cities in my view. Alpha is low on siege weapons,upgrading the 3 catapults left as I get the cash. Beta is a little low on grenadiers but moving along fine.

          1708 Military tradition comes in and now I have to upgrade my long useless Knight squadron I upgrade this one knight with Combat II and formation, but he gets killed trying to attack an enemy cavalry, grrrr you shall pay for that tokugawa. Constitution is next.

          1710 Kyoto taken. Could've waited a turn and used more cannons to soften it up more but I decided to just take it now and suffer a few troop losses. Kyoto has Angkor Wat, an academy, the great Lighthouse and a few other normal buildings.

          1714 Osaka taken. It is also the holy city for Christianity and has the shrine in it giving +30 gpt when it gets out of resistance. It also has an academy and a bank in it so it will give me mega money. I have a great artist just hanging out but the resistance is only 9 turns so I don't think it's really worth it. You know, resistance times seem to be the same as they were on Normal speed, did they overlook resistance values when coding speed? Hmmmm. Tokugawa is pretty much crippled, it's all cleanup now.

          1722 I reprimand my Rifleman for losing to Cavalry, bad Rifleman, bad. Satsuma cannot stand my 7 cannons and falls. I can only see one Japanese city left, Toky refuses to talk so I guess I should just do him a favor and finish him.

          1734 Edo is taken. There *was* a huge stack in Edo, it took out a lot of my stack of doom but I counter attacked and won, my 5-6 cavalry I brought along really helped tip the scales, in huge battles between stacks of doom, numbers really help. Argh Tokugawa is not destroyed yet, he has another city somewhere. I make peace with tokugawa for his map,divine right and 100 gold (all he has) He wouldn't give up corporation or Scientific Method, oh well.

          I own 21.87% of the worlds pop and 29.92% of the worlds territory. 10 rivals left, #1 in points by about 20% over Ghandi. I think this game is in the bag, but I am a bit behind in tech.
          I renegotiated some of my contracts to other civs, I am now getting 54 gpt from other civs. I am hitting 80% science and getting about +18 gpt to catchup in tech. Democracy is done in 5 turns, then I'll change up my civics.

          Here's where my inexperience in Epic speed comes in. I am under Hereditary Rule, Bureaucracy, Slavery, Free Market, and Theocracy. I would like to switch to Universal suffrage, Free speech, Emancipation, and Organized religion. But each switch takes 1 turn of anarchy or 4 turns of anarchy total. It would take 5 turns for me to research Scientific Method. I do want to switch back to Theocracy when I build military and maybe state property. Each turn in anarchy is about 1000 beakers and 62 gpt so you can see how Spiritual rocks in the late game.

          Story so far: It started with an early Chariot rush vs Genghis and that escalated to me attacking almost everynoe on my continent. Huayna is the only one left on my continent. Catherine will most likely be my next target since she still has riflemen and on a small 4 city island while huayna has a few machine guns around. We are a few techs behind everyone and rarely get to trade anymore. We are #1 in score and control about 22% of the pop and 30% of the total land. We have 253 turns left but with spacerace turned off I am not worried.

          1752 4 turns of anarchy is over, phew. Chaty wants me to cancel deals with ghandi, I refuse all of these requests, I don't have any really good friends but I also don't need any. Some troops moving to the other side of my continent to form up to kill cathy. Ugh, wish I had rails.

          1772 Steam power is finished. Coproration next, I just want to see who has assembly line and infantry before I attack again. Catherine declared war on Ghandi, interesting, haven't seen any troops movements though, if Cathy's island loses a lot of troops all of a sudden I'll attack asap.

          1780 Corportaion finished. The only person who has assembly line is ghandi, that means it's open season on everyone else. Researching Assembly line, done in 10 turns at 90% science and -25 gpt.

          1796 So nice of Cathy to spare all her gold to me her good friend. War is declared on Catherine. Some of her troops are right next to my stack so I can suprise those and take the city fairly easily and banish Cathy from my continent then shuttle everyone to galleons and assualt her own island.

          1798 Assembly Line is done, next is Biology, to speed up this slow growth on epic. Yakutsk the islamic holy city is taken, no shrine.

          1802 Estruscan is taken, cathy is completely off of my continent. Time to load up on the galleons and brave the sea. Declared war on my personal bank (Montezuma) just because my army is nearby, might as well finish him off.

          1812 Montezuma is destroyed. Biology is finished and now onto Communism (5 turns) for state property. Going to heal then head towards Cathy-land.

          1822 Communism is finished, Railroad next. We are switching to State Property and Theocracy. First wave has landed on Cathy's island.

          1824 Rostov is taken, 3 cities left. Cathy has artillery. I am not impressed.

          1834 Moscow is taken *yawn* I was the 5th most powerful on some guys list. Yeah, tell that to all my enemies, oh wait you can't...they are dead!

          1840 Railroad is done, yay. Time to wake up all the sleepy workers. I take St. Petersburg that has the Kremlim in it! Researching Physics and then Electricity next. I contacted Cathy, but she wouldn't give up any of her techs for peace, fine with me, war continues.

          1842 Napolean declares war on me. Oh no I am so scared. He lands some troops, my troops rush to defend. He brought friggin knights, what a dork. Cathy retakes Moscow with some cossacks, grrr she must've gotten lucky oh well I'll just retake it.

          1857 Novgorod is taken. One last Russian City, troops have landed there now. I believe Julius attacked Napolean so I guess we won't be seeing much more of him.

          1858 Yaroslavl is taken. Man, there's more Russian cities out there, ugh they must be on those small islands out there, oh well load up the galleons!

          1865 Artillery finished. Going for Industrialism then Combustion then Rocketry then we'll hit Huayna. I was hoping to squeeze Combustion out of someone but I guess it is worth too many beakers to give it to me, even when they are near death.

          1869 Tokugawa is dead, moving on to the last (I think) Russian city. I need about 10% more pop and 10% more territory for a Domination Victory.

          1874 Cathy is dead. 6 rivals left. Once I pump out a few tanks, I'll get to work on huayna, he'll probably be my hardest opponent in awhile. I have christian spies in most of his cities so I'll make sure to bring enough troops.

          1879 Industrialism is done. Next is combustion (4 turns) It was so nice of Cathy to leave me an oil well, now I can make tanks before Combustion. I still need combustion for Flight and plastics.

          1895 Plastics is done, next is Radio then Satellites then Composites. War is declared on Huayna Capac. Time to win the game (hopefully) I first take his two annoying cities in the southern part of my continent. My main army goes towards his cities spread out. My force consists of a lot of infantry, SAM infantry, artillery and tanks, a couple marines and choppers too are in there somewhere.

          1899 Tiwanaku is taken,. I believe Huayna used most of this army against my forward tank stack, almost all of my tanks need healing but I have so many troops we can continue to blitz through Incan lands.

          1905 Cuzco is taken, thanks for the Three Gorges Dam buddy.

          1908 I "tank rush" the Incan city Cori (ok it has a really long weird name, I call it cori for short) A tank rush is after you've destroyed the enemies main army, you group up all of your fully healed tanks and just beeline at cities that aren't defended well. It helps to give some tanks collateral damage promotions so they act as gimpy siege. I have one transport running a few troops to a nearby island with one Incan city on it, I'm going to rush my navy over and so when I am done with Huayna I can load up and ship off to another continent.

          1914 It's over, I now completely own my continent. I'm getting close to winning a Domination Voctory, currently at 45.59% landmass (I've already met the pop requirement) Transports are waiting to take my army to the next continent that has Julius and Napolean.

          1919 First group of troops landed on Napoleans territory. Didn't bring any SAM inf, whoops, oh well Napolean is pretty backwards I think, should be a massacre.

          1922 Domination Victory acheived. Thought it would be a bit later but oh well. Killed 94 Riflemen, mwahaha. Score of 19496 and rank of Augustus.

          Keys to Victory:
          -Being aware of my starting resources and early chariot rushing Genghis, securing copper. Although iron did pop up right next to my capital, not having copper is a huge danger when next to Montezuma and other aggressive civs.
          -Not being dog-piled. I actually almost got dog-piled being at war with Cathy, Monty and Genghis at the same time but I made peace quickly and calmed down and went nuts building military. I think they didn't try to dogpile me later in the game because we were all the same religion and I guess they wouldn't betray each other to kill me. Since we are all the same religion I can shrug off all demands/requests for help, I didn't have any good friends that would help me out but I also didn't get into any wars when I wasn't prepared.
          -Huayna Capac not attacking. I think it has to do with Montezumas city making a small buffer so I didn't get a -close borders spark tension. If Huayna attacked me during my campaign vs Alexander or Tokugawa I would've been in trouble.
          -Spacerace off. If the space race was on I would've had to play differently, but knowing that the spacerace is off changes a lot of things, I don't have to build as many cottages or commerce cities and I can let 1-2 civs go untouched.
          -Jungle near Montezuma. That helped a lot, Monty's expansion was just flattened by this, He tried to attack me, but with not many workable tiles, I fended him off.
          -Continents. Because Julius and Napolean and Cathy couldn't attack me directly, it was simple to thwart their 'invasions'. Sea invasions by the AI is still very weak I see, just like how it always is.

          Last edited by xxFlukexx; January 18, 2006, 02:27.


          • #6
            Nice job, I'm still playing through mine. How was Lizzy doing in your game? She swept the religions in mine (WOW). got them all except for ghandi's buhdism, and Isabela's Islamism(sp?). I just got london out of disorder, and its gonna be a great GP pump and money maker. course having to ferry Great people all the way back to the homeland will be risky and tediouse. So I guess ill make mostly merchants and prophets and settle them in London.

            I also secured japan earlier than you, wich just means i had to fight his samurai. I was constantly getting dogpiled by the other 3, always had to cut wars short before I could finish one off. Greece was the first to go, followed by Japan. Khan has 3 cities and Monty 2. I fear Huyana's army, he moved through my lands (open borders) to squash a little city Ghandi planted in a vacant japanland spot, and it scared the bajesus out of me. he had twice my military strength in that stack alone! i just might let Montezuma live for the buffer, as i think my next target is germany for a couple wonders he scored.
            The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...


            • #7
              In case any Mods like seeing us attempt to try to hide our text, on they have this super cool spolier tags where you can /spolier something and then you have to click on a box to reveal the text, that'd be sweet if we had an equivalent.

              Lizzy did pretty good (she was on the one tile island, right?), I think I tech traded with her once or twice, she hung in there tech wise until about late Medieval, then she just fizzled out. Julius wiped her out somewhere around 1600ish AD.

              Ya, I feared Huaynas army for a long time too, he just went crazy through the tech tree. I overbuilt my military so much that I creamed him pretty good, oh and him starting a war over on that other continent while I blitzed through his home helped too, mwahaha.

              I picked Genghis first because I saw Alex with copper deep in his territory so I ruled him out and genghis grabbed the only source of copper between him and me and a fast chariot rush to grab copper was needed to make spearman, or else keshiks (or aztec jags).....ouch that would've hurt. Genghis just had his entire military made up of archers with like no +cultural defenses and I just liked my lips and started making chariots in my 2 production cities, hehe he was just asking for it.

              I'm interested to see how other people did with having no copper and maybe no horses for awhile if they didn't guess right like I did. With all those aggressive civs around I dunno how'd you fend them off with just archers.

              I hope to see some more DARs soon, I guess it'll take awhile since it is on Epic and although I do like the Epic speed man it takes *forever* to do anything.


              • #8
                Lizzy did pretty good (she was on the one tile island, right?), I think I tech traded with her once or twice, she hung in there tech wise until about late Medieval, then she just fizzled out. Julius wiped her out somewhere around 1600ish AD.

                Ya, I feared Huaynas army for a long time too, he just went crazy through the tech tree. I overbuilt my military so much that I creamed him pretty good, oh and him starting a war over on that other continent while I blitzed through his home helped too, mwahaha.

                I picked Genghis first because I saw Alex with copper deep in his territory so I ruled him out and genghis grabbed the only source of copper between him and me and a fast chariot rush to grab copper was needed to make spearman, or else keshiks (or aztec jags).....ouch that would've hurt. Genghis just had his entire military made up of archers with like no +cultural defenses and I just liked my lips and started making chariots in my 2 production cities, hehe he was just asking for it.

                I'm interested to see how other people did with having no copper and maybe no horses for awhile if they didn't guess right like I did. With all those aggressive civs around I dunno how'd you fend them off with just archers.

                I hope to see some more DARs soon, I guess it'll take awhile since it is on Epic and although I do like the Epic speed man it takes *forever* to do anything.



                • #9
                  This thread is humorous with all the greyed out and spoiler-tagged text.


                  • #10
                    Not exactly in true DAR form, maybe thats because I'm still NOT done playing it...

                    I had absololutely NO problem dealing with the lack of copper, as I basicly beelined machinery. No one got agressive Before I was ready with my Cho Ku Nu's.
                    I believe machinery was done at 1ad exactly for me, then i had to research archery (haha) and ironworking to finish it off, First UU off the assembly line at 200ad. I had 3 core cities.

                    Once the Iron popped, I built a few spears for the mongolian border and moved on greece. After 2 greek cities fell and i pushed him back to his capital Monty declared war but my empire was still quite small, so a peace settlement with greece pushed my units 4 or 5 tiles towards monty, with their full move still (EXPLOIT!) and I moved towards the land bridge. Monty had a small city getting culture squished by my 3rd city and it flipped at this exact time (thus requiring MORE spears to defend against mongolia). 2 cities taken from monty stopping on one he had built ON the land bridge, perfect bottle neck defense, but a crappy city.

                    Of course mongolia HAD to declare war too before i was done with monty. He took and razed the city that flipped to me from monty, but i wasnt concerned about that as he was hitting my 3rd core city HARD. I could NOT loose that city. Spear after spear streamed into it before i realized something... Sparta had elephants... Switched to construction and rushed those elephants. Now instead of loosing battles with spears I started just eating those keshiks up. Took his stone city and gave him peace.

                    Because the true threat was looming. I feared Japan. He had been busy and left alone for far too long. I amassed my troops near his northern border (it was teaming with workers i so desperatly needed). I absolutely HAD to move on him BEFORE he could counter my xbows. I assaulted him and took 2 cities (greece made a token gesture of declaring war on me for japan, but sent only 1 axeman and 1 catapult to attack a dye tile... /giggle) I began to push on kyoto, when something horrible happened. he used his catapults to good effect, and utterly decimated my core military. RETREAT!!!!! So i ran like a little girl, sued for peace and turned my attention to greece.

                    He had a total of 5 units in his arsenal, 1 defending his copper mine and 2 in each city. But Ghengis had other idea's. So close to finishing off greece once and for all, when the keshics came back. sue for peace, reposition the units, and do it all over again... new tech ready what next... engineering... You are in sooooo much trouble mister. Couple turns of beating off keshics with spears and elephants, then i moved in with my new pikemen. Researching guilds, oh this will be sooo easy, then just out of random luck, I looked at Edo (probably to set a build order) and i saw it... a stack of japanese units sitting next to it. "You have got to be kidding me" Make peace with ghengis, and move the units back to the other end...

                    I did something I never done before. Edo had 1 xbow for defense. japan had piled 6 combat units and 1 catapult next to it... I moved my xbow out to fortify the city behind it. I would have lost it anyways, so might as well save the unit. Another mass unit migration (exept for spears and pikes, as japan had no horse units prior to him retaking edo and its elephants. A few turns of good fighting near sparta beat back the japanese hordes and put me on the offensive. Move back on edo and retake it. "This time I am not stopping you niponese bastard..."

                    Greece declares war, again. This time its for real, again. I dont think i saw a single unit from him this time. so I press my attack on japan, Knights coming online, this should be easy. Move on a coastal city he had made on the silk next to Kyoto and take it. He instantly retakes it, with a SAMURAI! Now I'm in a delema. The "Edo" task force has my best unit in it, a very well experienced ChoKoNu. and I malled my stack taking his city. I have 2 catapults, an elephant and my super Choke left. He has 2 hurt samurai (from retaking the city) sitting next to me. I'm fortified on a wooded hill. I have to decide, loose my units to take his out, or defend my baby. I cant let him keep those, attack one with a cat (leaving it exposed) and the other with an elephant (also exposing it) and i raze the city. I have a fresh stack moving in on Kyoto. all brand new shiney catapults, knights, chokes and an elephant or two. he smokes it with his catapults and a couple more samurai and xbows of his own... Oh my goodness. RETREAT!!!!

                    Peace declared. Just for that Alexander, I'm taking it out on you. I move in. he has the same 5 units I left him with so his last 2 cities fall easily. this brings his copper and silk into my control. Research civil service (finally). This has to be the longest I've ever waited to build farms and Buerocracy. I build the farms but keep vasalage up (new favorite civic as there is still ZERO religion on this continent) Military build up for a few turns. I'm not stopping til japan is toast. Now through athens I have a 2 square beeline on Both of his cities. But he has very nice garrisons of longbows samurai and pikemen. So I declare war but let him come to me. Tokyo's force moves to athens but Kyoto's remains turtled up. I move towards kyoto and mop up around tokyo. this time i have too much power for his counter attack to be succesful, and my shiney new city attack macemen make short work of the once daunting japanese empire.

                    during this time optics had come online for me (I went for it early) and i had met the world. but before i had finished off japan the AI's had come up with astronomy. Ghandi's religion had finally spread to bejing (from his missionary) so now i could change to pacifism. and finally get a decent scientist build going in bejing. as my slider was on 30% science. The only thing that has kept my economy afloat is the actual conquest of cities. wich although gives that nice chunk up front, it makes things even worse per turn...
                    Last edited by Hauptman; January 17, 2006, 18:53.
                    The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...


                    • #11
                      once I had caught a glimps of London and its 5 religios shrines, It wet my appetite. that city alone has the capabilty to fix my economic woes. So I began researching astronomy myself. religion began spreading like wildfire as ghandi was the first to astronomy. his Buhdism begins filling the world, making everyone ally with him. and for once, I actually have friends. Russia and India are both sympathetic to my cause and pony up a few needed techs. Hueyuna Capac becomes only mildy cautious with me, but i never loose open borders with him.

                      After Japan fell, Ghandi landed a settler where i had razed the Japanese city. I guess i could live with that, he is friendly after all. Hueyuna however could not. I saw the most Gigantic force move through my lands to attack the 2 units ghandi had shipped over. A true ...stack. It moved next to ghandi and... sat there for about 4 turns. Just to be on the safe side I gifted some bananas to the man. ghandi's city was getting culture smooshed by Kyoto, so I guess that made him decide the city was no longer worth it... but then on turn 5 he figures "fuk it" and kills it off razing it (again).

                      With my new force of maces pikes and knights repositioned along Mongolia, its time to make my move. i declare war and wait. he sends a few units up, pillages a windmill and I kill them off. then I move my forces onto his city. gunpowder finishes and chemisty begun. his southern coastal city falls and I move towards his northern most border city. his knights exact a heavy toll and I'm forced to withdraw to save my catapults. But now i have guns moving up. chemistry is done fast (i moved my slider up for a huge cash negative but wanted that tech NOW) and I upgrade a couple city attack 3 macemen to grenadiers. I move back in. this time the gunpowder wins the day. His knights do some damage, but not enough. His second border city falls, and pushes him back to 3 cities and a very submissive demeaner.

                      As i had been building galeons since astronomy I had more pressing buislness elswhere. I had begun repositioning my units west towards the coast when he did it... that tricky little Cricket player declares war. monty had a city at the northwest tip of my continent, so I was actually going to take it anyways when my units got there, but i wasnt ready YET. Only 3 units from that solo city doesnt scare me, but the bottle neck is still defended with 1 spear and 1 xbow. I begin rushing any and every obsolete unit i can thats left over from the mongolian border, wich now is not a threatened border (for a while anyways). spears, axes, more xbows stream up to defend the bridge. my heroic epic city begins grenadiers to secure it. As i cannot call my main force back, this is more important. A quick mop up of Monties lone city secures that end of the continent, and because he was dead set on bashing down my walls, i have time to fill the bottle neck up with modern units.

                      Steel completes, and now I am ready. A combat2 elephant gets a promotion. "Oh now thats funny, the elephants can swim!" he gets amphibios attack, as well as a musket or two. cannon production begins in earnest and a couple well promoted city attack cats get upgraded (one level 5 with city attack3 and collateral damage) i had 5 ships waiting on my west coast. and frigates positioned around london. I load them up with my main force (and a prophet that just spawned). and begin bombarding london. 3 turns later The amphibiose attack begins. london is well defended by longbows. But at -50% they still exact a price in blood. Many cannons die but london is mine. 3 of the 5 shrines are already built, so i settle the prophet and wait for the disorder to calm, 12 turns it says... sheesh... I'm not going to bed til I can see the $$.

                      -- Intermission--

                      Ok back to play some more. where was I. Oh yeh. I had left 2 units in london then sent my new amphib force towards Mongolia (the other side of the world), refilled it with new cannons and sat it, looming over Ghengis's easternmost city. After a build up of land units again i was ready. I attack from 2 directions and ghengis has no chance. he has rifles now but they cant stop cannons. his last 3 cities fall, and finally my continent is my own behind the bottleneck.

                      Then it happens. Hueyuna built the statue of liberty. Now that clinches it. that was actually the ONE wonder I had to have. and now its on my mainland. I have to do it. Monty has 3 cities just north of the land bridge seperating me and hueyuna. I attack with my amphib force and take them out 1 at a time. Now that they're more experienced, and upgraded to rifles, I have very few casualties. raze 2 but keep his capital (where i plop the new london artists, I wanted prophets darnit.). they were all too close together. I notice behind the land bridge mountains creat a bottle neck, but Hueyuna controls it. But it will make defending against his counter attacks easier. incan frigates become destroyers almost over night (heh 1 turn upgrade). So now war is Out of the question until i can counter them. I guess I'll wait til flight. i have Infantry, so land warfare would be mine, but i cant risk those destroyers maiking mincemeat of my navy and fishing boats.

                      I will include the screenshots i have been taking, just that I'm at work and they are at home.
                      Last edited by Hauptman; January 17, 2006, 18:54.
                      The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...


                      • #12
                        A long peace ensues. giving me time to indutrialize my great empire, factories are build while research begins at breakneck speeds. pauses are taken for a few turns to fill up with cash for a switch to universal sufferage to rushbuy a couple wonders (mainly the pentagon). The military is modernized with artillery and large numbers of infantry. A plan is formulated.

                        The mountain bottleneck is controlled by the Incans. I however control the stone square adjacent to it. This gives me a great idea. I fort the stone square and instead of blocking the bottle neck completely, I can cut the road, thus forcing all his units to spend a turn next to my fort before they can move passed, ahh glorious. Just want to get bombers first, as his army is mighty. Then it happens. The stone square flips to the enemy, and my forces are pushed out of the fort... Now i can no longer cut the road on turn 1... he sends a worker to quarry the stone. I have 3 turns to decide before the fort is lost.

                        The plan is too good. I must go now, before I loose the defense bonus from the square controlling the pass. i take the chance. I cannot cut the road on turn 1, so this leaves teotociwan open to cavalry attack, so i have to split my forces. one for city defense 1 for fort defense.

                        All my cavalry and artillery moves into the fort. with 5 or 6 infantry to defend them. 15 infantry move into the city (not taking any chances) and war is begun with the most powerful empire in the world (besides me that is).

                        A few of his cavalry attack my fort units, but no damage is seriose, the fort was 4 squares from his nearest city, and I notice my advantage. he has no rails. His mamoth stack stops exactly where i wanted it to. 3 moves from his city. The carnage, the bloodshed. My artillery FEASTS upon his once great army. Although I am unable to completely destroy his stack (and thus cut the road on turn 2) this one battle ends the great threat in the north. also another advantage i didnt apreciate. he choose rocketry over assembly line, and my infantry have little difficulty with his riflemen and RPG troops. The following turns he sends light trickles of units through the pass to meet there doom, and Bombers finally are mine...

                        The Sea battle; Having dicovered flight i had rushed into production scores of fighters and 1 carrier. My upgraded to destroyer frigates, 4 total in the area, are augmented by 2 more fresh destroyers and this carrier. Hueyuna had Upgraded aproximatly 6 destroyers and still had numerouse frigates in the area (10 or so easy). My plan was to destroy all the frigates, easy kills, to keep him from further upgrading and retreat out of the area. with my carrier attacking as well, that left 1 destroyer on destroyer fight, he would have air support. On land turn 1 was spent occupying a fort. at sea it was a bloodbath. 250 souls per frigate and another 600 on the destroyer died in Incan waters. My carrier suffers a lucky hit to a magazine and requires much time in port to refit (16 vs 8 and i has 1.4 left...) But this puts the incan navy on the defense. Only 1 ship makes its way into my waters, to rescue an unescorted galley (wich was trapped after Inca canceled open borders hundreds of years prior) The destroyer and comical galley are sunk as the carrier repairs. After carrier refit, I moved back up to two destoyers remaining to guard his fishing boats. I sink them but leave the fisherman. No collateral damage to the populace is wanted. the remainder of his vessels have retreated to cover his soon to come amphibious attempt.

                        His amphibiose assault came shortly before the land war went full offensive. This was his last gasp. My transport fleet has just moved back into the area and was going to assault a new city he built (where an aztec city had once been) from the sea to avoid a few Arty guns he was holding in his main border city. it was this city wich caused the loss of the fort and the early start of the war. He sends 5 fully loaded transports with 3 defending destoyers towards teotociwan (no i cant spell it) My carrier fleet intercepts, but i loose 1 destroyer to a transport (its those magazine hits i tell you!) and 1 transport survives the first turn. The next turn the transport does not retreat, it continues passed my city (seeing something further down the coast as an easier target perhaps) and is easily sunk with its full compliment on board.

                        back on land; His once massive army, having been devastated his remaining units stay to defend thier cities... His new border city is taken by my amphib force wich immediatly reboats with no counter assault, as i razed the city, yet again. I move all units forward to block the pass the same turn my city killers reboard, this will time a perfect double stack attack on His border city (lets call it city 1, as i can never remeber those chicken scratch names). Next turn my land stack moves out of the pass and 1 closer to city1, and my amphib force disembarks on a hill. Still his arty waits. My bombers are working the city and its defenses. Fighters attack the defenders to try and keep them turtled. Now my two stacks move against his city. they stand adjacent, his counter attack must come now. He throws everything he has left at my amphib stack, the weaker of the two and many old units that have served sinced ancient times perish, Their greatest moment in a long history of service to the empire. But my other stack stands unmolested and his great city falls. My level 5 artillery (the catapult mentioned long ago) is among the 3 survivors of the amphib force.

                        London creats another artist (the 3rd of the 4 Gp made, even though i have 9 priests and 1 engineer selected, the 3gpp per turn from a wonder and national epic keeps hitting a jackpot) So I great work in the incan City1 to secure the land upto the next 2 cities when they fall. I board my units onto the transports as the airforce reports few units garrisoning his north easternmost citys. Industrialsim is done. and i begin the manufacture of the worlds deadliest secret weapon. the tank. The two eastern cities fall to amphibios assault as well as city2 on his southern coast to the slower infantry assault. his final cities, city3 (with the target of the entire campaign, the staue of liberty) and city4 the northernmost, become easy targets for my new tanks.

                        Hueyuna Capac is conquered, and Now i must choose the next target. Russia is closest, my forces are in the area, but her island is small. Germany was to be the target originally but I have not been checking his defenses, and India appears to be only weakly defended. Tonight the game shall be won.
                        Last edited by Hauptman; January 17, 2006, 18:54.
                        The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...


                        • #13
                          A fun game. My report follows after a bit of housekeeping.

                          Hauptman, no one is really taking care of AU right now, so I doubt anyone will mind that this game was posted "unofficially". But usually we have a voting process so that most players get to play what they want to play. And we also usually do more fanfare with DARs and such. You could have posted this in the Strat forum and it would have received just as much attention.

                          That said, this is a great scenario; definitely AU-worthy!

                          I tried this at Emperor difficulty (what level are you guys/gals playing at, by the way?).

                          I was a bit overconfident at the start since I usually play Immortal, so I decided to do something "funky" at the beginning and beeline for an early Religion. I went for Polytheism reasoning that, if I missed it, I could go for Monotheism via Masonry which I needed anyway for the Marble.

                          Worker-first was my opening, since Mao starts with Agriculture and Mining and that looked like all I was going to need around my capital for quite some time.

                          I got a Scout from my first Tribal Village, and sent him SW since there was too much Jungle NE. My Warrior found the isthmus toward the Aztecs very early. This seemed like the perfect setup for some bopping, so I positioned him by the Stone just outside Montezuma's borders and waited. Sure enough, a few turns later a Worker appeared and I nabbed it. Montezuma only had Warriors available at the time, so I easily resisted his attempt to unblock the chokepoint. My Warrior got all the way up to Woodsman II and Combat I before an Archer took him out. I sued for peace the very same turn. The extra Worker that I got out of the whole affair was well worth it.

                          3690BC: Scout from Tribal Village
                          3800BC: 39 Gold from Tribal Village
                          3760BC: 49 Gold from Tribal Village
                          3680BC: Contact Tokugawa
                          3640BC: Contact Montezuma
                          3520BC: Mysticism
                          3360BC: Contact Alexander, Genghis
                          3240BC: Worker
                          2760BC: Polytheism
                          2600BC: War with Montezuma, Capture Worker
                          2240BC: Masonry
                          1700Bc: The Wheel, Settler
                          1325BC: Animal Husbandry
                          1175BC: Priesthood
                          920BC: Writing, Open Borders with Genghis, Alexander

                          Tokugawa was not willing to sign an Open Borders because that's the way he is. Of course I was still worried about Alexander and Genghis, who have a knack for attacking you despite great positive diplomacy modifiers.

                          Back on the research front, of course I missed Hinduism, but I also missed Monotheism by a few turns! How very annoying that was to "lose" so many turns of precious research.

                          Thankfully I got Code of Laws with the Oracle, founding Confucianism. My Religion really took off because it was the only one on the continent. In the space of just a few turns it spread to my three immediate neighbors, and they of course switched their State Religion immediately. I think this helped delay their inevitable attack by quite a few turns. I eagerly awaited the Shrine I was going to get from Oracle's Great Prophet.

                          780BC: Confucianism spreads to Athens (Greece)
                          740BC: Confucianism spreads in Edo (Japan)
                          680BC: Confucianims spreads in Turnfa (Mongol)
                          620BC: Monotheism, Anarchy
                          600BC: Organized Religion, Caste System
                          280BC: Alphabet, Peace with Montezuma for Fishing, Hunting and Bronze working from Alexander for Writing and Polytheism
                          260BC: Pottery from Genghis for Polytheism, Sailing and Archery from Alexander for Monotheism and Priesthood
                          220BC: Genghis demands Gold - Accept
                          60BC: Confucianism spreads to Teotihuacan (Aztec)
                          20BC: Great Prophet (The Kong Miao)
                          1AD: Mathematics, Iron Working from Genghis for Mathematics, Iron!!
                          20AD: +1gpt @ 100% Science!

                          As you can see I hit no-deficit 100% Science in 20AD, and have not been below max since.

                          Sensing I had some time on my hands, I finished research on Monotheism to enable Organized Religion. Then I beelined for Alphabet to trade some techs while my aggressive neighbors were still willing. This proved very profitable.

                          Confucianism spread like wildfire. It even reached across the ocean to a the German city of Cologne! I thus met Bismarck way before Optics. A few turns later, I met Isabella through a Galley that was going through Bismarck's borders, courtesy of my line religious line of sight.

                          Not everything was perfect on the diplomatic front, however: I realised much later that my early skirmish with Montezuma prevented me from contacting Huayna Capac. He's usually a pretty sweet trading partner.

                          210AD: Confucianism spreads to Cologne (German), Contact Bismarck
                          230AD: Construction
                          240AD: Contact Huayna
                          290AD: Literature
                          310AD: Calendar from Bismarck for Polytheism and Construction
                          350AD: Currency from Bismarck for Monotheism, Code of Laws and 120 Gold
                          360AD: 170 Gold from Genghis for Priesthood
                          380AD: Contact Catherine (through line of sight at German Cologne!)
                          390AD: Tokugawa demands Currency - Accept
                          410AD: Metal Casting, Great Library
                          420AD: Alexander requests Alphabet - Accept (Pleased)
                          430AD: Alexander declares War!!

                          450AD: Huayna requests Code of Laws - Accept
                          460AD: Great Scientist (Academy)
                          480AD: Open Borders with Huayna, Monarchy from Huayna for Construction and 30 Gold
                          520AD: Compass from Bismarck for Literature, Monarchy and 230 Gold
                          560AD: Machinery, Optics (Great Scientist)
                          580AD: Genghis declares War!!, Conquer (Greek), Peace with Alexander for Meditation, 210 Gold and 2gpt

                          Check out the bolded part of the above log excerpt for a good laugh! Up to then I gave it to all the AI's requests/demands because I was doing so well building peacefully (I was jumping back and forth with Bismarck for first place). Alexander completely backstabbed me, and so war finally broke out.

                          Alex's troops were annoying, mainly because he had a city behind my front lines (he got to a Barb city before I did). I only had a few Archers, Cats and Spearmen up at the time - not sure what I was thinking not building Axemen. Anyway I took care of him, at the cost of a few pillaged improvements.

                          Then, perhaps not surprisingly, Genghis declared war. I hurried to take one of Alex's cities, sued for peace, then turned around to defend against the great Khan. Thankfully he never got Horses. The really annoying thing about Genghis' attack is it totally disrupted my Forge buildup: I now have to scrape together some more units before I can get my Forges online.

                          That's where I'm at now.

                          Oh, I almost forgot: I missed out on the race for Parthenon, but did manage to secure the Great Library.

                          Last edited by Dominae; January 17, 2006, 00:18.
                          And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                          • #14
                            I'm interested into how many cities and how fast you got them out if you remember, Dominae. Your science seems pretty fast(esp without pottery) after Masonry while I slowly but steadily moved on. I played this DAR on Monarch (since god only knows what is in it, hehe) I can win on Emperor.....sometimes. But usually when I grab a religion on Emperor I have a very bad experience. Also interesting is that you got the oracle in 780 B.C.? Without chopping? Oh shoot now I see the marble. GD, why didn't I do that lol.

                            Hmmm and why'd monty accept peace from you, usually I can never get an aggressive civ to accpet peace unless I've done heavy raiding or taken some of his cities. Is it because of that worker grab? hmm I should probaby be doing that more, especially if it pacifies someone like Monty for a long time.

                            Oh and lastly, why skip Slavery and go to Caste-System? Wait is Mao Philosophical? Man, wtf was I doing while playing this game.

                            Hehe and that Alex thing, yeah he backstabs like a mofo, it's just how he works. I've tried being his friend lots of times but it just never works for me, hehe.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by xxFlukexx
                              I'm interested into how many cities and how fast you got them out if you remember, Dominae.
                              I only built five cities including my capital. My first two cities were back-to-back once I hit my H&H caps in Beijng. Then after I was done the Oracle I built two additional Settlers. I would have liked to grab the Horses but a Barb city appeared there very early, and Alexander got lucky with his 3 Warrior strike force (we had Open Borders).

                              Your science seems pretty fast (esp without pottery) after Masonry while I slowly but steadily moved on.
                              Well, Alphabet was very kind to me. Without any serious warmongering early on, I had a lot of trading opportunities compared to your game (I'm guessing). I used Scientist Specialists and Great Scientists to keep my research up, this does a fine job of replacing Cottages for a long while. I'll need to build them soon, though, because I'm going to start expanding.

                              Hmmm and why'd monty accept peace from you, usually I can never get an aggressive civ to accpet peace unless I've done heavy raiding or taken some of his cities. Is it because of that worker grab? hmm I should probaby be doing that more, especially if it pacifies someone like Monty for a long time.
                              Before he finally took out my offending Warrior, the war between us cost him something like 1 Worker, 4 Warriors and a couple of Archers. I guess that's enough for him to accept peace. I'm not sure what Montezuma's land looks like to the north, but his cap looked pretty bad with all that Jungle so it felt like a good gamble to nab his Worker and hope Iron Working was a long way off.

                              Oh and lastly, why skip Slavery and go to Caste-System? Wait is Mao Philosophical? Man, wtf was I doing while playing this game.
                              Yeah, Philosophical/Organized makes really good use of Caste System (which otherwise is pretty high upkeep for what you can actually do with unlimited Specialists so early in the game). I mainly used it for Scientists, of course, but also for Great Artists a couple of turns to push some borders back. It's such an inconveniene to have to research Drama and build Theatres!
                              And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...

