This DAR covers events in AU 100-A from the time of the first DAR until the player enters the Classical Era (and perhaps the first two or three turns of the Classical Era, especially if interesting technology trades are involved). As examples of things that could be interesting to include, consider the following questions. What research path did you take reaching the classical era, and what kind of tech trading (if any) did you do with the AIs? How did you balance expansion, growth, and production? How are your relationships with the other civs progressing? Did anything else interesting happen? And did you learn anything of signiicance, or have anything happen that reinforced a lesson you'd already learned?
No announcement yet.
AU 100-A DAR 2: 1480 BC Until Start of Classical Era
Prince Difficulty
Since I hadn't decided that a DAR at this point was needed until I'd played long past it, I'm not in a position to deliver as organized a DAR for this part of the game as I would otherwise, and I don't have a screenshot to share.
Lord Nathan's American Empire continued to focus almost entirely on expansion, fueled in large part by the many flood plains around the capital and to a lesser extent by New York's pigs. Additional cities were founded as the empire researched Mining and then Alphabet.
With the discovery of Alphabet in 675 BC, America embarked on a series of negotiations to pick up technologies it had previously passed over. By the time the second-stage agreements were competed in 650, Hatshepsut (with Monarchy and Priesthood) and Isabella (with Priesthood) were the only ones that had technologies that America did not, and America had advantages over both of them in other areas. Unfortunately, neither was willing to trade. Seattle, America’s seventh city, was founded a quarter century later.
ok well this DAR is short and sweet, lasting the whole of14 turns.
At the end of last DAR I had just completed priesthood and I immediately start on Code of laws, my two scientist capital fueling the research to go much faster than it normally would.
Boston has its warrior finished and I que up an oblisk and then the pyramids there. Meanwhile new york starts on the oracle, designed to build asap after code of laws is complete and catapult me to Civil service. in 1120bc Merit Ptah the great scientist is born and is immediately commissioned to build an academy in my capital, cutting a further 2 turns off code of laws.
in 950bc, or turn 77, the American people gain a code of laws and the spirtially adept in Boston found Confucianism.
I didnt take any new screenshot as I hadnt bothered to found any new cities, so instead I refer you to my first DARs screenshot:
Notes and thoughts for the next period:
-with the Oracle nearing completion my next DAR is likely to be even shorter than this one, so instead I will use it to contemplate the path I should take once this 'establishing' phase is done.
-I think I'll JUST scrape the Oracle but probably miss the pyramids but I've gotta give them a shot... I'll be doing heavy chopping/pop rushing for both just because I'm paranoid.
-pop rushing seems to have catapulted me into a VERY strong situation here
- even though I am still #1 in land area I need to expand and build a military fast or the AI is going to eat me alive.Last edited by V3nom; November 25, 2005, 23:06.
Monarch Difficulty
Taking stock at hand, after animal husbandry finishes in 4 turns, decide we need to take military action as 2 boneheaded warriors have fallen to barbarians, so bows must be the answer the raiders.
In 1400, Washington completes the settler for my 3rd city, but must wait for warrior escort, due in 4 turns due to barbarian myschief. And we meet some guy who strokes his beard too much, Saladin the fool.
In 1360, our most brillant rednecks figure how to get the 4 legs to rut with Animal Husbandry. In celebration, we agree to pursue Hunting.
Our settler sets out unescorted, as our lone exploring warrior will meet them at the outskits of our borders.
And cheers as the Oracle is completed in New York in 1320BC.The classical era has begun, with the gods blessing us with Code of Laws, and Confucianism founded in New York.
The gamble is doubtful if we can still grab the Pyramids in New York, but it will be made.
Scorewise leading at 305 points, but dropped a bit with GNP #3, Mfg. #7, Crop Yield #3, soldiers #7, land #3, population #5.
Emperor difficulty
Goal -
Diplo victory. A 'peaceful rise', the Chinese way. Lets see how long it will remain peaceful. Looks like I'll have a nice big piece of territory for myself, so no need for war, even though I'm surrounded by schizophrenic megalomaniacs. The plan is to spam judaism, spam cottages, and spam cities, use the income from judaism (as soon as I get a prophet) to pay for upkeep, and with cottages for research, I'm in with a fighting chance. Err, perhaps fighting is the wrong word
Either my people don't like my cities, or else they're procreating like rabbits. Whatever the reason, settlers are poping up at a frenzied rate. It doesn't bode well for my upkeep, though I'm counting on that organised trait to bear fruit.
So, 2 more cities are founded between washington and the mongol hordes, whom I really didn't want as an immediate neighbour, but never mind. I'm very surprised that the AI didn't build cities close to me as soon as possible, that's their normal favourite strategy...
I formally adopt judaism as soon as the settlers are built, then switch to organised religion 2 turns later.
Meanwhile, the barbarians are making regular appearances, with lots of warriors popping up, particularaly from the south, and a few from the west, too. Sure enough, a few turns later, I discover a barb city in the tundra. Washington itself is attacked! My archer makes short shrift of the warrior, but it doesn't bode well. Yikes, they're going to be a pain until I can raze or take that barb city.
Classical era arives
650 BC. Wow! That was quick, I hardly had any turns! Alphabet is researched, heralding a new (and hopefully prosperous) future. I start trading straight away, and to my great surprise I'm the only one with alphabet.
The stonehenge and the oracle are built in faraway lands. So much for an early great prophet. It will take me about 100 turns for the other 2 wonders available, I decide not to bother.
I trade:
Monotheism for Bronzeworking (Hatty)
Polytheism for meditation (Saladin)
Polytheism for priesthood (Genghis)
I decide to keep alphabet for as long as possible. I'll need every trick I can think of at this level, including tech. whorring.
Copper appears right next to philadelphia. Wow! That's the only copper I've got in my huge heartland. Good thing I was able to put a city there before genghis. I start mining the copper right away, need to get rid of that barb city before they start spamming me with swordmen and horse archers. And even if it comes to that, with copper I'll be able to fend them off. I'll definately need spearmen if Genghis decides I look like a ripe fruit.
625 BC.
Trade monotheism for animal husbandry (saladin).
Looks like hatty just got alphabet. Too bad. At least I was able to get it first and catch up in techs. I can still trade alphabet for ironworking with either genghis or Saladin, but I decide to wait a little.
Diplomacy -3 with the spanish (+1 peace, -4 religion), +1 with everyone else. The mongols have built a city between me and the spanish. If I can convert them (the mongols), and get them to hate the spanish, I might survive for a bit longer
I suspect I'll be attacked by the spanish (if the mongols let them in...the big question). As soon as they cancel the open borders I know I can expect an attack within 2-3 turns (at least that's the way I've found it to work on easier settings - a good reason to have open borders with a potentially hostile nation)
Future plans
Currently researching monotheism (every religion I found will make it easier to spread judaism about), then monarchy (wine + needed for islam) then islam (spiral minaret. And then - straight for the UN! (unless war occurs of course). Pretty soon I'll found 2-3 more cities in my hinterland, then swithch to spamming missionaries and growing cotages into towns. That's the plan, anyway.Last edited by Fireb; November 25, 2005, 15:12.The Roman Kings scenario is now ready for play:
Noble Level:
Since I was working on Iron Working, to see my metal situation, which is a Classical Era entry tech; I held off posting this until I finished out the Ancient Era techs.
Hinduism spreads to New York, life is good.
1400 BC Stonehedge is built in Washington
1280 Bc meet Hatsheput of the Egyptians
Judaism spreads to Philly, Hinduism to Boston.
Somebody builds the Oracle
Washington size 8 Barracks 5
New York size 4 Hindu Temple 5
Boston size 2 Hindu Temple 24
Philadelphia size 2 Granary 7
F9 Stats: GNP 1, Mfg 1, Crops 1, Soldiers 3, Land 1, Pop 1, Approval 6, Life 6, In/Ex 7
!0% of the world area and 21% of the population
Tech Progress: Iron Working, Archery, Preisthood, Writing, Meditation, Sailing, Monarchy (in 9)
With Stonehedge I can now go claim territory. Finding two sources of iron is a plus, especially the one at New York which was sorely in need of hammers. I just got open borders with Mongols so I'll send some religion to them. The challenge now is to expand rapidly without crippling my economy and inviting war (the AI will pounce on any weakness in military). With horses and iron I am able to consider a late Middle Ages offensive where I would be able to put my traits to good use. With ORG/FIN I will be able to field a large force running the best warmongering civics and not be crippled in tech research.
Northern Empire
Southern Empire
"The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves."--Victor Hugo
Prince Difficulty
DAR 1 - Opening
DAR 3 - Classical Era
DAR 4 - Medieval Era
DAR 5 - Renaissance Era
DAR 6 - Industrial Era
DAR 7 - Modern Era
1440 BC, and Merit Ptah has been born in Washington! He does his little gurgly routine and turns into an Academy. Code of Laws & Oracle in 12 turns. New York is founded in 1400 and orders Warrior, Barracks. This city will churn out units in a bit to keep the barbarians (and the AI) from the gates while the capital focuses on settlers to catch up in expansion. Hattie is Pleased! Maybe she knew I stuck up for her against Genghis.
Judaism is founded in 1200, and Genghis converts - so far Saladin is Hindu and Isabella Buddist. Barbs start to approach our borders, where we have a couple of pickets but more would be nice. I decided to get a barracks in New York after just the one warrior, so it's 'squeaky bum time' until it starts pumping archers
In 1000 BC Code of Laws completes, the Oracle is built, Civil Service taken as the free tech, and in one bound we leap straight through the classical Era and into the Medieval, adopting Bureaucracy and Caste System.Last edited by Cort Haus; November 29, 2005, 20:25.
So I sent my scout off to the south west and in 1360 discover the barbarian city of Bactrian (pop 1 at the time). It happens to be sat right on pretty prime real-estate (well almost, but it will do), and as such is a good candidate for a take-over once I can muster up the troops.
New York builds a lighthouse, and Washington builds the Stonehenge. Washington is now size 8 and stagnating with me having no way yet of alleviating the social unrest.
Ironworking discovered in 1120BC. I begin researching Horseback Riding.
warlord difficulty
DAR 1: 4000 BC - 1520 BC
DAR 2: 1480 BC - Beginning of Classical Era
DAR 3: Classical Era
DAR 4: Medieval Era
DAR 5: Renaissance Era
DAR 6: Industrial Era
DAR 7: Modern Era
Position in 1520 BC is ripe for expansion, but I still need some rudimentary techs. I need to focus on expansion, military needs and infrastructure. I should expand to the north as much as possible, as I should have pretty much free reign on the land to the south.
1280 BC: Discover Sailing, start work on Priesthood. I need the happiness from temples, and the oracle could be a big boost if I can get it.
1160 BC: Atlanta is founded on a hill almost directly north of Washington. I meet Bismark.
1120 BC: Research is finished on Priesthood and started on Archery. I am behind on military, at least tech wise. I also meet Saladin.
1000 BC: I finish research on Archery and start on Writing. I want this to go on to Alphabet, so I can trade for some of the techs that I have been neglecting. I also plan to reinforce my cities with archers and move all settlers with them, instead of warriors.
950 BC: I realize that I have enough happiness and health to expand in Washington, but I had forgotten to turn off the no growth option. I had been waiting for it to grow to rush a temple, so this is a mistake I must not continue to make.
925 BC: I finally meet Isabella, and like it seems in most everyone's game, she has founded Buddhism. She is the only other civ with a state religion, so I may be able to spread mine.
875 BC: Discover Writing and start on Alphabet. This will take me 14 turns, so I hope I can get something out of it from the AI's. Also, I find that there is a barbarian city in the south, so I will have to start colonizing that area.
600 BC: Finish Alphabet, start on Monarchy. I need Monarchy and Calendar for many of the luxury resources I have. I trade Horseback Riding to Saladin for Meditation and Iron Working. This is my free tech (goody hut) for two techs I can use, but hadn't had time to research yet. This is an excellent deal for me. Iron working also reveals iron in the radius of New York.
This is a quick set of turns, just working on founding more cities. In future sets I will have to be watchful for barbarians and make sure to destroy them before they can start founding cities, as that is not something that I want to deal with. I'll continue to expand as far to the north as I can, and then backfill to the south. I also am in need of more military. This is something I always have too little of, and I must learn to build more. I am better this game, being in the top half in the troops category, but I still am not happy with my defenses, let alone the capability for an offensive should the time come.
I've learned through this set of turns that pop rushing can be a very good strategy, especially in high food cities. It has been my main method of building so far in Washington, interspersed with settler/worker building to allow the unhappiness to go down without growth.
This is the closest I could get on a screenshot, as I forgot to take one immediately at the start of the classical era:
Oh, and I know I'm missing something obvious, but how do es one upload a screenshot directly to the forums? I cannot figure it out.Last edited by chriseay; November 30, 2005, 11:12.
Prince Difficulty
Things continue to progress, albeit not always well. The crowning moment of this period was founding Confucianism, which awarded me three out of the four religions discovered so far. I converted to Confucianism since I got the free missionary, but, such as has been my luck in this game, Ghenghis Kahn converted to Judiaism, another relgion I founded, the turn after I converted! Argh!
One thing I have noticed is that the later the religion is discovered, the faster it spreads. Once I discovered Islam as my first religion, and it spread like wildfire. Covering my cities, and some of my neighbors cities in just a few turns. Has anyone else noticed this? If this is true, there may be some advantages to converting to using a later-founded religion as a state religion, even if you discovered some of the older ones.
I have had some bad luck with barbs, an axman destroyed Philadelphia, and others continue to harass me. I have had to crank out dozens of archers simply to hold my ground.
Overall, this has not been my best-played game. But I am content to play the ball where it lies, and continue on.
Score-wise, i'm not in bad shape. But my military is weak, and being right next door to Ghenghis Kahn with a weak military is a very dangerous proposition.
One other curiosity, is that I have not built any wonders so far, and only made a short run at Stonehenge.
Noble Difficulty
Well, things haven't been going too hot since last time. As it turns out, Stonehenge was built in a far away land just TWO TURNS before I finished it. Ah well, them's the breaks. This kinda crap never really happened to me in Civ 3, but I guess that's just something we'll all have to get used to in 4.
Anyway, among other things I discover a barbarian city named Zhou a short distance to the east. Deciding that my warriors are far too weak to attempt to take it right now, I send my Combat II warrior back to Washington to hopefully upgrade later, and I keep my other unit stationed near Zhou both as a recon unit and to soak up some experience from the barb city next door (over the next few turns they'll send units to attack me, but since I'm fortified in a forest across the river, this is just easy exp for me).
A series of diplomatic requests cross my doorstep during this period; mostly Open Borders requests from Germany, Egypt, and Spain. I turn them all down because until I fill up the area south of me I don't want to give them the ability to traipse through my territory with settlers at their whim.
For once something goes right and my gamble with Code of Laws pays off - Boston becomes the founding city of Confucianism in 900 BC. With the discovery of Code of Laws and the founding of religion, the Ancient Era ends and the Classical Age begins. I send the free missionary towards Washington, begin research on Masonry (to connect that Stone near New York), and continue along."There is only one religion, though there are a hundred versions of it." - George Bernard Shaw
Noble difficulty
In 1440 BC I finish Stonehenge after having finally roaded the stone quarry. Great prophet is due in 50 or so turns - let's hope there's a potential shrine to be built by him then.
Speaking of religions: I'm beginning to hope for some spread of a foreign one, although I hate the thought of providing line-of sight for an opponent. Anyhow, I will make a beeline for Confucianism, which means researching writing - priesthood - code of laws and neglecting other tech areas, especially military ones. (I'm still stuck with warriors and the potential to build chariots - makes me uneasy with Genghis Khan somewhere out there.)
Around 1120 BC I spot a barbarian city in the far northwest - I really gotta build some chariots to take it before someone else does.
In 975 BC Isabella founds Seville to the North of New York - hmm, I would have liked to plant a city there myself eventually, but at least there's enough room for more cities in the west and south. Anyhow, New York (with Stonehenge) will need a bigger garrison.
Diplomacy status: I have open borders with all known civs - with the exception of Spain, I haven't even seen the border of an AI city, and are still hoping to make some long-term friends. At the moment, Isabella and Saladin are annoyed, Bismarck and Genghis Khan cautious.
In 925 BC, with stone and a lot of forest chops, the Pyramids are finished, and I switch to representation (more happiness for my five largest cities, which is somewhat ironic as I have only three at this point) and slavery (if only to rush some chariots if the Khan decides to attack me). Yep, there's actually anarchy if you're not religious.
Still without any religion, Washington's new happiness cap is at 9, which it should reach in short time due to irrigated floodplains and a corn farm. Natural solution (as it is time to expand): build some settlers. Philadelphia (to the southwest of Washington, stone/pigs) is founded in 775 BC, Atlanta (to the north, horses/corn/wine) in 675 BC.
Having researched priesthood, I make an imprudent bid for the Oracle in Boston, only to be notified a few turns later that a "far away land" has built it. 32 gold pieces are added to the treasury, and Boston switches to the mass-production of chariots (three, actually) to take out Assyrian in the far northwest. I start the Great Lighthouse in New York (I'm financial after all) and vow to myself to chop-rush the damned thing.
In 700 BC, Hinduism spreads in New York as a present (or maybe a Trojan horse) from Isabella. Thank you, and I'll need some respite (which means, I'm still in the race for Confucianism). Around this time, Hatshepsut contacts me - the continent must be rather crowded in the northeast.
550 BC, code of laws, Classical age and I found Confucianism! It is immediately adopted as state religion (yep, yet another turn of anarchy) so that I can enjoy the organized religion bonus in the near future. (After hitting the conversion button I realized that New York was only about 7 turns away from finishing the Great Lighthouse.)
The general situation in 525 BC: 5 cities with 16 pop points, Stonehenge, Pyramids. Average F9 rank is 2.2.Last edited by lockstep; November 26, 2005, 16:30."As far as general advice on mod-making: Go slow as far as adding new things to the game until you have the basic game all smoothed out ... Make sure the things you change are really imbalances and not just something that doesn't fit with your particular style of play." - WesW
Barbarian Wars (Monarch)
Well, the second phase of this game has been nip and tuck. Last segment, we had a few skirmishes with Barbarians....this segment, it escalated into a full-on war.
1480 - In our last segment, brave warriors from NY (Woodsman I promotion, courtesy of the barracks there), set out in search of some barbarians we had spotted north of NY. Well, in 1480, we found them, lured them into attacking us in the woods, and handily defeated them, netting us a second promotion (Woodsman II). Spied the Mongolian border to the north of the site we've scoped out for our next city (next to copper and cows), and so these stalwarts are assigned to troll around the area and provide escort for the soon to be finished settlers. Meanwhile, all our cities shift production to maximize coin output, and we fluxuate between 90-100% research (as we can afford it), to speed the time to learn Code of Laws.
1360 - Egypt encountered, and we give agree to a policy of Open Borders. Contact the Germans and make the same arrangement with them. We now have open borders with four of our neighbors.
1280 - The Scout we gained from a goody hut in the last part of the last segment is killed south of Washington by a barbarian warrior (stragglers from that band reported two marauding groups to the south of us). That makes one group spotted west of Washington, two spotted south, and one spotted briefly, east of NY. We appear to be surrounded. Double Plus Ungood.
In any event, it was a productive year for us. The Grainary in Washington is poprushed to completion, getting rid of two unhappy, slacker citizens, and freeing Washington's production queue up for training another warrior, although with such a heavy coin focus, that city's production is scant (just the one shield from the city be it).
Meanwhile, our ComI promoted warriors move to the bend of the river north-west of Washington (sort of west, and in-between Wash and NY), and prepare to give battle to the barbarians encroaching on us from that direction.
1240 - Our warriors survive the battle with the barbarians from the west, and move back into our borders to heal (gained another promotion, and we build on their first one, giving them Com II).
1200 - Spend some time flitting around the edges of the Mongolian border with our Wood II warriors before heading back to the plains/hill we plan to found our next city on (this will mark our northern periphery).
1080 - NY finishes her settler and begins construction of the Oracle (29 turns, but we plan to chop two forests from hills to speed this along).
1040 - Com II unit is ambushed by barbs, 4 tiles west of washington. Fortunately, they're in the woods, and defeat the miscreants with no damage to themselves. Onward!
1000 BC - Chop 30 hammers toward the Oracle on one of the forested hills north of NY (Oracle 14 turns to completion, Code of Laws in 8).
975 BC - The Spaniards want us to cancel all deals with the Mongols. No way, Jose....we're staying on everybody's good side for as long as we can. Boston established right where we planned for her, and she begins building a barracks. With soon-to-be connected copper, maybe we can start building something besides warriors!
950 - More Barbarian troubles....Com II Warriors are exploring southward, end their turn in the woods, and stumble across two groups of warriors (the same two that waylaid our scout), are heading northward, intent on either ransacking Washington, or pillaging our rich farmland. (spy the edges of a barbarian city in the south....ugh...that'll have to be dealt with!)
925 - Our brave sons defeat both groups, but suffer horrific damage, and as the last battle ends, a THIRD group of warriors appears from the mist. Time to beat feet out of there! Meanwhile, in NY, our two workers have double teamed some more forests, and chopped again to speed the Oracle along. Oracle is now 7 turns from completion, Code of Laws in 4.
875 - Our brave (Com II) warriors encounter ANOTHER group of warriors in the south (while trying to dodge the ones that were marching to reinforce the two groups we already defeated), and are too weak to mount a good defense. They are killed, much to our sorrow. To make matters worse, two warriors appear east of NY and begin making a beeline for our city that's working on the Oracle....times are looking rather dark for the fledgling American Empire.
850 - Oracle is pop rushed to completion (Code of Laws due to complete next turn), and New York braces for impact as the two barbarian warriors are set to attack next turn.
825 BC - A savage, brutal year. The Washington garrison attacks barbarian warriors who have invaded our territory and are intent on pillaging the fertile corn farm. They defeat this force in a closely fought engagement (new warrior coming up next turn).
In the center, the New York garrison narrowly defeats the two bands of warriors intent on crushing the life out of us.
With the battle raging at the gates of New York, we master Code of Laws, enter the classical age, found Confucianism (but don't switch yet), send our Missionary off to scout Mongol lands (he moves faster than anything else I've got, and Mongol territory should be pretty safe), and then the Oracle completes, and we get Civil Service as our free tech, completely by-pass the middle ages, and jump straight into the Renaissance.
End of an exhausting segment!
New techs since last time:
Code of Laws
Civil Service
Forces at our disposal:
2 Workers
3 Warriors
3 Cities
Washington (Warrior)
New York (Confucian Temple)
Boston (Barracks)
Next segment will probably either be very long (as I will undoubtedly spend quite some time in the Renaissance era), or very short (all my rivals crush me like a beer can)
I'm now researching Masonry, and I'm gonna make a play for the Pyramids, to build on what I've got so far, after the one turn of anarchy for switching to Bureaucracy.
F9 Summary screen
3rd in Gold
7th in Production
6th in Food
4th in Land
7th in Population
Overall Score: Ranked 4th of the 5 I've met.
So...we're behind, but there's still time to make up the lost ground. If I can catch a break from the @$#$ barbarians, maybe I'll be able to do something other than fend them off! I think the copper will greatly help that tho.
We shall see....